They say I'm good

By tiffanydreamer120

1.1K 15 8

I want you and only I don't care what they say we could be our own spot light Read to find out more More

I want you to be mine Patrick stump
Where did the party go
20 doller nose bleed ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Let's get these teen hard to beating faster
Lets be Alone Together
Why do you make me feel this way
Shes likes it like this when you touch her like that
Where am i sleeping
Just catching up
Fame < infamy
You bulled up a world of magic
Ask her ?
Dance dance

Lets get drunk

86 1 1
By tiffanydreamer120

Electra p.o.v
Beep beep. Beep I wake up 6:04am in the morning .... I jump up out of my bed and put in black jeans and boots didn't bother fixing my hair because it was raining again
So I run dawnstairs not caring if my dad was still mad at me nothing is gonna get me out of this mood but
When I get downstairs to see my skylor up and ready to go to school with ME !! ..
Me: what are you doing ?
Skylor: oh yeah daddy didit tell you I'm gonna be going to your school for two weeks
Me: WHAT ......
My thoughts FU*kkk why is this happening to me ....okay how bad can it be right
Walking to school......
I put my headphones on and pressed play on teenagers by my chemical romance to block out skylor
As I walk in the school I see patrick throw the crowd or people and wave not caring if skylor seen me
Then my phone buzzes
1 new messages from Pattcakes
Pattcakes: is it just me or I see 2 of you lol
Electra: she's my twin sister 😒
Pattcakes: OHHH why I didn't you tell me you had a twin lol
Electra: srry it never came up lol
Pattcakes: oh ok ttyl I have to get to class 😊
Electra: kk ttyl
I shut my phone and stick it in my back pocket.. then I see patrick get thrown against a locker by Shawn .... So I ran to see what happened and skylor was there and she said to Shawn thanks
And I turn my head to patrick and his nose is bleeding so yell at skylor and say WHAT DID YOU DO YOU F*cking WHORE then she looked at Shawn and then at me she gives me a look and walks away
So I run over to patrick and walk him to the nurse as we were walking I ask why did he hit you
Patrick: I was running to class and I bumped into your sister and before I got to say sorry I was pinned up against the lockers and had a nose bleed yeah now
Me: oh my god I'm sorry sorry about that whore
Patrick: ohh your mean Umm do you want to ditch
Me: yeah
Then patrick opened a window I. The hallway and jump out so I did the same thing now we was walking on the side walk and and patrick broke the silence with
Patrick: my friend Joe invited me to a party to night and he said I can bring a friend so I was wondering maybe if you wanted to come
Me: sure
My thoughts eww I hate party's
Patrick: awesome so what do you want to do
Me: do you like the Beach ?
Patrick: um yeah why
Me : ok let's go then
Patrick : ok
The Beach wasn't far from the school so we got there and Ran straight to the water ...,........
I had a lot of fun to day patrick
Me to he said walking up the front door steps with me and and then he said oh yeah I'll pick you up in two hours
I say for what ......then he said the Party
I say ohh shit I forgot so I so I run In the house and go to my room to find something to wear I look threw all my clothes and find A pair of black skinny jeans with cuts and a all time low t shirt and some boots and I but on some makeup...... Then I see Patrick from the window and before he rings the doorbell I opened the window and tell him to wait and then I jump out and then he said you are not allowed to go out .....with a smile on his face
I say Shh lets go I walk to the car and open the door and sit down and then patrick gets in........he started driving and turned on the radio and Michael Jacksons billy Jean was on and he started to sing along to it
And then I turn my head in shock and yell you can sing and he said i sing I'll but that's it....we are there he said and we we get out of the car and walk to the door before we could open it a guy comes out with Blue eyes and big curly hair he said trick you made it oh whos your friend patrick turned to me and said Electra this is Joe ...joe this is Electra ..........then I say oh nice to meet you Joe and Joe said nice the meet you two come on in we walk in the house
And Joe says do you guys want a drink....patrick said yes for both of us
...Joe came back with two beers
Electra's thoughts ... no way ... Someone's Tapping my shoulder .. Oh sorry patrick then he says bottoms up and we drink the beers even i tho I hate drinking
Then patrick seen a guy and yelled pete then the guy walk over he look like he was emo not really tall black hair that's pretty much
And then Joe started talking to me
Joe : how long do you know patrick
Me: about three day hoe long do you know him
Joe about forever
Electra: oh ok
Then pete turns to me and said
Pete: hayy you drink
Me: not really
Pete: ohh ... Hayy Joe go get me and .. What's your name
Me : electra
Pete oh sorry get me and Electra who shots of whiskey
Pete: yeahh whiskey
So me patrick and Pete are sitting on the couch and Joe comes back with more then two shots he came with a full bottle of whiskey and two cups and I say those don't look like shot classes
Pete laugh and said don't worry and winked

The rest of this chapter will from patrick P.o.v

Pete and Electra was about to drink I just sat there and laughed because whenever they were drinking they would spit it out then I seen Electra lean over to me she was drunk I laughed and asked are you drunk and she said NO But I think pete is and now she's laughing really hard I turned my head to see and pete is lying down on the kitchen table so I'm laughing now
But when I turned back Electras gone I true my head again and she's with Andy and Brendon dancing then I get up and walk to them Electra sees me and takes my hand and says dance with me patrick .. Now we are dancing and Brendon said do you know her ? And I say with a huge smile YES then she pulls me in closer and whispers my ear lets get drunk we was cheek to cheek so I. Felt her smile then she pulls away take my hand grabs two beers and leads me upstairs i follow not caring who's house is it ... We make it upstairs and there is a lot Doors she looks around for awhile and then he turns to me .. Drop'S the beers and pulls me in close .closer then the last time ..she smashed her lips into mine and then she pulled away and opening the door that was behind her she pulled me from the bottom is my jacket I walk in the room still shocked about the kiss ..
Then she kissed me again this time I kissed back . I am leaned against the wall I decided on taking the lead
I put my hands on her back and pulled her closer to me
We make are way to the bed and then I take off her shirt and then I notice cuts a lot of big cut my eyes tear up and I let loose of the kiss and say happend forgetting that she was drunk
Electra: i i I cut my selfff
Me: whyyyy
Electra: Umm lots of reasons
Me: like what please tell me
Electra : ok father before my mom died tried to rape me and when my mom found out they both went in the car and there wAs I car crash so you know what he did
Me: crying I take her hands you don't need to do this
Electra :there's more dad is a drunk now and he beats me up when ever he sees that I'm not skylor....wiping off make up he did this to me yesterday she The giant bruise on my four head
Me :I'm so sorry

Now I'm crying really hard i stand up and give her ....her shirt back and I say lets go I take her hand and walk downstairs then I see Joe he asked you you leaving bro I say yes in a angry tone I put Electra in the car and I get in I look at her with fear on her face and say what's wrong putting a piece of hair in the back of her ear
She says are you mad in a scratchy voice ...I start up the car and say Electra I would never hurt you no matter what mood I'm in she smiled and then soon fell asleep
Electra's Dream ..... Patrick patrick where are we I hear two people laughing its my sister and my dad my dad said he left along time ago then Patrick walks in your suicidal I hate you I can't take your a depression after what you told me I never want to talk to you again I say patrick he's no don't go I'm sorry then he turned around pushed me on the ground and says leave me alone I regret ever talking to you

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