You bulled up a world of magic

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Patrick .p.o.v
"WAKE UP" trick the mall is gonna close
I take the blanket off my face and say what time is it
Electra; 3;00 come-on
Me: holy smokes it feels like I slept for an hour
Electra; nope

>>>>Times jump to in the car <<<
"Turns one the Radio"
Me: hay patt
Patrick: what
Me: what's the name of that band of yours
Patrick: Umm I don't know how
Me: it should be something cool
Patrick: "where hear"
.. All these dresses are so not me I yell over to patrick
" keep looking"
Oh I like this one I yell over to patrick on the other side store
"What's it look like"
It's black
"Really Sparks"
Patrick: (Laughing) okay go try it on
Patricks p.o.v I turn to and see three girls I never seen before and I over hear them talking about electra
"Omg shes like so Emo what is she doing hear like she should be like at a funeral"
(Knock knock) sparks you almost done
*crying* yea yeah just give me a second
Me : electra what wrong are you crying?
Electra: (sobbing) NO.
Me: come on tell me
"Door opens" Thayer right you know (crying loudly) I'm a stupid emo I should just go home

"Your not a stupid emo"
How do you know?
Because when Emo's get tickled they. Don't laugh
Electra: I'm not getting tickled?
"Starts ticking her"
Me: you see
Electra: oh god stop it (laughing)
*both drop on the floor*
Me: say your not emo
Electra: okay ok
Electra: (laughing) I. M not E. Mo
Me: good come on now (stands up) lets buy that dress
. My thoughts
I hope she doesn't cut about this I really don't want to see her do that to herself again.... I know it's bad that I always think about that night at the party.. She could have been mine
(Patrick trick)
Oh sorry sparks are you done
Yeah let's go
Hay pat you wanna play a game
Ok so I gonna think of something and your gonna guess what I'm thinking k
Electra: "closes eyes" I'm thinking
Me: Umm ok the dance?
Electra: oh my god yes
>>time jump<<
Electra p.o.v
My thoughts well I'm lying down on my bad
*patrick went home because he needs to get ready for the dance*
"And I miss him" I know it's crazy but when he's not around i just feel bad
And I think about everything that happened to me and how much pain I felt"
I look around and remember that I have one more blade
"Runs into the bathroom"
I pick up the blade and before I'm about to slit my wrists I remember what patrick told me (if you ever want to hurt yourself just call me)
No no he's busy I'm not gonna bother him I need to leave him alone
*before I knew it I was covered in blood I was dizzy but I didn't care
I turned on the water and made my way to the bathtub. I'm lying in bloody water my eyes are slowly closing
But then patricks voice comes to my mind "sparks if you ever hurt yourself I won't live with my self "
I quickly open my eyes I'm standing I jump out of the bath rap up hands in the in napkins and run into my bad I fall asleep

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