My Mental Health Comes Before...

By onyxkedron

14.6K 954 558

Rude, ignorant, selfish; That's all that they say. That's all that she knows, And that's not okay. She wan... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Rewritten: The Final Chapter

Chapter 1

2.4K 79 25
By onyxkedron

"What did you just say?"

"Um..." he stuttered, a nervous look in his eye, "t-that you're the cutest girl I know?" Midoria's gaze drifted, "I just - you're so pretty, and sweet, and..." He began that mumbling shit he does. On, and on. Nonstop about how... femanine his classmate was.

He hated it.

"Please stop..." Ochaco muttered under his breath, he'd had enough. All day. Every. Fucking. Day.

He turned and ran; not caring about what others thought of his rash exit.

God, why the fuck do they keep treating him like some, some delicate flower?

How many more times does he have to prove himself? Prove that he's strong. Prove that he isn't some fragile girl.

He's a man, damnit. A badass, motherfucking machine.

So, he ran.

To the only person he could think of. The only person who'd never seen him as weak.



Deep in the closet, much like herself, stashed away better than a criminal on the run, was a small suitcase. She didn't have much; just enough to feel like - well, herself, on a bad day.

And today was one of those days.

Back home, she'd never dared attempt to wear anything even remotely femanine, considering how little her mother cared about others' privacy. Fucking hag.

But with the dorms, things were different. The door locked; and for the most part, with the exception of her eccentric friend group, her classmates kept their distance.

It felt safe.

With her so called bakusquad preoccupied with a trip to the mall, she had a few hours to herself to kill.

And, fuck, was she going to take advantage of it.

Digging through the large hoard of other crap, she pulled out the suitcase; placing the precious bag on her bed.

Day to day, she wore simple shit; edgy, baggy, awful clothes her mom had bought.

These few, treasured articles couldn't be more polar. 

A few lacy shirts, a skirt or two, knee high socks, a tube of lipstick, and mascara she'd snatched from her mother's dresser one night. All treasured. Old, and cheap - but they worked.

But one. One that she loved more than anything she'd ever owned. A simple, yet intricate baby pink dress she'd managed to stow away in secret.

She'd always been careful about what she bought. What if her mother decided to check her debit card history? It would be disastrous. So she saved. Every penny that came her way, she saved. Until she had enough cash, and a free day alone.

This dress was the first thing she bought. It was special, and absolutely perfect.

Pairing it with the knee high, cream socks, and a more androgenous pair of black boots she owned - she melted. Loud rock music masked her footsteps as she danced around her dorm room; savoring the feel of the fabric twirling around her.

Unfortunately, it also masked the sound of her door opening, and a teary eyed Ochaco barging in; back plastered against it like it was the only thing keeping him standing.

Hazel eyes met crimson; both wide with shock.

She could feel her world shatter as hot tears threatening to spill.

How could she have forgotten to lock the door?


It couldn't be, "Bakugo..."

His classmate backed to the wall opposing him.

This had to be too good to be true. He was seeing things. Misinterpreting why the explosive blonde was wearing, what had to be, the cutest dress he'd ever seen.

"Get out..." he saw the tear fall, rivering its way down to the pink fabric.

"I like it..." His voice felt like sandpaper. Holding back tears of his own.

"What?" The same hand that was usually tense, and violent shook as it wiped away the liquid.

"I'm a boy." The words left his mouth for the first time to another; it felt right.


Turns out bottling up your feelings isn't a good coping mechanism; when the time comes, the flood gates don't just open - they shatter.

She collapsed, wrapping her arms around her chest, as she buried her head in her knees; and wept 'til her throat burned, and her airways felt clogged, and raw. She hadn't even noticed when her classmate shuffled over, and leaned against her; choking out sobs of his own.


Katsuki's breathing was finally relaxing; both had been sitting in silence for nearly ten minutes now. Ochaco placed a careful hand on his classmates back, fully expecting the blonde to pull away; but no fight ensued.

"You okay?" A mere whisper left his lips, not knowing where to start.

He got a small nod in return.

"Are you..." he couldn't manage to get the rest out. But Katsuki seemed to get the message, as she nodded once more.

"Lock the door..." He almost missed it, she'd said it so small. She sounded broken. It hurt.

"I did, when I came in."

Another minute of silence.

"Why?" she sat up, leaning her head back against the wall to stare at the ceiling. He could see the black streaks staining her face.

"I didn't want anyone to know, so I locked it..."

"No," Her voice was flat, "Why'd you barge in?"

"I..." It was him that wrapped his arms around his chest now, "You don't treat me like they do..."



"What do you mean?" She looked over at him, head turning slightly.

"You know..." He forced the words out, "like, like a weakling."

She was quiet, so he kept going, "They... they talk to me like I'm some frail bird, and you..." a sigh escaped his chest.

"They're sexist idiots."

He looked up to meet her eyes. Those, normally, intense crimson eyes. He couldn't remember a time when they'd looked so empty.

"I know they don't mean it..." he tried to keep his voice steady, "but the shit they say hurts."


"Does... does it get to you too? Or am I just..." He felt the tears begin welling up in his eyes once more, "fucking - shit, stop fucking crying, damnit..." He hurilly wiped his eyes like his life depended on it, only to be frozen to a standstill when he felt Katsuki lean against him, and lay her head on top of his.

"Shitty hair says that crying is manly too..." she gave his hand a light tap with her fist, he'd seen Kirishima do that before when he was trying to be comforting, "and, yea."

"Teach me how to be intimidating." He whispered.

"Only if you teach me how to be nice... I hate being like this"

"You're being nice right now," He couldn't help but laugh as she elbowed his side in response, and stood back up to go turn off the music. He followed her lead.

"You know what I mean." She mumbled, going over to her closet, and throwing a few options on the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"You can have some, if you want. It's not like I like them, anyway."

Ochaco walked over to the bed slowly, noticing the shirts Katsuki had thrown were all on the smaller side. These would actually fit him. He picked up one that caught his eye, some sort of band T-shirt. The design was edgy. He liked it.

"They're old, so they should fit you..."

"I... I don't know what to say?"

"You don't have to say anything, just, take 'em." She began rummaging through her pants, face scrunching as she looked back at him, "These... might work? But I'm taller than you, so."

"I can always just cuff them,"

"Oh, shit," her eyes lit up as she remembered something, "Mina knows how to cut hair, she's got a clippers. I'm sure she'd be happy to help."

"Really?" Excitement filled his face, but quickly faded.


"That would require telling Mina... I haven't told anyone yet."

"You told me," she shrugged.

"Yea, but that's only because I saw that you were... you know," he gestured to the dress Katsuki was wearing, "What if they don't accept me?"

"Then I'll beat the shit out of them." She said while trying to find a pair of shoes, "What size do you wear?"

"Um, sevens?"

"Mmm" She dug deeper, finally finding a pair of black converse, "Here."

"Do you just, hoard clothes or something?"

"No, I just never get around to throwing them away; now shut up and try the shit on."

He looked up at her awkwardly, "Turn around or something..."

Katsuki raised her hands innocently, and turned around. It took a minute, but everything fit; pants were a little baggy, but in a good way. It felt freeing.

"Ok, you're good"

Katsuki turned around, and smirked. One of those that he recognized from training.

"You look like you're ready to smash someone's skull in." she cackled like a mad scientist.

"That's a good thing, right?"

"Fuck yea it is."

He thought for a moment, trying to muster the courage to say what was on his mind, "I - I'll come out if you do..."

"I wanted to tell Mina first, anyways." She spoke without hesitation, crossing her arms thoughtfully.

"Is that a yes?"

She took her phone out, pressed a few buttons, and nodded as the dial tone began to sound. He didn't let himself panic, fuck no. They were in this together. It would be fine. Their classmates would support them. Right?

Before he could overthink anymore, whoever Katsuki had called answered.

"Hey Kitty Cat, whats crackalackin?"

Did Mina just call Katsuki Kitty Cat?

"I need to talk to you"

"Sure, what's going on hun?"

"Just come to my room when you get back, okay?" She paused, before quickly adding, "Just you tho."

"Awe bro, but movie night!" They could hear Kirishima complaining through the phone.

"You can come later, hair for brains, but I need to talk to Mina first."

"Awe, I feel either very loved, or in a lot of trouble" Mina snickered, "We're almost at the dorms now, I'll be there in like five, kay?"

"Yea, that works"

"Love you!!" The phone screeched.

"Yea love you too or whatever, bye" she hung up before she could hear their reaction, then sat down on the bed, "And now we wait."

"I... right now?" Ochaco began silently freaking out.

"Might as well get it over with." Katsuki shrugged.

They both silently awaited Mina's arrival, until Ochaco spoke, "Oh, hey, um... do you go by something else? Like, your name? I forgot to ask."

"Kat, like the animal?"

"Oh," a small smile, "That's pretty."

"Thanks. Um, do you?"

Before he could answer, Mina barged in, bags in hand, "AM I IN TROUBLE, OR WHAT? YOU CAN'T JUST DO THIS TO ME, KITTY!" She cried out, dropping her bags on the floor, before dramatically pouring herself on top of Kat.

"No?" She looked down at her pink friend, confused.

"Oh," She sighed a breath of relief, before blushing; a pure hearted grin infecting her face as she noticed what Kat was wearing, "the dress is new, I didn't even notice. It looks nice" Mina traced the pattern, before jumping slightly when she noticed Ochaco, "Oh, hi. You," She looked back at Kat, "Since when did you guys hang out?"

"We didn't before today," She grabbed Mina by her shoulders, and sat her up in between the two of them, "that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about..."

Sensing the tension in her friends voice, Mina nodded, placing a hand on the blonde's shoulder, "what is it? Is something wrong? Wait..." her face filled with shock, "you two aren't dating, are you?"

"No! No, they, they aren't my type..." She blushed, trying to shoo away a certain ditzy redhead from her mind, and focus on the task at hand. Her fingers ran through her hair, trying to find the courage to spit out the words she'd kept a secret for so long.

"Mina..." her pink friend perked up at the use of her first name, being Kat has only used it once before; when she'd been honest about her feelings for their friend, "I'm a girl..."

Mina grinned, one of those true, toothy grins, and wrapped Kat in her arms, tight, "you make a really pretty girl, Kitty Cat. Thanks for telling me."

She'd be lying if she said she didn't cry a little, letting a small tear slip as her breath caught in her chest, "thanks Mina..."


The hug drew on, until Ochaco finally stood awkwardly, attempting to sneak out while the two of them were distracted; painfully awful thoughts slowly clouding his mind.

"Wait, where are you..." Kat began, shifting to look at him; but Ochaco cut her off before she could block the door, slamming it, and racing down the hallway. Did he just slam Iida into the wall to avoid being questioned? What's wrong? Why are you crying hun? Did Bakugo hurt you?

He was in no mood to handle being talked down to at the moment, an apology would have to come later. The mental note was made as his bedroom door locked behind him.

In this together, huh? You really are a fucking coward, Ochaco. A weak little girl like everyone says... You'll never be like her. She'll never share your feelings. You heard her?

They're not my type.

Fuck this.

Not yet.

I'm not strong enough yet.

He tried to suppress the thought of just how it would feel to watch her be happy, be herself. Be brave, and strong; everything he loved about her. God, she was so confident.

What was he thinking...

You don't deserve someone as bright as her;

You don't deserve to be happy...


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