Tʜᴇ Pᴇᴀᴄʜ Tʀᴇᴇ

By P3achSoda

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Characters for RP More

~ iຖtr໐~
❧ Gᴇᴍɪɴɪ Sᴛᴜᴅɪᴇs | Nile
❧ Gᴇᴍɪɴɪ Sᴛᴜᴅɪᴇs | Ezra
❧ Fʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴏғ Nᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ | Silas
❧ Fʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴏғ Nᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ | Elliot
❧ Tʜᴇ Bʟᴏᴏᴅ Tʜᴀᴛ Bɪɴᴅs | Adonis
❧ Tʜʀᴏɴᴇʟᴇss | Neri
❧ Tʜʀᴏɴᴇʟᴇss | Laika
❧ Tʜʀᴏɴᴇʟᴇss | Sinnon
❧ Tʜʀᴏɴᴇʟᴇss | Nile
❧ Tʜᴇ Gʀɪᴍᴏɪʀᴇ | Ingrim
❧ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Rᴏsᴇs | Jude

❧ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Rᴏsᴇs | Emerson

37 5 2
By P3achSoda








|Bɪʀᴛʜ Nᴀᴍᴇ|      

Sionis Ito










Chaotic Bisexual


Emerson is a pretty boy with a dangerous edge. A sculpted jaw and piercing cat-like eyes topped with a charming smile makes for a deadly combination, and the smugness laced into every tug of his full lips hints that he's very aware of this.

As far as build goes, Emerson isn't the broadest guy that's ever graced the underworld. He stands at 5'9 and is rather slim upon first glance, muscles more of the compact kind of toned that prove to surprise people when a seemingly slender person is actually really strong.

Emerson's complexion is that of a fair olive tone, skin more often than not covered with various blood splatters that he can't be bothered to do away with quite yet. His short black locks look just about as wild as him on a good day, a bit choppy as he cuts it haphazardly to simply keep it out of the way. It adds to the messy dangerous appeal he's got going, and somehow he makes it work.


For the first bit of his childhood, Emerson was an only child. An adventurous kid living in a small Japanese town, there wasn't much for him to do to entertain himself. That's how he found himself drawn to watching as the gruff misadventures of pirates played out at the port sites, crafty men with exotic jewelry stopping in to their humble seaside town to refuel on ale and get up to some antics before heading off on their giant vessels once more. He hung around long enough that the pirates who frequented the port welcomed the sight of him, beckoning him over with hearty laughs to regal him with their latest installment of tales from the high seas.

He was fascinated by it, the idea of living a lifestyle with no rules. A lifestyle in which you got to go where you pleased and take what you wanted, everything being high stakes and adrenaline. Emerson never was built for life confined to a small town after all, and the stories of epic battles, treasure hunts, and sightings of beautiful sea creatures only sweetened the deal. That being said, it came as no surprise that as he grew older, Emerson only fancied the fantasy of pirate life evermore so. Arguably the only reason he stayed around in his home town as long as he did was his younger brother, who came along six years after his birth. Kaede being an ill child, their parents' stayed busy enough with him that Emerson was able to sneak away with the pirates that passed through often without being hassled too much over it.

Though he may have spent months away at a time living his teen years up at sea, he always returned every now and again to visit his family. He adored his younger brother, making sure to bring him souvenirs and plenty of exciting stories of his time spent jumping from ship to ship after each passing adventure. It became apparent however, that with every trip home the relationship between his parents was deteriorating. He didn't get the full picture of what was going on, unaware of how heavy the burden of caring for a sick child was having on the marriage. Emerson being home was a special occasion so the family tended to pretend things weren't as bad as they truly were, leaving him fairly clueless to how dire the situation was.

While things at home were uncertain, there was one thing that always felt right to Emerson. Being at sea was his passion, the pirate life calling to him like a beacon. He took up odd jobs as he matured into his twenties, smuggling rare items to sell to needy seafarers, taking up residence in seaside towns that he passed through to try out the variety of foods and sleep the night away with pretty people that he'd never have to see again. He lived a life of indulgence and knew no restraint when it came to lovers and booze, but fighting was another big habit sewn into him by the many seedy characters he apprenticed under as a young pirate. He loved a good rumble, wether it be a full scale attack taking over an enemy ship or even doing mercenary work for pay.

During his latest visit home, Emerson could no longer turned a blind eye to how the state of the family had diminished. He promised to move back home and stay for a while, hoping to help take care of Kaede and ease the burden on their parents. He never made it home again to fulfill this promise however, as his ship was caught in a nasty battle with a fleet of British Navy boats determined to eradicate pirates from the seas.


Emerson is just as wild and thrill seeking as his living counterpart was, only more chaotic with a violent streak that is able to thrive unchecked in the underworld.

He's simple in a sense that he does what's needed of him, does it well, and enjoys it. He doesn't like to get caught up on the details or get feelings involved, as long as he gets to wreak a bit of havoc and is praised afterwards, he is truly content. Quite the performer and dramatic almost to a fault, he's not exactly someone you'd want to invite along on a stealth mission.

A true wildcard by nature, no one ever really knows what's going to come out of Emerson's mouth or what extreme mood to expect when he barges into a room. He's unpredictable on the best of days, and rather flaky as well considering that he's been around long enough to feel he only has to answer to a select few people. This noncommittal behavior follows over into his personal relationships as well, but he's a bit of a hypocrite in that he refuses anything serious and still maintains a sense of possessiveness over the people he takes a shine to. Don't be fooled though, just because he's promiscuous and unwilling to commit doesn't mean that he's not a soft for intimacy. Hand holding, cuddling, public declarations of fondness? Expect it all from him.

It's clear that Emerson has many bad traits, but being confident enough that he doesn't give a damn what most people think of him almost makes him likable in an infuriating way, like a villain that people find themselves rooting for in a movie. If you've known him for long enough and earn his respect, Emerson has the fully ride or die type of loyalty and he's someone you definitely want on your side if things turn ugly.

|Tɪᴍᴇ Pᴇʀɪᴏᴅ|      



The golden age of piracy was a period of time in which lawless sailors were able to pillage and cause general disturbances to the natural order of trade and seafaring without much resistance. It thrived in the eighteenth century, but ultimately it was a problem that couldn't be ignored forever.

The American and British royal navies began hunting pirate crews down, demanding that any stray crews stand down or be wiped out. Many of them having no where else to go or simply unwilling to roll over and give up the pirate life, the ship Emerson was sailing with at the time was one of the many crews unwilling to give up their pride. When they were confronted by an enemy boat, Emerson had no choice but to fight with the rest of his ship mates as they were engaged in attack by the navy vessel.

It was a gruesome battle, the pirates fighting dirty to defend their ship and the navy men determined to end the criminals' days of pillaging. Swords clashed as canon balls balls tore gaping damage into both vessels, the air thick with sea salt mist and disgruntled shouting. Ultimately Emerson was cornered by two British soldiers and unable to overcome the odds. It was most certainly the harpoon they lanced through his torso that would have killed him, but being tossed overboard like a ragdoll to sink bleeding out into the sea added insult to injury.


Although he's been in the underworld for a very long time and likely could've made a higher rank by now, soldier is quite possibly the best position for Emerson to occupy. He's not one for dramatics and the whole political aspect of the gang warfare, he likes being a mindless weapon in a sense. Emerson is good at what he does. He doesn't haggle, he just delivers and does it with a smile on his face.

Emerson truly is the person you go to when you need something done with no questions asked. Tell him to jump and he asks how high, as long as he gets to have some fun with it. He's the rabid dog of the gang, definitely the one you'd want to sub in when you need to send a message. He's a performer, and will damn sure get the point across when the time comes to make a dramatic statement or scare tactic.

The underworld isn't for the faint of heart, and that's part of the reason Emerson thrives in such a hostile environment. It's takes someone as flexible as a pirate to wake up in the middle of a gang war and just go with the flow, but he's just along for a fun ride if he's being honest. In the same sense, he thinks very quick on his feet. Being able to adapt to curve ball situations comes naturally to him. Adding to the cat-like theme, Emerson is one of those bastards that seem to have infinite lives. He's a durable little roach, and it takes more than a few rumbles to keep him out of commission.


Emerson really is a bit insane. When one is in the underworld for as long as he's been, it becomes easy to lose the sense of who you really are underneath having the whole gang agenda beaten into your psyche. He's quite over the top, unpredictable at times really. One could say that he's a bit of a liability when he doesn't have an anchor to keep him reeled in every now and then. While he can be an asset for the gang war, he should definitely be watched closely. A rabid dog may be useful when scaring off enemies, but a leash is also necessary to keep them from turning and biting you as well.

A flaw that may have been subconsciously carried over from his previous life, Emerson tends to have quite the addictive personality. Pirates binge on their vices in between sleeping the day away and stealing whatever they please, so perhaps that's where Emerson gets his self indulgent habits. While Hirai is known for their drug trade, it's wise to keep Emerson far away from the operation least he splurge all the product and get sloppy on the job. It's something he's most likely gotten in trouble for on multiple occasions.

While Emerson is good at what he does, he undoubtedly makes a bad habit of getting comfortable. He could be pushing himself to move up the ranks, gain more prestige and benefits etc. but he doesn't see the need when he's got all that he really wants. He plays his part well, gets to sleep around, and vent some of his raucous energy with violence so what more does one need? That being said, he's not stupid. Emerson can tell when he's being used, the problem is that he doesn't necessarily care. He could benefit from some higher standards for sure.


Emerson's death mark resides on the left side of his body where the harpoon was driven through. There's a spot on the front of his stomach and one on his lower back, as it was a clean in and out lance that ended his life.

A few things that trigger his death flashbacks are being pushed/falling a relatively tall distance, and trauma to his torso. Being submerged in water also tends to do it, and caused him to freak out quite a bit.

He's a mess man. He's almost always got someone else's blood on him or part of his clothing is torn. Somebody get this dude together

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