
By mybananamilk13

1.7K 150 18

where your hater turns into your lover. More

not an update:((

71 7 2
By mybananamilk13

The next day came and I regretted about sleeping too late. But thank god it was a Saturday so didn't need to worry about doing my morning routine fast as always.

My phone vibrated right after I came out of the bathroom, I made your way and opened my phone only to see a text from Namjoon.

From: Namjoon

Hey, let's meet up at the café. As usual:').

To: Y/n

I didn't need to change into something presentable and just went out with my flip-flop. I close my door and locked it after getting my phone and wallet, inside are keys and money ofcourse. I got in the café and saw Namjoon with a girl?

I confusedly walk towards them and slowly greeted them with a warm smile. Believe me or not, it was hard to maintain the smile while sitting infront of them while the girl is looking at me, endlessly, as if she was burning holes through me.

“Hey, this is my girlfriend. Yongshi meet Y/n.” she smiled warmly at me before we shake hands.

The order shortly arrived and I guess Namjoon already ordered what I have liked always, Vanilla chocolate cake with cappuccino.

My love for cappucino never died.

I thanked him before starting to eat peacefully.

While me eating, they both would occasionally glance at each other. I feel like I'm just a third wheel ugh.

We finished eating and Namjoon have already paid for the food which I was thankful for. They both walk infront of me all lovey dovey while me scrolling through my phone, they were just ew. Didn't know Namjoon would act like this if he has a girlfriend.

I decided to bid my goodbye to them and walk to the other way. I was humming to one of my favourite song,
Get you to the moon by Kina. It feels like, this song makes me sad for some reason. My phone buzzed and I opened my phone only to see an unknown number.

From: Unknown

Meet me at the old house near the forest.

To: Y/n

I shrug my shoulders and went to the old abandoned house, it was dusty and has webs on the corner of the rooms.

“Well, you showed up.” the voice said, probably talking to me. I turn around only to find the man with his hands on the pocket of his jeans.

“What do you want now?” he shrug and comes closer to me which made me step backwards. He grands my chin to face him before saying,

“I want you to act like my girlfriend.”

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