Bonds of Mates

By CrzyCatLdy3

4.9K 205 11

Lucy makes the mistake of not saying anything about an injury, which then spirals into events she never imagi... More

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481 21 0
By CrzyCatLdy3

Lucy pov

Yeaa, I was right. The girls ARE NOT letting me live this down. When Natsu and I finally actually got up and out of bed to get ready for the day, I tried covering up my love marks with concealer the best I could but saw it made it even MORE obvious and decided to leave them as they were. They're gonna find out eventually anyway. Especially with my mate mark. I wasn't about to try and cover it up at all but wanted the others covered, however, it just wasn't going to happen. I had A LOT of explaining to do with the girls. It was demanded. But most of all with Levy. I mean, last time she saw me and Natsu, I was crying my heart out and the guy I was crying over was left alone in the room with me. 

"Soo I guess you guys are okay?" She wiggles her eye brows at me. I blush.. "Yyyea." The girls all giggle in response. Each of them had taken their time checking out Natsu's mark admiring it. Thankfully they finally stopped and started talking among themselves when I looked back at Natsu. He was surrounded by all the guys getting questioned like me. Especially by Gajeel, Laxus and Gray but he seemed more relaxed now that we're here in the guild. On the way here, he seemed extra protective of me whenever we passed any guy. He even growled at one guy that stared in my direction too long. Pretty sure he noticed all the marks on me and was just staring at them but either way, Natsu wasn't having it. He explained that so fresh after marking, his protection instincts will be on high. That he'll have the urge to attack any guy that looks at me or talks to me. Every guy is a threat. I made him promise to not hurt anyone and he did. Not without struggle though. He seems fine with a couple of the guys in the guild asking me questions and being near me though. Maybe it's just because he knows them and he knows they won't do anything?

He notices my staring and smiles 'Getting questioned too?' I forgot about the telepathy thing for a moment but smiled back at him. Oh, I figured out how to do the telepathy thing. Got it down on our way to the guild this morning. Didn't take long at all. Guess our bond is that strong. 'They're not prepared to let me live this down. Mira's already day dreaming about little Lucy's and Natsu's running around the guild.' I giggle. He blushes and shyly replies, 'Someday.' Now THAT made me blush. "Hey Lucy what's got you as red as Erza's hair!?" Cana shouts at me, I snap back to them as Erza inspects her hair and see the rest smirking at me, "Nnnothing!" A collective "uh-huuuuh" is heard coming from them. "Let's move on to something else okay??" "Nahh we need deets girl!" Cana says before drinking from her barrel. I blush heavily and wave my arms from side to side "Nope! No way!" "Aww, you're no fun." She says pouting. "All you need to know is that we're officially together." I can see and hear Mira's excitement building before it burst, "MY SHIP HAS SAAAIIIILED!" The girls laugh at Mira's pure giddiness.

I just laugh out loud then feel Natsu's arms come around my waist from behind. I let myself relax in comfort in his arms. "AWWWW" The whole guild says, I blush and giggle, "Ohh shush." I say to them. "They loooove each other" I hear Happy roll his tongue as he says that out loud. Natsu just smiles and says, "Aye sir!" and laugh.

*two week time skip*

Natsu's been so sweet these last couple of weeks. He's done some cooking for me at the apartment. He's surprisingly a good cook. He makes my kitchen a mess and he's still not quite nailed down how to not start a fire when he cooks but I can't complain. He's gotten me random gifts, taken me to spots in town at night to watch the stars, and so many other things. He's officially moved in with me. He doesn't see the point in him living away from me being my mate and it gives him peace of mind knowing he's right beside me. His over protective drive has gone down too. Thank god. He almost burned a guy to nothing in town when we went shopping, and the guy thought I was single and started hitting on me. Natsu had sensed my unease and found the guy trying to drape his arm over my shoulders as I was trying to move his arm away. Understandably he got pissed, I'm sure I'd have felt the same if some girl did the same to him but I don't want him to hurt anyone. He told me that all he can promise me with all that is that he'd try his best not to but, it's Natsu.

The sensing thing didn't take too long to begin working for me. About two days after he marked me I started noticing feeling something out of no where. At first I thought I was just overly happy about how things are going in my life but quickly figured out it was Natsu I was sensing. I can feel how happy he is with me. I can feel how much love he has for me. This last week though, well just these last couple of days, I've felt him get tense, and angry. It's only been at night. I've even heard him growling in his sleep, but by the time we get up in the morning and go about our day, he's gone back to his happy, loving, care free self. He's not gone back to being over protective but I've notice him stick closer to my side since I've began sensing this change in him. I'm currently laying in bed next to him and watching him. His muscles are tensed, he's begun to sweat and he's growling every minute or two while grinding his teeth in agitation. He's starting to worry me. I kiss his cheek with the hope that he'll wake up soon.

Natsu's dream pov

"You can't protect her forever." The sinister voice said as he began to cackle. "Who the hell are you!?!" I'm surrounded by dark smokey clouds in a dark room, with the only available light coming from my lit up fists. From what I can see I'm alone but I still hear this voice. "I will be taking your mate and making her mine. I will leave my mark and she will be mine. There's nothing you can do to stop it." He cackles again. "YOU WANNA BET THAT JERK! I WILL ALWAYS PROTECT LUCY! I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE BY HER SIDE!  YOU WON'T GET ANYWHERE NEAR HER!" He cackles once more, "We shall see.." "Natsu?? Natsu!? Hey wake up! Wake up!" I flutter my eyes open to see a panicked Lucy. 

"You okay? You were having a pretty intense nightmare. You even started lighting your fists in your sleep." I glance down at my hands then see her shirt is partially burnt off. "Don't ask me if I'm okay! Are you?? Did I burn you??" She looks down at herself. "No it was just my shirt. Don't avoid my question." She says seriously. I look away from her. These 'nightmares' keep happening and I can't tell anymore if it's just a nightmare or if someone is really getting through to me and threatening to take Lucy. It felt real. Every instinct I have is screaming 'keep her protected' 'don't leave her side' over and over. But, I glance at her seeing her concern, I don't want to worry her. "I...I keep having these nightmares about losing you all over again. Something happens to you and I can't get to you in time." 

She relaxes her shoulders and takes a breath and gives me a reassuring smile and cups my cheek. "Don't worry, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not allowed to leave you behind remember? Just like you're not allowed to leave me behind."  I smile at her, "Go ahead and change out of your top.. ooor sleep without one" I raise my eye brows at her. She blushes in response. I love that I can do that to her. She throws a pillow at me but grins. "I'll put a new one on." I pout but don't protest. Damn. I was hoping. She gets changed and then lays back down with me. She's already fast asleep in my arms leaving me with my thoughts. That wasn't a dream. Someone was reaching out to me. Threatening to take my mate from me. 'You can't protect her forever.' Watch me!

Natsu pov

I left Lucy a note letting her know I went to the guild and would be back if I didn't see her at the guild first. I went to talk to gramps. I needed to talk to someone about this. "My instincts are telling me these aren't just dreams gramps. I think someone is actually reaching out to me through my dreams and is planning on coming after Lucy. Or killing me. There's two ways our bond could be broken. I die, or another slayer marks her, making mine disappear and theirs appear in its place. I can't let either one happen." Gramps is sat on his desk listening to me and considering what he should say next. "You're right, we can't let that happen. Has this voice reached out to you only at night?" I think back over the last few days. "For the most part it's at night." "Hmm. Let's bring in Warren and see if he can help us with this as telepathy magic is his specialty." 

A few moments later Warren steps into Gramps office after being called in. Gramps and I take time to explain to him what we need his help with. He sits back and thinks. "Think you can help?" I ask him. He taps his chin with his finger in thought. "I could probably listen in on your dreams? If it's telepathy magic that's being used, I'll recognize it. But you said this happens when you sleep? You also don't want Lucy to know? Natsu you should probably tell her." "It's not a good idea to mention it to her right now. I don't want her to worry. As much as I believe it's not just my dreams, I don't know for sure. I need to know first before I tell her anything." He nods, agreeing. "Okay well, first things first, you need to pass out. Master you have anything he can take to knock him out?" Gramps suddenly grins ear to ear. "OW! Gramps!?" "Well, guess that's not going to work." I rub my head back and forth as I watch gramps reach into his desk for a vile and hands it to me. "What's this?" "Just drink it."

I shrug my shoulders and drink the vile. As soon as I downed it, I got exhausted. "Whoa.." The room began to spin and I laid down on the floor. Before I passed out I said, "You.. may want to.. get Erza and Gray.. in here to hold.. me down. I lit up last night next to Lucy without.. realizing.. I did." "Ill yell for them to come up." Gramps tells me before I gave up the fight and fell asleep. 

Gramps pov

I yell for Erza and Gray to enter my office and also request Gajeel to come up as well. Being a dragon slayer as well he may have some input with this situation. All three enter shortly after Natsu passed out. "Is everything okay master?" Erza asks me. "Did you finally have enough of Natsu and thunk him over the head?" He says as he gently kicks at Natsu's foot. I snicker then quickly compose myself. "We may or may not have a pressing issue regarding Natsu and Lucy." The three of them look at me seriously. "What do you mean?" Erza asks. "Natsu has brought to my attention that he believes someone is reaching out to him through his dreams and is threatening to take Lucy away from him. To break their mate bond. I sought out Warrens help with his telepathy magic to see if he can't tell if these are dreams that are plaguing him or if it truly is someone reaching out. You both are here to insure that Natsu doesn't become destructive in his sleep. Help hold him down. While Warren listens in." "Gajeel. I need you here to see if there's anything you may know about all this and can give insight." All three nod then Gray and Erza pin Natsu's arms to the floor. "Now. We wait."

Natsu dream pov

I'm standing on a grassy hill.. the sun has begun to set and the sky is a deep red and gold from it's last minutes of shine. I take a look at the scenery around me. There's nothing and no one here. Just miles and miles of flowing grassy hills. There isn't even any wildlife. The sky suddenly darkens and although I see no one, I sense I'm not entirely alone. "Aww napping already? Did I really disturb your sleep that much? I'd say sorry but I'd be lying." The voice chuckles to itself. It's him. I quickly look around me and light my fists and get into battle stance. "Why are you trying to take Lucy from me? You'll never get the chance! I won't let you!" He laughs almost uncontrollable, like I told a joke. 

Outside Natsu's dream, Gramps pov

Natsu starts mumbling Lucy's name and lights his fist fully ablaze. Gajeel and myself attempt to put out the flames with no luck when out of nowhere water bubbles form over top both his hands extinguishing the fire. We look to the door. "Juvia is sorry. Juvia just wanted to help however she could." "Come in child. That actually helps a great deal. Please shut the door behind you." She nods her head shutting the door, then keeps the water bubbles in place. Natsu has tensed all over and is fighting to get out of Gray and Erza's grip. "Warren what's going on in there?" Erza grunts out as she fights against Natsu. Warren has a finger on each side of Natsu's head and is trying to concentrate. "I can hear Natsu and someone elses voice in there but I can't make out what's being said just yet. I need more time to listen in on what's happening. I can't tell yet if he's just having a dream or what." I nod my head and look down at Natsu. "Can you project the sounds within his mind so we may listen in as well?" I ask.

Natsu dream pov

"WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY!" I shout angrily at him. "You, son of Igneel. You truly believe that girl is safer with you and that you can keep her from me. You are sadly mistaken, which you will discover for yourself soon enough." "YOU CAN'T HAVE HER! SHE IS MINE AND I AM HERS! SHE IS MY MATE! OUR BOND CAN'T BE BROKEN! I'LL DIE BEFORE I LET THAT EVER HAPPEN!" "Well, that's the plan now isn't it? However if I can't kill you. I will have no choice but to force it on her. Either way you will lose her. It's just a matter of time." I see a shadowy figure slowly present itself to me at a distance. A dark hooded cloak covered his face and body so I couldn't see any details. Except his smile. It was an evil, sinister smile. I set my fists into brighter and hotter flames and charge at him screaming. He chuckles at me and I see his body begin to fade away. "You shouldn't have left her alone."

Natsu pov

I open and widen my eyes and jump to my feet in a hurry. I look around me and realize I'm still in Gramps office. I knocked Warren, Gray and Erza off me in my hurry to stand up. "Jeeze you numbskull!" Gray says rubbing the back of his head. "Ow ow ow ow" I hear Warren behind me flat on his back. "Natsu, what happened?" I don't have time to answer him. I have to get to Lucy now. I bolt out of Gramps door not even bothering to open it first. "HEY COME BACK HERE NATSU!!" I hear him shout but I can't come back to explain. I can't stop. I have to get to her. I'm trying to sense for her but I feel nothing. She's still alive or I'd be in tremendous pain right now or dead. Stupid! Why would I leave her alone like that? Why would I leave my mate open to danger! I sense her. She scared. I'm coming Lucy! I quicken my step and make it to her apartment. I still smell her but.. where is she?? I hear her bathroom door open and light my fists. I'm gonna beat the hell out of whoever took her. Then I see her. She's okay. She looks at me worried, "Natsu!" I put my flames out and she runs to me.

I pick her up and hold her as tightly as I can. "Lucy are you okay? Did someone hurt you? Was someone here trying to grab you??" "What? No! I sensed you! I could feel your anger. Then you were terrified! I went to the bathroom to get dressed to go find you then you just showed up!" I feel her stiffen in my arms and slowly pull back. "Is.. someone.. after me? Is that why you were so angry then so scared?" I can't bring myself to look at her. "Damn it Natsu tell me! I can feel you! I can feel how scared and angry you are!" I finally pull back from her while holding her shoulders and say, "Let's get to the guild first and I'll explain there.." She puffs out her cheeks and sighs saying "Fine, let's go."

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