Locked Heart (A Jimin Love St...

By risty234

68 0 0

Everyone has secrets...Secrets that they want to keep locked up in a chest and throw away the key. That was t... More



3 0 0
By risty234

It had been weeks since I heard from Jimin and June's room was no more thanks to the guys. I was beyond happy that me and Jimin didn't have to deal with that but it didn't make my life easier. Being in a relationship with an idol star was beyond difficult. Jimin was still on his tour and it would be a couple months since they would be done. 

I was at the diner clearing up the dishes ignoring everyone looking at me. My boss Rudy felt the need to brush up on me. Ashlee was very uncomfortable and I knew she wanted to tell him off but I stopped Ashlee from doing so. She didn't need to be fired. 

"Rudy needs to stop." 

"Ashlee don't you need this job to pay for university." I grabbed her arm and Ashlee nodded her head. 

"Tell me all about your trip to South Korea." Ashlee had this bright smile on her face. 

"It was truly amazing and I got so close to the guys and Jimin family. It felt like i was part of their family." I smiled at Ashlee. 

"I'm happy for you so now that you close to the boys maybe you can hook a sista up with Suga or maybe J-hope or RM or V or Jin." 

"So you want me to hook you up with everyone but Jimin." I raised an eyebrow up at her. 

"I'll take anyone I can get." Ashlee grabbed the plates before sitting the food down in front of the customer. I shook my head and I poured more coffee into a customer mug before cleaning up more dishes. 

Ashlee and I were now off work. We put our aprons in our lockers but not before Rudy grabbed my ass. I bit my lip and Ashlee was getting pissed off. I had enough of it and I turned around and slapped Rudy's face. 

Rudy was before anger before pushing me against the wall. He was pinning me down and Ashlee was trying to pull him off me. 

"Let me go." 

"You don't slap your boss." Rudy growled at me and I kneed him in the balls before rushing out of the diner. 

"I quit." I screamed at him. 

"Me too." Ashlee followed my lead and we both walked out of the diner catching our breaths. Ashlee and I both burst out at laughing. 

"I think we should relax. Spa day." Ashlee suggested and I smiled. We got pedicures and manis. It was a relaxing day. 

As soon as I got home, I opened my laptop researching things about South Korea. I pressed print at some of the information. I submitted my application and I smiled to myself. My phone rang and I saw it was a facetime call from Jimin. 


"Hey yourself. You look beautiful." 

"Thanks but I look like crap." 

"No chance, you will always look beautiful to me." 

I bit my lip and I sighed. 

"What's up" 

"I quit my job." 


"Because I hated my boss." I confessed to Jimin and I could see Jimin nodded. 

"He was a creep. I thought I could put up but I couldn't anymore." 

"Why didn't you tell me." Jimin told me and I sighed. 

"Because I know you Jimin and you would have wanted to hurt the guy." 

"What did he do?" 

I didn't want to tell Jimin of everything he did but I wasn't going to lie to my fiance anymore. I blurted everything from him brushing up on me, to him grabbing my ass and lastly when he pinned me against the wall trying to kiss me. Jimin face was turning red. 

"I'm fine Jimin." 

I mean I'm out of a job and LA is kind of expensive. Ashlee was going to be fine, she could work for her family.  I was always been fine and this wasn't going to change for me. 

"What you going to do?" Jimin questioned me while he pushed his hair back. I laid down on the couch and he laid down in his bed in the hotel I'm guessing. 

"I've been thinking about our future." 

"Okay what does that mean?" 

"I want to move to Korea.I want to leave Los Angeles." I announced to Jimin while biting my lip. He was quiet for a few moments. 

"What about your family?" 

"What family?" 

Jimin smiled at me. "I would love nothing more for you to live in South Korea with me." 

I said goodnight to Jimin and Jimin kissed me through the phone.  I sighed while getting up from the couch and I leaned against the wall. I felt so dizzy and I reached for my phone before dialing Ashlee. 

"What's up girl?" 

"I feel so sick, I can't get up. Can you take me to the hospital?" I begged her. Ashlee agreed, she drove me to the hospital. 

The doctor took my blood test. I sent Ashlee home because as much as I love Ashlee I didn't want her to know anything about whatever this was. I had a hunch what was my condition but I hoped it wasn't what I expected. 

The doctor looked at me through my eyes and looked down at my file. 

"Congratulations Loa, you are pregnant. You not that far along." 

I opened my mouth and closed it while sobbing my eyes out. Jimin was nowhere to be found.  The doctor gave me some vitamins to take during my pregnancy. I didn't feel so lightheaded anymore.

As soon as I left the hospital, cameras were on me. Paps were taking pics of me. I was no longer Loa Chambers but rather Jimin Park of BTS girlfriend. 

I got home by taking an uber. I unlocked my door before sitting down on the couch grabbing my head in my hands.

I was pregnant again. I couldn't stand to lose another baby. I couldn't do that to Jimin. I bit my lip. How was I going to tell him? 

I grabbed my phone and texted JK. He was up like I knew he was. He gave me BTS schedule that was on his phone and told me the hotel that BTS were staying at. 

I took out the clothes that was going to be for June and put it in a box. I brought a plane ticket to Milan. It was the next stop that BTS was going. I packed my clothes and headed to the airport. Once I was checked through security. I waited for the gate to be opened and just like that I hoped on the plane.

I may have used up my savings but I needed to tell Jimin the news. Whether he was going to be happy or upset was a different story. 

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