Unmarked Omegaverse (BNHA AU)

By Beyondallmight

51.2K 1.4K 582

Aizawa is an unmarked omega who goes into heat during school and an alpha finds him and helps him out. What... More

overdue (part 1)
overdue (part 2)


4.6K 138 52
By Beyondallmight

(A/N: Sorry the update is late but as most of you know I also have other books that I need to keep up with...that and school...and work...ENJOY!)

"Shouta get out of the car." The Alpha demanded as he stood next to the open door as he rubbed his temples.

"No," Shouta answered as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"We have been over this. They will like you." Izuku said exasperated and absolutely tired of the same argument they have been having back and forth since the morning.

"No, they won't,"  Shouta said as he gripped onto the seat.

"What do you mean?! You helped them become heroes!" Replied Izuku absolutely baffled at the ridiculous thoughts that were passing through his mates head.

"I'm not leaving the car," Shouta stated in a voice that made it seem as if him not meeting the pack was final.

"Shouta-" Izuku started, officially frustrated and done with the attitude the Omega was giving the Alpha.

"Don't you dare use your Alpha voice on me." The Omega warned cutting off the pissed off Alpha.

"You're not really giving me any other option Shouta," Izuku said as he ground his teeth as he let out very strong pheromones that he couldn't hold back completely done with the situation. 

"Let's just do this tomorrow...or never..." Shouta offered now a little scared of the Alpha.

"Omega, as your Alpha I command you to get out of the damn car," Izuku said through his teeth trying to keep as calm as possible.  

"Ugh. You suck." The Omega said as he stepped out of the car and followed the Alpha to the door.

"Yeah, I know. Now walk and stop being such a brat." Izuku replied in a monotone voice not even looking at the Omega and knocked on the door.

'He hasn't been the same since this morning. I haven't even had the chance to apologize. I just keep on making things worse. I'm a terrible Omega. I should be lucky and happy to have the Alpha I wanted. He doesn't even look at me the same. He regrets marking me, I know it. Why can't I be a good Omega? A good mate. He loves..loved me? Oh God, what if he doesn't want me? He took a long time to buy the food. What if he was intimate with someone else? What if-'


"Don't worry everything will be fine," Izuku said softly as he watched his Omega pace across the living room floor.

"I didn't teach three of them," Shouta complained as he paced back and forth in front of the television.

"Yeah. Just three." Izuku said as he watched his mate slowly freak out.

"Monoma, Kendo and Nejiri, and even Monoma, he has changed. Plus they know I love you and that you were going to be my mate or I would have to stay mateless." Izuku explained trying to persuade his Omega to calm the fuck down. 

"So they all have mates?" Shouta asked as he stopped and looked Izuku in the eyes.

"Yes. Well, all except Aoyama. Since he is an Alpha you don't have to worry about him." Izuku answered knowing that his Omega was jealous more than anything.

"So... you haven't had to help an Omega in your pack?" The Omega asked as he stopped to look at his Alpha.

"No. I never jeopardized my relationship with my pack." He said pinching the bridge of his nose as he began to get a headache.

"All you did was sleep around with random Omegas and Alphas that threw themselves at you." Shouta meant it as a joke but those words should not have been said. His Alpha had been trying to make up for his mistakes and was ashamed of his past actions, but by the time Shouta realized his words had hurt Izuku, it was too late.

"...y-yeah" Izuku replied his hand gripping the back of his neck as he forced himself to be strong because Shouta made it sound like he was an unfit Alpha, not worthy of a mate and that really hurt him as if his Omega had just smacked his face.

"I-Izuku I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Shouta desperately tried to take back his words but Izuku cut him off.

"It's fine don't worry about it, I'm gonna go buy some Takoyaki and Tempura for later, do you want anything?" The Alpha asked as he began to put on his shoes to leave, he needed an excuse to get out before an anxiety attack hit him. He had to look like the strong Alpha he needed to be. He was a dominant as fuck Alpha who was the leader of a pack with an Omegan mate, he wasn't about to look like a little bitch in front of anyone. Ever.

"N-no but Izu-" Shouta tried to apologize but before he got the chance his Alpha had left, the Omega began to whine and ran upstairs to their bedroom with tears streaming down his cheeks and took off his clothes to put on a hoodie and pair of boxers that belong to his Alpha. Then he climbed into their bed and hugged the pillow Izuku slept on as he cried himself to sleep.

End of Flashback

"Whatever you're thinking about stop it. You reek," Izuku said as he rubbed his thumb over his scent glands to cover Shouta's scent with his own, making Shouta lean into his Alpha who immediately pulled away at the display of the Omegas affection.

"I'm so-" Shouta began as he felt ashamed for making his Alpha frustrated.

"Izukun!" Said a voice a cheery voice cutting off the Omega.


"Hey, Nejeri! Is everyone here?" Izuku replied with one of his genuine 100-watt smiles.

"Yeah come in! Hey Shouta!" She said with her cheery voice welcoming Izukus mate.

"H- hello... it's nice you see you again..." Shouta said now shyer because of the young and pretty Alpha.

"Izuku!"/"Mido-san!"/"Izu!"/"Alpha!"/"Long time no see."/"Finally we get to hang out at home!" voices shouted when Izuku walked into the house.

"Finally hang out at home?" Aizawa asked as he stepped aside from his Alpha, curious about his packs history.

"Hey, Aizawa!" Kendo said as she stood up and slung her arm over his shoulder to lead him to sit with them on the couch. Izuku smiled at the interaction between his mate and pack member.

"Yeah, we all went to America during our days off to be with our Alpha!" Monoma stated in a 'duh' voice before chowing down on some Takoyaki.

"Plus a pack member losing the scent of their leader doesn't feel right," Asui commented.

The Omega looked around the room and saw a loyal and tight-knit pack that his mate had created and cared for which comprised of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. Monoma is an Alpha, Kendo is a Beta, Asui is a Beta, Uraraka is a Beta, Nejeri is an Alpha, Tokoyami is an Alpha, Denki is an Alpha, Jiro is an Omega, Shinso is an Alpha, Hatsume is an Omega, and Aoyama is an Alpha.

"But since Izukuns scent is so strong we didn't have to worry much but sometimes we would meet each other together or alone," Shinso added as he smiled at Izuku who gave him a beer to clink their bottles.

"Which I made sure was fun as Hell." Izuku chuckled making many of the pack members blush but they all smiled.

"Fuck yeah!" Denki said as he reminisced the strip and night clubs, Karaoke bars, getting so high they would forget their own names, letting the tigers out of their cages at a zoo when they were drunk off their asses, and other shit like when he introduced them to raves and ecstasy.

"Izuku must be a good leader to go out of your way so much,"  Shouta said softly with a small smile.

"Yes, but now he actually came to Japan!" Hatsume said raising a fist in the air.

"So what do you wanna do with us now that you are here?" Asui asked.

"Yeah! Let's do something before you go back!" Denki shouted.

"Actually I'm not going back," Izuku said with a smile on his face.

"What? Did you get fired?" Hatsume asked.

"He's the CEO dumbass he can't get fired," Monoma replied.

"I'm building a base for the agency here in Tokyo!" Izuku announced with so much joy in his voice.

"Why? Don't get me wrong we're happy as fuck that you can be with us now but are you sure this is a smart move for your agency?" Tokoyami asked.

"I just wanna come back home, I'm letting my dad take care of the agency in America while I take care of it here," Izuku explained.

"I guess expanding is a good idea." Uraraka thought out loud.

"Hey before we forget why we are together today... could we become a proper pack tonight?" Aoyama asked shyly.

"Is it okay Shouta?" Izuku asked his mate with hopeful eyes.

"W-what?" Shouta was caught off guard, he forgot that he was the last voice to say if a pack member could stay or not.

"You are my mate, are you satisfied with my pack?" Izuku asked wording his question differently.

"Y-yes! Of course!" Shouta answered flustered and simply wanting to please his Alpha.

"Yay! Me first!" Hatsume shouted.

One by one Izuku bit their wrists marking them as a part of his pack, and that was how the night started off. 

By morning there were half-naked bodies laying around Nejeri's house, and none of them remembered how the night played out.

"Shinso...man...the fuck was that shit we smoked last night?" Denki asked as he started to weak up to moans and groans of pain due to their terrible choices.

"We. Are. Terrible. Heroes." Kendo said disappointed in herself.

"We say that every time we wake up feeling like shit," Jiro stated as this conversation happened every morning after they spent time together.

"My head hurts... I need a beer." Tokoyami groaned out as he stumbled to where he assumed the beer should be. 

"Shut the fuck up. My head hurts and I can't see shit." Nejeri said pissed that she would succumb to the activities they would have whenever they got together.

"My vision is shit too. Fuck." Hatsume commented as she rubbed the shit out of her eyes.

"Hitoshi how long until we get back to normal?" Izuku asked before burping due to the shit ton of alcohol he had consumed.

"No fuckin' clue man. Just drink a shit ton of water I guess." Hitoshi said before yawning and stretching obnoxiously in Izukus face.

"Bruh. I have hero work in like an hour!" Denki said holding his head in frustration.

"Well, aren't you irresponsible," Hitoshi replied finding Deki's suffering hilarious.

"Shut the fuck up. Imma just shower and bounce." Denki announced before stumbling up the stairs.

"Aight Imma sleep. Goodnight!" Hatsume said as she gave up on consciousness.

"Where is my mate?" Shouta asked looking around. "I made some pancakes and I got everyone painkillers and water and a beer for Tokoyami."

"You have an amazing mate Izuku," Nejeri said with her eyes closed not ready to face sunlight. "Izuku?" She called out before opening her eyes and looking around the room.

"He was just here," Hitoshi said scratching his head.

"I think he left," Jiro said.

"Shouta, are you guys okay?" Aoyama asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing, you guys were kinda tense and just interacted with us separately," Kendo added.

"I was insensitive and hurt his feelings. I still haven't had the chance to apologize." Shouta said avoiding eye contact. 

"What happened?" Nejeri asked.

"I was being sarcastic but he took it personally and I don't blame him," Shouta explained.

"Was it about the partners he used to have?" Aoyama asked.

"Yes," Shouta said as he leaned on a wall.

"He has been trying to better himself and you basically made his past a joke?" Hitoshi asked quite upset.

"I-I didn't m-mean to hurt my Alpha," Shouta said before sitting on the ground and hiding his face behind his knees.

"I'm a pack leader and your Alpha, don't think so little of me. It didn't hurt my feelings I just got mad." Izuku said before swallowing a pill with a glass of water.

'Lier' Hitoshi thought.

"Izu..." Shouta whispered with glossy eyes.

"But we have to go, I want to visit Toshinori's grave," Izuku said in a serious voice, it had been too long since he saw his old teacher.

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