PRIORITIES (Completed)

By chaitali_14

64.5K 2.5K 227

Tiara Collins. A Daughter, a Sister, a Best Friend, a Girl with a Passion for Music, a Girl with Priorities... More

POSTER (snippet)


1.4K 87 8
By chaitali_14

Three months and finally Tiara had decided to go back to music. It was hard, because her mother always approached her and encouraged her for music. From buying her a new guitar model to talking her at her friend's place where she would be practicing.

Madison drummed her instrument in such a nice melody that everyone smiled. She was getting stronger and better day by day. Her drumming skills were over the moon. She liked when her friends appreciated her and encouraged her.

"That was awesome," Mason said and high-fived his sister.

"Your turn," Madison said to Mason and Tiara being the bass handler and guitarist of the band. The both of them took their guitars and played it in synchronised way. Tiara's melody was sparkled by Mason's bass. Both of them happily playing their own instruments.

They stopped and then looked at Jay, who nodded and started singing perfect by ed Sheeran. He loved that song.

Suddenly, he held both of Tiara's hand pulling her up from her seat and started dancing with her. She giggled adorably. He twirled her around making her laugh.

Jay's heart felt something the didn't feel for anyone else. His eyes shined when they met Tiara's. He felt like he was ignoring that feeling alot. Would it hurt if he though about it for once?

When Jay stopped singing, they realised that Mason and Madison were dancing too.

"Aw man! We were enjoying," Mason sat on the floor. "anyways, today was good. Practicing together again felt awesome,"

"Right," Tiara sat beside Mason on the floor. "it was good. I didn't realise I needed it until now."

Madison suddenly banged her stick on the plate of the drum and everyone looked at her "Tiara, you promised you would take us to meed Susan,"

"Now?" Tiara asked.

"Yes, now." Jay insisted sitting beside her "it's been a months since I saw her the last time,"

"Okay, who's driving?" Tiara asked.

"Me," Mason said and stood up brushing the butt of his pants with his hands.

"Okey, I'll tell my mom that we're leaving," Jay said leaving upstairs and into his mom's room.


"My baby, how's my baby?" Tiara cooed Susan and kissed her chubby cheeks. She let out a laugh in response.

Susan was now a three months and ten days old. She looked more human and was really chubby. Her green eyes always shined and there was always a hint of gold floating around the green in her eyes. Those eyes melted everyone. Her cheeks had light dimples and her eyelashes were really long, that made her look even more beautiful and like a princess that she was.

Tiara was so happy to have a baby siste. She was her blood. She can hold her proudly and say that 'this is my sister'.

"Hey, let me take her," Madison whined. Tiara gave Susan to her and the three of her bestfriend started playing with her.

"Guys, I'll be back," Tiara said and got out of Susan's room. She knocked on the door of Mark's door which was right beside Susan's.

Mark opened the door and was surprised to see Tiara. It was just yesterday when she and Steven visited Susan. But as Mark wasn't home, the trio couldn't meet.

"Hey, whatsup," he gave her a hug.

"My friends wanted to see Susan, so I bought them here," Tiara said and the two of them walked into the living room.

"So, I hope you're holding up now," Mark said and Tiara nodded.

"My family is helping me alot to get over,"

Mark nodded "that's good."

"And you? What about you?" Tiara sat on the cough with him.

"I'm fine.. but I really miss Gwen. She was the perfect lady for me. I just wish she could have stayed. I miss her,"

Tiara sighed and put her hand on her thigh "it's okay, I'm still proud of you. The way you're talking care of Susan is really making me feel good,"

Mark pursed his lips and nodded "thank you."


Mason and Madison had left already. They'd bought their car. Tiara on the other hand had called her father's driver to pick her and Jay up.

Tiara was finally neutralizing with her father's richness and getting usedto with it.

Both Jay and Tiara sat in the backseat. Jay way very tired and had his eyes closed. His ruffled hairs had fallen on his eyes.

Tiara loved it when Jay's hairs were ruffled and not in a quiff above his head. She liked the messy look on his face. She didn't realise that she was just staring at him for long. She looked away and though about what was happening to her.

Soon Jay's house had arrived and he got out sleepily. It was only 6:30 in the evening and he was so tired.

Nonetheless, Tiara too got home. She wasn't tired but maybe she needed a little rest. She got into the kitchen for some food.

Tiara saw an angry Benjamin sitting on the table of the kitchen. He was holding a tea box in his hands. Steven was also sitting on the table but infront of Ben, he looked nervous whilst sitting infront of his eldest brother.

"Hey, what's up?" Tiara asked as she sat beside Steven and gave the both of them a questioning look.

Benjamin looked up from his cold eyes. He tapped the box on the tiled table.

"Ben, everything okay?" Tiara asked.

"I'm glad you're home early, Tia," Benjamin said "Anthony will be home in a while. I want to talk to the three of you."

Tiara nodded "what's it about?" She asked.

"You'll know," Ben nodded and Tiara stayed quite.

After about a fifteen minutes, Anthony came. He was laughing whilst talking on his phone.

"Anthony, keep your phone aside and come sit here," Benjamin said coldly.

Anthony stopped dead on tracks when he saw the tea box in Benjamin's hands.

"Ah-ah, why?" Anthony asked.

"Do as I say," Ben ordered and Anthony sat beside Tiara.

Benjamin was fuming angry but his face remained cold.  Something he wore all the time.

Ben then lifted the tea box "what's this?"

"A tea box?" Steven asked and shrugged.

"And what's supposed to be in this?" He asked again.

"Tea?" Tiara answered.

"What's in this?" He asked again. Everyone though the same thing. Tea. that's what was supposed to be in it.

But when Benjamin opened the box and spiled all the cigarettes out, everyone gasped. Except Anthony.

The tea was spilled, or maybe cigarettes were..

"Cigarettes?" Steven asked "who kept that in that?"

Benjamin raised an eyebrow "you tell me,"

"Me?" Steven chuckled lightly "I haven't touched that shit in my whole life of seventh years," he stated.

Benjamin's cold stare travelled towards Tiara's "what about you?"

Tiara quickly shook her head "it's not mine, I swear,"

Benjamin nodded and then looked at Anthony, who was scared shitles.

"No no, it's not mine as well," he laughed and looked at his little siblings "not mine,"

"Dude," Steven started "you're the only one who drinks tea in this house,"

Anthony gulped and looked at Benjamin "I-I, I can explain,"

Benjamin stood up and walked all the way to stand beside Anthony. He looked down at Anthony and sighed.

"Since how long are you smoking this?" He pointed at the box which was lying on the table.

"s-since a year now," he looked down in shame.

"Look up when I talk to you," Benjamin's voice was still calm and collected.

Anthony looked up, his eyes already showing shine.

"Is this the inspiration you're giving to your little siblings?" Ben asked referring to Tiara and Steven.

Anthony shook his head, his heart beating fast against his chest.

"Stand up," Benjamin ordered. Anthony pushed the chair aside and stood up.

"I want you to keep this in your mind, that this shit is not going to be tolerated in this house," Benjamin said "—and, you should know why mom and dad are so against it. You know how badly that affects you and your body. I thought you were mature and responsible enough to be a good figure for your younger siblings and here you are smoking cigars. Do you know how upset our parents would feel when they'll know about this—"

"No please, don't tell them," Anthony interrupted.

"Do not talk when I'm talking," Benjamin's voice gave chills all over Steven's and Tiara's backs. Anthony on the other hand almost peed in his pants.

"s-sorry," Anthony muttered.

"Now I'm not going to tell you. I want you to tell me what you're supposed to do and what you're not,"

Anthony nodded "I-I won't smoke again a-and I'll try to be a better big brother figure for Steven and Tiara,"

Tiara suddenly felt very overwhelmed when Anthony without hesitation counted her in his younger siblings list.

Benjamin put both his hands on Anthony's shoulder and gave them a gentle shake "Anthony, I want the best for you. You'll have to skip these things because they're addictions and are made to ruin your life. I want you to have a long life and that'll only be possible when you'll take care of yourself. Do you understand?"

Anthony nodded "I do, thanks and sorry."

Benjamin patted Anthony's head once before turning around to leave.

Anthony sniffed and turned around only to be engulfed in a hug by Tiara. He was highly surprised. Having an internal battel if he's supposed to push her away or hug her back.

Nonetheless, he hugged her back. He needed some kind of affection right now.

"It's okay, you're gonna be fine," Tiara mumbled "I'm just proud that you've decided to leave smoking.. you did right?"

"After all of this.." Steven said "if he doesn't, he'll be dead."

"Don't be mean," Tiara scolded and parted from Anthony.

"Just saying.." Steven shrugged.

"I did. I just tried and I liked doing it" Anthony admitted "I won't anymore."

"Good." Steven and Tiara chorued.

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