shots - spooky

By lipgloss84

72.4K 1.8K 96

Warm sun was something Yajel never knew she wanted. New York was cold and cramped it's what she was used to... More

one - new beginnings
two - business meetings
three - what to wear
four - let's get this party started
five - the kiss
six - rescue squad
eight - too much to talk about
nine - misbehave
ten - misbehave (2)
eleven - pull up & hop out
twelve - family ties
thirteen - late
fourteen - lunch time
fifteen - what happened?
sixteen - a girl's quince
seventeen - aftershock
eighteen - spend the night
authors note - response meeting (important things in here homies)
nineteen - try that again
twenty - task completed
twenty one - let me
twenty two - let me explain
twenty two - it's a date
twenty three - what happened? <extra>

seven - unfinished business

3.1K 80 3
By lipgloss84


"This is exhausting, why the hell are we in this fancy ass neighborhood?", I ask crossing my arms around my chest.

"How about we....crash that party?", Olivia suggests.

"See that seems like a wonderful idea, maybe they have some Cheetos I can steal", we both link arms heading to the bustling house while Ruby and Cesar fall behind.



"I can't see the point in moving here, it's no safer or kinder than New York."

Once again I find myself hanging out with King on his living room couch. Since he has moved here we have become closer, finding comfort in our similarities.

Besides we both have family who we want to protect. Even though Yajel and Cesar are polar opposites. Cesar is too emotional, moves with his heart and not his head. Yajel has no emotions which makes her lethal, cold and dangerous.

"New York is slightly more dangerous now that my grandfather got out", King sighs finishing his beer and standing off the couch.

"Shit, well you know if shit goes down we always got your back. You're one of us", I hope the words sound reassuring. What his grandfather did to their family was fucked up and I would risk my own life before he laid a hand on Yajel.

"It isn't your fight man, my grandfather has some deep ties that not even a move to Cali can escape", King leaves for the kitchen and I begin to think about what he said.

Yajel has never had it normal, the way she has bottled up everything is terrible for a young woman like her. I got to protect her from not only her grandfather but also herself.


"Yajel take a deep breath", Ruby tries and fails to calm me down.

There was egg plastered all over my clothes and hair. These rich white kids were going to die tonight and I was going to enjoy stealing their stuff.

"Cesar do something, she will kill these kids", Ruby panics and Cesar hangs up his phone.

"It's fine I called back up."

"You hear that Johnny? You're going to die in front of back up", I slightly release the arm I have choking him and replace it with my hand holding a knife scary close to his carotid.


I had never heard Spooky yell my name like that. Part of me hoped he would say it again, the authority almost made me smirk.

"Look Spooky if you aren't going to help don't get in the way", the boy uses the distraction to slip from my grip and trip to the ground.

"See what you did?", I groan and kick the boy where the sun doesn't shine, taking my shirt off and wrapping it around his throat.

"Yajel what the hell are you doing?", Spooky asks. But he doesn't stop me, something in him must want to see me hurt this boy.

"I'm going to kill him, and then I'm going to kill everyone else at this party", I say calmly pulling the boy up by the neck with my shirt.

"Spooky do something", Ruby says worried for the boy's life.

"Go ahead Yajel do it", Spooky says cocking and eyebrow.

His body language is relaxed and I turn back to the boy glowing red in front of me. Fear written all over his face. I release the shirt and storm off to the cherry red car he pull up in, putting my shirt in my lap.



Ruby stands in silence, as do Olivia and Cesar. While I just step up to the small coughing boy Yajel just assaulted.

His fear has quickly turned to rage, probably embarrassed, "PSYCHO BITCH!"

He yells at Yajel who is throwing some severe punches to my dash board.

"Ah ah ah", I grab his collar, "you will NEVER bother these four or their friends again. You will give them all of your halloween candy and anything else they ask for, understand?"

"W-why the hell should I listen to you?", the boy says, falsely confident.

"Because this", I rub off his marker drawn teardrop tattoo, "and this." I rub my own tattoo, and it stays.

"Just take whatever you want and go please", he says giving in.

The rest of the party filters away and he is left to dish out the candy and juices Olivia specifically requested. The boy closes the door in the three kids faces and they smile widely.

"You know Spooky we can handle the walk home if Yajel needs the ride to calm down", Ruby says turning to the half naked chica fuming in the passenger seat.

"Yea, wish me luck", I say scratching the back of my head.

"Spooky Díaz conqueror of all is scared of a girl three years younger than him", Cesar jokes.

"If I'm dead in the morning give me a nice funeral", I joke and jog to the driver side seat.

I watch the three kids joke with each other before driving away from the curb.

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