I Will Protect You (Ink Bendy...

By schapman706

23.6K 461 347

Thank goodness Joey Drew got the wrong address. If he hadn't you never would've come to the studio. You never... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note

Chapter 2

2.9K 60 48
By schapman706

Flashes of the machine...the creature...and dripping ink flow across my eyelids. 

My head steadies and I sit up slowly, rubbing my head and propping myself up with one arm. I look around the room.

I turn around and there was that black being in the doorway. It's smile was gone, it's mouth was closed. I yelp and back up to the wall. 

I'm done for. 

So this is how I die. 

And no one will know. 

The thing approaches me, limping almost. I hold my arm out defensively, my breathing was shaky and almost like I was whimpering. I feel like I want to cry.

I don't want to die. 

It towers above me, then crouches down to my level. 

I close my eyes, waiting for pain to engulf my body. 

Instead I feel a bony, gloved hand brush hair out of my face, then wipe tears off which are now streaming down my face. Then the hand touches my cheek gently. 

"Hey, hey...it's fine." a soothing yet inhuman voice says. "I'm not gonna hurt you." 

I open my eyes and look at it. It's expression is softened, and it doesn't seem threatening anymore. I let out a shaky breath of relief. 

"Y-You're really n-not gonna hurt m-me?" I say. 

It nods. "I'm not. I promise." 

I notice his white bow tie. The shape of his horns. His gloves. 

"W-Who are you?" I ask. He seemed...familiar. 

"I'm Bendy." he says softly. WHAT. BENDY?? How could that be?? How is he here?! 

"Y-You're...Bendy?" I say in disbelief. How could that be? "Wait...why did you jump out at me?"

"Oh...I think something pushed me into the wall. It hurt and I roared without meaning to. I didn't see you there until I looked up and saw you trying to get away. I'm sorry if I scared you. I didn't mean to." he says. His voice...it's not like the cartoons, but it...it's soothing to listen to. 

"You're lost. Those clothes are wet and probably cold. You look a mess. Let me help you." he says, standing up and holding his hand out to me. I slowly reach my hand out to take it. His hand is cold, wet and bony...but it was firm; yet his grip was soft. 

It was somewhat comforting.

He helped me up. Then he led me through the studio to the entrance of the Music Department. Suddenly from ink puddles, inky figures formed and crawled at us. I yelped in surprise and backed away holding my arm up defensively, yet low.

"Stay behind me." Bendy says. I immediately did. I didn't want to die or come close to again today. Bendy's stance widens, and I see sharp ends of his fingers suddenly. Probably claws. 

More of those crawling, dripping, black things come at us. 7 or 8. A slow, deep growl can be heard from Bendy's throat. 

Then he pounces. 

A single swipe would turn them into nothing more than just splashes of ink. More kept coming, but he was fast. 

Though he was fast he didn't notice one coming right for me. 

I backed away from it. I was confident that Bendy would eventually notice and help me. 

I didn't have enough wall. I backed up into a corner. 

I didn't need this.

"Stay...stay back." I say, holding out my arm like it was a dog or something. It moans and stretches its arms out wide, then attacks me. 

I'm paralyzed with fear so I can't dodge. It clawed my leg with both its arms, crossing.

Owww...my leg...

"AHH!!" I exclaim in pain, and collapse so I fall into the wall, but back into the corner. 

I'm trapped. 

I'm gonna die.

"Bendy!!" I yell. I don't have anything to attack with. My leg is mangled. 

The thing rises over me, arms outstretched. 

I close my eyes, waiting for the inevitable. 

But I feel nothing. 

I hear a swift swipe, then something crashing into the floor in front of me. 

I open my eyes. 

Bendy was there, his claws stuck in the floor. His mouth showed determination, yet sorrow. He looked at me with a face that showed horror and pain almost. 

"I'm so sorry...I didn't see it." he says apologetically. He reaches for my wounded leg, but I pull back. It hurts too much. He looks hurt. 

"Can I see it?" he says. "I think I can help." 

Suddenly my leg stings and burns, giving me a pain I've never known. I close my eyes in immense pain, and I nod. Anything to make this stop. I stretch my leg out to him and he gently lifts it and looks at it carefully.

"When we get to his place we better get that wrapped up..." he says. He then ever so gently touches my wound, but then all the black ink seeps up into his hand. The stinging stops and my face softens. I open my eyes. 

"How did you...?" I say in unbelief. He looks up at me then at his hand. 

"Oh...I guess since I'm made of it I can make it come to me." he says. "Here..." He gently puts his arms underneath me, and lifts me bridal style. "We've gotta get you to his place." 

He carries me to a doorway that's blocked by an ink leak. Bendy growls in anger. "Dang it...that's the only way." he says. "Do you trust me?" 

I look up at his ink covered face. Eyes deep underneath. So far he's done nothing but help me, or try. 

I nod. 

He smirks slightly. 

Then he steps into the ink, and he dissolves into it. I feel an odd, shrinking, squeezing feeling. 

Then I'm in the room. 

I get up on my one leg and hop up. 


Something hits me in the head, and everything goes black. 

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