Winter Is Our Fury

By ThevampireMermaid18

212K 6.6K 373

When the snows fall and the white winds blow; the lone wolf dies but the pack survives. Aris Stark, eldest d... More

Chapter One: False King Baratheon
Chapter two: The Nights Watch
Chapter Three: Kings Guard
Chapter Four: No Longer A Stark
Chapter Five: Attempted Murder
Chapter Six: Harrenhal
Chapter Seven: Torture
Chapter Eight: Twyin Lannister
Chapter Nine: Eyes and Ears
Chapter Ten: Infiltrator
Chapter Eleven: A Man
Chapter Twelve: Escaping
Chapter Thirteen: The Brotherhood Without Banners
Chapter Fourteen: Lord Of Light
Chapter Fifteen: Ressurection
Chapter Sixteen: Family Duty Honour
Chapter Seventeen: The Red Women
Chapter Eighteen: Anonymous Tip
Chapter Nineteen: The RiverLands
Chapter Twenty: Blackfish Bandits
Chapter Twenty One: Wolves To The North
Chapter Twenty Two: Lions To The South
Chapter Twenty Three: House Tully; House Frey; House Stark
Chapter Twenty Four: The Rains of Castamere
Chapter Twenty Five: Leave One Wolf Alive...
Chapter Twenty Six: Words Unspoken
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Blackfish
Chapter Twenty Eight: Tully
Chapter Twenty Nine: Revenge Is Fuel
Chapter Thirty: A Royal Wedding
Chapter Thirty One: Eyes Of Another
Chapter Thirty Two: The Kings Road
Chapter Thirty Three: Kings Landing
Chapter Thirty Four: Sin City
Chapter Thirty Five: LittleFinger
Chapter Thirty Six: The Queen Of Thorns
Chapter Thirty Seven: In The Lions Den
Chapter Thirty Eight: A Purple Wedding
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Vale
Chapter Forty: Falcons Of The East
Chapter Forty One: The North Will Remember
Chapter Forty Two: Prisoner
Chapter Forty Three: People Are Strange
Chapter Forty Four: Godswood
Chapter Forty Five: The Beginning Of The End
Chapter Forty Six: True Colours
Chapter Forty Seven: Till Death
Chapter Forty Eight: In Due time
Chapter Forty Nine: The Candle In The Window
Chapter Fifty: Do You Feel Like A Victor?
Chapter Fifty One: BoysBoysBoys
Chapter Fifty Two: The Wild Wolf
Chapter Fifty Three: Come And See
Chapter Fifty Four: Small Bump
Chapter Fifty Five: The Battle Of The Bastards
Chapter Fifty Six: Knights Of The Vale
Chapter Fifty Seven: The Wolf And Flayed Man
Chapter Fifty Eight: Hangman
Chapter Fifty Nine: Hungry Hounds
Chapter Sixty: Winter Is Here
Chapter Sixty-One: Lady Of Winterfell
Chapter Sixty-Two: Hand of the Queen
Chapter Sixty-Three: The Three-Eyed Raven
Chapter Sixty-Four: Together Again
Chapter Sixty Five: Devious Plans
Chapter Sixty Six: Game Of Faces
Chapter Sixty Seven: Facade
Chapter Sixty Eight: A Little Birdie Told Me
Chapter Sixty Nine: Sibling Quarrel
Chapter Seventy: Life Is Full Of Tough Decisions
Chapter Seventy One: Wolf Pack
Chapter Seventy Two: Samwell Tarly
Chapter Seventy Three: The Dragon Queen
Chapter Seventy Four: Dragonglass
Chapter Seventy Five: A Golden Hand
Chapter Seventy Six: What About The North?
Chapter Seventy Seven: Dragons
Chapter Seventy Eight: A New Light
Chapter Seventy Nine: Kaytlyn Stark
Chapter Eighty: The Dead Are Coming
Chapter Eighty One: Until Dawn
Chapter Eighty Two: Our Final Hours
Chapter Eighty Three: The Winds of Winter
Chapter Eighty Four: The Long Night
Chapter Eighty Six: Death
Chapter Eighty Seven: No Cause for Celebration
Chapter Eighty Eight: The Last of The Starks
Chapter Eighty Nine: Truth
Chapter Ninety: Two Houses Joined
Chapter Ninety One: Farewell
~The End~

Chapter Eighty Five: The Night King

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By ThevampireMermaid18

"Here they come lads!" shouted Theon. The Ironborn prepared themselves hearing the wights snarling over the howling wind that bite their faces. Dozens of wights came out from the darkness and began their assault to try and get to Bran.

The Night King flew down to Winterfell on Viserion's back and blew a blast of blue fire, torching one side of the castle. Rheagal slammed into Viserion and the two dragons fought in the air above the Godswood. Two mighty forces tearing at each other.

"Get off!" Jon commanded Rheagal, but the dragon kept fighting back. The Night King revealed the same ice spear he struck down Viserion with. Rheagal bite into Viserion's jaw ripping it in two before the dead dragon tried to breath blue fire.

Viserion reached around Rheagal and snapped at Jon several times. The two fighting dragons kept rising higher as they tore each other apart.

Drogon swooped down and his claws clutched at Viserion and the Night King was knocked off the back of the undead dragon and he fell into the storm below. While Drogon continued to try and kill his brother, Rheagal was forced to land due to his injuries and Jon was also knocked off the dragon which landed heavily and crashed into the snow.

Drogon hovered in the air while Daenerys searched for the Night King below. She could see him standing perfectly okay. "Dracarys."

Drogon rained fire onto the Night King engulfing him in his flames and Daenerys smiled victoriously. Drogon stopped waiting.

Jon approached the fire, waiting.

The fire cleared and the Night King was still standing as thought the flames never touched him and he smiled at the dragon queen amused. Daenerys was the first to make him smile. He picked up his spear and Drogon turned away in a hurry and the spear flew over Daenerys' head.

Jon drew his sword and went after the Night King who made his way to the Godswood. He walked casually, his blue eyes piercing the dark and he stopped. He turned to face Jon who halted in his tracks. They had met on several occasions, Jon and the Night King. They knew each other. And here they were in a finale battle.

The Night King then began to raise his arms and Jon's heart dropped to his stomach. He had seen hi make this move before. He knew what he was doing.

Jon raced to stopped the Night King as he slowly raised his arms almost tauntingly.

Those dead began to open their eyes and Jon pumped his legs faster. The dead sat up as the Night King raised his arms, and they stood to their feet. Jon was forced to stop between a few dozen freshly raised wights and the Night King. Thousands surrounded him.

Even inside Winterfell, when it seemed as though the wights were coming to an end, the men killed, opened their eyes and raised and an unsettling doom fell upon this still living. Everybody they once knew, raised back from the dead.

The Night King turned away from continuing to the Godswood and Jon was left surrounded by thousands of wights that began to close in on him. "No!"

The White Walker generals walked into Winterfell.

In the silence of the crypts below, a strange sound came from the tombs around them. A rustling sound followed by snarling. Gilly turned her gaze to the tomb behind her and her heart started racing. A hand busted threw the stone of a tomb and a corpse crawled out snarling.

Gilly rose in terror hiding little Sam behind her.

Kaytlyn began to cry and scream in Aris' arms. She rose to her feet as more tombs began to break open and people started screaming and trying to run away, but they were trapped down here.

"Hide!" Aris screamed and shoved Kaytlyn into Sansa's arms. Sansa took no time and took refuge behind her father's tomb cradling a crying baby in her arms.

Randyl wasted no time in fighting back and began to use his training in welding a bow. Aris slipped her bow from around her shoulder and nocked an arrow. She and Randyl began to fight back, firing dragonglass arrows into the wights that broke out of their tombs and terrorised those in the crypts.

Duchess came out from hiding and lunged onto the back of a wight that pulled down a woman and tore it to bits before Randyl shot the wight dead and moved on to the next.

Aris fired an arrow that clawed at an elderly man and pulled her arrow back at another that raced towards her. Although she hadn't fired an arrow for nearly a year, she was surprised by the fact that she still had it in her to fight.

The Ironborn kept firing arrows at wights that came for Bran. Jon struggled to keep fighting back the dozens of wights that came for him before a blast of fire obliterated them. The heat from the dragon fire was scorching hot as it burned the last of the wights. Drogon landed behind Jon.

"Bran!" he shouted.

"Go!" Daenerys screamed back and Jon hurried for his brother leaving Drogon and Daenerys to fight away the more incoming wights. The wights overwhelmed Drogon and began to climb over the dragon and Daenerys was forced off. She fell into the snow watching Drogon shake the wights from his body by flying into the air leaving Daenerys on the ground. They fell from the skies landing around Daenerys, so she picked up a sword to fight back.

Jon fought his way into Winterfell trying his damest to reach Bran before it was too late. He even left Sam who was overcome by wights. He left Brienne and Jaime to fend for themselves backed against the walls.

The Ironborn where killed one by one and they too where overwhelmed by the number of wights that flooded the Godswood, but Theon persisted, determined to keep his promise.

Aris stabbed an arrow into the back of a wight that knocked over a woman and bite into her. She took the same arrow and fire it across the dark tomb and straight into a wight's head. She could hear Duchess tearing apart wights, she could hear Kaytlyn's cries over the terrifying screams of the people dying around her.

She took a hold of Randyl. "Protect Kaytlyn!" she shoved him in the direct Sansa was hiding and he nodded and hurried to Ned Starks tomb where he fired an arrow that was ripping into a screaming girl.

Sansa was breathing heavily trying to calm Kaytlyn that screamed in her arms. Tyrion was hiding beside her. She closed her eyes clutching the baby into her chest to muffle the cries. Sansa and Tyrion looked to each other knowing this is where they might die. She revealed the knife Arya gave her and tears flooded her eyes. Aris was out there fighting and she was hiding. She felt horrible.

Randyl fired his last arrow at a wight running towards him and he discarded his bow and pulled out a dagger. He saw Gilly clutching little Sam in terror as a wight lunged for them and he drove the dragonglass knife into it's back.

Aris fired another arrow. She turned and whacked a wight down as she drove an arrow head into it's eye. She turned on her knee and shot a wight feasting on a dead woman. 

She took another arrow and killed another. And another.

Randyl's foot was pulled out from underneath him and he fell into the dirt as the wight crawled over him biting its jaws. He kicked the corpse off him and stabbed it dead. Another wight rammed into the boy and he the dagger was sent from his hands. He cried out keeping the wight at arms length that scratched at his hands.

"Randyl!" screamed Aris and she ran to help him. Only she was knocked into the dirt by a wight. She kicked back the corpse of her little brother Rickon that snarled at her with deathly blue eyes. Aris cried, "I'm sorry." she drove an arrow into Rickon's chest and he fell still. She scurried to her feet and kicked the wight from Randyl and he was able to reach for his knife and kill it.

Jon ran through Winterfell hearing the screech of a dragon and he stopped searching the skies. Viserion landed crushing the walls of Winterfell and he breathe blue fire onto the men dead and alive. Jon fled behind the stone walls as the blue flames licked the sides.

The piles of bodies were greater than Battle of the Bastards. Those still alive where forced onto of the dead bodies pilling. Gendry was still fighting. Jorah and Daenerys persisted, until Jorah was stabbed and Daenerys killed the wight. "Jorah!" but he kept fighting to protect his queen.

Tyrion and Sansa fled from their hiding spot and found Varys hiding with small children and Missandei.

Jon kept trying to get past the dragon to no avail. Theon kept fighting with his depleting strength to keep Bran safe, he was the last Ironborn standing.

The Night King and his generals entered the Godswood.

Jorah was struck down, but he rose again to keep fighting. Jaime, Podrick and Brienne where backed against the walls. Sam cried amongst a pile of dead.

Theon killed the last of the wights. He breathed heavily standing with a spear surrounded by the dead. He was the last man standing, but still more wights surrounded him. They made way as the Night King and his Generals came forth.

Bran returned and he saw the carnage around him and Theon still standing. There stood the Night King facing down Theon with piercing blue eyes.

"Theon." called Bran. Theon looked to the boy he considered his brother, shaking with tears in his eyes. "You're a good man. Thank you."

Theon stifled a sob knowing this was where he was going to die. Protecting Bran. Theon charged towards the Night King with a battle cry.

The Night King side stepped grasping the spear and breaking it in two and stabbing it threw Theon's body. Theon grunted staring the Night King face to face before falling to his knees. The Night King raised his gaze to Bran and Theon finally fell dead.

Jon mustered his courage and stepped out to try and pass the dragon that burned down Winterfell but the dragon saw Jon and fired as he threw himself behind rubble, the blue flames dangerously close.

The Night King stepped over Theon's body and approached Bran.

No matter how many times Jorah was cut and stabbed, he still kept fighting to protect Daenerys.

Aris fired her last arrow at a wight killing a woman and  pulled out an arrow from a corpse. Duchess growled and lunged onto another wight tearing into it's throat no matter how much the wight scratched the Dire wolf. Randyl ushered survivors to hide and he drove his knife into a wight crawling towards him with half a body after Duchess tore it apart and he killed it. There were only a few more left.

The Night King finally stood several feet from Bran, staring at each other. The Night King knew Bran the best and finally he was here. He had succeeded.

Jon rose to face the undead dragon knowing he wasn't going to reach Bran in time and he yelled in the face of death as the dragon opened it's mouth, sparking blue flames.

Aris pulled a wight off a little girl and stabbed it with her arrow and the girl fled. The remaining three wights pilled onto Aris and she was forced into the ground with a yelp. Randyl saw and ran to help Aris before they tore her apart.

The Night King reached for the ice sword on his back before a figure came flying at him. He turned and caught Arya by her throat and caught her hand with the Valyrian dagger. Arya opened her fist and the dragger fell into her other hand and she drove the dagger into The Night King. 

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