Charmed Again: Season One

By TSPking1994

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"Charmed" fan-fiction series following Piper Halliwell's grandchildren Paul and Pan Halliwell as they become... More

The Charming Fan Casting
Episode 1 - Charmed Reborn: Part One
Episode 3 - Dancing with Demons: Part 1
Episode 4 - Dancing with Demons: Part 2
Episode 5 - Fear Forever: Part One
Episode 6 - Fear Forever: Part 2
Episode 7 - Mother Knows Best
Episode 8 - Stripped: Part One
Episode 9 - Stripped: Part 2
Episode 10 - Into The Darkness (Finale)

Episode 2 - Charmed Reborn: Part Two

170 4 2
By TSPking1994

Warnings: I don't own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show "Charmed" or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.

15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.

"Drake, are you okay?" Paul asked his son in the middle of the alleyway in which Drake had just been attacked by a demon as Lacey lay spread on bin bags and Pan stood beside her brother.

"You literally just threw into trash there better be a damn good excuse." Lacey complained as a shocked Drake helped her back to her feet.

"There was a spider on you, so I had to move quickly." Drake lied to her; not sure she'd believe the truth.

"Well that is literally the only answer I would accept." Lacey admitted while clearly looking around for the supposed spider. "It's gone now right?"

"Yeah," Drake replied while looking over at Paul and Pan. "They helped me get rid of it."

"By the way Drake's the one scared of spiders not me." Lacey bluffed in embarrassment after noticing Pan and her brother Paul.

"Spiders give me the creeps too so it's all good." Pan laughed at Lacey's innocence.

"Oh, thank god," Lacey said while breathing a sigh of relief. "Because I was totally trying to pretend, I was brave right now, but spiders freak me the hell out."

"Do you want to go for that drink now?" Pan asked Lacey while Drake and Paul just stood there in silence.

"Yeah that sounds good," Lacey accepted before turning to ask Drake. "Are you coming in?"

"I'll be right there." He replied.

"So, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that was a demon am I right?" Drake asked Paul as only the two of them now remained in the alleyway outside of P3.

"How do you know about demons already?" Paul wondered.

"This lady called Prue Halliwell visited me today and I just thought she was crazy but then she vanished into thin air and I thought I was crazy until I was literally just attacked by some magical ball of god knows what." Drake explained himself. "God, this is crazy!"

"The man who threw that magical ball is known as a lower level demon and the magical ball you were referring to are often referred to as energy balls of fire balls." Paul informed the struggling Drake.

"Demons have like levels?" Drake wondered. "Which level do I need to hit for a game over because I sure as hell don't like demons attacking me and my friends in the streets?"

"I know trust me none of us want to be attacked but it's part of the curse of being a Halliwell." Paul replied reluctantly trying to get his secret son on side.

"Prue said that I was part demon part witch and then that devil said the same. Do witches have levels too and if so, which level am I? Probably a beginner considering I'm literally just finding out about all this." Drake rambled on clearly trying to come to terms with the ordeal he had just went through. "Why am I even considering any of this?"

"I know this is a lot to take in..." Paul began to say.

"So, you and your sister are really my half siblings?" Drake butted in as he began to try and wrap his head around the magical madness, not realizing his supposed half-brother was his father.

"Yes." Paul lied, too scared to admit his truth.

"Well no offence to you both but I had a family and an amazing mother I'm not looking for a replacement family." Drake politely rejected him. "I know it's not you or your sister who gave me up but that's how I feel I'm sorry."

"I understand that but there's not much choice here none of us are safe without each other the demons will just keep coming but at least together we may actually stand a chance." Paul pleaded with him in an attempt for charmed to be reborn.

Pan and Lacey had found themselves back sitting in the same private booth that Drake and Lacey were earlier which was far from a coincidence considering that was the booth all Halliwell's reserved for themselves. Meanwhile the artist Bebe Rexha had begun playing her song meant to be on stage at the club.

"So how long have you known Drake for?" Pan asked Lacey, eager to learn as much about her nephew as possible.

"We met when we were just kids and just sort of clicked and we've been friends ever since." Lacey explained to her. "What about you? Have you got any friends here tonight for your grand reopening?"

"To be honest with you between work and family I just drifted apart from most of my friends from school." Pan answered with a saddened sigh, being a Halliwell never granted anyone much of a social life.

"Well I'm more than willing to be your friend anytime." Lacey said before laughing at her owns words, clearly embarrassed once again. "Oh my god I can't believe I just said that."

"You are something else Lacey Morgan." Pan responded with a smile as she kissed Lacey on the lips before noticing Drake coming into the crowd and heading towards the exit. "I'll be right back I promise."

Drake stormed out of the entrance to P3 eager to get away from the night in question to get away from the magic and the madness of it all and eager to go home and wish it all away but he wasn't quite down dealing with his newly found family at least not quite yet.

"If you don't stop with the running away, I'm going to have no choice but to freeze you." Pan warned him as the two of them made their way into the P3 parking lot which had nobody in sight but was packed with cars meaning they all must've been inside the club.

"Hold up so you can freeze things and blow them up. What else can you do?" Drake asked as he turned to face her, clearly intrigued by her powers.

"I'd love to tell you all about my powers and then all about your powers just come back inside and I'll tell you everything." Pan promised him.

"Look I get magic exists now I can't exactly deny what just happened before my very eyes, but I just want a normal life." Drake explain to the woman he believed was his biological half-sister.

"I get that trust me I do I've lost count of how many times I've wanted to have a normal life but I've been witch all my life that's kind of my purpose on this earth to help protect the innocent from the evil and it's your purpose to." Pan responded trying to convince him of the blessing of his destiny even if she wasn't always convinced of it herself.

"Listen I protect the innocent just fine within the law as a detective and I don't owe you or your brother anything just because we share the same blood." Drake made himself clear.

"We're not saying that you do Drake but you're safer with us." Pan pleaded with him. "We're the charmed ones."

"Thanks, but no thanks." Drake replied before continuing to walk away.

Drake walked down his apartment building corridor before reaching his door ready to escape from the night he had just witnessed only to walk in to find Quinn stood waiting for him in his living room with no idea how Quinn even got there.

"Let me guess you're a witch too and your power is unlocking locks." Drake said to Quinn as he closed the door behind him.

"I'm not a witch I'm a white lighter which is basically like a magical bodyguard." Quinn replied to him.

"So, witches get their own bodyguards then?" Drake as he walked over to his kitchen within the living room of his kitchen/living room open planned living area. "Today's already been long enough without white lighters added into the witch mix."

"I'm your white lighter and I'm Pan and Paul's," Quinn answered as Drake pulled out a bottle of rose wine from the fridge and started pouring himself some.

"The thing is I'm not going to be a witch it doesn't really fit into my life so I'm not going to need a bodyguard." Drake replied just before a demon shimmered into the room causing Quinn to orb over to Drake before orbing out of Drake's apartment just in time to avoid the demon that was clearly hunting Drake.

Quinn orbed Drake to the alleyway outside of Drake's apartment building both quickly losing footing as Drake fell to the ground with Quinn fall on top of Drake's body.

"Didn't you just say you didn't need a bodyguard?" Quinn laughed while still laying on top of Drake before the two men's eyes caught each other's with a sense of longing.

"I guess you're not too bad at your job." Drake replied before kissing Quinn.

Quinn pulled away from the kiss for a moment as the two looked at each other knowing what they were about to do was far from a good idea but also knowing they couldn't resist any longer as Quinn crashed his lips against Drake's while the couple began passionately kissing as they continued to lay on the ground.

Drake and Quinn continued kissing for several minutes their tongues crashing against each other's while their hands continued to wonder until Quinn suddenly pulled himself of Drake standing up on his feet in the process.

"I'm sorry I really shouldn't have kissed you back." Quinn apologised as Drake stood up to face him.

"Trust me when I say you have nothing to apologize for." Drake said with a sly smirk on his face having clearly just enjoyed himself with the white lighter.

"It's against the rules for anything to happen between us." Quinn revealed to a shocked Drake.

"Hold up so because you're my magical bodyguard and I'm a witch we're not allowed to kiss?" Drake asked him.

"Witches and white lighters are allowed to date nowadays but white lighters aren't allowed to be with demons or even half demons." Quinn admitted. "The elders strictly forbid it."

"Why do these elders get to make all the rules?" Drake wondered.

"Because they're my bosses." Quinn explained before changing the subject. "We should probably get you back to the Halliwell Manor you'll be much safer once you receive your powers."

"I've already told you this whole witch life is just not for me." Drake replied making it clear how he felt about becoming a witch.

Before Quinn had a chance to argue the point of him being safe the same demon shimmered into the alleyway proving his point for him as Quinn quickly grabbed Drake's arm and orbed out of the alleyway once again running from the demon hunting them.

"Look I'm sorry but I refuse to accept this destiny so please tell every both under and on top of this world to leave me alone." Drake told Quinn after the two of them orbed into the attic of the Halliwell Manor.

"The demons from the Underworld won't stop hunting you until your dead so your safest just accepting that this is your life now." Quinn pointed it out bluntly. "You need to decide whether you want to keep running till your dead or learn how to fight back."

Before Drake could respond the demon shimmered into the attic standing right in front of Drake who instantly side kicked the demon in the face causing the demon to fall to the floor instantly.

"Why don't you head straight back to hell and leave me alone already?" Drake shouted at the demon before the demon grabbed a hold of his leg and shimmered away with him leaving Quinn completely horrified.

Despite all the madness of this night Pan had managed to have a successful night with P3's grand reopening and had stayed behind with Paul to clean up the club as much as possible so the cleaners didn't have too much work on their hands in the morning.

"Well despite everything that went down tonight the club reopening was a great success." Paul said to his sister as he held open a bin bag while Pan put rubbish from surround tables and booths into it.

"Look I'm sure Drake will come around eventually this life is a lot for anyone to adjust to." Pan replied hoping to make her brother feel better following his first meeting with his long-lost son.

"I know but the thing is we don't have time to let him come around we need to restore the charmed ones as quickly as possible." Paul explained to her.

"Discovering you're a witch then meeting your adoptive father as well as a charmed conversation is more information than one person can comprehend in one night." Pan told her brother.

"Actually, I never told him that I was his dad." Paul reluctantly admitted.

"Okay," Pan sighed, clearly not too impressed with her brother not telling Drake everything. "What did you tell him?"

"I just let him believe I was his sibling." Paul revealed while tying up the bin bag after Pan finished picking up the rest of the rubbish. "A part of me wanted nothing more than to tell him I was his father and that not a single day had passed where I wish I never gave him up but then I realized if I told him then I'd have to admit I gave him up because he's part demon and the only reason I'm in his life now is because the elders are willing to overlook that fact in favour of bringing back the power of three."

"It's not like you had much choice Paul you were only trying to keep him safe." Pan said as she placed her hand on her brother's shoulder attempting to comfort him.

Before Paul could respond to Pan Quinn orbed into the club instantly interrupting their brother sister moment by doing so.

"Okay don't kill me guys because I tried really hard to stop this happening, but a demon has taken Drake to the Underworld and we should probably get down there like right now before something happens to him." Quinn said frantically, worrying for Drake's life.

"The source is going to be very happy with me." The demon said as he shimmered into a cave within the Underworld while holding Drake tightly.

Drake wasted no time in head butting the demon before hitting with several punches across the face and kicking him once more to the ground before beginning to run off into the tunnels of the Underworld narrowly avoiding a fire ball that was thrown to him by the demon as the demon got back on his feet and began running after Drake.

"There's no escaping from here half breed." The demon shouted as he continued to chase Drake through the dark tunnels of the Underworld with flame torches on it's walls serving as their only light.

Drake continued running through the seemingly endless tunnels until finding himself within another cave in the Underworld only for the demon to shimmer in front of him blocking him from running any further.

Drake wasn't one to give up easily and quickly launched himself at the demon leading to the two fighting each other in which it quickly became clear Drake had the upper hand having had fight training from a young age from Lacey's father Eric not to mention all his police training.

After the demon was once again kicked to the ground he decided to use his powers against the not yet activated witch waving his hand and magically sending Drake flying across the cave his body hitting off the wall before slamming onto the ground as the demon rose back to his feet.

"I'm really going to enjoy killing you." The demon boasted as he summoned a fire ball above his hand only to be left shocked when Paul, Pan and Quinn orbed in front of them, Pan quickly raising her hands straight afterwards and exploding the demon and his ball of fire.

"I was kicking his ass until he cheated using his powers against me." Drake told the three of them as he raised back to his feet before beginning to look around the cave. "I get this placed is called the Underworld, but would it kill them to take some pride in their living quarters?"

"Funny thing about demons they're not particularly big on the whole decorating." Pan replied to him.

"I hope the whole kidnapping was enough to convince you you're safe with us than by yourself?" Paul asked Drake.

"I guess I should probably get those powers now I mean if these guys are going to fight dirty, I'd like to level the playing field." Drake admitted to them. "I'm not saying I'm ready for a welcoming a whole new family into my life, but I supposed for my own safety I'm willing to give things a try."

"Well I guess it's time for a hug." Pan said while grabbing a hold of Paul and dragging him with her as she walked over to Drake and forced the two men into a group hug.

The moment the three witches hugged each other a blue shining light appeared above them like the light that appeared the last time charmed was reborn.

"Charmed is finally reborn." Quinn said with an excited smile on his face.

The newly restored charmed ones Paul, Pan and Drake walked into the attic of the Halliwell Manor before walking over to the book of shadows which was placed on it's usual book-stand in front of the windows.

"I think I briefly seen that book before the whole demon taking me to the Underworld debacle." Drake said to Paul and Pan as the three of them walked over to stand behind the book of shadows. "What's so special about this book of shadows anyway?"

"The book of shadows is centuries old having been passed down from generation to generation of Halliwell witches' dating well back to our ancestor Melinda Warren." Paul explained to him. "This book holds all the information about spells, ingredients for potions, information about demons, witches and several other magical creatures and every Halliwell witch has contributed something to the book making that much more special."

"So, it's like a family grimoire." Drake said as he began scanning through the pages of the book of shadows noticing spells and ingredients for spells writing by Penny Halliwell, by Prue Halliwell, by Phoebe, Piper and Page and several more names before stopping at a page where a spell was written by Melinda Halliwell, the woman he believe to be his mother. "Melinda Halliwell isn't that?"

"Our mother yes." Pan lied while awkwardly looking at a guilty Paul as they shared a look of discomfort over lying to Drake.

"I see." Drake responded with a sense of discomfort before closing the book.

"How about we introduce you to your new witch power as you clearly have your demon power of blinking under some kind of control." Pan said to Drake, attempting to break the ice following some discomfort felt by all three of them. "Traditionally the third charmed one has the power of telekinesis however because you're something like a hybrid like Aunt Paige was I'm going to take a guess and say your power works with a little demonic twist like her power worked with a white lighter twist."

"A demonic twist that sounds interesting." Drake replied before going on to ask. "So, how does it work exactly?"

"Hold out your hand and call for something it doesn't matter what you're calling for just focus your mind on what your calling for as it should appear." Paul explained to him.

"Ice Cream!" Drake shouted while holding out his hands only for a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream to blink into his hands causing him to smile. "I could get used to this."

"I'm going to call it a night and head to bed." Pan said while placing a hand on Drake's shoulder before giving Paul a knowing look as she then turned to face Drake. "It was nice finally getting to meet you."

Pan wasted no time in rushing out of the attic clearly hoping for Paul to speak to his son and divulge the last remaining bit of information that Drake was yet to learn that Paul wasn't his half-brother, Paul was his father.

"I guess this means you're going to have to wait for another day." Drake said while speaking to the tub of ice cream causing Paul to laugh by doing so before Drake went on to ask. "Do you guys have a freezer?"

Suddenly a freezer blinked into the attic crashing into the ground with a loud bang much to Drake and Paul's surprise.

"Well we did." Paul laughed.

Pan walked down the attic stairs and into the first-floor hallway only to find Prue stood in the middle of the hallway clearly waiting for her.

"Well the power of three has been reborn but it's started out with a lie." Pan said to her. "Drake should really know the truth about his parents."

"I know that's how you feel and it's mostly how I feel but it's not up to us to decide that's in Paul's hands only." Prue told her.

"If he doesn't hear it from Paul it won't be long till he works out the truth for him self and then Charmed won't be staying reborn for long." Pan worried.

"Everything will work out the way it's supposed to that's the way it always does whether we like it or not." Prue explained to her great-niece.

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