love struck

By Kakashi_hatake78

107K 2.2K 1.6K

the virus spreading throughout all of konah has forced all students in the academy to be married in there las... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: fun times
Chapter 11: 1 year
Chapter 12: The Struggle
Chapter 13: The rescue success or fail
Chapter 14: Squads?
Chapter 15: Bell Test
Chapter 16: bell test part 2
Chapter 17: Payback is Rough
Chapter 20: Resting
Chapter: 22
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter: 36
Chapter: 37
Where this takes us
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39
Chapter 40:

Chapter 21:

1.1K 25 17
By Kakashi_hatake78

As I stepped toward to moveing bush I felt the air around me shift in anticipation but I continued moveing forward. When I got there I saw what looked like a medium sized teenage girl that had black hair she seemed to be about the same age as me. He turned his gaze up from what he was doing to me. "Hello, you are?" He asked, at first I didnt want to answer his question but he didnt seem suspicious so I answered.

"(Y/n) and you?" "I'm Haku." He stood up and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I in return reached out to return the hand shake he gripped my hand tighter than I thought. As we shook hands I felt a painful impact on the back of my head. My vision began to blur, and I felt myself fall to the ground. I saw Zabuza walk in front of my vision and heard them faintly talking.

"Your sur...his.......... copy cats wife."
" doubt.........." Their voices began to fade and I felt myself submit to a the darkness that blurred my vision.

Kakashi POV

I was definitely worried at this point. I know (y/n) wrote she went to train but I didnt find her when I left to find her. It was now the next day and still no word from her at all. I walked downstairs to get to breakfast. To see everyone already sitting and eating. "Oh hi Kakashi-sensei, have you seen (y/n) I couldn't find her?" I heard Sakura ask.

"No I haven't seen or heard from her since she left to go train. I am going till go look for her after we eat while you guys train." "I'm coming too." "Yeah sensei so am I." "Hn" they all said. "No I will be going alone, Naruto Sasuke have you made it up the tree yet?" I looked at them "No." Nsruto said while naruto just scowled. "But sensei I have I can still come." Sakura said. "Salsa if you come who will watch Tazuna." She looked down in defeat. "But sensei.." I cut naruto off "no buts we all have things we have to do and that's final." Everyone went silent.

We ate breakfast in silence. After we went our separate ways. I was in the forest where (y/n) said she would be training. 'Where could she have gone' I thought to myself. I continued to look for anything to lead me to her. Eventually I gave up searching by myself. I bit my thumb, made the necessary hand signs and slammed my hands on the ground. A puff of smoke emitted and Pakun emerged from within tube smoke.  "Yo Kakashi." He said. "Hey Pakun, I need you to track a scent." I told him. "Who are we looking for?" He asked. "(Y/n)." I spoke simply. "Looking for the misses. Alright I'll get right on it I dont need a scent your crawling with her smell." His words made me slightly blush but nothing noticiable or that my mask couldn't cover.

Pakun began to sniff the ground and he seemed to have picked up some scent because he began following a trail. He jumped onto a tree. "Kakashi." He said. I looked at him to see a Kunai dlip of paper and a clothe whitch I only assumed was (y/n)'s. I walked over there and plucked the kunai from the tree along with the note and clothe. I stuffed the clothe in my pocket and turned to Pakun. "Thanks Pakum." I said to him mean he could leave. "See ya Kakashi." And with that he erupted in a puff of smoke and was gone. I opened and read the note. It said....

"I have the bitch give me the bridge builder and no further harm will come to her."

I was pissed how could I have let this happen. Inlet her be harmed. I crumpled the paper in my hand which was now balled in a fist. I put it in my pocket and ran back to Tazuna's house. When I got there they had begun setting up dinner. I didnt realize I had been gone that long. "Sensei did you find her?" Sakura's voice came to my ears. "No she's with Zabuza." He gasped and asked what I ment. "Well i found this note from Zabuza that he has her and we wont give her back until we either give him Taxuna or he dies." I told her. She looked a bit taken aback but I didn't really want to talk about it anymore.

I sat down and we began eating without the boys. As I finished my meal the door opened showing. The boys coming in supporting each other. "We both made it to the top." I nodded in approval. "Wheres (y/n)?" Sasuke asked. "She has been kidnapped by Zabuza." I said. "What are you serious how could she have been taken." I couldn't take it and walked out of the room. I went to our shared room and undressed in order to go to sleep. I played in the bed trying to go to sleep but found it hard knowing the love of my life was in potential trouble.

I eventually fell asleep at some point because it was now morning. I got ready and left threw room. We ate breakfast in silence because everyone was focused on getting or teammate back. We left Naruto too rest due to his chakra strain in training. We headed to the bridge and when we got there all the workers were unconscious. It began to get foggy around us and I told the kids to get into formation.

Zabuza began to taunt us and I allowed sasuke to pop off and destroy all the water clones. "Haku it seems you have competition." "It does seem that way." I was fed up with this. "Where is my wife." I demanded to know. "Oh shes here." Zabuza said as a clone appeared with her unconcious body in his arms. I ran at the cone and it ran to Healy's side. I stopped a short distance from them. He set down (y/n) and the clone dissolved. "Now Haku." I ran to get (y/n) but I was too late as I heard Haku say, "Ice style: ice prision jutsu" as he finished walls of ice began to surround (y/n). I reached the ice and tried to break it. "Damn it." I said to myself, the ice wouldn't break. "Now hand over the bridge builder and you can have her back." I was furious. I ran at Zabuza and reached for a kunai. When I reached him our kunai clanked against each other. "I will protect the bridge builder and get my wife back" I said in a threatening tone.
Wait I'm not dead. I know IRS been awhile but I honestly didn't know if people liked this book but then I kept getting notifications of people adding my book to their reading list and decided to post a knew chapter.

The next chapter, I probably wont do the fight scene because I usually don't le racing them and it seems like a waste to do if my character is unconscious and the fight won't change I will start writing when the scene is diffrent which will probably happen after haku'sdeath an possibly after or during Zabuza's. I will say timeskip till after fight but I thought I would give you a heads up if you wanted to go refresh yourself on this fight before the next chapter.

As always please let me know how you liked it and please vote. And if you feel like it share it with th h a friend. Uh until next update bye.

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