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What would you do if you could speak with those you'd loved and lost just one more time? Tori Locklear, a cos... Еще



20 3 79

Tori blushes.

She'd come down to the shuttle bay at Kihyun's behest to tell Wonho and Minhyuk that lunch is ready. The pink haired Dhee'li has been growing increasingly agitated as of late with the amount of people whining about being hungry when they don't even make the effort to show up for lunch. Tori can't help but wonder if it might be because some of them don't care for the food from her homeworld, or if it's because they miss their own homeworld's food. Whatever the case, Kihyun is doing the best he can with what he's got, and the stress is starting to wear at him.

What has her currently flabbergasted, however, is the fact that Wonho is shamelessly shirtless. She'd known he was muscular, but damn. Tori has to admit that his body is a work of art. Whatever it is that he's been doing has left a fine sheen of sweat upon his skin, leaving it dewy. And the fact that Minhyuk can't seem to stop snickering in amusement tells Tori that this is probably not the way Wonho normally works.

But he smiles at her so innocently, as if he isn't aware of how good he looks. As if it's nothing out of the ordinary. And it's such a serious contrast from the way his body looks that anyone would be a little flustered. So she can't stop staring at the definition of his abs, or the impressive swell of his biceps. Sue her. She's only human after all.

"Hey Tori!" He exclaims, dropping whatever it is he'd been working on in favor of approaching her with that disarming smile of his. "What brings you down here?"

Silently, Wonho celebrates what feels to him a lot like a victory. He doesn't miss the way her eyes, wide and curious, trace the lines of his body appreciatively. She likes his body, that much is clear. And it might not be much for now, but even if he can just get her to notice him this much…

It's a start.

"Kihyun wanted me to tell you and Minhyuk that lunch is ready, " Tori murmurs, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight before her, "and that if you don't come and eat, then he doesn't want to hear any grumbling about being hungry later."

Placing a hand over her heart, she attempts to to calm herself. Wonho has an amazing body, sure, but it just somehow feels so wrong to ogle him like this when she's so interested in Changkyun. Especially since the telepath recently expressed interest in her as well. He might not even be entirely serious about it, and it might not even lead to anything, but even so…

"Give me just a second and I'll head up, " Wonho announces, interrupting her thoughts. "If you want to wait for me, we can go together."

Tori nods.

Minhyuk abandons his project, standing and stretching with an over-exaggerated yawn. Idly, he approaches the cosmologist, toying with the idea of revealing the reason for Wonho's baffling behaviour. He can see it on the woman's face, she's perplexed. But honestly, he finds the whole situation to be just too funny to ruin by sticking his nose in it.

Wonho is clearly trying to snatch her attention away from Changkyun, and a part of Minhyuk is decidedly curious as to whether or not he'll succeed.

"Do you know what Kihyun made for lunch?" He asks, placing an arm around Tori's shoulders in a measured bid at flirting.

He meets Wonho's displeased eyes with an innocent smile, not bothering to move his arm in the slightest. He has no interest in the woman, at least, not any more interest than he's had in any other woman. The technopath just finds it incredibly amusing to watch Wonho get all flustered and sulky.

By now, the mechanic should know that Minhyuk flirts with anything with breasts and a vagina. It really shouldn't be any surprise to his muscle-bound crewmate that he'd flirt with Tori, especially given the added amusement that comes with riling both him and Changkyun up. Of course, he doesn't mean any harm by it, Minhyuk is just the kind of guy who likes to tease those that he holds dear. And really, the crew knows that. Which is probably the reason he hasn't been tossed out of the airlock yet, that, and his much-needed abilities.

"I helped him make nachos, " Tori mumbles nervously, attempting to shuck away the technopath's arm with very little success.

The guy is like an octopus, she thinks, stuck to her like glue.

"What's nachos?" Minhyuk questions curiously.

The fact that she is ignoring his question and trying so earnestly to remove his arm makes him smile. It seems like the human might actually have a bit of a hidden feisty side, one that rears it's head as her annoyance at his insistence begins to grow.

She tries to peel his arm away, only to find him clutching her shoulder even more tightly. And when she tries to step away, he merely pulls her back. It's been a few days since she joined the crew, and though at first she'd been a little wary of stepping on anyone's toes, she's begun to grow comfortable. So, when he adamantly refused to let go of her, she does the one thing that she's certain will get him to loosen his grip.

She stomps on his toes. Literally.

Wonho busts into a high pitch fit of giggles, eyes crinkled and mouth spread in a wide, amused smile as his finger points at Minhyuk. The technopath, on the other hand, jumps up and down, shouting words that Tori assumes are probably curse words. Not that she can understand them. Apparently the translation device doesn't work on such terms, either that, or there is no English translation.

"I'd really appreciate it if you'd keep your hands to yourself, " she asserts.

It isn't the first time that the white-haired Dhee'li has attempted to flirt with her, or made her uncomfortable with physical contact. But hopefully, after this, it will be the last.

"Duly noted, " Minhyuk concedes, still grimacing in pain.

The little human is far stronger than she looks, and to say that Minhyuk is surprised is one hell of an understatement.

By the time Wonho approaches, now fully clothed much to Tori's relief, his laughter has died down. He still wears a shit-eating grin, however. But he too thinks twice about touching Tori so casually, though he'd like nothing more than to lace his fingers within her own as they amble towards the elevator.

"Whoa!" Wonho marvels. "This is seriously amazing!"

Seated at the galley table with the rest of the crew, he scarfs down the meal that Kihyun and Tori has prepared with gusto. These… nachos, as Tori had called them, are absolutely to die for.

"You guys don't have anything like this where you're from?"

Tori's question is met with several shaken heads and murmured "no's".

"What is this yellow stuff?" Hyungwon asks, eyeing or skeptically.

"It's cheese, " Tori replies, "a highly processed version of it anyway. Do you guys not have cheese where you're from either?"

Again, she is met with the shaking of several heads. She frowns, worries rising to the surface of her mind as that particular realization sets in. If they've never had cheese before, there's every chance that it might not sit well with them. Immediately, she's torn. Should she tell them about lactose intolerance on the chance that it might affect them and ruin the meal? Or does she stay silent and hope that it doesn't apply to Dhee'li physiology?

Belatedly, she realizes that everyone aside from Changkyun has already begun to dig in. Even Hyungwon, who'd seemed so hesitant at first, is now eating eagerly. Tori winces, watching the way that they are enjoying the food. She really and sincerely hopes that it doesn't affect them too terribly later.

"Um, " she murmurs, embarrassed. Just how the hell is she supposed to bring this up to them, especially now that they've all already consumed so much? "Fair warning, the cheese might not sit well with you later…"

Beside her, Changkyun snickers lightly. He tries to hide his amusement, but it's no use. He's thankful, in this moment, for his ability to read minds. Otherwise, he'd be in for just as much trouble as the rest of them. There's only a handful of toilets on the ship, because normally, four toilets is enough. It's highly unlikely that all eight of them would need to use the restroom at the same time, and so it's never been an issue before.

But if Tori's concerns are valid, that's probably going to change, and soon.

"What do you mean?" Wonho asks, taking a momentary break from stuffing his face.

"I mean…" Tori pauses for a moment, trying to figure out how to word this without grossing everyone out excessively. "On my planet, there's something called lactose intolerance. It's when a person's body isn't capable of processing dairy such as milk, or cheese."

Changkyun slaps a hand over his mouth to hide his mirth as the others gaze quizzically at the woman beside him.

"It's especially prevalent in certain cultures, where the consumption of dairy was limited, such as Asia. My point is, because you guys don't have cheese where you're from, you might be lactose intolerant…"

Hyungwon perks up, interested in the subject almost immediately. 

"What are the symptoms for this… lactose intolerance?"

Tori begins to shift uncomfortably in her seat, clearly embarrassed by the subject at hand. Her suspicious behaviour causes several of the males before her to drop their food, worry crossing their faces as they await her response. Not Wonho though. Honestly, she's not sure if he's even listening to her. He seems to be entirely too absorbed in the enjoyment of his food.

Changkyun watches as Jooheon and Shownu push their plates away, suddenly paling considerably. They're not even sure what it is that she's talking about, he realizes, but her behaviour is making them wary and antsy. He tries so hard to stifle his laughter, but is ultimately unable to stop it from spilling forth as he watches Wonho continue to devour what's on his plate, even going so far as to help himself to more from the large plate on the center of the table.

Several eyes shoot annoyed glares at him as he begins to laugh hysterically, but the looks on their faces only fuel his laughter even more.

Tori, on the other hand, is beginning to feel an immense amount of guilt. She's not sure why she didn't think to ask Kihyun about this earlier. He'd obviously been confused by the gigantic block of processed cheese, but she hadn't even questioned it.

"Well, " she reveals nervously, "when someone who is lactose intolerant eats dairy, it gives them a bad case of the shits."

She cringes at the terminology, but really she couldn't think of a better way to word it.

"The… shits?" Hyungwon queries, clearly confused.

Groaning, Tori clarifies.

"Diarrhea. Of the explosive variety usually."

And like that, almost everyone loses their appetite.

When Tori exits her quarters, and makes her way to the kitchen to see if Kihyun needs her help with dinner, there is not a soul to be found. Not in the kitchen, anyway. From the hallway she can definitely hear the sound of several angry, shouting voices. Or perhaps miserable and desperate might be the more accurate way to describe what she is currently hearing.

"Move out the way! Damn the Prime, " Shownu shouts, "I'm the captain for fuck's sake! I can't shit my pants!"

"Better you than me!" Minhyuk yells in return.

Tori hears the sound of the door opening, only to be shut once more. As she walks down the hall, she happens upon a scene that she really shouldn't find comical. She really, really shouldn't. And yet, somehow, it's almost too funny to hold it in.

Shownu has grabbed Minhyuk by the collar of his shirt, a pained groan escaping from the both of them as they both suddenly go stiff as a rod. Jooheon is sweating bullets, eyes nearly shaking as he clutches his stomach and groans.

"Don't jostle, please Shownu!" Minhyuk groans.

"Get off the toilet Changkyun!" Jooheon pleads desperately. "You're not even suffering like the rest of us are!"

Tori watches as Changkyun strolls from the bathroom, not even bothering to hide his own amusement at the expense of their fellow crewmates.  The three of them, Jooheon, Shownu, and Minhyuk, each rush towards the door. They shove at one another, each desperate to be first to claim the toilet that Changkyun has vacated.

Honestly, Tori does feel sorry for them. But it's also somehow so comedic, she just can't seem to help herself.

As she lays in bed, staring at the ceiling, she wonders if the others are feeling a bit better now. Once the hilarity of the situation died down, she'd been awash with guilt. She really should have thought about such a thing before proposing nachos for lunch. Resolving to be more careful in the future, she sighs.

Hopefully they don't blame her for this mishap.

She also hopes that everyone will be ready for the events soon to take place. Just earlier, Minhyuk had finally installed the translation device into the navigation terminal. He'd helped her, showed her how to operate it by setting the coordinates for Jupiter. By his estimation, they should arrive at their destination within the span of a few weeks.

The realization that they are really going to brave Jupiter's massive storm has her feeling a bit more anxious than she'd even thought it would. Sure, she'd known she'd feel trepidation. But nothing could compare to the nervousness that is riding her now.

Briefly, she wonders if her parents are okay. How are they handling her absence? Surely they've received her text message by now. It eats at her that she'll never know their reaction, but at this point, there's simply no helping it. There's no turning back now.

Tori allows her thoughts to turn to Andrew. Over the last few days there hasn't been a whole lot of opportunity to think, and as a result, she'd pushed all thoughts of him aside. To be honest, she regrets not attending his funeral at least. But again, there's no helping it now.

The soft chime of the door alerts her, tells her that someone is seeking entrance to her quarters. It isn't as though she's even figured out how to lock the thing, so it's more out of respect for her privacy than anything else that whoever's there is pressing that little panel next to her door. All of the sleeping quarters have one. It's a nifty little thing that scans your palm when pressed to it, ensuring that only those who are programmed into the ship's data logs as a part of the crew can enter.

Rising from her bed, she crosses the small room fairly quickly. And as she touches the panel on her side, the door whooshes open to reveal none other than Changkyun himself.

"Hey, " he greets cheerfully, "how are you holding up?"

His eyes scan her face, smile fading into a slight frown as he picks through her thoughts. Gentle fingers trace soft lines upon her cheeks, and she smiles as she soaks in the comfort that he is offering her. In truth, he isn't quite sure what to say.

He's glad that she came with them, glad to have her at his side. It's selfish, and he's fully aware of it, but he's really grateful that she is here instead of with her parents. He can't say that he's sorry, not in the slightest. But he can pull her mind away from such morose thoughts, and he's only too happy to do so.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" He murmurs in question.

Tori smiles softly once more, and simply shakes her head.

"Well you are, " Changkyun insists as he grabs her hand.

Tori allows him to lead her back into her room, warmth spreading across her cheeks as they sit together upon her bed. She's not so sure about whether or not she's pretty, but she has to admit that Changkyun is absolutely stunning. He must have taken a shower recently, because his blonde hair is still damp, and the fringe of his bangs obscures his brow.

Her hand is still held securely within his own, and her thoughts are now preoccupied with the nearness of him. She can smell whatever product it is that he uses in the shower, and his body nearly radiates heat. Idly, she wonders if his skin would be warm to the touch.

"You can touch me, " he asserts, "I meant it when I said that I like you."

The flush of her cheeks intensifies, and Tori finds herself wondering just how bold she can be. His permission hangs in the air as the wheels in her head turn. And it is with trembling fingers that she reaches forth with her free hand.

Eyes locked on his, she decides to be a little daring. Her fingers dive beneath the hem of his shirt, and she trails apprehensive digits along the skin of his stomach, following a path to his chest. His skin is smooth, and true to imagination, warm. The softness of his skin is enviable, but all thought flees from her mind when his throat releases a delighted sort of half hum.

Palm now flat against the span of his chest, she splays her fingers out. Really, she hadn't thought about what she'd do after this. Honestly, it's enough that she's even touching him like this. She truly can't complain.

But Changkyun wants more.

He is mesmerized by the look of awe in her eyes, and painfully aroused by the thoughts running through her mind. She wants to kiss him, wants him to tangle their limbs together and claim her in the way a man claims his woman. And by the Prime, he wants that too. But not yet. Not when she doesn't know exactly what it would mean to him.

So instead, he leans forward, studying the way her eyes close in anticipation. Changkyun places his free hand strategically upon the nape of her neck and uses it to pull her closer. And as his lips brush against hers, he could swear that he has found paradise.

Her lips are hesitant at first, clearly inexperienced. But as he continues, those soft and petal-like lips begin to reciprocate with enthusiasm. His assault upon her lips is evenly matched by her assault upon his mind. Connected like this, it's as if her thoughts are his own, and he simply can't help but to hear them loud and clear.

She wants this, likes this. His lips are soft, and they feel so good. It's just a kiss. Just the gentle pressing of lips. So why does it feel so good?

She wants to touch him, wants him to touch her. And as the kiss continues, as he earnestly devours everything that he dares to, her thoughts begin to turn towards frustration.

"Why won't he touch me?"

"Does he not feel the same? My heart is beating so hard, is his not moved at all?"

Frustration claws at him, bubbling from within with so much force that he unconsciously tightens his grip upon her neck. The way that she mewls in response doesn't help, and he wants nothing more than to rip away that last barrier between them and claim her for his own. But he can't. It's torture. Of course his heart is beating just as wildly as hers is. Of course he feels the same way. He wants nothing more than to lay her down and crawl within her very skin, to mark her, and claim her. To make her his.

And someday… someday he will. He'll fill her up so thoroughly, claim every inch of her body. When he's done with her, neither of them will be able to tell where one begins and the other ends. But that day is not today. And so, it is with great displeasure that he finally pulls away.

When her eyes flutter open they are filled with questions. Questions that he isn't sure he can answer. He's almost afraid to tell her why he can't take things any farther. What if she changes her mind entirely as a result? If the things that she and Hyungwon talked about are true, the level of commitment he requires of her might scare her.

Changkyun can't bear the thought.

"Why did you stop?" Tori groans.

It feels like there is a fire in her belly, and a tingling sensation pervades her senses. Disappointment floods her very being. Who knew that a kiss could get her so hot and bothered?

"I just don't want to rush you into anything, " Changkyun claims breathlessly. "Please don't doubt that I want it too."

It takes everything he has not to cave to the look in her eyes. The way that she bites at her lower lip has his heart pounding into overdrive. He tries to ignore her thoughts, riddled as they are with vague images that make his dick want to stand at attention. Already he's probably crossed the line a little too much. Even just that simple taste of her lips is enough to have him hooked. If he wasn't sure that he wanted her before, he certainly is now.

She doesn't even know it yet, but there is no turning back for him. Should she choose to walk away from him once she discovers the Dhee'li way of things, Changkyun is certain that he will be left suffering. No one else's lips could possibly suffice now.

And as her thoughts fill the small room, he is relieved to realize that she is equally as hooked.

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