Second Chance at Love Vol. I...

By Jennbyars

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Beautiful, elegant, and intelligent, Addison Reade gave up her dreams of being a doctor long ago when she mar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

45 4 0
By Jennbyars

It was going to be the first time Addison was able to watch the guys' band, and she really wanted to thank Win for letting her vent last night. When she opened her closet she was stumped. She wasn't going to work, so scrubs were out, and she wasn't on stage, so rocker clothes were out. It was Margie who came in and told her to just be herself; that really helped.

So in a simple pair of jeans, and a nice silky blouse Addison's was ready to go the Tab. Her stomach was in her throat when they made it to the club, and she was second-guessing her choice of clothing when she saw all the other girls wearing eye-popping cloths. But she wasn't going for sexy, she going to be just herself and see if Win thought the same way she did.

They all went and sat a table that was closest to the stage but away from the people standing right waiting for the show. Tia took her seat all smiles; she really liked Andy, and he seemed totally into her. She waved at him when he was siting behind his drum. He smiled and winking, making her giggle. Addison loved to see her sister happy, especially after the two heartbreaks she'd gone through.

Cheers and whistles stated when South took the stage but was shock when she saw that he had a black eye, and a split lip. When Win stepped out into the lights, he also had a nice shiner and he didn't look to be on friendly terms with South.

"What the hell happened between those two?" She whispered to Lynn.

"Don't stress over it, it's a guy thing. They must've disagreed about something." Lynn grinned, with a slide glance at her.

"I sure hope it wasn't over me," she sighed.

"I wonder..." Lynn laughed

She crossed her arms shaking her head at Lynn, when Win look over at her and gave her a smile that sent shivers down her spine. She knew right then her heart was in trouble. But then South growled something at him, and he nodded, getting ready.

"Yup, but they're still playing together so whatever got settled," Lynn said easily.

Win strummed his guitar and she was in heaven. Watching him, and the other guy, then she looked over at South, who could really sing—no wonder they had scouts coming out to Cleveland to see them.

The music was hard and fast, and all the girls were upfront eating it up and screaming out their names. She watched as they bounced along with the beat, raising their arms and singing the songs. Then she saw that girl who she saw in the hall with Win and she hated to admit it but, she was jealous.

Margie had come back to the table with some new guy. This guy was all over her, and she was soaking up the attention. She let him start kissing her graphically. Addison shook her head thinking they needed to go get a room when she looked to Rex, who was watching her from the stage. He missed a chord, then he shook his head, making sure he didn't look there way again.

"Hey Margie, what happened with Rex?" she asked.

"He's a jerk! That's what happened," she answered.

"Did something happen?"

"Nothing to worry about Ad. I've got it covered." She winked. She sat back, wrapping her arm around this new guy's neck, getting ready for round two.

Mindy was quiet but interrupted before he could get his tongue down Margie's throat. "So are you going to introduce us to your new friend?"

"Bob, the girls. Girls, Bob." Then she took a shot in her hand, threw it back, and went back to kissing...Bob.

Addison crossed her arms, looking over at Mindy who shrugged, and Lynn's eyes glanced Ad's way and whispered. "Lots of shit was going down in Cleveland tonight, who would've thought?"

"Hey, Lynn," A cute small blue-haired girl smiled.

"Hey, you made it!" She smiled, giving her a hug. "Girls, this is Betsy. Betsy, this is my family."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you all," she waved. Addison cracked a grin and got a push for it.

"Hey, not cool, Lynn." Addison laughed

"Shut up and watch your man on the stage."

Tia heared that comment and looked over her shoulder at Lynn. "Hey, who's her man?"

"Win, of course." Lynn laughed.

Tia's mouth made a little O, and then she looked at her sister, nodding her head. "Yeah, I liked him for her too."

"I'm glad you guys chose my man for me, but are you sure you informed him of this decision?" she laughed, kicking her feet up on Mindy's lap. Lynn smiled, putting her beer bottle to her lips rather than comment, and her arm around Betsy.

Tia had her elbows on the back of the chair, watching Andy, Margie was sucking so much face Addison was afraid they were going to eat each other alive, and Mindy was giggling at the whole scene.

"I'm going to go get a drink. Anybody want something?" Mindy asked getting up.

"Yeah, I'll take a take water please," She shouted over the music.

After a while, Addison noticed Mindy hadn't come back and she was really thirsty. She turned her head looking for Mindy's bobbed brunette hair when she spotted her. She was talking to a guy who looked familiar; she just couldn't place him from only the back of his head.

Inferno sand their last song and South gave all the girls at his feet an infectious smile. "Thanks for coming out tonight! See you next week, and good night!" South screamed out as Win let loose on an ending riff taking a bow.

About fifteen minutes later the guys walked toward their table. Addison was trying to play it cool but was a nervous mess. She took her beer in hand, taking a sip and watched Win make his way to her.

His eyes never left her, as a sexy grin grew as he came closer when the girl from the other night stopped him. She rubbed herself all over him, but he gently pushed her aside.

Win took the seat next to her where Mindy was sitting and smiled. His eyes were bright from the show, and damn he looked sexy. He had gone and cleaned himself up before he came out and she smiled, taking another sip of her beer, appreciating the male next to her.

"So what did you think?" he asked, leaning closer.

"I thought you guys totally kicked ass. You've definitely got your thing going on here," she laughed.

South came up to the table frowning at her, as he now had some girl in his arms. Then Rex showed up with some woman who looked, honestly, as if she forgot to put on enough clothing to cover herself, and seemed to be trying to match Margie in the sucking-face contest.

Win cleared his throat, and her attention was focused back on him. "What I really wanted to know is, what you thought of my playing?" he asked, in his voice rough and sexy voice.

Addison looked over his gorgeous face, and her eyes fell to the piercing on his lip, then met his blue eyes. "I think you were fantastic," she blushed.

He leaned in, taking her by the back of the neck to pull her to his lips. Her hand went to the side of his face as he slipped his tongue in her mouth, making her melt.

"About fucking time," Andy chuckled, placing Tia in his lap and kissing the side of her neck.

Win pulled back, looking into her eyes. "So I take it that I'm forgiven and you're willing to give me a chance?" he grinned.

"Yes, playboy. I say let's give this a chance," she smiled, then her hand touched his blackened eye. "Nice shiner, by the way. Do I need to be concerned that South has one too?"

"No, angel. We worked everything out," he answered, pulling her chair even closer to his.

"I don't want to be the one who breaks up your friendship, Win," she sighed.

He leaned in once more, kissing her lips softly. "Angel, you're not" he assured her.

Addison was enjoying the taste of Win when a voice from her past broke through the happy moment. "You guys were really good. I can absolutely see the potential here. I've found a couple of bands from the 'net, but you guys are the whole package, and that's very marketable."

She pulled her head back from Win's kiss and looked at one of her husband's best friends, Nickels Monroe. Margie quit sucking face and put her hand over Bob's mouth, pushing him back from her to make sure what she was seeing was real.

Tia looked about ready to have a panic attack, hopping out of Andy's lap and blinking her eyes, and pointing at Nickels. She looked to Addison, and Addison could tell this was going to cause some havoc with Tia's nerves. And Lynn, she just sat back, crossing her arms and glaring at her longtime lover.

South was beaming, and Rex looked over at him grinning like an idiot. "Great! I'm glad you liked it, so you think you might have a place for us with your label?" South asked.

Win took Addison's hand, pulling her out of her seat and tried to pull her onto his lap, but she wouldn't go. Nickels watched the whole thing and a cruel smile broke across his face. "I think that's a definite possibility. But we'll have to discuss the contract" Nickels explained.

Nickels leaned on the table, staring over at Addison. Win took her hand, pulled her down to his lap, and tightened his arm protectively around her waist. Nickels glanced at Win and then glared at Addison. "You know, there's been a rumor that there's a new female band playing here too. They say that there the whole package with a lead singer that gives the guys a walking hard-on."

She just sat there listening to Nickels spew his shit when Lynn leaned forward so he was looking at her and not Addison. "You don't want any trouble if your boy comes around here, do you? Can you imagine the publicity nightmare? I wonder if you could handle that kind of damage control... if he lost his shit, again?"

But Win was pissed and Addison saw his arm twitch. "I don't care if you're some big time fucking record producer, in fact I don't give a shit who you are. Nobody talks to Addison that way! Are we clear?" he growled.

A smirk that Addison knew all to well appeared on Nickels "Shit, Addie. You always do have the guys fighting over you, don't you? Do you already have these two at each other's throats? Did they say they wanted to marry too? " He chuckled.

Tia gasped, and Lynn and Margie both stood up, glaring at him. But Addison just sat in Win's lap, crossing her arms and trying very hard to keep her anger in check. "Don't push me, Nickels, I'm done with this shit, and that includes yours. All I want is to be left alone."

"You know I can't do that." Nickels frowned.

"Don't tell him where I am, it will do neither of us any good, and you know it. I'm out, so just get him to sign the damn papers. Then he won't see my ass again and we can both move on!" She growled.

"He won't move on Addie! You already know this!" He raged hitting the table.

"You better back the fuck off." Win warned, jumping up and pulling her behind his back. But Nickels didn't back down, and Addison knew all too well that he had no problem is staring a commotion.

People started whispering all around them, then the cells were being pulled from their pockets and started recording. "Outside, now!" she hissed, turning with the girls and heading out so they didn't cause a scene.

She tromped into the parking lot and let it all out. Things were finally going her way; the last thing she wanted was for Win to be involved with anything of her old life. "I want you gone! Just go back home and have Jimmy sign the damn divorce papers!" She screamed.

Nickels ran a hand through his black hair and shook his head. "He won't sign the papers, Addie! I've tried to talk some sense into him, but he's got people out looking for you now! He's not writing, singing, hell he says he won't tour unless you're with him." He roared.

"Oh, so now he won't tour without me? Nice try, but I haven't toured with him in over three years. And as far as I can tell, you've kept him stocked up on any girl he wanted" She snapped.

"Look, I admit that I started all this shit. But I just want all of this be over, so let's be friends again and call it a day," he asked her in frustration.

"Now you want to make amends? Now I'm good enough for him, Nickels? What, because some fucking movie star didn't want him like you were hoping, now I can have him back?"

"He broke it off with her, because of you." He argued.

"Well doesn't that just make me the lucky one" She hissed.

"You know he still loves you and I know you still love him." He added.

"No not any more Nickels, he broke that. And you, You've wanted me out of his life since we were ten. Well, guess what, you've got your wish, I'm gone, I've found someone else," she seethed.

His hands went to his hair, then dropped. "He made a mistake. It kills him that you're not coming home. He told me he'll even go to counseling to get you back. Why don't you and the girls just come home? Come on..." He countered.

"It's not only the one mistake and you know it! There's been multiples woman, and the last time he saw me, he put me in the hospital! He's not himself anymore... No, I can't do this, I won't! Just get him to sign the damn papers!" she yelled at him before walking away.

Lynn crossed her arms glaring at Nickels. "Man, you have some nerve saying the shit you just did, you know that?" She hissed and followed after Addison.

"Lynn...please," he sighed, but she flipped him off and turned throwing her arm around Betsy and walked off.


Win sat by the truck, waiting for the girls to finish the conversation they were having with each other. Mindy made her way back to the group after this Nickels left; apparently, something had made her very unhappy.

South came up and stood next to Win. "Hey, you remember the night she was drunk and woke up in your bed, wasn't that the name she said, Nickels?"


"She told him she found someone else. You catch that?"

"Yeah, I caught that," Win nodded.

"So are you going to ask her what the hell is going on?"

"Well, I'm not so fucking stupid that I haven't figured out that she's married and trying to get a divorce. And not only that, but I'm guessing to someone famous."

They saw Mindy getting defensive with Lynn. Addison stepped in but then Mindy started yelling at her, pointing a finger in her face. That made Margie get in Mindy's face and scream profanities, pushing her back.

Rex walked up next to South, watching everything play out. "So should we go over and stop whatever shit that's going on? I don't think I've ever heard Margie say a foul word or raise her hand, and now I've seen both."

Andy stood in front of Win's truck, and they could all see Tia was white as a sheet; Addison pulled her into her shoulder as she started to cry. At that Andy started to pace not sure what to do.

"No, this is their family, and it looks like the girls are working some shit out," he answered.

Addison pulled away from the group, walking Tia over to Andy. He ran to meet them halfway when Addison sighed. "Would you mind if you could bring her home?"

"But Ad, I need to make a decision too," Tia whimpered whipping away her tears.

"I know your decision, sweetheart. Let your big sister take care of it, okay."


"Tia. I know. You want to stay, but you're afraid. Let us come up with a plan, okay?"

She nodded, and Addison looked over at Andy. "Don't push her. She doesn't talk much when she's this upset. Okay?"

He went to take Tia from her arms and wrapped her in his. "Yeah, don't worry about it. I'll take care of her," he told her, kissing Tia's head and heading to his beat-up car. She looked back at the three men, watching their argument.

"This might take a while. Why don't you guys take off, we'll be back at the apartment soon."

Win leaned back against the truck once more, crossing his foot over his ankle. "Angel, I'm not leaving this spot unless you're with me."

"Okay, thanks" she nodded, turning to walk back to the heated argument that was still going on between Margie and Mindy.

South watched, but he looked back at his Camaro where his catch for the night sat waiting. "I guess I'll leave you to it then," he said, turning back to his friend. "You know I'm in love with her too, right?"

"Yeah, I do."

"I get what you said now. You caught something I didn't; you listened." South acknowledged. He patted Win on the back and with keys in hand, went to take off.

A half-hour later Addison broke up the starting of an all-out fight. Win heard Mindy yell at them that they could all go fuck off, then she stomped off. Lynn said something to Margie and Addison before she walked with keys in hand to the purple beast. Rex pushed himself away from the truck. "That's my cue guys."

Addison walked up and didn't say anything. So Win reached out, taking her in his arms. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked kissing the top of her head.

"I don't want to tell you everything yet. I want you and me to get to know each other without my past, and getting in the way. But in all fairness, I'll answer what I can."

"Okay, I can live with that for now."

"So..." She sighed.

"You're married." He nodded.

"Yes, but I've been fighting for a divorce for over two years now. He won't sign the papers."

"So it's like you're separated."

"I guess you could say that."

"Would I know who this person is?"

She stayed quiet and tucker her head into his chest.

"How long have you known him?"

"I meet him when I was ten in foster care. You could say he was my first love," she mumbled.

"Can I ask you something very personal?"

"You can ask..."

"Addison, how many men have you been with?"

He felt her shoulders sag. "Why? Is what I tell you going to change your opinion of me?"

"No, I'm just working things out in my mind."

"Are you afraid I'm too wild, or the wild thing you were hoping for, to tame now?"

"Neither, really just curious."

"Two, I've only been with two men. So, too tame for a playboy like yourself?" She sighed

"No angel, that makes it even better."

She looked up at him and even in the soft moonlight, he could see those amazing violet eyes shimmering up at him. "But tonight I was hoping to make it three men," she whispered.

When she said those words, he couldn't take any more. He wrapped her in his arms, taking that sweet mouth. As he slipped his tongue in, tasting her, she clasped her arms around his neck and he picked her up, loving the feel of her body up against his.

He opening the door and putting her in his truck. He ran to the other side, hopped in and started the engine. "My place or yours?" he asked, pulling out of the parking lot.

"Yours, Tia and I share a room." She explained.

"Okay, angel, I won't argue," he chuckled.

As they walked into the building he wanted to just pick her up and run to her apartment. He stayed calm walking up the stairs with her, but as soon as he unlocked the front door and they stepped inside, he scooped her up into his arms, kissing her hungrily.

He switched on the lights and shut the door and took her in his arms and kissed her. Sh moaned as he took her breast in his hand "God, angel, I've been waiting so long to hear that sound," he growled.

He laid her on the bed, kicking off his shoes, and peeling off his shirt. "You want me to get undressed?" she asked him as his pants came off.

"Oh angel, I want you naked. And I want to strip you one piece of clothing at a time."

There was a nightlight glowing in the corner, as his hands went to her stomach, pulling up the silky material. His hands felt her soft skin, making their way down to her jeans. He unsnapped her jeans, pulled them down her legs, then threw them to the floor.

His eyes wandered over her, his erection digging into his leg. He shifted his leg, moving up her body, going under her back and unsnapping that bra. His fingers took the straps, pulling off the material, revealing the most amazing tits that he'd only gotten a glimpse of before.

His hands went down to her hips and she stopped him. "Wait, before I'm completely naked, would you take off your boxers?" she asked him shyly. Lord, he was already so fucking in love.

He smiled as he got up, quickly stripping them off, then swiftly reached for her thin silky panties. As soon as he slipped them off he saw a glimpse of silver from her warm slit. His finger ran over her piercing that she had in her swollen nub, and she gasped.

He moaned, feeling her naughty piercing, slipping his finger into her hot wet center. "Oh fuck, angel. I'm not going to last tonight," he whispered, heading down her body.

He licked her soft skin, taking nibbles and kisses until he made his way to her breasts. He took one generous mound that his hand didn't even begin to cover, groaning when he got the first taste of that sweet nipple that he'd been dreaming of.

The rosebud hardened in his mouth as his tongue swirled around it, making it hard enough to suck the pebble into his mouth. She gasped, running her fingers through his hair, making him smile at the thought of her enjoying his touch.

Releasing her nipple he kissed, licked and nibbled down her body. When he was at the edge of the bed he got up, pulling her ass to the edge before getting to his knees. Her feet went to his shoulders, as he took his fingers, spreading her open to him.

He licked over her center once as he hit the silver round stud. She gasped aloud and her back came off the bed as her hand clenched into his hair. "Oh Winston!" she cried out, and his dick throbbed.

He chuckled as his mouth took in the pieced nub, sucking on it, making her hips buck; he reached up, grabbing onto her tit as he continued his playing with her. But when he stuck his tongue deep inside her she took his hair, pulling him away from her.

"No more teasing, Win." she told him in a deep, raspy sexy voice so full of lust and so commanding, his resistance broke and the exploration was over.

Win hurried off the bed, got into his wallet and pulled out the condom he shoved in there this afternoon. He quickly slipped in, going back to her. He nestled himself between her thighs, slipping his fingers inside her to make sure she was ready for him.

Her hands went to his hair pulling his mouth to hers as she took control of the kiss, but broke free as he hit her sweet spot. "Please, no more teasing." Her breath hitched, and a loud moan filled the room, and he was done.

His hands opened her up, finding her slick entrance. She looked into his eyes as he pushed inside her. "Fuck, angel!" he groaned when he was completely in.


When he entered, her hips thrust up to meet him. She wrapped her legs around his back. "Faster," she whispered. He smiled, accommodating her, then the smile faded as he pulled out and slipped back inside her with a grunt when he hit her depths. His mouth was on her again and she opened freely as he explored her mouth, taking it as he did her body.

He quickly released her, slipping out, but before she could protest he flipped her over on her stomach. Her hair fell forward as he grabbed her hips, pulling her ass in the air. He thrust forward, pushing into her and she screamed out in pleasure.

Kisses ran down her back, and his hands came around cupping her breasts, holding them in his hands while they bounced with his movements. He pinched a nipple and her panting became harder. "I'm there!"

One hand left her breast, going in between her legs, finding the sensitive swollen nub that was ripe for him to touch. And when he slipped his fingers between her exposed folds, teasing it, she threw her head back as her body spasmed in ecstasy.

"Win, yes! There... That's it, don't stop!" she called out, her body squeezing around him. When her body was just about done, Win grabbed her hips, pulling her to meet his hard pounding of her pussy; she felt his balls slapping her tender nub, tickling it and setting her off again, his movements in short hard jerks.

"Oh fuck baby, so fucking good, angel!" he grunted loudly, and she could feel his body become taut as his orgasm came. His movements slowed and his grip on her hips loosened, as his body shuddered one last time.

A smack echoed through the room as he slapped her ass. "Ouch! You aren't supposed to do that after sex, Win, it's during sex, or maybe a little bit before," she grinned playfully at him.

He slipped out of her and she dropped to the bed, turning over to watch him clean himself up, before heading back to bed with her.

When he lay on his back he took up most of her bed. "Are you sure you want to stay in your bed tonight? I think I'm taking up the whole thing," he chuckled to her.

"I have to warn you, I'm going to wrap myself around you." She smiled, hugging herself close to him, placing her head on his shoulder and draping her leg over his, her hand in the trail of hair from his navel to his extremely well-endowed manhood.

"I like that the curtains match the carpet. Very sexy," she purred, as she caressed his stomach. A deep chuckle came from his chest. "What, you think I dyed my hair this color?"

She shrugged; her hand went down a little further feeling his now soft cock. "Angel?" He groaned as her fingertip went to the tip, feeling the metal circle. "I thought I saw a glimpse of silver. I can't tell you how that turns me on," she whispered, kissing the side of his chest. "Everything about you I find extremely sexy."

He rolled on top of her. "Are you on birth control?"

She shook her head. "I can't take birth control, it makes me sick."

"Any kind of birth control?"

"It's the hormones, or that's what they told me."

"Angel, as much as I want you touching me with those sexy needy hands of yours if you don't stop I'm not going to be able to stop myself from having you again. And the thought of being deep inside you with nothing on is getting me so fucking turned on right now I can barely think straight," he whispered and she giggled.

"You don't work tomorrow, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm off. We're playing tomorrow night. Are you going to be there?"

"I wouldn't be anywhere else," he said, kissing the side of her neck.

She stiffened, thinking of all the times she was going to miss him, and all the groupies who were going to be throwing themselves at him.

"Hey, I can tell you're freakin' over something, what's going on?"

She shook her head as they made themselves comfortable again, and he held her close to his side. "Hey, put that sexy leg back on me." So she did.

"Addison, tell me what's making you upset."

"I'm going to miss you playing. You won't have your girlfriend waiting for you when you're done." She whispered.

"That's what's bothering you? Andy doesn't have Tia there all the time either, but he just has a beer and talks with us, waiting for her to get off."

"But I work all the time, Win. It won't be the same for us, I'm not going to be around, when we're out I'm going to get paged to come in. Are you sure you can handle something like that?"

"I've seen what time you come home. I've also seen you get up after three hours of sleep and head back to work. I want to be the guy picking your sexy ass up, the one who gets to have you all to himself when you're not saving someone's life."

"Just promise me one thing?" She smiled hugging him close.

"Anything, angel," he murmured sleepily.

"If you find that this is too difficult for you, or when I tell you everything about me and you're not sure if you can handle it...just tell me. Please don't have me walk in on you with another woman."

His arms stiffened. "Addison, I'm not going to cheat on you. We'll deal with your past when we've secured our future, okay, baby?" he yawned.

"Okay, Winston," she whispered, and he kissed the side of her head.

"Night, angel."

"Night, playboy."

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