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After going to jail for manslaughter, Regina WestWood wants a normal quiet life when she comes out. However... More

Hierarchy I
Heirarchy II
Heirarchy III


5.7K 183 87

August 2016

I smile at Ethan as I slid into the seat across from him. He beamed in response and grabbed the phone to talk to me.

"Your hair is shorter." He comments and I nod my head a little, I had to cut it so I could fight better.

"How you doing E?"

"Well things in school is getting better." He replies, "I finally have a group of friends I can talk to."

He seems happy, the last time I saw him he was crying hysterically and I couldn't touch him to make it better.

"I'm glad, Ethan but remember, your family is all you have, so I hope you're telling mom and dad where you're going at night."

He rolled his eyes, "Duh, you know they don't let you out otherwise."

Well I still found my way out so he could too but I don't want to patronise him any further. He's the good one. He would never end up where I am.

"Mom cried after you called." He tells me, "She was so happy she called Tiffany, her new best friend, and told her."

"Tiffany?" I ask

"Yeah she has a daughter in jail as well, she's the mom of the guy I was telling you about in Richmond high that's been helping me out." He informs me, "I don't know the whole story but for some reason they can't talk to her or come visit. Real sad. But you know, now mom has someone to talk to about all of this."

I hum in response, "Well you know I would love for you guys to visit more but that can't happen."

He nods his head and darts his eyes to the guards that's literally breathing down my neck, I blink once in response which he knows means yes.

"Wrap it up Kicker." The guards says and I sigh before saying my goodbyes to a reluctant Ethan.

Usually I would argue about how it's been less than five minutes when we're guaranteed 30 but I can't afford any more run-ins with these crazy people.

I have too much at stake

October 2018

"Are we getting in or what?" I ask as we come across Vivian's indoor pool on our walk around her house.

We'd spent the time just talking about everything and I can't help but feel at ease with Caleb, like I can talk to him about anything.

"I'm down if you are." He shrugs and I grin putting my drink down and turning around telling him to unzip me, he doesn't mention anything about the large scar on my back which I'm grateful for.

I hold the front of the catsuit to my chest and turn back to him, "Alright get in and turn around."

"Oh so I don't get a show?" He comments whilst taking off his shoes and his trousers.

I roll my eyes but don't say anything till he's in and turns around like I told him to. Getting this catsuit off was harder than I expected considering that it's literally so tight to my skin.

"You still there?" Caleb speaks and I reply with a yes before finally pulling the suit off both my legs and throwing it behind me where it landed near the entrance before getting in.

"You can turn around now."

He follows my orders and smiles at me a little, "Well since we're in here we've got to have a race."

We spent the next few minutes messing around in the pool and I'm glad he didn't do anything stupid like dunk my head in the water cause it'll have just ruined the vibe.

"Bold move getting me away with everyone watching." I comment as we slow down and reach the drinks we left on the side.

He circled the drink in his hands as he looked at me, "Why would I hide?"

"Well I am the resident murder." I couldn't help but comment on. He seemed so nonchalant about that this whole time. Never mentioning it or making any signs that it bothered him and I guess I want to fluster him a little.

"Well Ethan told me what you did to get into jail a while back." He tells me and I'm shocked that Ethan disclosed that kind of information with him. "He also told me how he thinks you were pushed into that situation."

"Pushed?" I ask wanting to understand my brothers perspective. We've never talked about what I did and I guess he was comfortable with Caleb for some weird reason.

"You were 15, Regina. With a guy who was way older than you involved in things a 15 year old shouldn't be involved in. If that's not manipulation I don't know what is. You found the only way out." His eyes seem to always find my soul when he speaks to me, it's almost intimidating and I can't seems to snap the eye contact, "Why should I judge you for something you did back then when I'm looking at you now knowing you can't be capable of that now?"

I open my mouth the respond but finding that have nothing to say I just close it again.

"Plus," he adds, "I know someone In jail and she doesn't belong there."

This was news to me and I couldn't help but have a shocked expression on my face, "What's she in for?"

"Extortion." He replies, "But the situation was a lot more complex than that. The time she has isn't justified and my family and I tried to fight it but there's only so much you can do."

Extortion? That means she would have been in Rainview with me. But how does he know her? Everyone except Bambi that was in for extortion were part of Finn's gang.

"But yeah," he continues, "That's why I was more sympathetic to you in the beginning, you kinda reminded me of her and I didn't like the way Kayla went at you."

I don't think he has siblings so was this girl his girlfriend or something? That must be horrible, having your girlfriend go in for extortion of all things.

"Do you still feel that way?" I ask, "Are you still helping me cause you feel sorry for me?"

"I'm helping you cause I like you." Was his straightforward response, "I like how you don't take shit from anyone and even with everything you've been through you still know how see the best in things, I like how-"

I didn't let him finish because I could help but kiss him.

He freezes and just stays there and I feel my heart drop into my stomach. I feel like an absolute idiot. Clearly, he only likes me as a friend.

I pulled away from him, "Shit sorry, sorry I shouldn't have-"

An arm snakes around my waist and he pulls me closer towards him, with his other hands he raises my chin so my eyes meet his before he kisses me.

He's holding onto me like he's been wanting this for a while now and I couldn't help but smile as I kissed him back.

Damn so this what real kissing feels like? With Finn it always felt like it was a chore. He would kiss me a couple times before he moves straight into sex. It was never like this.

I heard a noise and I pull away from him and turn my head to the entrance, "Did you hear that?"

He whispers a no before proceeding to kiss down my neck. Men.

I look back to Caleb before noticing that my clothes have gone. "Caleb." He hummed in acknowledgement, "My clothes are gone."

He then looks up as well, lips red from our activities which would make me smile a little if we aren't in our current situation.

He gets out first, a clear visible tent in his boxers which actually did make me giggle a little

"What?" He mumbles and I look down and he sighs," Well what did you expect Regina? Look at you."

"What? I barley touched you." I respond as he tries to find my clothes for me, "I'm telling you, they're gone. Can you pass me the towel on the side?"

He gives it to me and turns around so I can get out which was cute. I wrapped the towel around me and tapped him on the shoulder.

He proceeded to get his trousers on, adjusting so he doesn't look suspicious.

"You've got lipgloss." I told him and tried to rub it off but he shook his head

"Let her see it."

I love the petty side and if I'm bringing it out of him, it can only make him a better person.

I grinned in response and he put his arm around my shoulders as we made our way back to the main party.

"What happened?"

Ethan obviously the first one to ask questions.

"This bitch took my clothes." I hiss as I see Kayla looking smug in the back

"I must say the towel is a better costume." Quinton comments and Vivian gives him an unamused look, "What? Did I lie?" He asks Nathan who shook his head whilst looking at my legs. Jeez this guy needs to get laid.

"Please, I never took your clothes but you probably hid it like the attention seeking whore you are." Kayla hisses

"What were you doing anyway?" Paulette asked

"Swimming." I reply, "Kayla no one else is as vindictive as you so I know you took it when you saw what you saw."

Her eye twitched, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Wait, what did she see?" Vivian asks, "Caleb why are you lips shiny- oh,"

"Just give Regina her clothes back." Caleb says taking a sip from his drink, "Or get out."

"You're kidding. Again? What is she your girlfriend?"

Why does this feel like deja vu? Oh Kayla is positively fuming. I wonder how Jude feels knowing she rides this hard to get onto Caleb's dick when they're hooking up.

I look at Jude and he's just drinking away sitting with a confused Eddie. If he is bothered he's not showing any signs.

"Well she's mine and I protect what's mine."

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