The Red Flame | Misaki Yata

By DenkiGasai

3.1K 56 2

I'm bad at descriptions :/ Warnings - mature moments - deaths - mature words More

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333 5 0
By DenkiGasai

(Y/N) pov

I sat out across the street from the bar. Was I really this willing to be around him? Is it worth betraying all of the other clans for? My thoughts are interrupted as I feel a warm hand around my waist. "Wasn't thinking of backing out?" I look up to see it was Yata. I sigh.

"I keep my promises, don't make me throw you into the road before we get there." I threaten. He smiles and his hand around my waist tighten. I wanted to slap his hand but left it be.

The walking sign turns green, allowing us to walk to the bar. "Let's get going." He says and takes his hand off of me. I finally breathe properly.

The fat guy had already been hanging out the door staring at us. "Wow, a girl Yata can touch! Must be something special!" He yells to everyone inside.

They all begin to laugh. I glare around when we enter the door, the laughter stops as quickly as it began. I see Mikoto and Anna sitting in a booth and I walk over. "Hello Mi- sir." I quickly change my decision of words.

He looks at me and blinks a few times until he realizes who I am. "Oh this must be (Y/N)," Mikoto faces Yata for qualification it's me, Yata nods, "well (Y/N), take a seat and we can talk."

I step between the table and seat and sit down. I smile at Anna but she doesn't return the gesture. Brat. I gaze at Mikoto, waiting for him to say something. "(Y/N), what are your intentions here?" He asks.

I shrug, "as Yata has probably told you, I know a lot about the clans. I'm a very well known figure around the other clans... trusted too."

He nods at the information. "How is your physical strength, you look like you can't lift a 5 pound weight." He insults.

I smile and look at Yata. "She hits really hard, she can outrun me too." He says.

"I see, you sound like you're fit enough. What if I position you as a Vanguard alongside Yata, how would you like that?" Mikoto asks.

"That sounds excellent to me. When do I start?" I say.

Mikoto looks around the bar to see everyones faces. "I think it would be nice to have her around," Izumo says and glares to the guys staring at me, "the boys can learn how to respect a woman."

Yata chuckles and places a hand on my shoulder, "sounds like you're in."

We both look at Mikoto. Waiting for his reaction, he finally nods. "You're in but first, you need the tattoo."

My heart does a jump. The tattoo? I knew they had emblems but I'm scared of getting them. Does it hurt? "Yata, walk her around for a bit, see if you two can talk about information." Mikoto mumbles to Yata as he gets up and walks past us.

Yata doesn't nod or do anything to indicate he was even talked to. "Hey (Y/N), let's go for a walk while everybody discusses the new arrival." Yata says.

Before I could say anything, he takes my hand and drags me out of the bar. Once we're out of earshot I begin to heat up. "Why do you keep touching me?" I growl.

Yata releases my hand and smirks. "Don't know." He says easily.

I huff. "You won't get information from me if you don't even tell the truth." I threaten.

He shrugs, "it's not like it was required while we walked."

I stop and glare at him. He's going to be my partner until death, more likely. How could I stand him for that long? He looks behind at me and smiles. Not a normal smile, like he was thinking of something pleasant.

"Working with you will be nice," he says, "a cute girl by my side who acts a lot like me. Most of the clan is already thinking you're my girlfriend."

"What do you mean by 'already'?" I growl.

He looks deeply into my eyes like he's going to find something, possibly to make me stand down and drop the conversation. "You know what I mean. You've liked me since the first time we met, I've liked you since I found out you've been watching me." He mumbles.

I stand with a smirk. If it was always going to be this easy to win against him, this would be the easiest thing ever. Like he was reading my thoughts he says, "it's not always this easy, if I don't want to tell you something you won't know it."

I scowl, "just drop it."

He chuckles and turns back around to continue walking. I quickly follow to not fall behind. "Any current information?" He asks.

I huff, "not a whole is current, I learned about old battles and about what the clans do and who they are."

He nods. "They're more likely going to have you answer a lot of questions when we get back."

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