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I run. Faster! I don't know what the big deal was. All I did was trip in front of him. I had tripped in front of a member of HOMRA. I mean, I know they're dangerous and all but damn. He had been chasing me for two blocks now. Will he ever get tired?

I cut a corner and realize my mistake- it had been a dead end. "Well, she stops running," He chuckles.

I knew this member well, I always had my eye on him. He was the skateboarding geek, knew all the tricks and flips. His name was Misaki Yata.

"I-I'm sorry! I don't know what I did but I will make sure to not do it again!" I yell.

Cowering in the corner I probably looked pathetic. He kicks up his skateboard and rolls his eyes. "Shut up for a minute," he demands, "I just want to know why the hell you watch me."

I sigh. It was an easy answer... but to him it would be difficult. I admire his skills and looks. I feel a light red tint enter my cheeks. "I admire your skateboarding..." I manage to mumble.

He smiles and leans in, "what was that? My skateboarding? Sounds like I have a fangirl!"

I mentally groan. He was also a try hard with girls, even though he sucks at talking to them. Laying down his skateboard again he looks away for a moment. "If you want I can teach you how to skateboard," He lets off a little tch.

Looking back at me to see my reaction, I can tell he has a blush. "That would be nice..." I say quietly.

Maybe this is how I can learn more about him. Possibly be friends! Nah. That would never work, hes too high ranked for me. Even though he offered, he sighs and nods. "Alright, let's get you a board," He says.

He holds out a hand to help me up but I refuse and help myself up. I always remember how dirty they can be, they'll take a chance to embarrass me without hesitation. Once I'm up he looks me up and down. "What?" I snap. I was already starting to get comfortable.

"You look a lot nicer when you're not running." He jokes. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N)" I say.

He nods again. "Well, (Y/N), if you want I can try getting you into HOMRA."

I hold my hands up, "I'm good for now."

I know I don't have any special abilities  so it would be completely useless for me to join. He smirks. "Alright then."

He begins to walk away. For once he wasn't on his board. We reach a skating shop and he walks me in. "Pick one out," He says and leads me to the skateboards.

I look around until a certain skateboard catches my eye. It had a sword, it looked like one of the swords of Damocles. "That one," I say pointing out.

Yata looks at me. "Really? That looks like my King's sword..." he mutters the end.

I nod and smile, "I like it a lot."

He doesn't try to convince me out of the idea, he allows me to get it. He purchases the Skateboard and brings me out to an empty parking lot.

"Try stepping on the board and balancing." He says.

I do as he says, it was easier than I thought. I easily balance one the board. Once he sees how well I'm balanced he moves onto the next step, "Take your back foot and push."

I follow the steps and do perfectly. I stand on the board about 20 feet away from him now. "How did I do?" I ask.

He stares at me in awe. "Well for a beginner I think that's exceeding expectations."

I look away to hide my smile and blush. I've always had a big crush on him, since the first day I bumped into him.

The Red Flame | Misaki Yata Where stories live. Discover now