Psycho 2 - 백현

By fileur

46.3K 2K 810

Don't open this book it's not reading-worthy "Why are you doing this?" You asked. "Because I have to protect... More

Autors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 2

1.5K 67 14
By fileur

Minutes passed, probably hours. You just sat there, on the chair, looking outside without emotion on your face until a knock was heard. You shivered, knowing he was now in front of the door. You did not respond to his knock and he unlocked the door. When he saw you, he knew he did wrong. He knew it very well, but it was already too late. He came closer to you, but stopped when you turned your head to look at him and exposed your puffy eyes. His eyes met yours and butterflies appeared in your stomach. They're still there, but you want them to leave. You don't want to love the wrong guy.

"What do you need?" You spitted the question at him. The anger in your voice almost made him cry. This wasn't the Areum he knew. This wasn't you, and he knew it was his fault. "Would you like to eat breakfast?" He asked as if nothing happened, but he looked down. The words he actually wanted to say, didn't came out of his mouth. You glared at him with a mad expression on your face and turned around, to look outside again. Your heart beated when you heard his voice, but you just ignored it. "Please Areum~ah." He said. He wanted to came closer, but he knew that would only make things worse, so he didn't move. "I'll... I'll leave the door open, so you can come downstairs." He said, looked at you again, sighted and leaved. He knew this would happen. It's his own fault.

Your stomach growled. You were hungry, but didn't want to go downstairs. You just ignored it and stared at the opened window, until you had to go to the toilet. You had kept it up for a very long time now and had to go, even thought you didn't want to. The fear of seeing him again like the way he was when he locked you up, was there. No matter what you said that evening, no matter how much you cried, it didn't help. You know he heard you, you know he didn't say anything on purpose, but you didn't know he cried too. He cried because he knew what he was doing, but you didn't know. You hate him now, but you still love him and you hate it. You don't want to love him anymore, but you can't deny the fact your feelings for him are still there.

You couldn't hold it anymore, you had to go to the toilet. You carefully stood up, your wound hurts. It bled a lot, altought it wasn't that deep. There wasn't only blood on the bandage anymore, even on Baekhyuns shirt you were wearing. You walked to the bathroom. You still know where it is, you remember it clearly. You opened the door and your eyes widened. Your face went red and you immediately closed the door again. He was in there, shirtless.

You were shocked. Now you know how he must felt when he saw you like that yesterday. You didn't move and the door opened again. "Areum~ah..." He mumbled, but didn't know what to say. Your back was facing him and he almost gived you a backhug, but he controlled himself. You turned around and saw he was now wearing a shirt. His abs weren't visible anymore. You stared at him and he looked at you, both didn't know what to say. He stared in your eyes until you walked past him to go to the toilet. You closed the door and locked it. His gaze who followed you, stared at the closed door. He felt miserable. You'll probably never act normal with him again.

When you were done peeing, you looked into the mirror while washing your hands. Your eyes were still red and puffy, but you didn't care. You looked at yourself and did some water on your face before leaving the bathroom. You unlocked and opened the door, but Baekhyun was still there. You gived him a death glare and walked past him, but he holded your wrist. "Please come downstairs and eat something." He said, without looking at you. You know he wouldn't let go if you refuse, so you agreed, because you were hungry too and it wouldn't help if you die out of hunger. A smile appeared on his face. He knows it isn't much, but he's glad you agreed.

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