The Dangerous Game

By lotusmoor

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Meet Avela More



255 15 6
By lotusmoor


I was in the shop looking to get pads/tampons for Leona because she'd asked me to on my way back home. I rolled my eyes as I went to the right aisle. They usually had those things stocked up to the brim so I didn't understand why she needed some. Knowing Leona and how lazy she was, she was waiting for my mum or Phye to do that for her seeing as Lourdes was now living with her husband after their wedding. I got about five of everything and went to the till. I was scrolling through my phone replying to my Whatsapp group chat messages and trying to arrange a link up with some old friends. Nothing special really. Once done, I walked into the car park and towards car. I heard beeping but ignored it figuring it wasn't me. I unlocked the car and was about to get in when I heard my name. I turned around and smiled. 

"BANDZ!" I tossed the products in the car seat and  walked over to my cousin who was now sat in the drivers seat of a matte black Range Rover sport. 

"My nigga Juice." I spudded him. 

"You're back?" I asked genuinely happy to see him. He'd been ghost for like 5years. Bandz was my dad's sisters son. My dad's side of the family were not as close as my mums and we could go for months (in his case YEARS!) without seeing each other but when we did, it was all love. 

"Yeah man."

"How's wifey?"

He lit up at the mention of his wife. Everyone was aware of Bandz and his wife's relationship. They were equally as crazy and crazy in love with each other. 

"She's still there. She's absolutely not going anywhere. I meant that shit when I said it. Death do us part."

"Us Phillips men are loyal."

We touched fists again.

"Rah you eating the iron in the gym or what? Mans bare hench." I said noticing how big he'd gotten. "With them dreads you look like Tarzan." I laughed. 

"Dickhead. Aye gimme your number. I gotta go. Came out to get wifey some pads you know how they are on their period."

"Fam! Same thing. Out here buying pads and tampons for Leona."

"Her case is different. She's spoilt."

"Fam! My mum will wash her clothes and tell me to wash mine. Favouritism all day."

"Do you still live at your old place?" I asked and he nodded. 

"Been renting it out for the last 5years so when we came back we did a bunch of refurbishment. Looks very nice. Come over. I'm having a games night in two weeks. I was thinking of you and Trouble (my brother Landon) to this one and actually have a big party for everyone."

"That seems cool. I want you to meet someone."

"Oh, bring shawty through."

"Shawty? North America got you moving mad with the lingo."

"You know what I mean dickhead. Bring her along."

I nodded. We spoke for a few more minutes before he pulled off.

"And she's just a friend." I shouted as he drove off. 

He put his middle finger out of the window causing me to laugh. As I sat in my car I called Landon to let him know what he happened. I had him on speaker until I got home.  Leona was in the living room looking miserable. I felt bad for her.

"You need anything?"

"Unless you can make this back pain disappear no I don't Logan but thank you." 

I put the bags next to her and chilled with her a little bit before going upstairs. I decided to Facetime my babies. They were with their grandma (their mum's mother) and I missed them. 

"Hey Logan."

"Hey Ms Clara how are you?"

"I'm exhausted. Ariel's been giving me the run around. Refusing to eat. You called just in time. Here, speak to your father."

There was a scramble and then the most beautiful face came on the screen.

"Hey my baby."

"Daddy." She said smiling. 

A few seconds later, Ariane came on the screen. 



"Ari have you eaten?"

She nodded.

"What did I tell you about nodding? Speak to me. Say yes or no. Ari have you eaten?"

"Yes daddy."

"Good girl. Ariel have you eaten."

"No hungry daddy." She said in frustration. I nearly laughed. It was evident that Ms Clare had been trying to get Ariel to eat for some time and she was over it. 

"No baby you have to eat. If you eat, we can go get ice-cream."

Her eyes lit up and Ariane laughed in excitement. My  children x sweet things equalled the perfected combination for negotiations. I was able to persuade Ariel to eat in exchange for ice-cream. I spoke to Ms Clare for a few more minutes and hang up. I lay on bed and randomly thought of Avela. I decided to call her and had no hopes of her picking up her phone. She picked up on like the eight ring. 


"Surprised you picked up not gonna lie." I told her honestly. 

"I'm with Aurora." She said.

"She awake?" I asked ready to Whatsapp video them seeing as she refused to get an iPhone. 

"No she's sleeping. I'm just watching her sleep."

"That doesn't sound weird at all." I laughed. 

"She's so cute!" She added . I knew she had completely missed the comment I had made. I took my phone away from my ear and placed her on loudspeaker then closed my eyes. How can someone's voice be so soothing?

"She's beautiful." I finally agreed. 

"I love Macy too. We have so much in common. We both love watches and jewellery. I showed her my nipple piercing."

"Of course you did because I don't think you have boundaries."

"I do have boundaries."

"Tell me them."

"Give me something to have boundaries about."

"So you know I'm feeling you but went on a date with Kalief and then went on another date with Owen and then went on a date with some guy that's just popped up in your life and why do I know all of this?"

"I told you."

"You told me Avela. You told me every aspect of your date." I sighed.

I was high-key mad that she kissed Kalief but understood.

"But I don't want a boyfriend." She added.

I nodded as though she could see me. Life was too complex for a girlfriend. They was too much to disclose on my side. 

"Neither do I. But seriously Avela. What you saying? You're playing games?"


"Lies, you're playing the dangerous game."

"What's that?"

"Someone's gonna get hurt." I warned her. That person was definitely not gonna be me but someone was gonna get hurt.

"No they are not. I told them what I'm looking for."

"Which is?"

"I'm bored." She admitted making me laugh.

"So you're dating three niggas?" I sighed.

"No we are getting to know each other."

I sighed remaining silent as she lightly breathed into her phone. What an interesting person. She was so different to any girl I had ever met. Her transparency was offensive at times. I couldn't help but respect it even though it was frustrating. 

"I'll come for you when you're ready." I told her.

"I finish work tomorrow." She said.

"No Avela. When you're ready for me to be in your life like that, I'll come. For now, we can remain friends."

"I like you as my friend."

"Me too." I admitted. 

I'd known Avela for nearly 5months now and she was nothing short of mad but I didn't mind. We didn't argue and she was mad cool to chill with.  I'd introduced her to some of my friends and Phye. They all liked her. She was a good girl and I was here for it.

"Would you like to come to a games night with me in two weeks?"

"If I'm not working."

"It'll be on a Friday. You won't be working."


"I'll let you get back to watching Aurora weirdo."

"Byeeee!" She sang as I hung up.

I yawned and realised how tired I was. I decided to take a nap.


I was back at my place after staying at my parents for few days. Leona was driving me insane so I left. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the front door open. It was Landon.

"Dickhead!"I shouted letting him know I was in my room. After a few minutes I heard him coming up the stairs and could smell food. My stomach grumbled even though I'd just eaten, I could make space for more. Landon opened the door with a bag full of wings. 

"Did Phye make those?"

He nodded and my mouth watered.  He sat on the nearest chair and I moved closer to him taking a chicken wing.

"Bruh that girl can cook."

"Trust me. She needs to stop kicking us out." He said seriously. He was right. Ever since Israel had come along, Phye would always kick us out of her place and we would have to look for food elsewhere. It was such an inconvenience. 

"Fam can you believe she told me to go and cook."


Don't get me wrong, I could cook but didn't like to. But Phye loved to cook and we loved to eat so it was a win-win situation. Lately was getting stingy with her cooking.

"Hows Sunny?"

"Still Sunny." He said sighing.

"She's gone back in her shell?" I asked curious.

"Did she ever leave? She's so frustrating but I don't want no-one else so I have to deal with it. How is Avela?"

"Still Avela." I laughed.

"Is she still dating three people?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Fam do they know about each other?" He asked curious.

"They do."  I laughed making him laugh.

"Niggas is mad."

She's worth it. I thought to myself.

"Did you just say she's worth it bro?" He asked his interest now piqued.

"Did I say that out loud?"

He nodded and stopped eating.

"Honestly don't let your crazy baby mother take you away from something you like."

"Definitely not going anywhere. I'm over that girl and her b.s. I've definitely healed from all the mind games. I think about it sometimes and I can't believe I went to prison because this girl. I nearly killed someone for her you know. Thank God you were there fam. I would have faced an M charge instead of assault."

"Always got your back Logan. Us against the world remember?"

I nodded spudding.

"I'll give my life for yours." I told him honestly.

"I know and you know the feeling is mutual."

We sat in silence eating the rest of the wings for a few minutes when I remembered something. 

"You rolling to the games night with Bandz?"

"I'll think about it. Would love to bring Sunny but you know she be on her b.s. But if I get Phye to come  she'll definitely tag along."

"Chess not checkers." I reminded him.

He nodded and took out his phone. I knew he was calling Phye.

"Hi Landon"

I smiled hearing my sisters voice. Loved that girl.

"Do you wanna come to Bandz's games night?"

"Huh? What Bandz? Our cousin Bandz?"

"Yes." Landon and I both replied.

"Are you with Logie?"

I screwed up my face at that name. I really hated being called Logie.


"Let's Facetime."

Within a few seconds she was on the screen and I moved closer to Landon. She had a big smile on her face.

"My handsome baby brothers!"

"Not this again Phye."

"What? Can't compliment and be proud of you?"

"Anyway back to Bandz. He's back now do you wanna roll? Bring Israel."

"Ooo, that would be good. When is it?"

"Friday." We both said.

"Ok, I'll tell Israel and bring Sunny too." She smiled.

Landon and I spudded off the screen. Mission accomplished and it did not take long. 

"Cool. He's moved back into his old place he said. But I'll send you his address just in case." I told her. 

We spoke for a few more minutes before hearing Israel's voice.

"So I guess you're going to hang up?" Landon and I asked at the same time.

She giggled. We were used to this twin shit. Having the same thoughts, saying the same things etc. 

"Yes because we were watching a movie and I took this call."

"Hmmm." I replied. "Bye Phye."

"Bye Logan and Landon Phillips aka Trouble and Juice aka TJ!"

I was unable to hang up so Landon did it for me.

"She always takes it too far." He sighed. 

"Always." I agreed. 

"Ok so Sunny, Avela and Phye are coming."

I nodded.

"Leona?" He asked.

"Hell no!" We both replied after some thought. 

Even though Bandz was our cousin, he had friends and his friends owed us no loyalty. Leona could sometimes act thirsty around guys and I didn't want to be smacking guys on Friday or end up fighting. I wanted a good time and I wanted my brother to get to know Avela a little better. They'd met before but hadn't really spoken that much. 

"With her fast self." Landon added making us both chuckle.

"Trust me. She can be so sneaky sometimes. I'm glad mums clocked it now too."

He nodded in agreement and we decided to go and chill at his instead.


Friday came around very quickly. The twins had come back to me so I had to drop them at my mums house so I could have that night off. As I watched them play with one another I started having second thoughts about going but knew it was too late because I'd already invited Avela. I sighed but my frown soon changed when Ariel tapped my leg. I grinned and picked her up. 

"She loves her some daddy." I heard my mum say behind me. 

Ariel was so attached to me it was sometimes jarring. I couldn't get anything done on a normal day but when she was feeling especially needy, omyword, it was a wrap for me and any plans I had. 

"I love you." I told her as I kissing her cheeky.

"Daddy!" She laughed putting her little arms around me.

"If you don't evacuate these premises I'll let you take no1 and 2." My mum spoke in code. 

"Ariel baby do you want some ice-cream?" My mum asked. 

She perked up in my arms and reached out for her. I handed her over as my mum distracted her by walking into the kitchen. I walked over to Ariane who was busy building legos and gave her kiss on the cheek. I then quickly left before Ariel noticed. I got in my car and called Avela before I started driving. As usual she didn't pick up so I called again. I sighed and decided to drive to her house and knock on her door. If her parents were at home I'd just introduce myself.  Considering it was a Friday night, it didn't take me long to get to her place. I decided to call her again before I stepped out. This time around, she picked up immediately. 

"Avela." I sighed slightly annoyed.

"Sorry LJ." She'd decided she would call me LJ (Logan Juice).

"Are you ready? I'm outside."

"Yes I'll come out now."


I replied before hanging up. Within two minutes I saw her come out of her house and had to do a double-take. She looked so fly. I licked my lips as I watched her look for me. As usual she didn't have her glasses on. After preeing her for a couple more minutes I beeped my horn.  She realised where I was parked up. I reached over and opened the door for her as she got closer.

"Hi LJ." She said sitting down.

I watched her and took her in. She looked and smelled amazing. I shook off the crazy thoughts that were threatening to come into my head.

"You smell good. Give me a hug."

"Okay." She said reaching over to hug me. 

I let her go after a few seconds and she sat and I knew I was staring at her but couldn't help it. She unzipped her leather jacket and I got a closer glimpse of what she was wearing. 

"Crop top?"

"Don't you like it? Look I took a picture. The girls said it looks nice."

"It does. Lemme see the pic." 

She passed me her phone and I groaned. Avela was so sexy she had no idea.  She was wearing one of those crop tops and ripped high waisted jeans and it really accentuated all her curves. 

"Fucking flames." I concluded.


"You look bomb."

"Thank you. I spent ages trying to put on eye-lashes. In the end I gave up."

"Your face looks really nice. You didn't need it."

She nodded and smiled. 

"So cute man." I muttered to myself as I started my car. "Baldy where are you glasses?"

"I've put them in my bag." She said patting the small bag she was holding.

"Ok, take it out and put them on."

She nodded and did what I'd asked her to do.  She laughed.

"What's funny?"

"It's always like I'm seeing in HD. Ohhh you look nice in your Dolce and Gabanna t-shirt. What shoes are you wearing?"

"Yeezys." I replied as I stole glimpses at her in between traffic. "Tell me about your day baldy."

She laughed. 

"Well... I spoke to Kalief on Facetime through my laptop. He wants to go out with me tomorrow. I ran some errands for my parents. Spoke to my friends about you for a bit and had a nap and got ready."

My grip tightened on the steering wheel at the mention of Kalief. That name was starting to get on my nerves but I ignored it.

"Why were you talking about me?"

"They were asking if I liked you."

I laughed. We both knew the answer to that. If Avela didn't know, I sure did.

"What did you tell them?"

"I like you."



I laughed. This girl would drive the wrong person insane.

We spoke about nothing in particular until we arrived at Bandz's place. We sat there for a while after we'd arrived just looking at each other. She licked her lips and I shook my head. She groaned and I opened the door to leave.

"Let's go."

"Okay. You're getting me excited LJ."

"That's why I'm leaving." I told her as I stepped out. 

I came for a games night not to have her drive me insane with her beauty in a confined space. 

She mirrored my actions.

"This is a nice area."

I nodded because it was. My balling ass family I thought chuckling as I walked his to door.

"If at any point in time you feel uncomfortable or want to leave, let me know and we will leave immediately okay?"

She nodded and smiled. I pressed the doorbell. 

"And Av?"


"Don't take your glasses off." I warned. She nodded as the door opened to music and noise. 

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