The Woods ~ 5sos

By lullabiesnjh

379 36 7

The screams still echo in my ears; my cheek still feels the sting of my fathers palm. I will never forgive Ca... More



31 3 1
By lullabiesnjh

Picture of Carson above

The alarm on my watch wakes me up, signaling that I have to leave for work soon. Luke gave me what he calls "the morning rush that's literally just five people at once". Apparently the workers normally can't handle it so they need help.

My stomach grumbles, reminding me that I haven't eaten in nearly twenty four hours. I'll have to steal some food at work, I'm not used to going even a day without eating or drinking something.

Once again I sound like a spoiled brat, but everyday our personal chef made food for us. The only time in my life I've had fast food was when Carson yelled at me to buy him some because of his cravings.

Sometimes he was worse than a girl, and I was the one who had it the worst. Since he was the favorite I had to take him for food or to a movie whenever he wanted.

To make matters worse, he wasn't even related to me. He had his own very expensive car and parents that would buy him the moon if he wanted it. He had everything yet I had to be one of his servants. He had ten of his own, but for some reason he also wanted me.

That's why I got blamed for his crime and he was the most loved and popular kid so everyone believed him. Even my own parents didn't believe me, he was the golden child so whatever he said had to be true. People in that town worshiped him and it sickens me.

The crime he committed sickens me, even though it's not the worst thing he could've done. I'm just sickened by the fact I was framed. I don't even want to think about what he did or I'll be throwing up the little bit of food I have in my stomach.

Work, right, I need to get going.

I push Michael a bit but he just coughs and rolls over onto his stomach. He's not going to wake up soon, but he'll probably be awake when I want to take him to the Hemmings'. I know he has trust issues, but he at least needs to take a shower.

My logic is he has a hood on his jacket so he can cover his hair and then dye it when he's there. I don't know of any place we can get water here so at least there he can hide himself a bit.

I nudge him one more time and he slaps my shoe. I guess he knows I'm awake and leaving now.

This time I take the campers paths rather than my own. The last thing I need is to reopen the wound on my stomach. Even worse I could cause a new one and Liz would judge me extremely hard.

Yesterday I told her the same story I told Michael and she judged me. I bet she thinks that I'm an uncoordinated hooligan. I wouldn't blame her though, the story did make me seem like a guy who trips over his own feet when walking on a flat surface.

Luke seems like they type of guy to do that. He's two years younger than me yet he's the same height as me and I have a feeling he'll keep growing. Not to mention the fact that he has skinny, long legs. If I had legs like him I know for a fact I'd trip.

A few joggers pass me on the trail and scare the daylights out of me. I stop for a second so my heart can continue beating before carrying on. I didn't expect anyone to be running at six am and if was like they came out of no where.

I need to start working out like they do, I've been off of my training session for a couple days and I already feel out of shape. I guess it's sitting and not doing anything that makes the biggest impact.

I don't really understand this feeling, I'm hungry yet I feel bloated and sick. I just need food and to run two miles uphill.

That actually sounds extremely painful, I rather stay home and watch Netflix. Except I don't have a home, or Netflix. All I have is a phone with two percent battery and a watch. If you ever want to go on an impromptu adventure with me you know I'll be prepared.

The sarcasm in that sentence was so strong it came back and slapped me in the face. I get cranky when I'm tired don't I?

Oh God I've turned into Carson.

Someone hit my head with a baseball bat so I can be hit back into reality. I can't turn into Carson, he's everything that I don't want to be in life. I really hate myself right now, I deserve to not have eaten in twenty four hours.

I angrily open the front door to the McDonalds and my other co-workers stare at me like I'm insane. I'm so great at making first impressions on people.

Two sarcastic sentences in a matter of ten minutes, I'm on a roll today. Someone needs to give me some coffee before I explode into a sarcastic rage.

Jack appears behind the counter and immediately spots me. "Hey Irwin! Dang man you look horrible." I run my hands through my dirty hair and groan why I can't get it through. This is what I get because I have to sleep on dirt.

"I had some bad memories come back up and it's got me pretty upset, that's all." I mumble and he nods understandingly. Thank god he didn't ask me any questions about it; I don't want to break down and/or be extremely rude to him.

"That sucks man." He bends down and gets something from under the counter. "This is your uniform," He pushes a shirt and hat towards me. "And this is from my mother." He pushes a little bag towards me. I love Liz so much.

I grab the items and head into the employee bathroom. I lock the door behind me and pull off my awful purple shirt. The wound on my stomach has bled through the bandage and my body looks scraped up, over all I look disgusting.

I shake my head and turn around so my back is facing the mirror. I pull on my McDonalds shirt and open up the bag from Liz.

Inside are some basic toiletries deodorant, hair brush, toothbrush and toothpaste. She remembers that I told her I had none, she actually remembered.

Why can't my mom be like her? The nicest thing she ever did was give our maid Christmas off. Even then she still had to beg for the day off.

My mother was a horrible person.

I put on the deodorant and run the small brush through my hair. Dirt trickles out of my curls and ends up landing in the toilet. I flush it and place my hat on my head. I guess it's time to start this.

I grab my stuff and put it in my designated cubby. "Irwin I need you out here!" Jack yells and I jog out to the front where about twenty customers are waiting. Jack has a panicked look on his face that makes me giggle a bit. "This is your first day and it'll probably be one of your hardest."

I guess I'm going to have to learn how to work. Working for a worthless slob doesn't count because then I was his personal slave. I never did work where I was actually paid and didn't hate the people I worked for.

"Come on Irwin! I'm going to have a panic attack out here."

I start taking the orders of the annoyed customers and put the money in the machine. Luckily I work at McDonalds so I just have to push a button that shows the picture of the food. It's literally the easiest concept ever.

Everything going on right now feels like smooth sailing.

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