Late Night Chats

By miraculous_mxngo

71.4K 1.7K 4.7K

After the defeat of Hawk Moth, Chat Noir is lost but begins to find himself again with Marinette. The more he... More

A Change
A Hoodie
An Akuma
A Rose
An Exchange
A Cookie
A Movie
A Problem
A Date
A Heartbreak
A Reveal
An Epilogue

A Plan

5.6K 145 554
By miraculous_mxngo

Marinette woke up early on Friday morning feeling excited. She and Chat had talked for a long time on Monday night about how to woo Adrien. She had a plan of action and was prepared to crush it. Chat had been very vague in what to do because he wanted her to surprise him when he came that night. He had given her 3 instructions: change up her outfit but include his hoodie; initiate more physical contact and make more jokes. She decided to wear a black patterned halter top that slightly showed her bellybutton with dark blue jeans and her usual black flats. She decided not to wear make-up because that would be trying too hard. She did change her hair though. It had grown out and reached the middle of her back. It was usually tied in red ribbons but today, she opted to leave it down and tie up a little of it with green ribbon. In honour of Chat, she wore a necklace she had designed a few months ago. For the finishing touch, she tied Adrien's hoodie loosely around her waist, but not before inhaling its sweet scent. She had time to spare but wanted to meet with Alya before class started. She hugged her parents, who definitely noticed her change of dressing, and began walking to school. 

Adrien had arrived at school a bit earlier than usual, anticipating what Marinette would wear. He hadn't expected to be so lucky - the girl that he had been crushing on had been in love with him for years? When he transformed back last night, he vowed to tell Ladybug that he would no longer pester her with his feelings because he had found someone else. They would always be partners but he just wasn't the right person for Ladybug.

When Marinette walked into the classroom, he felt his heart stop. He wasn't being melodramatic. She looked gorgeous. Her hair was like the sea, wavy and dark. He would gladly drown in it if he could. Her necklace and hair ribbon screamed Chat Noir. Her halter top rode up when she lifted her arms and the sight of her midriff was making him think things that were definitely not safe for school. Adrien felt his face heating up the more he looked at her. He really needed to look away before it got creepy. "Hey, Adrien, " Marinette said, a new confidence in her voice. Adrien found it intriguing and quite sexy. "Woah, Agreste. She literally said two words to you. Get a hold of yourself."

Mlle Bustier began the lesson but Adrien couldn't focus at all. His thoughts always seemed to go back to Marinette's outfit and how stunning she looked. He wished he was behind her so he could look at her without having to turn his neck every time and make it so obvious. Nino was the opposite of oblivious. He kept on nudging Adrien in the side and wiggling his eyebrows, which didn't make him feel any better. “Dude, did you see what Marinette was wearing? She looked so hot, right?!”

“Yeah, whatever Nino.” “When is this class gonna end..”

Eventually, lunch arrived and Marinette was immediately tackled by Alya. “Girl, I don’t know what happened to you but I like it. You’re finally wearing the clothes we bought together, saying hi to Adrien like it’s nothing, and don’t think I forgot about that necklace and ribbon you’re wearing! Who are you?” the blogger yelled excitedly. 

Marinette blushed a little and replied quietly, “It’s nothing really Alya. I just wanted to change up my style a bit. No big deal.”

“NO BIG DEAL? DID YOU SEE THE WAY ADRIEN WAS LOOKING AT YOU? WORK IT, GIRL! YOU LOOK AMAZING!” she whisper-screamed very loudly. Everyone in the locker-room looked in their direction and Marinette uncomfortably covered her face.

“Come on, Alya, let's go eat,” she mumbled as she dragged her friend out. On the other side of the door, Nino and Adrien were waiting for the girls. Just when Marinette thought she was done talking about her outfit, Nino brought it up again. 

“So dudette, new style, huh?” Nino asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 

“I was just saying to her that it was amazing.” Alya inserted. She then rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Why did you decide to change your style, Mari? And why did you include Chat Noir?”

Both Marinette and Adrien blushed. “Well...a close friend suggested it and recently, I’ve been inspired by Chat Noir so...yeah,” Marinette answered shyly. “It’s not even that good.”

“It is!” Adrien said rather loudly. Everyone looked at him and he turned even redder. “Umm...what I meant to say is ...I think you look really pretty, Marinette.” 

Alya and Nino gawked, Mlle Bustier squealed and Marinette activated tomato mode. Literally. She matched Nathaniel’s hair. “Uhh..thanks A-Adrien. You l-look really pretty too. I MEAN you look beautiful NO I MEAN REALLY YOU HANDSOME LOOK NOOO I MEAN-”

Alya has been cackling like a witch throughout her friends ramble but decided to be merciful and save her. She grabbed a bright red Marinette’s arm and ran out of the room. “Oh my god, Alya! I can never look at him again!” Adrien was still standing, nearly as red as Marinette, while Nino died of laughter behind him. 

“Is it weird that I found that really adorable?” he asked himself. “I guess my crush is more intense than I thought.”

The rest of the day passed on without any drama, much to Marinette’s delight. She was ready to flop on her bed and do nothing until Chat arrived. But luck seemed to be really not on her side.  As she was walking home, a hand tapped her shoulder. “Isn’t Ladybug supposed to be really lucky or some shit?”

“Hey, Marinette.” Adrien’s voice reached her ears and she turned around cautiously.

“Hey, Adrien. Sorry about lunchtime today. I guess my mind gave up on me!”

Adrien chuckled lightly. “It’s cool, Mari. I just wanted to say…” he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I think you should wear outfits like this more often. Including m-my hoodie.”

Both teens were blushing madly at this but Marinette smiled and replied, “Thanks, Adrien. I guess I’ve cotton attached to it?” Adrien's eyes widened at the pun and he burst out laughing. Marinette soon joined in. Almost a minute later, Marinette took a deep breath. “Come on, Marinette, you can do this. Just give him a hug when he stops laughing but before he says bye.” 

“Ok, Mari. See you tomo-”

“WAIT.” “That was louder than expected.” “Umm...I just wanted to…” She stepped in before she lost her nerve and wrapped her arms around his torso. Adrien was shocked before he remembered the advice Chat Noir gave her, and then he wrapped one arm around her head and the other around her lower back. His hand skimmed her soft creamy skin. Marinette, standing very stiff, relaxed into the hug after a few moments and the two remained like that for a few moments. The same thought was running through their heads.

“I could stay like this forever.”

They eventually broke apart and said goodbye, both with stupid grins on their faces. Marinette arrived home and flopped on her bed. Her kwami looked on fondly and felt lucky to see each and every Ladybug fall in love with their partner again and again. Adrien arrived home and punched the air with a joyous shout. His kwami watched him fondly too and was happy that his favourite miraculous holder had finally found his happiness.

Hours passed by and, like clockwork, Chat Noir arrived at Marinette’s balcony at 11 pm. "Bonsoir, Chat Noir, " she greeted happily. Chat's bright eyes roved over her figure, taking in her choice of clothes for the second time. 

"That belly button is really cute, " he thought absently. "Why, princess, you look, " a hungry gleam flashed in his eyes, "Pawsitively ravishing." 

Marinette blushed prettily and mumbled, "Thanks kitty. Let's go inside."

They first snuck downstairs to get some snacks, much to Chat's delight. In his excitement, however, he forgot to be quiet.

“Shh, Chat! My parents are asleep!”

“It’s not my fault. I’m feline very hungry tonight.”

“Chat Noir, be serious! What do you think my parents will say if they see me sneaking a masked boy out of my bedroom in the middle of the night?”

“Calm down, purrincess. I’m just kitten.”


They managed to get past her parents' room and back to her's, bearing lots of cookies, milk and, of course, croissants. Marinette was convinced that her parents hadn’t heard them but inside their bedroom, Tom and Sabine smiled knowingly at each other. They trusted their daughter enough to know that she wouldn’t allow someone to pressure her into something she doesn’t want to do. She was in control. But just in case, Sabine made a mental note to remind her of how her actions always have consequences. And to buy some condoms.

Chat flopped on Marinette’s chaise and began to dig into his snacks. Marinette watched with amusement and allowed him to finish. She was determined to help him as much as she could in her civilian form. She didn’t know what he was going through but wanted to be there for him. He licked his lips and Marinette found herself staring. "Have his lips always looked so soft ?” She began to blush at her thought and stopped it before it went too far. 

Chat finished logging out and lay back. “So, princess, how did plan Loverboy go? I already see that your outfit choice was gorgeous.” Marinette blushed and hit his arm, this time with a little less power. 

“Stop it, Chat! You know how I feel about compliments.” she protested indignantly. “If you wanna know the deets, you’ll keep your mouth shut.”

“Sorry, Mari, I can’t promise you that. If my princess looks as ravishing as you do now, I can do nothing but appreciate you.”

“Ugh, you are such a flirt.”

“Only for you, princess.” He winked flirtatiously and sat up. “So. Plan Loverboy?” Marinette remembered the events of the day and beamed happily. 

“It was amazing! He said I looked really pretty and I…” her face fell at the memory and she groaned into her hands. “I said he was pretty as well! Then I called him beautiful and mixed my worlds up…oh my god, Chat it was so embarrassing!” Marinette looked up at him and saw he was so close to laughing. “Even you’re laughing! I’m such a joke,” she said dejectedly, turning around to face the door. 

Chat’s face fell at her movement and stood up to console her. “I’m sorry, princess. I didn’t mean to make fun of you. It just reminded me of something,” he rubbed her back comfortingly. “And I promise you,” he turned her around and held her face in his gloved hands. “You are not a joke.” Marinette stared into his bright eyes and saw only sincerity. She closed her eyes leaned into his palm. 

“Thanks, Chat.” She stood up and sat on the chaise, pulling Chat with her. Her heart thumping in her chest, she leaned her head on his shoulder. “Mmm, he’s so warm and soft. Smells like mint and cedarwood. Why is that familiar?” Chat’s arms wrapped around her waist and rested there comfortably. 

“She’s so small, like a little cupcake. Why did I wait so long to notice how great she is?" "So, is there anything else I need to know?" 

Marinette blushed again and Chat felt a small desire to keep that blush on her face. "Well, I did initiate contact. I…hugged him."

"Wow, that's great!" Chat exclaimed, trying or pretend he didn't know what she was talking about. "How did it feel?" 

"Awesome! He was soo warm and cuddly. I could've died that moment and I would not care. And when he said he wanted to see more outfits with his hoodie?” She sighed contentedly. “I wish we were dating already. He is the perfect boyfriend.”

"Aww, how cute.” Chat thought with a small smile on his face. “Well, princess, our next plan of action is to continue to shake loverboy with amazing outfits and hugs. I’ll try to swing by next week so we can recap, kay princess? Princess?” He looked down to find Marinette lightly dozing on his shoulder. “So cute.” He lifted her up bridal style and carried her up to her bed. Placing her down gently and pulling the cover over her, Chat turned to leave but felt a hand grabbing his wrist. Startled, he looked down to find a sleepy but awake Marinette looking up at him. 

“Let me walk you out,” she mumbled.

“But you’re all tucked up! I don’t want to disturb my princess,” he chuckled.

“No! I’m seeing you out!” she said stubbornly. Chat smiled and pulled her up. 

“If you say so, Mari.” She stood up and stretched, her top riding up so Chat could see the tips of her pink bra. “Just a little bit higher,” he subconsciously thought. His face turned red as he realised what he mentally said. “Keep it together, Agreste. Marinette isn’t yours. For now.” The two walked out onto her balcony and Chat turned to say goodbye. Before he could utter a word, Marinette wrapped her arms around his torso.

“Thank you so much, Chat. I never could’ve done what I did today without you.” Chat hugged her tightly and rubbed small circles into her back where her skin was exposed. He even lifted her off the ground and spun around, causing the teen to giggle in surprise. Placing her on her feet, Chat held Marinette’s hand and bent low to kiss it. He kept his eyes on her the whole time and both the teens were blushing lightly. 

“Good night, Princess.”

“Good night, kitty.”

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