
By princess_creations

157K 4.2K 252

one horrible night in melody's life changed everything. she lost her father, her mother and her older sister... More

chap 1
chap 2
chap 3/ how they look
chap: 17


2.5K 61 1
By princess_creations

"i know it's been way to to long i know niggas did you wrong i said you could call my phone when you need me hit me when you need me"
"wassup mane" d answered his phone not checking his caller id
"wasssup lil nigga" trey's voice boomed out of the phone speaker.
"i got a drop for you. you tryna hit it up" trey said getting up dismissing the girl who was giving him top
"ight man i'm down send me the da addy an i'll slide"
d said getting up seeing king turn in his sleep.
"ight man i'll check you later" trey said hanging up cleaning himself up.
trey knew he fucked up, the girl didn't even give him good top but he knew if his girl found out they were gonna be done for real.

"ight here you go" trey said throwing hundreds on the girl
"i'm not no fucking slut trey don't do that shit" the girl snapped looking at him
"girl shut the fuck up take the money and keep your fucking mouth closed about what happened here" trey said moving closer to her making sure she understood everything he was saying.

the girl quickly nodded her head shaking slightly as she got all her items walking out of his office.

sighing slightly trey grabbed his keys locked up his office and went to the place this drop was going to take place sending the address to d he started on his way.

30 minutes later
"ight so we ain't done business with these niggas yet so keep your guard up at all time" trey said to d as he just nodded his head.
him and d go way back to when the were like kids, the were brothers damn near blood.
"ight lets go" d said as the both got out the car

"wassup d & red" the man addressed them by there street names
"it's such a pleasure doing business with you two" the man said with a smirk that made them
both uneasy it didn't fell right.
"just so you know we got niggas every were around here ready to shoot if they see some funny shit"
trey spoke truthfully
the man laughed loudly before saying
" we wouldn't want take you away from mel and nicole" the man said with a dirty smile that spread across his face.
"you sent the letters?" confused and stunned d stepped towards him when a man pulled a gun out pointing it at him
"step back man no one has get hurt right?" the man asked as two more men stepped in from behind trey and d.
they were stuck no were to turn.
"you know you gonna regret this right?" trey said through gritted teeth.
"you that's funny i recall hearing those same words from someone else." the man stopped talking and rubbed his chin the uneasy smile never leaving his face "that right your father" the man finally finished sending both d and trey into shock.
trey eyes turned blood shot red and a the two man from behind pulled both trey and d to the ground taking away their guns from their waist.

"IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU NIGGA!!" trey screamed as bullets started to fly well d and trey were being loaded onto an unknown van.

"shit" trigger said looking at d and trey being put in the van as he pulled his phone called jay jay

"yo nigga some fat bitch took trey and d in a white van follow that car but be discreet about it keep yo location on and inform me on all shit that go down, imma go tell khalil this might start a war!"
"ight i got you man" jay jay said hoping in his car spotting the van and letting a car or two get in front of him following them.
hanging up the phone he continued on his new mission.
one thing for sure this for sure was going to cause a war.

At the house mel was cleaning wondering were d was. she hadn't seen him all day and she wanted to talk.
her mind keep going over and back and forth thing if she made a mistake about giving it up to him.
She knew it wasn't too early seeing as they have been dating for almost 3 years now.
Maybe there is another girl. maybe she waited to long. maybe he was bored or she just wasn't enough.
All these thoughts consumed her head as she pushed them all away going to check on king. seeing him sleeping peaceful brought her some reassurance.
d loves her and she loves him. no one or nothing can stop that.

mel gazed at king for a moment longer before hearing the door bell go off.
running to go check it she sees a face that made her want to kill someone.
"um is d here?" madison spoke in a stank tone rolling her eyes, she must admit she was hurt about d choosing mel over her. after all she was the mother of his child.
but that's not why she is her.
"no his not at the moment." mel said in a melo tone

"mmhh okay well i'm here to get my son." madison said placing here hand on here hip showing of bruises on her fore arm.

but mel was to focused on what was just said 'her son'?
"excuse me what?" mel asked laughing

"i'm hear to get my son. problem?" madison said

"bitch is you serious. you show up after all most 3yrs saying you want your son? hold oh wait i'm sorry my son mother fucka! you don't have the right!" mel explained
"bitch i have ever right he came out of me!" madison said she new king was better with mel especially since the situation she was currently in wasn't the best yet she knew king would do anything to have "his" son maybe even get back with her.

"you don't! just popping a baby out don't make you a momma, any bitch can do that. what make you a mother is being there through every diaper change being there for every hiccup ,every smile, every giggle, every baby talk, every nap time, every time they get hurt, being a mother is trying to protect them from being hurt even if you know you can't fully you still try. being a mother is giving unconditional love and never leaving. being a mother is NOT leaving them. so don't come here and talk all this bs about rights because i was there for every single tear, laugh, smile, nap time, feeding time, every moment me not you so miss me with that shit." mel said as tears fell from her eyes
"that is my son." she finished
"now bye" mel said about to close the door but madison put her foot in the way
"i thought you would pull some bs like this." she said as a man appeared grabbing mel and holding her down as madison went into kings room getting him and a diaper bag.
"NO YOU FUCKING BITCH PUT HIM BACK STOP." mel screamed but it was no use as she saw madison come out the room with a sleeping king

"my son bitch." madison said walking out the door
"at least let me say good bye" mel pealed with them

"ight whatever the man said letting her say goodbye

before mel could even think she tryed to grab king yet failed and the man knocked her clean out as they left with mels baby. mels king.

happy new year 🤍

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