Hemlock Chronicles (Hemlock G...

De Song_Wolf_Lover69

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(This is a Chronicles/Hemlock Grove cross over with addition of my own characters. I do NOT own the rights t... Mai multe

Prologue: The Discovery
Chapter 1: On the Run
Chapter 2: Welcome to Hemlock Grove
Chapter 3: Summer of Love
Chapter 4: First Day of School
Chapter 5: Welcome back, Matt
Chapter 6: Who Killed Brooke?
Chapter 7: Roman knows
Chapter 8: Halloween Homecoming
Chapter 9: Transform
Chapter 10: Can't Run
Not an Update!
Chapter 12: Tequila Worm
Chapter 13: Banquet
Chapter 14: Searching for Clues
Chapter 15: To Castle Godfrey
Chapter 16: We're Done
Chapter 17: Watch Your Back, Doctor
Chapter 18: Not Ugly
Chapter 19: Coma
Chapter 20: Face Your Demons
Chapter 21: Stories
Chapter 22: Dinner with the Godfrey's part 2
Chapter 23: Roman's Home
Chapter 24: Protect The Wolf and Moon
Chapter 25: The Wrong Moon
Chapter 26: The Vargulf Comes
Chapter 27: Praise the Moon
Chapter 28: Unhappy Birthday
Chapter 29: Darkness Falls
Chapter 30: Rebirth

Chapter 11: Digging up the Body

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De Song_Wolf_Lover69

Celena's outfit for the day ^^^^^

After unpacking and realizing Peter couldn't leave town yet, Celena convinced him to go back and apologize to Roman. Like it or not, he's gonna need Roman's help and Celena's.

The next day, Peter and Celena heads off to Roman's house, or should they say mansion. Celena whistles, impressed with the size.

"Rich people and their egos." She scoffs.

Peter shrugs and speaks in a forgien language.

Celena frowns at him, "Say what?"

"Roughly translated as horse with more than one ass." Peter shrugs.

"That must be Mrs. Godfrey, then."

Peter snorts and Celena stiffles a giggle.

Together, they walked up to the door and rings the bell. A few minutes later, a tall beautiful woman with long brown hair and cold brown eyes answers the door. Celena recognize the woman as Roman's mother. She frowns at the two of them in confusion.

"Yes?" She speaks in a thick accent.

"Is Roman here?" Peter asks.

"Oh, may I ask who's calling?"

"It's Peter and Celena."

Olivia remembers the gypsy and the emo girl from the day of the car accident Roman had. Anger begins to seep inside, but she hides it perfectly. Her blame sought out towards the two of them. Not just the ones who hit Roman.

She pretends to thinks about it, "Hmm. He's never mentioned either of you."

"We share the same English class." Peter tries to charm and con his way once again.

"And this is in regard to?" Olivia asks apathetically.

"Study group." Celena saya.

Olivia smiles slyly at the two of them and plays with her hair, leaning on the door frame, "Oh. Wuthering Heights, is it? Gypsy Byronic hero or proto-Marxist class warrior?" She arches a brow at them as she tests them.

Peter rocks on his heels, not giving in to her trap, "Still on chapter one."

"Yes. I suppose you are." Olivia mutters bitterly, but smirks, "It doesn't end well for him. Well, I'm afraid Roman isn't home at the moment, so I will tell him you stopped by. Uh, Paul and Sally, was it?" She asks.

Peter looks around and notices Roman's jaguar in the driveway. A sign that says she was lying.

"It's Peter and Celena." He says.

Olivia gives them a look that's similar to stepping in dog shit and moves to shut the door, "Yeah, well, nice to meet you, Peter. Celena." She mutters, but stops before she could shut the door in their faces. She opens it wider to show Roman who was leaning against the wall with a cold glare.

"You have callers." She sneers and walks off.

Roman rolls his eyes and turns back to Celena and Peter.

"Yeah?" Roman asks as he walks towards the billiard room with a drink in his hand.

"We need to talk." Peter states as he and Celena follow Roman.

"Yeah, well, maybe this is something you should be discussing with your guidance counselor, huh?" Roman scoffs bitterly as he repeats Peter's earlier words.

"Maybe I will." Peter sneers in Roman's face.

"Ok!" Celena gets in between them. "Bell has rang. To your corners!" She shoves them apart from each other.

Peter sits on a window bay while Roman leans on the pool table. Glaring at each other.

"Look...Roman, we got a problem." Celena turns to face Roman. "Christina's accusation is turning into a wild fire. The cops just brought in a woman from Fish and Game and she's looking into the case."

Roman shrugs, "What's the big deal? The Wendell girl totally flipped out. They aren't going to be taking it seriously."

"Oh, they are." She says.

"It's not that simple. All right, this woman is what she says she is like a Mexican hates fireworks." Peter states.

Roman frowns, "What is she?"

"She's a digger."

Roman took offense at that, the way Peter eyes him, "The only people who really know what you are are your mom, Celena and me. And I know how to button up!" He shouts.

"That's not why I'm here." Peter states.

"Then, why are you here?" Roman sneers.

Peter was about to speak, but nods at Celena, "Tell him."

Celena sighs, "I read her mind. She's looking for the vargulf."

Roman's eyes widen, "What?"

"She's on a suicide mission. She's working for someone outside of Fish and Game, but I don't know who. She also has Peter on her list of suspects." Celena explains.

Roman plays with some of the pool balls, "So what are you afraid she digs up?" He asks.

Peter was silent for a moment, "Nicolae."

"He's still alive?" Roman asks.

"No, but if she goes deep enough, she's gonna find out."

"What does your grandfather have to do with you?" Celena asks.

"Nicolae was a killer. He killed one of our own. That's where this comes from." Peter unbuttons his shirt, exposing the 'g' tattoo. "It stands for 'Garjo'. 'Outsider'. Nicolae stood outside of all worlds and I stand...next to Nicolae."

Roman shrugs, "So what?"

Peter buttons his shirt back up, "It's in my blood. Blood stains."

"What, she's gonna dig up a body...?" Roman asks, but Peter cuts him off, agitated with the results for himself and those around him.

"She doesn't need to. All she needs is a scent. My people have gone away for a lot of years for a lot less."

Celena crosses her arms over her chest and sighs as she sits next to Peter.

"Who do you think this Chasseur really is?" She asks.

Peter shakes his head, "It doesn't matter. All that matters is not putting me in a cage. It's too late for me to run now."

Roman picks his drink back up and sips, tapping his fingers against the glass, "So, what, then?"

"We do what you said." Celena says. "All of us, we find the vargulf and we stop him. For good."

"How?" Roman asks.

"Peter and I were talking about this yesterday, we came to only one solution. If there's time before the next moon, help him." Celena says.

"It's possible he doesn't even know what he's doing." Peter adds.

"If there's not?" Roman asks, but he had a feeling he already knew the answer.

"I kill him." Peter states.

"You would do that?" Roman was honestly surprised.

"I would do what was necessary." Peter says.

Roman nods and places his drink down, folding his arms over his chest, "Where would we start?"

"Lisa Willoughby." Peter suggests.

"Seems like a bit of a dead end, don't you think?" Roman frowns.

"Well, what's left of her. We find out where they're burying here." Peter states.


"Because we're gonna dig her up." Peter says simply.

"We're gonna dig her up." Roman echo his words in disbelief.

Celena had a look of disgust, "I think I just barfed in my mouth."

Peter begins to explain that there's a ritual to help speak to the dead and Destiny can perform it.  But, she'll need something from the body first.


Viktor in his work uniform ^^^^

It took Celena a few days of digging, but she managed to find out where they buried Lisa Willoughby. At the same time, Dr. Clementine Chasseur was doing some digging of her own. Mostly on the town's history, starting with the Godfreys. Peter is one of the few that strikes her curiosity. But, another was Viktor Banks. After speaking with most of the people in town, they all pointed fingers towards Peter and Viktor.

She knew the reason why they believe Peter due to his heritage. But, this Viktor Banks, Clementine had to find out.

Sheriff Sworn and Dr. Chasseur head towards the construction area and asks Viktor's boss to speak his employer.

"Banks! You got visitors!"

Viktor was squatting to work on the floor of the house. He looks up and sees the Sheriff and some lady walking towards him.

"Viktor Banks?" Chasseur asks.

Viktor straightens up to stand, watching Chasseur back away in surprise.

"Yes?" He asks as he takes off his work gloves.

"Son, we want to ask you a few questions regarding to the recent murders." Sheriff states.

Viktor nods and leads them to a quiet area.

"So, you're the brother of Celena Banks, correct?" Chasseur asks and she and Viktor sits at a picnic table near the site.

"Yes, ma'am." Viktor nods.

"How long ago did the two of you moved here?" She asks.

"About 6 months ago."

"And you go to Hemlock Grove High with your sister as well?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do you know Brooke Bluebell or Lisa Willoughby?" Sheriff asks.

"Not really, sir. Don't really socialize with people. Due to..." He gestures at his height. "Not to mention, people don't really like others with disfigures." He traces the scar over his face.

"May I ask how did you get that scar?" She asks.

"Car accident. Took my...our parents' lives as well." Viktor stutters, trying to remember their story to anyone who asks. Including the law.

"It must be really hard for you. How people just judge you so quickly." Chasseur says.

"World is full of stupid people." He shrugs.

Chasseur chuckles and nods.

"Like those two boys who your sister punched? I heard she broke one boy's nose and one had to go home with an ice pack on his genitals."

Viktor sighs, "They should have left her alone."

"Your sister?"

"No. Shelley Godfrey. Ask around, she's bullied all the time in school."

Chasseur watches his tensed body language, yet how his eyes lit up when he spoke her name.

"Your in love with her, aren't you? With Ms. Godfrey." She deduces.

Sheriff Sworn had a disgusted look on his face, "That's sick."

"I see where your daughters get their personalities from." Viktor sneers.

Sworn takes a warning step towards him, "What did you say, boy?"

Chasseur stands up, getting in the Sheriff's way, "Sheriff, mind giving us a minute alone?" She asks.

Sheriff glares at Viktor, but moves away from them.

Chasseur sits back down, "It sounds like you have a problem with bullies."

"I can't stand bulling. Had enough of it at my last school." Viktor sighs.

Chasseur looks at her notes from when she investigated the Banks files.

"Bangor High, correct?" She asks.

Viktor nods, "Yeah."

"Do you believe Peter Rumancek is a werewolf?" She asks suddenly.

Viktor laughs, "Sorry, I don't mean to laugh. But, no, ma'am. I'm actually one of the few in this town who are smart enough to know that werewolves do not exist."

Chasseur eyes him, "How about whether or not he could be the killer?"

Viktor shakes his head, "Doubt it. I know Peter better than this town does. I don't judge so quickly like they do based on the fact he's a gypsy. He's just a normal guy getting a bad reputation from a town full of...excuse my language...racist assholes who don't have anything better to do."

"You say you know him. How long long have you known Mr. Rumancek?" She asks curiously.

"Since the day we moved here. He helped us out. Him and his mom. They're great people."

Chasseur nods, "Ok, how about when your sister was at Kilderry Park on the night, just after the Bluebell killing? Do you know the reason why she was with Roman Godfrey and Peter Rumancek that night?"

"I don't really control of my sister's personal life. But, I suspect she was paying respect to the dead." Viktor states.

"Hmm, and do you know her whereabouts on the night of the murders?" She asks.

"Let's see. We were actually with Peter that night when Brooke was killed." Viktor pushes back his hair out of his face, "His mom was helping us with all the paperwork for the school. Since Celena and I are still minors."

"But, legally..." Chasseur looks over her notes, "Celena is your temporary guardian till she reaches 18, then it's official, right?" She asks.

Viktor nods.

"Still hard to believe a young man like you is just 16. You could pass as an 19 year old." She gives him a crooked smile.

Viktor scoffs and laughs, "It's my curse."

"Curse? Now, kids your age would consider this a free ride. Access to the real world." She chuckles.

"Not my style." Viktor shakes his head.

Chasseur scoffs silently, "And how about the night when Lisa was killed, where were you and your sister?"

"I was with Peter's cousin, Destiny. She's our landlord. Cell was with Peter." Viktor states.

Chasseur nods, "Well, then. That's all I needed to know." She gets up and gathers her notes. She drops one piece of paper and Viktor picks it up and hands it to her. "Thank you. And thank you for answering all my questions." She shakes his hand, exclaiming at how big his hands were compared to hers.

"No problem." Viktor nods and sees her off.

Chasseur looks at the paper that Viktor touched and decided to do a little bit more digging.


Celena's outfit for school^^^^^

"So, we're still on for tonight?" Celena stops and scoffs as she goes through her small closet with just a towel on with her cell in her hand. "Listen to me, talking about digging up a body as if it's a date."

She called Roman that morning yo make sure everything was still set to go.

Roman was at home, getting dressed himself. He held his cell with his chin and shoulder as he gets his pants on.

"Won't be the first time I've brought a girl to the cemetery." He scoffs.

Celena made a sound of disgust, "I don't really wanna hear your past sexual victories."

"You never know. Fear sometimes bring out excitement." Roman zips his pants and takes his cell back in his hands.

"Are you seriously talking about having a threesome in the cemetery with a werewolf? Didn't work out for American Werewolf in Paris." Celena scoffs and takes out her clothes out of the closet.

Roman chuckles, "No way am I ever gonna be near little Peter. But, if you ask nicely..." He smirks.

"Roman...get your head out of your pants. We're going to the cemetery to dig up a dead girl. Not fuck on her grave. I feel bad enough." She sighs and takes her hair band out of her hair. Letting her hair spill everywhere, draping over her bare shoulders.

Roman sighs, "Yeah. I'm getting creeps thinking about it. Why do we even have to dig her up?" He asks.

Celena shrugs, "I don't know. Maybe it's a ritual. Help us find out who killed her. Who the vargulf is."

Roman could hear faint rustling over the phone and smirks knowingly, "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for school, duh!" She scoffs.

"Are you naked?" He licks his lips as he tries to picture her.

"I'm ending this call. I'm gonna get dress and see you at school then tonight. You go take a cold shower and jerk off cause that's as close as your ever gonna get with me. Bye." She cuts the call and laughs as her face heats up. She sighs deeply, shivering at the thought of Roman seeing her naked. It kind of turned her on, but....ugh! This is so confusing. She wanted him, yet she wanted Peter. Why can't it be simple?

Roman chuckles as he turns off his phone and tosses it on his bed. When he thinks about it, it wasn't a bad idea. He goes into his bathroom and rubs one out with Celena in his mind.

"Good morning, sister!" Roman says cheerfully to Shelley as he comes into the kitchen.

After the release in the bathroom, he felt like the morning sun was shinning down on him. But, he bets if he ever really has sex with Celena, would be heaven on Earth. Or like every other fuck in his life. He'll find out one day, he hopes.

Shelley greets him with a small smile, but atmosphere in the kitchen sours once Olivia walks in with a smile of her own.

"Morning, darling." She says to her son as she fixes more of Shelley's breakfast.

Olivia frowns as she spies the newspaper Shelley was reading, especially the article about the 'demon dog'.

"There was a time when the breakfast table was a place for civilized conversation." She declares as she takes the paper away and turns to grab the pot off the stove, "I have some business to attend. You need to give your sister a ride."

Roman was fixing his own food and hides a knowing look, "Uh, I have plans after school."

Olivia scoffs and salts Shelley's bowel, "Indeed. Giving your sister a ride. Your visitors last night. It seemed the three of you had rather a lot to talk about." She says curiously.

"Oh, yeah. We're building a diorama of the solar system. Mercury, Mars Uranus." He smirks at that last remark, sharing a laugh with Shelley.

Olivia scorns at Shelly, "Don't encourage him. Strange. He told me they were here to finish an English assignment."

"Yep. That's what I said." Roman says.

"What was their business here?" Her accent thickens as her anger rises.

"OK. You win, Mom. I've been waiting for the right time to tell you, but without all the fiery passion of your disapproval. Peter and I take turns playing Juliet while Celena is Romeo. I hope the headboard didn't make too much noise." He says sarcastically. 

"You track into this house you will scrub from the floor." Olivia warns.

"Have you ever made a threat so cryptic you yourself don't understand it?" He adds.

Olivia throws the pot into sink with a loud clatter, causing Shelley to jump in her seat, "I will not have that filth in my house!" She shouts.

Roman laughs humorlessly and gets up to throw away his food, "All right, I'm going to school. Can I pick up some new batteries for your vibrator?" He asks as his words continue to drip with irritation and sarcasm.

Angrily, Olivia flips her hair out of her face with shaking hands, "I hope you're proud of your foulness at your own mother."

Giving her a bitter smile, "Imagine that whatever comes out of my mouth next is exactly what you want to hear. All right?" He drops his smile and gives her a cold glare, then turns to his sister with a gentle look, "Come on, Shel." He guides her out of the house.

"Have a good day at school, darling." Olivia calls out to him.


After school was over, Shelley wrote to her uncle regarding to the latest incident with Roman and her mother. Also including what happened at the parlor/thrift shop.

"I am dismayed to report this is not the only evidence of a general decline in mother's temper lately. Roman and I made a quick stop en route to school, and who should we encounter but Jenny from the club. To my surprise, she was ringing up a sale at the jewelry counter. But Jenny looked at me with a distinct lack of enthusiasm and only the barest nod of recognition. Of course I was crushed and wracked my brains for any offense I may have caused her. My first assumption, as always, is that it was my own fault."

Roman watches Jenny not spare a glance nor a smile towards his sister. He could practically smell the anger and annoyance all over her. "Missed you at the club the other night."

Viktor was watching from the corners once he heard Roman's voice.

"Well, your psycho mother got me fired." Jenny sneers.

"She's a farm-fresh c***." Roman remarks.

Jenny couldn't help, but smile, "You're bad."

Roman winks at the girl, thinking of the last time he had Jenny in his car. She wasn't a bad fuck, but she didn't satisfy his needs like all these bitches he has had in the past.

"I was horrified, both at mother's rashness and Roman. Within our walls is one thing, but to talk so in a public setting..."

Viktor frowns as he watches Shelley's discomfort, but gasps and ducks quickly before he could be spotted.

"Do you know what would look fabulous on you?" Jenny turns and gives Shelley a polite smile.

Viktor peeks and watches.

"But then she turned to me and smiled, and my dejection was immediately an un-mourned memory."

Jenny moves towards the jewelry section and opens a shelf to show off a pare of diamond earrings. Long with 3 large diamonds sprinkle with small ones. Ends with large topaz diamonds.

"So elegant. Just waiting for the perfect lady."

Viktor watches Shelley's eyes light up with awe and smile grows on her face.

"Come here." Jenny says and places one earring on Shelley's ear.

"Astonishing how much of the world's troubles can be erased by the simplest smile and the feeling of something precious against one's cheek."

"Ah, jolie fille! What do you think, big brother?" Jenny moves so Roman could see. 

Roman gives Shelley a warm smile and brushes a thumb over cheek, his eyes trail over the glow of her skin," I think my sister deserves a diamond as big as the Ritz." But, soon his smile drops. "But Mom would shit a bowling ball."

Shelley's smile drops as well once he mentions their mother's temper. Viktor's frown deepens. How could her own mother deny that Shelley deserves any form of happiness, including jewelry. Viktor knew she didn't have any. He only been to her house a few times when her mother wasn't home.

"Don't tell me you're becoming the responsible one." Jenny scoffs.

"Who told you anything about us?" Roman glares at her, then turns to leave.

"But of course Roman was right about how mother would receive this gesture, and even he picks his battles. There's a dread to even the calms of this family lately, and I cannot escape the feeling if things continue on this course, it is building to some fearful and mysterious and irreparable end."

Shelley sadly gives back the earring and turns to leave with Roman.

Viktor comes out of his hiding spot and walks up to the counter.

"Hey, Jenny, is it?" He asks.

Jenny turns and looks up at Viktor, "Oh, hey, Viktor. Can I help you with something? "

"How much are these earrings?" He points at the ones she was showing Shelley.

She laughs, "I think they're a little out of style for you."

Viktor rolls his eyes and laughs, "I wanna buy them for Shelley."

Jenny places a hand over heart, "Oh, my god. That's so sweet!"

"So, how much are they?" He asks.

Jenny winces, "A little out of your paycheck. How much are you planning to spend?"

"I've got about 800 bucks."

Jenny blinks in surprise.

Viktor shrugs, "Been saving up."

"Well, you're in luck. The earrings are $299.00. We also have a matching necklace on order, but I could save it for you once it comes in. It's $159.00."

"Perfect. Thank you so much." Viktor smiles as Jenny takes out the earrings and rings him up, including the price of the necklace.

"I'll put these away and once the necklace comes, I'll wrap them both up."

Viktor nods and takes his receipt, "Thanks again. Later."

Jenny waves and smiles, thinking how lucky Shelley is to have someone who loves her enough to give her jewelry and such.


Viktor's outfit for the day ^^^^^

School was finally over and it was the weekend at last. Celena walks out of the school doors with Roman and throws her hands up.

"Free at last!" She sighs blissfully.

"Till Monday. "

"Wah-wah-waah. You're a party pooper." She frowns.

Roman snorts and grabs her by her waist, dragging her to his car since he promised her a ride. Celena giggles and grunts as she gets out of his arms to walk.

Roman spot Letha walking towards the bus loop and frowns.

"Where you going?" He calls out as they catch up with her.

Letha turns around and sees Roman and Celena. She smiles as she watches Roman place an arm around Celena's waist, "Hey. Bus." She says' as she points her thumb at the loop.

Roman frowns and scoffs, "Godfreys don't ride buses."

Matt walks up to them, catching their conversation, "That's why I was going to ask you if you wanted a ride home."

Roman's frown deepens as he watches Letha smile warmly at Matt.

"Aren't you the gallant one." Letha giggles and takes Matt's arm.

Celena didn't really understand why Roman was so against Letha socializing with other men. Especially, Matt. It was almost as if he was jealous.

Celena walks with everyone and spies Viktor with Shelley and Peter. Peter was juggling oranges as Shelley laughs and smiles. Viktor was tossing the oranges at Peter to catch.

"All right, he's got two. Now let's try three. All right. Oh, and he's doing three at a time!" Peter exclaims as Viktor throws him another orange. "Oh, no, no! He doesn't do it! He doesn't do it." Peter fumbles and drops all the oranges and dramatically exclaims.

Shelley giggles and claps for him.

Viktor gets the oranges and juggles two.

"Uh-oh, looks like we got competition." Peter laughs and throws Viktor an orange. "Holy shit, he's doing three!"

Celena laughs with Letha as she watches them. Roman scoffs at the show, but frowns more when Matt pulls Letha closer to him and laughs with her.

"Can he do four? Let's see." Peter throws an orange, but hits Viktor in the face, making him drop the oranges.

Viktor grunts and looks at him disbelief, but laughs with everyone, "You cheater!"

"He doesn't do it! Oh, so terrible." Peter exclaims again in drama.

Shelley laughs and claps for Viktor. Hugging him in comfort as he gives her a teasing pout.

"Got any other tricks?" Roman asks sarcastically.

"Not with the ladies present." Peter smirks.

"Have you met my cousin Letha?" Roman asks as he points at Letha.

"No. Peter." Peter holds his hand out to Letha.

"Hey." Letha gives him a friendly smile, but refuses his hand.

Peter drops his hand and scoffs silently. Another one who refuses to acknowledge him.

Roman moves towards his truck, If the circus is over, let's get going. Come on, Shel."

Celena got into the big truck with Roman, Peter, Shelley, and Viktor while Letha gets into Matt's mustang.

"Why didn't you shake his hand?" Matt asks suddenly.

"Hmm? Oh! I know I'm an idiot. It's just all these horrible rumors going around about him, I just..." She sighs.

"It's ok. But, he deserves an apology."

Letha nods, "I know.  I will next time I see him."

Suddenly, Letha's cellphone rings, it was Roman.

Letha frowns in confusion, but answers the call, "Roman, we literally saw each other 10 seconds ago.  What's wrong?" She asks. 

"Nothing. Remember that guy lying in the road the night of the dance? The one who saw Brooke Bluebell?" Roman asks. 

Celena holds his phone as she sits in between Peter and him in the front, while Shelley and Viktor occupied the back.  Which was a very tight fit for them.  Letha's voice is heard fro the speakers.

"Yeah." Letha says.

Celena thinks of that night, the man's face flashing in her mind, "Ouroboros. I seen that cheerleader. I saw her get killed. Today I've seen the Dragon. Your soul is as bright as the moon."

Roman's voice suddenly snaps her out of her thoughts, "I was thinking maybe you could talk to your pops, see if you can find out more about him.".

Celena feels Peter's hand on hers, holding her in comfort.  She gives him a small smile and snuggles close against him. 

"Like what?" Letha asks.

Roman shrugs, trying to think of something, "Like, um..."

"Like something that might not have made the papers. Anything that seemed out of place." Celena asked for him.

Letha frowns at Matt in confusion, "What are you three up to?"

"That's on a need-to-know basis." "Hunting the demon dog." Roman and Peter answers as one.  Roman sends Peter a glare as Celena elbows him in the gut, making him groan. 

Letha scoffs, "No, you're not."

"There are mitigating circumstances. We think the demon dog might actually be a person." Roman states.

"Are you high?" Letha scoffs.

"Beside the point." Roman waves her off.

"This guy is hurting people." Celena states.

"OK.  A, it's not a guy. It's an it." Letha says determinedly. 

Peter looks over his seat and winks at Shelley, "Shh." He quietly hushes her an places a comforting hand over hers. 

Shelley smiles and blushes, giggling at Viktor's annoyed face.  Viktor places an arm around Shelley, "She's mine." He whispers.

Peter laughs, turning back to listen to Letha's argument, "B, say you had a single good reason to think it was a person, you can't seriously think you're better off chasing him than a trained professional. And C, what do you think a psychiatric patient's gonna be able to tell you?"

"Is that a yes?" Roman asks.

Letha rolls her eyes and rubs her head, "Say it was a person. What do you imagine you're gonna do when you find him?" She asks him.

Roman leans closer to the phone, "What do you think, sweetheart? Put him in the pound."

"Can I ask what possible good you think is gonna come from this?"

"No." All three said in unison.  Roman cuts the call as soon as Letha agrees to being their eyes and ears of Francis Pullman. Soon, he pulls up to Peter's mailbox and pulls over to let Peter out, but gets out to speak privately with him.  Celena leans out of the window to listen to their conversation.  

"Hey. Why did you say demon dog?" Roman whispers furiously.

"It calls less attention to seem like you're a retard than you're hiding something. People paying attention to me isn't the same as people paying attention to you." Peter states. 

Roman nods, he was right, "All right. Meet you at midnight."

"You bring the shovels, I'll bring the rest." Peter nods and turns to head down the steps. 

"I'll pick up Celena on the way." Roman calls out.

"Ok." Peter calls back.

Celena blows out a breath, buzzing her lips as she moves to get into the passenger's seat properly, buckling her seatbelt as Roman starts up the truck and drives Viktor and Celena to Destiny's.  Roman leans closer as Celena hops out of the truck, "I'll come back before midnight and pick you up.  Be ready, ok?"

Celena salutes him, "Yes, sir."

"Smart ass." Roman gives her a crooked grin.

"Rather be a smart ass than a dumbass." Celena giggles and turns to head up to the loft with Viktor. 

Roman scoffs out a laugh, but smiles as he watches Celena.  She'll be the death of him.  Shelley watches her brother admire her friend from afar. Smiling with him silently.  

As Peter gets home, he grabs a bag and begins to fill it up with the items he needs for tonight.  He grabs a jar from the kitchen and moves to the tool drawer, but stops as he eyes the photograph of his late grandfather, "Jesus, Nicolai. Speak now or forever hold your peace." He mutters sarcastically as he thinks of what his grandfather would say to him if he knew what he was doing.

He looks over his shoulder as he hears his mom walk up to the door, carrying groceries, "Hey. How are ya? How was your day?" She says as she walks in with a big smile and places her groceries on the table. 

Peter quickly places the jar in his bag, giving he a smile back, shrugging, "Weird day, month, whatever. Yours?" He says.

"Oh, it was OK. I, uh, I ran into your friend's mom at the general store." Lynda says.

Peter rummages through the drawers to find the box knife, "Well, you know what they say about small towns."

Lynda chuckles, nodding in agreement, "Yeah. Yeah, I think she was looking for me."


"Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The woman was trying to act sly, but you could smell the desperation. I mean, she must've gone through the last of what Vince sold her. You know? But she can't bring herself to ask someone like me for more.  She wants my stuff." She says as she flips throughout a magazine she bought. 

"I suppose you could just give it to her." Peter frowns.

Lynda scoffs, "What would be the fun in that? I got duck. I thought I would make something fancy schmancy tonight.  You can call Celena and Viktor, too.  I bought plenty of food."

"Ah, I'm going out. Celena will be with me." Peter says as he makes sure he has everything he needs.

Lynda nods, her smile slightly falling, "I know. You know, your grandfather Nicolai was very proud of you. You know that? Do you remember when that picture was taken?" She asks as she points at the picture.

Peter looks at the picture, shaking his head. "No, I can't.". He straps his bag and throws it over his shoulder, heading out the door, "See you later."

"I love you." Lynda says as he watches Peter head off to find answers.  She prays to her ancestors to watch over Peter's safety when she can't.


Celena's outfit for the graveyard, also wearing black pants and biker boots ^^^^

Hours flew by and before Peter knew it, it was midnight.  Still no Roman nor Celena .  He lights up a joint, hearing the crickets sing and the frogs croaking the distance.  He lets out a harsh breath, anxious to get this over with.  It was colder than a witch's tit and it felt like his balls were gonna fall off.

Finally, he hears a car pull up by the gates and sees two hooded figures climbing the small gates.  Roman climbs over first and helps Celena jump over. 

Peter chuckles at the two of them, "Did you actually dress up as a grave robber?".

Roman frowns, "No. I dressed up like you." He says sarcastically as he carries the shovels. 

Celena had the flashlights and lantern, "Can we please get this over with?  It's dark, it's cold and I'm really creeped out." She shivers.

The boys chuckle at her, she was just too cute to their eyes.  Roman gestures her to go first and he follows her.

"Did you know that people used to believe the dead came back as bloodthirsty revenants because the bloating of internal organs made them, like like, belch up fluid from inside the lungs."  Roman smirks as he tries to gross Celena out.

Celena gags and grimaces, "Roman, please, be nice." She whines. 

Peter and Roman snicker, "Huh. They're coming to get you, Barbara. They're coming for you, Barbara!" Roman says in a creepy voice and slowly stalks after Celena.  

Roman growls and grabs her, making her shriek.  Peter laughs, but shushes them.  They need to be quiet. 

"Is there like a summer school for serial killers?" He says with a grin.

All three of them laugh and Roman hugs Celena from behind as they get closer and closer to the grave.  Once they made it to the top of the hill, near the colosseum where they keep the cremated, they three of them stood around the loose soil plot.

"Shee-it." "Shee-it." Roman and Peter says with enthusiasm. 

Celena moves the soil with her foot, "Hmm, pretty loose.  I might can save us the trouble of digging." She says as she takes her bag off her shoulders and places it on the ground.

"You can do that that?" Roman exclaims.

Celena shrugs, "You want to spend 3 or 4 hours digging her up?"

Peter holds his hand out, "Be our guest."

Celena rubs her hands together then spreads them out as she concentrates.  Soft rumbling was made and the ground began to shake.  She slowly lifts her hands, lifting the air.  Roman watches with wide eyes as the ground begins to move outward.  Peter backs away slowly, then jumps when Celena grunts in pain. 

Celena gasps and wipes away the blood, "Snagged a root.  Shit.  Probably, lifted it one foot."  She gives them a guilty look.  "Sorry."

Roman gently pats her back, "It's ok."

Peter grabs a shovel, "At least you tried.  If we work together, it won't take us long." He takes the first plunge and begins to dig.

Celena sighs and grabs a shovel with Roman, helping them dig. 

"How many funerals have you been to?" Roman asks Peter, suddenly.

"A few. Rumanceks are reliably kicking it as a result of positive lifestyle choices." Peter says.

"What are they like for for you people? Funerals, I mean." Roman's curiosity continues to grow.

"Committed. You're not allowed to eat or wash, mirrors are covered, and the dead guy's stuff is burnt."

Celena frowns and stops digging, "Why?"

"Because a Rumancek should not be remembered for his worldly things. They also cut off their head."

Roman and Celena look at Peter in shock, "What?" They ask in unison.

"Things happen to our kind after death if you don't do the head." Peter says.

"What kind of things?" Roman asks.

"The bad kind."

"What about you, Cell?" Roman asks as he grunts.

Celena sighs as she shoves the dirt away with her shovel, "Last funeral I've been to was Steve's."

Roman and Peter stopped shoveling to listen. 

"The whole school was there.  His family.  All I could think of was how we wanted to tell the truth about his death.  But, how do you do that without showing what you are?" She scoffs and shoves the shovel deeper into the soil.  Peter could smell the anger on her. 

Roman sighs, "I've been to two funerals. One was my dad's. It's all pieces. I remember hearing the shot and going downstairs. He was on the floor. I remember thinking how much trouble he'd be in for the mess." Roman goes back to digging.

"That's fucked up." Peter frowns.

"Maybe we should drop the subject of funerals while digging up a body.  Dig." Celena says.

The three of them continue through the night.  Unaware that Dr. Chasseur had the same idea.

Finally, they reached to the coffin.  Peter kneels and brushes the dirt off the wood and uses his tools to pop the locks. 

The coffin creaks as it opens.  To their confusion, Lisa's body was gone. Nothing but sandbags. 

"Where is she?" Roman asks.

"Hold on." Peter moves to open the body part of the coffin.

Lo and behold, there was Lisa.  Dressed in a silk pajama blouse. As if she was sleeping and dreaming peacefully with half of dozen teddy bears surrounding her half body.

"Oh, fuck me." Roman gasps at the sight, he was beginning to regret everything. 

Peter swallows hard, "Get the thing from my bag." He says.

Roman grabs the jar, but freezes as he eyes the corpse again. Peter begins unbuttoning Lisa's blouse, exposing her sewed up torso and her belly.

Peter holds his hand out, waiting for Roman to hand him his stuff.  He looks over at Roman, impatiently wiggling his fingers.

"Well, you want this dance?" He asks sarcastically.

Roman scoffs and hands him everything, "You're the expert."

"Here, grab the light." Peter nods at Celena. 

Celena takes the lantern with shaking hands and holds the light for Peter.

Peter sighs sadly as he places a hand over Lisa's forehead. He speaks in Romani to Lisa. 

"You don't deserve this." He mutters in English, then begins slicing in her stomach.  Blood and body waste begins to pour through the wounds.

Celena looks away and groans in disgust as the smell hits her nose.

"You make this look easy." Roman scoffs and watches Peter begin to pull out Lisa's small intestines. Stuffing it into the jar.  "What's your cousin gonna do with that?" He asks.

"What she can. No promises." Peter says as he fills the jar up with blood and intestines.

"The other funeral..." Roman mutters.

"Yeah?" Peter asks as he seals the jar latch.

"It was Shelley's." Roman frowns at the memories.

Celena looks over to him in complete shock, nearly dropping the lantern.

"What?" She gasps. Then looks up as she see lights flashing by.  A car was approaching.  "Did you hear that?" She whispers.

Roman stands up, with his height he could see clearly from the front gates.  Headlights.  He saw headlights pulling up at the gates.

He quickly ducks, "Someone's here, someone's here, someone's here, someone's here." He whispers in panic. 

Celena gasps and scrambles around with Roman and Peter to get everything. 

"Damn it." Peter grumbles and climbs out of the grave with Roman. 

Celena grabs her bag and looks up to see Roman and Peter holding out their hands for her.

"Come on." Roman urges her. 

She reaches out and take their hands, grunting as they pull her out.

The three of them take off on the other side of the graveyard, leaving behind the open grave. 

Sheriff Sworn and Chasseur head for the grave as Peter, Roman, and Celena make their getaway escape.  Roman and Peter make it to the locked gate and begins to climb over. Celena makes it to the gate as Roman and Peter makes it over.

"Hurry! Climb!" Roman whispers. 

Celena tosses her bag over the gate and Peter catches it.  She takes a few steps back.

"What are you doing?" Peter whispers. 

Celena runs and jumps as a soft boom was made.  She floats over the gate and lands into Roman's arms, causing him to fall backwards on to the ground. Peter jumps back as soon as she lands on Roman.  Groaning,  Roman grimaced from the pain. 

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you could fly." He grunts in pain.  

She sits up, straddling him, "Nice catch." She laughs and taps his face. 

Roman scoffs and pushes her off him gently as Peter helps her up.

"Come on. We gotta go." They rush to Roman's car and he speeds off, away from the graveyard.

All three of them pant in relief.

"Well." Celena blew out a breath. "That was a fun night."

Peter laughs in relief and Roman joins.  Pretty soon, nothing but laughter was made in the car.

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