My Possessive Neighbor (on ho...

By escxpefromreality

144K 3.8K 853

Alexis Santos was never lucky with boys. Even when she thinks her love life is going good, it's like she spok... More

My Possessive Neighbour


10.3K 286 87
By escxpefromreality

My Possessive Neighbour | Chapter 9

Early update! Finished this chapter a while ago & decided to upload it :) I hope you guys like it x



'But I thought you hate me? Why are you always so angry with me?' I asked carefully

His mood changed at an instant, it wasn't his cold mood but a quieter one.

'I don't hate you' he said.

'But why are you always angry towards me?' I asked in frustration, if we are speaking now I might as well get some answers.

He looked a bit annoyed but he avoided the subject 'just go and sit on the sofa and I will get some food and we shall speak' he practically demanded.

So I did what I was told.


The silence that is in the atmosphere right now cannot be explained, I was sat on the Kingsley's sofa whilst scrolling through Netflix on my phone and Harrison was in the kitchen scramming through the fridge, even though we were in different rooms, the awkwardness was streaming in both.

I peeked through the archway every now and then to see what Harrison was up to, sometimes he was opening a cupboard and looking for food, other times he was standing there with the cupboard open staring into space. 

I didn't say anything because I didn't want to push my luck, I just need to keep my questions aside and make sure my mouth doesn't run if I want to pursue a good friendship with him, or a relationship... 

My stomach made a really loud, gurgling noise and I stared at it to shut up as if it was a person, it was now Harrison's turn to look through the archway and into the living room, where I was sat. I gave him a sheepish smile but his face didn't return any reaction apart from that blank monotone  face he usually has when I'm around. 

I turned back to my phone and decided to watch Gossip Girl all over again, to say I was obsessed with the show is an understatement, I still am. 

I became engrossed into the first episode again, even though I watched it x amount of times that I didn't even realise Harrison placed a bowl of something on the coffee table and sat besides me, but not close to me. 

When Chuck Bass came onto the screen I fangirled and shrieked in a low volume so I don't wake anyone up. My love for his is unconditional, and so is his romance with Blair. 

Harrison whisper-yelled 'what the fuck' at me and I snapped out of the trance I was in. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

'Oh' I responded. 'I didn't realise you were here' I said timidly.

'Hmm' was his response. 

'What's this programme called?' he asked curiously, I didn't realise he was speaking to me gently unlike a while ago where his voice was aggressive even though he was speaking quietly.

'Gossip Girl', I replied summarily. 

'Whats it about?' he shot back, but not in a rude way. 

I explained it to him what it is about and he nodded in understanding and started to watch with it with me. 

just about got through the first episode and I gave up due to a certain someone next to me. He scoffed everytime I saw Chuck and also Nate. He even gagged, I shot him daggers and he shrugged in response. 

I turned off my phone and exhaled deeply and turned my head towards him and there he sat, vacancy in his eyes again.

I clicked my fingers in front of his face and he snapped out of his reverie and his eyes shot to me, studying my new appearance. 

'This new look suits you, you know' he aburptly blurted out.

I sheepishly accepted the compliment with a quiet 'thank you'

'What made you change your appearance?' he asked, looks like he didn't want to hold anything back. 

'Uhh well' I started off, I might as well open up a bit if I want to pursue a friendship then a relationship.. ugh if only the voice in my head shut up for once.

'Well I changed my appearance because I want to feel more beautiful' I responded, he mumbled something underneath his breath. I looked at him questionably and he just shrugged it off.

'And I' I spoke up again. 'I also changed my appearance because I wanted to make sure my ex regrets cheating on me'

As soon as he heard the word 'ex' his head shot up and looked straight at me in shock.

'Why are you looking at me like that? Shocked that a girl like me' hand gesturing my person 'can have a boyfriend?'  

He shook his head 'No, no I-I just am surprised that you got cheated on' he responded.

I laughed bitterly 'Getting cheated on is my love life in a sentence, I don't see why you're surprised about me getting cheated on' 

Harrison mumbled something again, which I couldn't really catch and he looked at me intently and asked 'Um why did he cheat on you?'

'Because I didn't want to give up my V-Card to him and he decided he can get it from elsewhere' I simply stated.

I exhaled deeply as Harrison was watching me and not saying a word, wow. I just realised that I never ever spoke about the whole ordeal properly, I just realised that I still have the burden on my shoulder. I should take this moment as a chance to let all my feelings out and get rid of this ordeal once and for all.

'You know..' I started off..

'This is not the first time it happened to me, my other exes done the same to me too but for the same reason, except for Cameron - the one we saw at the mall he is just an idiot and so was I. But when Caine cheated on me it hurt like mad, I should've saw this coming, I don't know why I didn't. The fact that he treated me like a princess whilst he was doing this was like a knife stabbed on my back. This just goes to show that even the ones that make you feel special, aren't special.' I said, all in one breath. Little did I know that my tears were flowing whilst I was saying this.

Harrison put his arm around my shoulder, which provided the warmth that I was lacking, usually I would be fangirling that he has his arms around me but my heart is too broken again to feel any sort of loving feeling. 

Harrison also laughed bitterly and said quietly 'I know how you feel, I had my fair share of exes and they all broke my heart, like you said the ones that made me feel special, aren't special' he exhaled deeply and he spoke again, 'the thing is, we trust too much and invest our feelings in something that shouldn't be invested in. 

If you give your trust to a person who does not deserve it, you actually give them the power to destroy you.. and you shouldn't do that. I know I'm not one to talk, but believe me I am practising what I am preaching.'


That was all I could think of, I never knew Harrison had this kind of deep, soft persona in him. 

Listening to what he said it seems like he isn't sure of a relationship or pursuing anything of that department, the way he spoke to me sounds like he has really been hurt, the tone, the words and the integrity. 

There was silence between us and in the atmosphere, not the awkward, suffocating silence. But the comfortable, tranquil silence where we are complacent in eachother's presence. 

Harrison looked towards me, and he opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but then he closed it. 

'What do you want to say?' I asked curiously. 

He took a breath before he spoke, 'Your question from earlier, my answer is: I don't mean to be angry towards you, I really don't.'

I looked surprised, I thought he was going to avoid this topic like it was never said. 

'But why do you act angry towards me if you don't mean it?' I asked in response. 

His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, probably wondering how to answer that question.

'The reason why, I act angry towards you is because-' 

His sentence was cut off by my phone vibrating, I was getting a call from a unfamilar number.

I answered it cautiously.. 


'Hey Alexis?' the reciever said. 

'Um who's this?' I asked. 

'It's me, umm..  Cameron, I thought I'd call the number you gave me back in Spain and see if it works, I guess it does.' he replied sheepishly. 

'Cameron!?' I whisper-shrieked. Harrison looked straight at me with a weird 'wtf' look. 

'Cameron why are you calling me? At this time? Did you not see that I was NOT interested to see your unwelcoming ass self in the mall!?' I said with Harrison snickering on my right. 

'I don't know why I am calling you at this time, I just.. I just couldn't stop thinking about you after bumping into you in the mall. Seeing you made me realise what a fool I was for cheating on you' I simply scoffed in response to what he said. 

'Really? Do you Cameron? Do you really?' I sniped back.

'Yes really' he said.

'Lex, I know what I did was unacceptable, I wanted to explain everything to you that's why I texted you and called you so many times after you dumped me but you didn't respond to any of them, I just want to speak to you properly, civilly. Please just give me a chance' he said in defeat.

Hearing his defeat made me feel a bit sad, he did bother to contact me after what he has done repeatedly and I ignored him, and if he is still persistant in explaining his side to me, I might as well give him a chance to see what he has got to say. 

'Alexis, are you there?' Cameron asked.

I sighed and spoke 'yeah, I am. I guess I was a bit harsh on you, how about you meet me tomorrow at that cafe we always used to go to at 10am and you can explain then' 

'Unbelieveable' Harrison muttered in what seemed to be annoyance. 

My head shot towards him and I saw him shaking his head at me. Great he has gone back to his mood, again and I don't even know why.

'Great!' Cameron exclaimed in joy. 'I'll see you tomorrow Alexis' 

'I'll see you tomorrow Cameron, goodnight' I chuckled at his joy as I hung up the phone. 

I turned to Harrison annoyance appearing through my face due to his change in his demeanour. 'What's unbelievable Harrison?' I asked. 

'This goes against everything we just spoke about, he broke your heart and you're treating him special like he is innocent!' he whisper-yelled. 

Damn this boy can be so irrational at the most randomest of times. 

'Yes I can see that I am going against what's been said but sometimes there is room for second chances, he says he has an explanation and I would like to hear it.'

'What if that explanation isn't valid?' What you gonna do then huh? he retorted. 

Okay now I am getting really annoyed. 

'What are you tryna say? I'm going to meet up with him tomorrow to get back with him? Is that what you think huh!?' I said a bit too aggressively, but you can't blame me, he was getting on my nerves.

I didn't let him answer that and I continued 'For your information, I am going to meet up with him tomorrow to hear his explanation, I want to know why he did what he did. If his explanation is acceptable then I might become friends with him, key word might. - that is my intention, I'm not some desperate girl that will take back any guy with an apology if that is what you're trying to imply, hell. no.' I said. 

Evident in his facial expression, Harrison was taken aback with the way I spoke to him.

'First of all I was not trying to imply that and secondly, you can't just be friends with an ex, nobody can' he said whilst gritting his teeth. 

'That's what everyone says, 'you can't', Well maybe if people changed their mindset and stopped abiding by those stupid tumblr quotes then you can do things, even be friends with your ex' I snapped back. 

Harrison didn't reply, I think I shut him up there.

'I guess so...' he finally replied. 

'Why does this make you so angry Harrison, it affects me and my feelings, not you?

His facial expression changed as if he was a deer caught in the headlights.

It took his a short while to think and compose his answer but I just kept looking on intently.

'It's just, I-uh, It's just I opened up to you, you may not think I have but, I did. Thing is I don't know why, I actually don't know why, I never open up to anyone except for Paige. And you were opening up to me too. I thought we both understood each other but when you accepted Cameron's offer, it just felt like to me you defied everything and I just, I don't know..' he sighed. 

My heated mind cooled down and I felt touched.

I gave Harrison a warm, reassuring smile, 'trust me Harrison, I didn't defy you, sometimes you need to realise even if you have the same understanding with someone, you won't handle things the same. We do understand each other Harrison, trust me. We do.'

Unconsciously, I put my hand on top of his and squeezed it and smiled, he, surpisingly returned a smile too, but it didn't match mine. 

It got awkward really quickly, Harrison cut down the awkwardness by suggesting a movie, we bickered for a good few minutes before Harrison begrudgingly searched for movies online. Whilst he was doing that, I stuck my earphones in and zoned out.

'The bed's getting cold and you're not here,

The future that we hold is so unclear

But I'm not alive until you call

And I'll bet the odds against it all

Save your advice cause I won't hear

You might be right, but I don't care

There's a million reasons 

Why I should give you up...'

- I sang along to the song and my eyes became watery, I snapped back to reality and thankfully Harrison didn't catch my almost breakdown, he was too engrossed into looking for a movie, I guess he doesn't really want to face any more awkward moments.

It was the first time since ages I cried over my break-up, it's funny how one tiny thing, whether it is a sentence or an object, can bring back a thousand memories and thoughts, everything will come back to you, whether you like it or not.

-'Taken' Harrison simply said out of the blue. I turned to face him with a confused expression on my face. 

'Lets watch Taken', he said and I mouthed an 'Oh' in understanding.  

'Which one?' I asked. 

'Whichever, but if you want to we can watch both' he responded. 

'Eh, let's just watch both since the third one is coming out soon, why not watch the first two again?' I said, Harrison gave a small chuckle, his laugh is such a beautiful sound, if I was a chocolate, I'd be a melted chocolatey puddle. Oops, that didn't sound right..

'Hey Alexis, are you even listening' he asked as he snapped his fingers in my face, usually I'd flip shit but it's Harrison. So what if it is Harrison?

'Huh - yeah I'm listening, lets start watching them now' I fumbled. Harrison kept his gaze on me for a few seconds and then began the movie. 

Around the middle of the movie, I began to realise that the proximity between Harrison and I was small; somehow we ended up sitting too close to each other. But judging Harrison, it doesn't look like he's bothered by it, or he hasn't noticed it. He was engrossed into the movie to realise I was even looking at him. 

I took this opportunity to examine his face, the light reflected his jade-green eyes making it a more beautiful eye colour, I looked down to his perfect full lips which has a hoop around it making his lip-biting much more sexier and more intriguing. His jaw made me feel so tempted to trace, because it was that beautiful and so was his beautiful brown curly locks that made me want to run my hands through it. 

I realised that I called him beautiful one too many times. 

And I then also realised,

that I'm starting to fall for him...


So... what do you think guys? Let me know in the comments :) 

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- Love Ricki xxx

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