
De RavenRoyal17

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The Others have 'ruled' over the world Fajr for eons, but their brother, Darkness, has grown jealous of the f... Mais

Character Intro
Chapter 1: The Problem
Chapter 2: Finding Help
Chapter 3: Hello, Vane Understone. You're now the Chosen One!
Chapter 4: We Conjure a Plan
Chapter 5: Everything Goes Very Wrong Very Quickly
Chapter 7: Insert Clever Title Here

Chapter 6: It Suddenly Gets Worse Than We Thought

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De RavenRoyal17

!!Minor gore warning!!

Zero above^ 



To make a long story very, very short, I was bored. Zero had kicked us out of the backroom over an hour ago and still had yet to come out. While I was glad we didn't have to spend another second in the room with that nameless demon, I was also concerned about Zero. A lot can happen in an hour.

Vane and Imp had wandered off 15 minutes after we got kicked out and I had yet to see them again. Moon was taking a nap under the stool I was perched on and Sun was in a deep discussion with the bartender about something to do with 'solar energy'... Whatever that was.

I swirled the liquid in the tankard in front of me, watching it refract against the silvery inside. The flashes reminded me of Moon's moonlight when she let it flow over the budding Fajr. Like crashing waves covered in stars.

"Oi, kid. You gonna answer me or not?" Nani? I turned abruptly in my seat, tensing upon seeing the tall demon in front of me. "So?"

His attire reminded me of the clothes that the First Ones used to wear, very posh and unnecessarily glammy. The only thing that looked like it had seen any kind of action was his dark knee-high boots and the axe strapped to his waist. His hair was as black at night, framing and falling into his face a bit, making him look alluring and mysterious. The glare cast at me wasn't helping me answer in a calm manner.

"Ah-um..." I stumbled trying to find the words to a question I didn't know. "Who-who're you?"

"Eh?? You don't know who I am? Listen here kid, and listen close. I'm Yama Fourthstar, and you're in my seat." His eyes narrowed, flashing a dangerous red-gold at my question. "You gonna get up or are we gonna have a problem?"

Distantly I felt the Others begin to move, tensing in preparation for something, but I was too occupied by the gigantic demon in front of me.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't-didn't know this was you-your seat! There wasn't a-a nametag an-and the bartender didn't s-say anything-" I started panicking, twisting my claws and shuffling on the stool awkwardly. I jumped when I heard Moon start growling. I glanced down and her face was terrifying. Her hackles were raised, her ears were flat on her head, her lips were pulled back to reveal her sharp incisors, and her claws were digging into the wood floor. Her eyes were glowing a menacing gold, challenging the demon in front of me.

"Get out of my seat and tell your mutt to back down and maybe I'll forget this ever happened." He smirked widely, a menacing look adorned his face. I started to move to get down.

"Hey M-moon, maybe we should-" I didn't get to finish. I heard something whistling through the air, ducking instictively, as a long pale object soared over my head and into Yama's chest, effectively knocking him to the floor. I turned to the source of the (now identified) tail, finding Sun with a dark look aimed at the prone Yama. A shade looking creature rushed to his side, checking for injuries.

"You dare speak to my brother in such a foul way, demon? Perhaps I should return the greeting you gave with one of my own," Sun stepped forward menacingly, her hoof-paw-feet clicking as claws emerged from the ends.

"I am Sun, the first Other, creator of Fajr, and the deity of the sun. And you, sir, have incurred my wrath." I could see spines growing on her tail with each word and her face splitting with each step, blood leaking from the slits that grew by the second. Moon was at her flank, ready to back her up if things got nasty. Based on the expression on Yama's face, nasty was inevitable.

(angry sun above ^)

Yama got to his feet and pulled a wicked looking axe from his hip. The shade got up from where he was crouched and followed Yama's lead, pulling out pitch black twin daggers as long as his forearms.

"The Sun, hah? I don't believe you, and for lying to me I'M GONNA KILL YOU," Yama lunged forward swinging the axe at Sun's head. Sun hissed viciously, face splitting into fourths, spraying minor amounts of blood. She ducked and dug her teeth into his left shin. Her tail wrapped itself around his weapon arm, coiling and tightening like an anaconda, thorns leaving large bloody gashes. Moon used Sun's back as a springboard and tackled the shade who attempted to free Yama from Sun's grasp.

I scrambled up and over the bar, hiding behind the edge, watching them fight. The creatures surrounding us had started screaming the moment Yama lunged, and were just now beginning to flee the scene. The weres stationed around the dancefloor were struggling to get close due to the panicking crowd. The bartender had disappeared, probably into the open trapdoor under the bar. A slamming door to my left pulled my attention for a second, only for me to turn back to the fight as Yama was thrown over the bar and into the bottles on the wall.

The golden-brown liquid covered him, making his skin glint dangerously in the low light. He now had tiny horns on his forehead and a small spaded tail lashed behind him. I felt silly that I had been afraid of a lesser demon, the lowest of all demons, but quickly became afraid as his amber orbs turned to me. He hissed, ivory fangs suddenly revealed, and attempted to strike me with his -excuse me what- blood-coated axe. His swing was interrupted by Zero blocking with his red katana.

"What's going on here?" Zero was definitely not in the mood to play. His expression was cold. I thought I saw a flash of seomthing in his eyes, but it was gone before I could truly identify it.

"Ah, Zero! Nocturna's little pet! How wonderful of you to join us!" Yama backed up, lowering his weapon. His words may have been semi-nice, but his voice dripped with sarcasm.

"I asked what's going on. Why were you attacking my charges?" Zero kept his katana at his side. The glare he sent at Yama could have killed. I shivered at the thought of that gaze in my direction.

"You know these, fakes? Wow, Zero, I didn't think my opinion of you could get any worse but here we are!" Yama turned his head to each of us before turning back to Zero, an ugly look on his face. "Why would you align yourself with these losers?"

"I wouldn't call us losers when you're the ones injured," Sun spat. "You didn't manage to land a single blow on me."

Her tail lashed behind her, coated in blood. The spikes, claws, and split face were gone but the blood remained. It ran in rivets down her neck and chest. Moon wasn't much better. Her muzzle was splotched with blood and her claws were still impaled in the chest of the shade, who was smart and hadn't attempted to move her.

("the shade" or Wolf above^)

"Who made the mess on my floors?" The angel, Nocturna, strode out of the backroom while pulling their odd kimono over their shoulder.

"It was these mangy dogs, sire," Yama bowed. "They attacked me and Wolf unjustly and we were forced to defend ourselves." That little-

"Nocturna, I can't speak for my companions but-" Zero started. He was likely going to try to defend us.

"Silence. Zero, despite our relationship I am inclined to trust my own. You and your temporary companions are unwelcome here. Once you rid yourself of them we will welcome you back. Leave." Nocturna's voice was very business like, and their eyes flashed on the last word. Zero looked like he wanted to protest, but nodded stiffly.

"Come on, Others. We have no need to stay here any longer." Zero quickly walked to the exit, not really caring if we were following.

Vane and Imp, who apparently vanished during the fight, were on his heels. Moon looked between Sun and I before trotting after the three. I used a wing assisted hop to make my way to Sun's back, I almost slipped due to the blood but managed to gain purchase before she really started moving.

I turned to look back just before the door shut, only to see Yama giving us a dark grin that promised pain whenever we'd meet next. 

Sun spoke up once we'd reached ground level again,

"So Imp, you mentioned something about fellow witches?"

Continue lendo

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