Seer《Book 1: Season 5-6 》

By kaimarag

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My brother's had their story, I had mine. I didn't know they existed, until I died... I was a psychic, I kne... More

Author's Note
My Story (before theirs)
Another One?
To Trap an Angel
What Could Be
Family Business
Play the Part
See the Light
Crazy Works
Songs Remain
Mother Where Art Tho?
Talking Dead
Crossing Over
The Virgin and The Whore
Substitutes and Sacrifices I/II
Lost and Found
The 11th Hour
The Ending We Made
The Beginning I Made
Make New Friends, Keep the Old
Blood Bath
Hard Truths
Soulless and Servitude
Facing Your Demons I/II
Facing Your Demons II/II
Alternatives I/II
Alternatives II/II
True Colors
Fate's a Bitch
Lovers, Brothers and Mothers
Just One Night
When the Levee Breaks

Substitutes and Sacrifices II/II

102 7 0
By kaimarag

"The end is nigh! The apocalypse is upon us! The angels talk to me, and they asked me to talk to you! The apocalypse-"

"Hey! I'm Dean Winchester. Do you know who I am?"

"Dear God..." the preacher exclaimed.

Cas and I watched from across the street, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He was really doing this.

"I'll take that as a yes. Listen, I need you to pray to your angel buddies and let them know that I'm here," Dean told him hastily. I grit my teeth.

The preacher fell to his knees in prayer.
"Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name-"

Cas grabbed my hand and zapped us next to the man on his knees.
"You pray too loud," he informed him, and proceeded to put him to sleep with merely a touch. Dean was stunned long enough for Cas to grab him the by arms and toss him into the alley next to us.

I jogged after them, watching Cas come down on Dean with fist and feet on the ground.
"What are you crazy?" Dean cried out, trying to get away.

Cas lifted him up, and hit him again, sending him right back to ground.
"You..." he sneered, "you turn your back on me, your brother...You attacked your sister. " -kick-

"I rebelled for this? For you to surrender to them!?"
He lifted him again and pinned him harshly to the wall. I'd never seen this side of Castiel. He wasn't just pissed, he was insulted, fueled by pain and betrayal.
He hit him again. Dean's face was already swelling and cut open.
"I gave everything for you, and this is what you give to me!?" Cas shook him hard, bouncing his head off the bricks, then raised his fist again.

I covered my mouth in horror. If he didnt stop he might kill him.

"Do it," Dean taunted in despair, "just do it." My heart cracked. He'd really given up.

Thankfully Cas unclenched his fist and knocked Dean out with a touch on his shoulder. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and came to find out I was shaking from the tension and anger. Cas let Dean drop to the ground and turned to me, heaving chest and eyes still wild.

"He'll be fine. I just hurt him a little more than he hurt you," he assured me, gesturing for me to get close so we could leave.


Dean was in and out of consciousness when we returned to the house, just in time to hear the end of a discussion between Sam and Bobby.

"What the hell, Bobby!?"

"Watch your tone, boy. He was right in front of me and he dissapeared into thin air."

"Because the angels took him. " Cas said, catching their attention to our presence.

"What the hell happened to him?" Sam asked, referring to the battered and bloody Cas tossed into a chair.


"I got to watch. " I said proudly.

"What do you mean the angels took Adam, you branded his ribs didn't you?" Bobby asked.

"Yes..Adam must of tipped them somehow. Maybe in a dream."

"Where would they have taken him?" Sam asked, which I was wondering as well.

"The same room they took Dean before I'd imagine. "


We locked Dean back down on the cot, cuffed, in the panic room for a spell. But Sam had a talk with him and insisted we let him go because he had "faith" in him. I wanted to, but head was still killing me and so was heart.

While Sam and Cas prepared for an assault, I lingered upstairs in my room, going through my laundry to find something combat worthy.
I sensed Dean coming before he even knocked on the door, rolling my eyes and sighing.
"Come in..."

The door swung slowly, and my little brother strode in with caution.
"Can I help you?" I asked snidely, not looking at him.

"Just wanna talk. In case we die today," he said gently. I groaned and turned to him, arms folded.

"So talk."

"Hows the head?"

"Hurts, you?"

"Word to the wise, don't piss off the nerdy angels."

"Word to the wise, I owe you a cheap shot."

"That's fair. Listen...I just...want to apologize. I mean not for trying to get to Michael but ...I shouldn't have hit you. I could've got around you some other way..."

"So you think."

He smirked. "Ok, fine. was wrong. I mean, Sam and me, we've been beating on each other for years. If we fight, no big deal. But I dont ever want to hurt you, you've done nothing but look after us..."

I was beginning to melt, but I stood my ground and maintained my scowl.
"What's your point, Dean?"

"My point is..I love you, Hazel. And no matter what happens, I'll make sure you make it out of this in one piece."

I inhaled sharply through my nose, fighting back tears and rolling my head back in defense.
"I love you too, you fucking asshole."

At then he was the old Dean again, if only for a moment, with a big obnoxious grin. "Hug it out?" he suggested, arms spread and taking a step closer.
I dropped my guarded arms, waiting for him to get in range.
He thought he'd be getting a hug, but instead I socked him in his already busted eye.
"Now we can hug it out."

The embrace wasn't obligated and terrible like I expected. I held him so tight he grunted from the bruised ribs he earned from Cas. I wiped my eyes on his shoulder and breathed him in.
The whiskey, the sweat and blood, cheap deodorant.. all of it.

"I see all is forgiven..."

Castiel and Sam had come up to my doorway, Cas looking disgruntled to say the least. But Sammy looked pleased.
"We're ready to go, Dean," Sam said. Dean left me with a satisfied nod and pushed past the others, Sam following behind him.

Castiel stayed, looking at me, unreadable inside and out.
"Look...I'm still pissed at him, but I wasn't gonna leave it -"

"Its fine. That's not why I'm here," he wandered over to me with purpose, placing hands on my shoulders. I knew it was serious then.

"Let me're not taking me with?" I exasperated bitterly.

"There's no reason for you to be there. I'd just be handing you over to the angels," he said. He fixated on me, the blue fires set in his skull melting me like wax.

"Isn't that exactly what you're doing with them?" I argued.

"This is something they have to do. It isnt about you."

"Yeah? And what about you? After all that, you're still gonna risk your neck for them? Are you gonna come back!?" My voice cracked, eyes moistened.

"I dont know. Not likely."

I ran a hand through my hair and stepped away from him. "I should be there to back you up," I insisted.

"Hazel, someone will have to keep up the fight if we fail..."

"NO! " I shrieked at him, "I am not gonna lose you knowing I could've helped. I'm not sitting around waiting to find out if you died!"

My belongings around the roomed rattled at my outburst.

He didn't say anything. Just stood there, watching me produce angry tears.
Just as I was about to keep tearing him a new hole, my eyes began to burn, a deep, horrid ache blossoming behind them. ""
I let out a cry and dropped to my knees as a vision force it's way in.

"How do you know she'll cooperate?"

Two angels I didnt recognize, in a place I didnt recognize either, were in a discussion.

"Same reason the other one will. For family."

They were talking about me.

"I dont like it. The Seer is supposed to be terminated. We're not meant to use them."

"Brother if we get information, valuable information, we'll get our jobs back. Michael will reward us!"

"Or he'll kill us for letting her live."

"Its a worth a try. We need the information for this war and if we have the Seer, the enemy cant get her."

The visage dissipated and left me panting on my hands and knees, Cas crouched at my side.
"What did you see?"

I caught my breath and let him help me up. "Two angels...I dont know who, planning on catching me behind Michael's back."

"When? Where? "

I shook my head.

"This could be good..." Cas said thoughtfully.

"Excuse me?" I said blinking exaggerated at him.

"If these angels want to use you to fight demons, but hide you from Michael or any others... You'd be safe."

My jaw dropped in disgust. "Yeah but I'd also be held against my will, Cas. How is that good?"

"Because they cant take you to heaven without killing you, at which point your powers would be nonexistent. They'd have to hide you on earth. I would have a chance of finding you."


"When the time comes, you'll find a way, you're a Seer. You can contact me somehow, I know it."

I groaned in frustration. "Ok ok, let myself get captured, got it...But I'm still coming with you."

" I refuse. You have to stay."

I was losing my steam with the debate, the vision took it out of me. I lowered my eyes miserably and accepted his decision. Then Castiel did something I would never, ever have expected.
He pulled me into him, initiated a hug all on his own, and squeezed me tight. I returned the favor without hesitation and inhaled his bizarre but heavenly scent that I'd grown to adore. He separated from me enough to plant a kiss on my forehead.
My heart skipped a beat. Where was was Cas and who was this suddenly affectionate creaure?

"Take care, Hazel."


They left me with Bobby, and after I sobbed myself dry, I realized he might be getting hungry and I should cook him dinner. I'd been slacking on it lately, and even though he could feed himself, wheelchair or no, it made me feel useful and nurturing to help him out.

I was still trembling from my sobfest, trying to peel potatoes to be mashed as I sat alone in the kitchen over a trash can. I'd faced the idea that might lose my loved ones before, but this was different. This was a suicide mission. Michael was going to take Dean, and likely slaughter the rest of them. Cas wanted me to let these other angels take me, promising me he'd be able to find me when he couldn't even promise he'd live after today.
At least I still I had Bobby, and I was going to make him a nice steak dinner if it killed me.

The old man rolled into the room, rather silently for someone scooting along in a metal contraption. I hardly noticed him over the gentle scraping of the potato peeler. He made me jump when he slapped a big glass bottle of some rather fine look scotch on the table. "Drink up." his surly voice commanded as he set scotch glasses down next to it.


"You were upstairs for three hours, came back with your eyes looking like you got maced. Nothing this can't cure. Albeit temporarily. "

I smiled feebly at his gesture. " dont have to-"

"Shut up and drink. We ain't talking about it until I'm drunk and I've had that steak. So we better get started," he poured our glasses and we clanked them together, "Cheers."

An hour and four glasses later, we sat across from each other with plates empty of all but the bone, laughing.
"Oh my God, Dean would kill you if he knew you told me these stories." I said chuckling into a brand new cup.

"I'm sure Sam could tell you worse," Bobby chortled merrily. I never got to see him like this. I dont think anyone did. He was mean and grumpy, all the time, sober or not. But Bobby and I had a special relationship. He opened up to me, for whatever reason. Maybe because I was the only consistent person in his life.

We grew quiet for a moment, sharing a cigar between us, until he spoke up again. "We gonna talk about why you're such a bummer lately?"

"I am not a bummer, " I defended with a slur. I was definitely getting drunk. I tried to laugh way the change of mood but he wasn't having it.

"Its about that angel isnt it?"


"I dont wanna talk about that big dummy. Or the other two big dummies. They -hiccup- wanna go get the themselves killed, than whatever..."

"You dont mean that, kid. Look I know it's sad, and violent, and horrible, but that's every day. I wanna know why today my little girl cried her eyes out."

I sighed, quickly losing my happy buzz. Touched he called me his little girl. It was the scotch talking, but it came from the heart ."Promise you wont laugh?"

He threw up his hands. "Why would I laugh?" I was getting the feeling he already knew something.

"Fine, fine..." I took a greedy gulp and let it settle, "I think...Im in love with him..."

"With ...Cas?"

"No my brothers...of course Cas!"

Bobby leaned back a ways, as far as his chair would let him in anyway.
"That does complicate things..." he commented.

"No kidding..." I scoffed.

"And ya think you wont see him again?" He inferred sympathetically.
I nodded.

"Does he know?"

I laughed dryly. "Please tell me, how does a human explain to an angel that they're in love with them?"

Bobby shrugged. "Same way you would to another human, I guess. "

"No, Bobby...Angels dont comprehend these things the same way we do."

"Or maybe you're just afraid of how he'll react. "

I rolled my eyes.
"He's an angel," I reiterated.

"An angel that cares hell of a lot about you, ya idjit," he snapped at me.

I proceeded to pout, rather immaturely.

"Look, Cas is in an idiot, I'll give ya that. But I'm not, and I've seen the way he is with you. Maybe he don't understand it, or realize it, but I'll bet the farm he loves ya too."

"Doesnt matter now," I dismissed wearily, "he probably wont be back. And his old friends are gonna take me prisoner any time now."

"Excuse me?"

I told him everything about the vision, and how Cas thought it was an opportunity to keep me safe.

"What do you think?" I asked when I'd finished and he'd grown quiet.

"What do I think? He wants you to sacrifice your freedom for your safety, not to mention leave me behind in case everyone dies today..."

"I know it's crazy, right?" I conferred, glad he was against it.

"Its nuts sure. ain't the worst idea I've ever heard. "

"What!? Bobby!"

"Look the angels are asshats, but if they think they need ya, they will protect ya. And maybe, just can get yourself out when the time is right. "


I went to bed, exhausted and restless at the same time. Staring at my phone beside me on the pillow. Waiting for someone to tell me what happened. That my brothers were ok. That Cas was ok.
All the while thinking about everything the old man said to me. It was overwhelming. Tell Cas how I feel. Let the angels take me.
Not to mention everything Cas had been saying to me. I was the light in the dark for them. Only I could foresee things they couldn't. Only I could find a way to stop Lucifer.

I was all out of tears, and now I only felt a numbing despair. I was beginning to better understand why Dean admitted defeat. It was too much. It was all too much to ask of humans.
But the apocalypse wouldn't last forever. Unlike the rest of them, I would always have a responsibility to the world because of my gift, or curse.

"Hello Hazel."

I practically flew off the bed in fright as I was faced with none other than Adam. Only it wasn't Adam. It was Michael. Standing beside my bed with a gentle smile.

I trembled in my blanket before the sight of him. His true form was much bigger, brighter, and scarier than any angel I'd ever seen. Comparable only to Lucifer. It actually hurt my eyes.

"Wh-wh..." I couldnt speak. I hadn't the words.

"Relax," he said with a hand gesture, "I'm not here to kill you."

"You're not?" I asked disbelief. Literal disbelief. "But Seers..."

"Are dangerous, and have more power than any mortal should have. But that was before armageddon. Now..." he walked closer to me and took my hand, making me rise from the bed. He was actually quite gracious,
"I think we can help each other."

"You want to use me..." I said grimly.

"No, no. I want you to help me fight evil, Hazel. Find and see things I cannot. In return, I'll do anything for you. I could even give you your mother back."

Stunned by the offer and the whole situation, I was still trying to figure out how this started with two conspiring, nobody angels, and ended with the first Angel himself coming for me.

"What happened to my brothers?" I demanded of him suddenly. He smiled kindly. It was strange and yet inviting. I didn't trust it.

"They got away. Probably going to call you any time." Michael said honestly. He was open to me, I could feel all his intentions. He didnt mean anyone, except Lucifer, any real harm.
He was honest, but stoic. He'd do anything to win this war. There was something very cold and dead about him that was unnerving, but nonthreatening.
Lucifer was different. Lucifer was a creature of rage and willfull passions. Michael...he was a machine. A cold, calculating machine, with very little room for compassion. Not that it wasn't there. He wasn't a monster or a sociopath. He was the general of the greatest army in creation, and it had hardened him.

I swallowed at the dryness in my throat. "And Castiel?"

"Alive. I think..." Michael frowned through Adam's face thoughtfully, "He banished all the angels he faced at warehouse, and himself. Carved the sigil into his own chest. Never seen that happen before so, I couldn't tell you what happened to him. But I don't think it killed him."

Cas you idiot...

I was relieved that at least there was a good chance he was alive. Just having a really hard time putting himself back together.

"So now the question is, will you come willingly, or kicking and screaming?"

Suddenly my phone started ringing on the bed next to us, caller ID reading Big Little Bro 1.

"May I...?" I asked Michael's permission. I didn't know why. He'd been polite so far, so I felt the need to do the same.

"Be my guest."

I picked it up, shaking, and clicked answer. "Dean?"

Hazel! Hey we made it out, well me and Sam. Michael got Adam. We dont know about Cas...

Yeah..I know

What? What do you mean you know? Oh right...psychic..

He's...he's here. Michael is here with me.

Hazel run, do you hear me? Get out of there!

There's no running Dean. He just wants to take me, I'll be safe. I'm sorry. I love you guys.

Good luck.

Hazel no dont-

I hung up, tossed the phone on the bed and faced Michael.
"Ok...I'm ready."


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