Always ( An Anakin Skywalker...

By Ashe_Hime

5.8K 106 27

Readers Note; This fanfic started as a Anakin Skywalker love story but became so much more. It will follow va... More

The Acolytes of Akiak
Master Nilsine
The Chosen One
Master & Student
Training & Meditation
Heated Duel
Assignment On Tatooine
Those In Need on Tatooine
Battle On Tatooine
Another's Path
Shadow of Hoth
Rescue Mission:Hoth
Flames of Black
Her Hand
Memoirs Of Nur
Grim News & Warmth
Flirtation & Realization
Message from Naboo

Secrets of Hoth

91 2 0
By Ashe_Hime

The air upon the frigid planet Hoth was unlike any other. Cold would be putting it lightly. More like a smothering eternal embrace which turned all who were victim to it's vicious icy winds to a bitter and permafrost prison. For even the winds were known to trap even the most prepared of travelers beneath it's frozen depths. And that was something that both Kome and Vidarr hoped to avoid. As the two had soon come to land upon the frozen surface of Hoth. The vast terrain around the ship a variety of slanted snow covered mountains. Each with jagged edged which would prove extremely dangerous if not careful. Being the first the brave the blistering winds of Hoth was Kome. Her normal robes now outlined in fur in hopes of insulating herself from the chilling temperatures of Hoth. Pulling her hood overhead, Kome motioned for Vidarr to come out. Believing they were safe for the time being.

Obeying his fellow Sister; Vidarr did as he was told. Stepping from the warm comforts of the ship into the frost bitten world that he would be forced to come accustomed to. Dressed in black robes similar to Kome's and also outlined in fur. Vidarr clutched onto his hood tightly as the wind tried it's best to rip it from him. The wind blared loudly around them, blinding the two partners as the two Sentinels struggled to stay together due to the harsh terrain. "Stay together!" Kome called out through the winds hoping Vidarr could infact hear her. While using a mini Holomap; Kome led them across Hoth. The crunch of ice and snow becoming a familiar sound beneath their feet. All the while nearly hugging himself to keep from freezing to death. The news of a cave was music to Vidarr's ears. Who eargely dipped into the cave. Seeking immediate shelter from the chilling temperatures outside.

Though the cave only dampened the affect of the weather slightly, Vidarr was still greatfull. Now rubbing his hands together vigorously while to this Kome shook her head. Commenting that a battle would get his blood pumping quicker and more entertaining than what he was doing. "Expecting visitors?" Vidarr questioned as Kome shook her head, leaning against the cool cave wall. "The council is after a Sith Holocron. I'm expecting at least a couples of sentries. The Sith were always a Ruth and cautious people." Kome informed her fellow brother who nodded. Understanding his sister's way of thinking. And she was correct. The Sith were calculated and dangerous creatures of the Force. There was indeed no telling what lurked deep within Hoth. Which from old archives use to be under control of the Sith Empire for quite sometime until the Old Republic.

"We must always be prepared. Even if we sense no danger. It is always there lurking. Remember this Vidarr." Kome spoke her usual gruff voice seeming give off a more gentle feel to it. Almost as if Kome was not lecturing Vidarr, no it was more as if she were advising him. Reminding him of things that perhaps a mother or sister would. Noticing this Vidarr couldn't help but to smile to himself, thinking to himself how lucky he was to have a mentor like Kome. "Rest up for now, we move out soon. I will take up watch." Kome stated her back turned to Vidarr as she faced the cave entrance. The battle scarred Kome sitting full Indian style. Her eyes hard upon the entrance in preparation for an attack if one was to indeed happen. Knowing that he was safe as long as Kome was around, Vidarr found a descent sized slab of rock to lay on. His numb muscles due to the cold quickly giving into the much needed rest. While Kome remained Village in one eye on the cave entrance and the other on the Holomap. Hoping to uncover and remember any hidden exits and traps. Sensing that everything was indeed not as quiet as it seemed on Hoth.

She felt it, the unnatural stillness in the air. Almost as if the very exsistence of the Force itself was timid to enter the underground caves they were in. Which immediately drew Kome's attention. She would remain on guard and hoped that Vidarr would do the same once he was well rested.

Gathering their footing upon the uneven terrain of the cave floor; the two fellow Sentinels continued their journey. With only the low hum and gentle hue of the Holomap serving as their only source of light. Which was a strategic move on Kome's end. Not wishing to draw attention to their whereabouts. Still not quite sure that she and Vidarr were the only beings present in the caves. And intended to stay on their toes until they had reached their destination. Climbing over a variety of jagged surfaces until their fingers became numb; Kome was the first to overcome the final cliff. Choosing to rather hand climb than use tools, hoping to keep a low profile. With ease Kome hoisted Vidarr upon the ledge, the two now observing their surroundings. For they appeared to had found their way to an outside enclosure of the caves. As the chilling wind howled loud in their ears, scratching across the snow covered terrain. Though behind the mess of icy and snow was a large structure seeming to be carved into the very caves and ice of the planet. Undisturbed from what Kome could tell. The building nearly stretched to they clouds of the sky. The rays of sunlight dancing upon the reflective surfaces of the building. Which both Kome and Vidarr knew infact was the very temple they had searched for.

"Never expected it to be so—" Vidarr began referring to the intricately crafted Temple. Quite impressed by the artitsty as it must had taken quite sometime to create something of such a degree. "Barbaric. Do not forget that, the Sith are scum." Kome spat, marching across the snow towards the entrance. Which too seemed untouched for quite sometime and brought relief to Kome's mind. 'Perhaps I was overthinking things.' Kome thought to herself before tracing her fingers across the cold ice. Noticing strange ridges which formed a handprint. An old lock of sorts that was rarely used now. As it was out of date, and easy to tamper with. Placing her right hand upon the outline, the door began to rumble rather loudly. Though almost with too much ease it slid open for the two Sentinels. Who never seemed to entirely relax no matter the situation.

"Locate the Sith Archives and let's get the hell out of here." Kome barked, not liking the utter feel of the temple. Yes it was true it once belonged to Sith, and there was indeed no telling what horrid deeds echoed through these halls. But Kome still could not shake it. The overwhelming sense of dread that swept over her prior now was here. With them. Causing the air to thin, and perhaps even the souls of those who had fallen to stir. Kome did not know. But she was sure Vidarr felt it as well. As he was perhaps just as sensitive with the force as she was. The air was empty, yet the sense of never truly being alone loomed over the two. Almost as if a dark shadow trotted behind them, waiting for them to step deeper and deeper into their clutches until it was too late. "Don't have to tell me twice." Vidarr called back, a sudden chill running down his spine. The sheer cold forcing Vidarr to lose concentration. His gaze now turned to a far away coridoor. A veil of heavy mist evident about their surroundings, and yet something beckoned Vidarr to draw near.

His brown orbs trained upon the hallway, Vidarr began to lead Kome through the mist. The two Sentinels keeping close to one another. Back to back in preparation of an assault if one were to occur. After a mere few moments of walking Vidarr soon realized that he had indeed led them correctly. As before them splayed upon hundreds of shelves, while rows circled the room. We're infact archives meaning that they were close. The Holocron was close. "Nice one V. Now let's find this damn thing." Kome commented as she made her way over to one of the shelves. A scanner in her grip as she searched one shelf to the next. Who Vidarr did the same, picking a location abit away from his sister. Vidarr searched though his gaze lingered on a doorway not to far from him. One that was rather similar to the one on Coruscant. The very door that hid the "Restricted Data" that only those with clearance were allowed to view.

Calling out to Kome; she and Vidarr approached the translucent doorway. With his left hand extended before him Vidarr envisioned the door before him. Crumbling before his very eyes with ease. And with that simple visualization the act ensued. The loud sound of metal scrapping horridly against one another could be heard. Before the door now a mere bundle of scrap metal and wires was torn from the very hinge itself. Kome commenting that she was taking points off for being sloppy. "Hey sometimes it gets the job done." Vidarr remarked now stepping into the closed off room with Kome quick on his heels. Arguing that Vidarr could have used a more soft approach. And to this Vidarr scoffed "Have you met yourself Kome?" Earning a cheeky remark from Kome who sighed "Got a point there as always smart ass." She began as Vidarr and Kome soon spotted what they were looking for.

As at the very center of the room, suspended in air upon a strange pedestal; was their target. A crimson and black pyramid shaped Holocron. Which gave off an ominous aura to it. Upon seeing it Kome barked at Vidarr not to look at it directly. The seasoned warrior covering the object before placing it in her pack. "Jedi and even fellow brothers and sisters have been corrupted just by a mere look. I won't have that happening to you now. How would that make me look?" Kome informed with a rather smug look on her face. Earning a light groan from Vidarr who commented that he could take care of himself. Though the moment those words left his mouth, crimson blaster fire filled the room. A single round hitting Vidarr square in the shoulder. Gritting his teeth Vidarr slumped to the ground with Kome by his side. The heavy blaster fire continuing around them. Though thw quick thinking they were out of plain sight. But still sitting ducks. "Looks like I wasn't caucious enough." Kome muttered referring to Vidarr's injury. As the blaster fire had shot straight through his shoulder. Leaving a visible sizzling hole which served as the entry point upon his flesh.

"I'm fine, let's figure a way how to get out of here." Vidarr stated through the loud blaster fire but that was easier said than done. With a thick mist hanging about that not only covered them but hindered their own sight. Vidarr knew that he and Kome would have to think of something if they wished to leave this Sith Temple alive. And not join the others who had fallen within it's haunted halls.

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