Renegades One Shots (Nodrian...

By PrincessRenegade

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A collection of random renegades-themed one-shots! All characters, world, etc, belong to the wonderful Mariss... More

Intro (Not a One-Shot)
Silent Thoughts (Nodrian)
Asking You Out (Osby)
Perfect First Date (Osby)
I'm Sorry (Nodrian)
Bloody Noses (Nodrian)
Awkward Stumble (Nodrian)
Adventures in Baking (Osby)
Movie Night (Osby)
Supernova is Here!!!
My Happy Ending (Nodrian, Spoilers!)
The Christmas Spirit (Part One, no spoilers)
Christmas Spirit (Part 2, final, no spoilers)
Writer's Block (No Longer Relevant)
The Trials (Part 2, No Spoilers)
Soundwave's Plan (Part 1, No Spoilers)
Elementary School Osby (No Spoilers!)
Soundwave's Revenge
Dogs or Cats? (Nodrian Fluff)
Flu Season (Osby, no spoilers)
The Trials Series: Adrian (No spoilers)
Friends (Grade School Osby Rewrite)
Support (Nodrian, Major Supernova Spoilers)
Cramps and Ice Cream (Somewhat Osby, hints of Nodrian, No spoilers)
Mothers and Cupcakes (Osby, slight spoilers)
Family (Nodrian, No Supernova Spoilers)
Sharing a Sundae (Nodrian, Major Spoilers)
What To Expect When You're Expecting: Part One (Spoilers)
What To Expect When You're Expecting: Part Two (Spoilers)
Reunion (Major Supernova Spoilers)
Tragedy (No Spoilers)
Nodrian's Quarantine (Nodrian, implied spoilers)
Unpopular Opinion
Telling the Friends (Nodrian, Osby, Spoilers)
Delivery (Nodrian, Spoilers)
You Meant OUR CHILD?!(Nodrian)
Nova Makes a Mistake (Nodrian, No Spoilers)
PSA For My Readers: You Guys are AWESOME
An Update
It's Out!
The Trials Series: Danna's Trials (No Spoilers)
Truth or Dare (Nodrian & Osby)
The Trials Series: Ruby and Oscar (No spoilers, Slight Osby)
Just Ask Her Already! (Nodrian, Spoilers)
Engagements (Nodrian, Osby, Small Spoilers)
Girl Power (Slight Supernova Spoilers)
Update (Not a One-Shot)
Adrian Makes a Mistake (Supernova Spoilers)
I Always Have! (Surprise Ship, Implied Spoilers)
Osby's Wedding (No Spoilers)
Ask Her Out, You Useless Lesbian
You Have to Heal
I Have Closure (No Spoilers)
Book Reviews by the Characters (Major Spoilers)
Nodrian Wedding (Spoilers)
Renegades on the Big Screen (Minor Spoilers)
Not Perfect, But Still Wonderful (No Spoilers)
New Year's Special (Archenemies Spoilers)
Memories (Spoilers, Mostly Nodrian, Some Osby)
Kittens (No Spoilers)
Different Choices (Supernova AU)(Spoilers)

The Trials (Part 1, No Spoilers)

956 20 3
By PrincessRenegade

Hey, guys, I am back in action! 😊

It has been a rough couple of weeks, but I think my writer's blocks is coming to an end.

So, as a celebration, I thought I'd write the request that actually motivated me to write.

So thanks, @idek_lol357, I appreciate it. This chapter is dedicated to you.

maybe you could add some drama like it's the trials again and there is this really cute guy that might like nova but nova doesn't like him back and Adrian gets jealous....idk

For obvious reasons, this chapter is very similar to chapter thirteen in the book Renegades so I would like to reiterate that this world and all the characters belong to Marissa Meyer. I own nothing. If I owned it, I definitely would not be working at a grocery store.


Adrian loved Nova.

Well, he didn't love her.

He liked her. At the Renegade trials. She did amazing.

Which is why it irked him when another team hit accepted on their tablet.

That simply wouldn't do.

Adrian knew the guy. His name was Soundwave, and he could do some stupid stuff with his voice that like, deafened the villain for a few minutes because of a high frequency his voice could produce on command.

He's seen the guy in action and honestly, not impressed.

He was the leader of his team.

He had three other team members.

The second-in-command was Magnitude. She could make metal items gravitate towards her hands, which came in handy when she attracted something like a dagger or other weapons, sometimes out of the villain's grasp. She also had a strong throwing arm, for throwing said items at the villain. That being said, she had to wear gloves all the time so that metal items couldn't come to her when she wasn't using her power, and she always had one glove on during attacks so that she could actually throw the metal items instead of them sticking to her hands. Growing up as an Asian-American, her parents put importance on her cultural identity, so they signed her up for karate, and that certainly helped with her fighting abilities.

And then there was Lightsaber. She could turn her hands into lightsabers, but only when provoked, and as much as Adrian hated that team, her had to admit her power was really cool. It was like a reflex that only came out as a defense mechanism. Not much is known how Soundwave and Magnitude got their powers, but Lightsaber is very open about it. Her parents used to be part of a gang. They were Hispanic and during the Age of Anarchy, the only way to stay safe was by banding together with your own. However, when her parents had her, they decided to risk being alone because they didn't want their daughter to be around that. In retaliation for leaving, the gang attacked her family when she was eight, and then Lightsaber ran to protect her parents and her arms turned into Lightsabers, probably because of her love for Star Wars. And today, both her parents are still alive, thanks to her.

And then there was Maple. Sure, his alias was stupid and not really well thought out, much like the guy himself, but his power was useful. He could shoot sap from his palm and trap the enemy in a glob of sticky syrup, or even just shoot it at the enemy's shoes and keep them stuck there for as long as it took backup to get there. However, Maple was about as smart as maple syrup, which is to say, pretty darn stupid. Maple was nothing special. He was born with his powers.

(Sorry guys I'm really bad at thinking of powers and aliases, I tried to make them as creative as possible and this is what my brain came up with).

Nova seemed shocked, as it was clear that Adrian's team hit "accepted" first, so now, Nova had the right to choose.

Just as Nova was about to say something, Genissa hit a button, emitting a loud horn sound.

Genissa was challenging both teams' decision.

Adrian groaned and Soundwave rolled his eyes. Magnitude put her hands on her hips and muttered "Really, Genissa?"

Magnitude cleared her throat and said, loud enough so the crowd could hear.

"She's just doing this because I broke up with her a month ago!"

Then, Adrian said "Seriously, Clark?"

"The acceptance of Insomnia has been challenged!" Blacklight exclaimed. Some of the audience members squealed. They must like when prodigies are challenges. Certainly adds more drama.

The seats in the auditorium were all filled, with tons of people on the edge of their seats. Many were prodigies who didn't get in the Renegades or members of the new Renegade Fan Club.

But all Adrian saw was Genissa's smirk, and it immediately set him off.

If he could just wipe that dumb smirk off her stupid face...

"Oh, come on!" Ruby yelled. She stood up. "You're only objecting because it's us."

"No, no, this is clearly her petty way of getting back at me for breaking up with her. You know what, Genissa, you're cruel and toxic and I'm glad I broke up with you," Magnitude snapped, flipping her long black hair behind her.

"Don't flatter yourselves," Genissa yelled, though her face showed a hurt look.

It disappeared in a flash.

Genissa said a few more words, but Adrian was so mad, he barely heard what she was saying. He just kept repeating in his mind that the next time she got close enough to him, he would punch her.

Adrian looked at Nova. He was sorry that Genissa targeted her. And Adrian knew Genissa was lying. She didn't care that Nova might not be worthy to be a renegade. She just wanted to piss Adrian off. That was just how Genissa was.

"There has been a challenge!" Blacklight said again.

Another cheer from the crowd.

"Insomnia, in order to take your place among the Renegades, you must defeat one member of the challenging team in a one-on-one duel..."

Adrian stopped listening to Blacklight, and instead, had an idea.

Genissa was never one to see reason, but maybe just this once...

"Wait! Frostbite, listen."

Genissa turned to him, irritated.

'Oh come on!" Magnitude exclaimed. "We all know Genissa sucks! Just let Nova in already!"

"Magnitude, be quiet," Blacklight said.

Ignoring her, Adrian continued. "I know we can use skills like hers, both on my team and in the broader Renegades organization. I respectfully ask that you retract your challenge."

Genissa chuckled mockingly. "News flash, Everhart. The rest of us don't sleep for sixteen hours of the day, either. It's not exactly a superpower, and besides, how can any of us be sure she's telling the truth?"

"Why would she lie?" Adrian questioned.

"Because she wants to be one of us. Because they all want to be one of us."

Genissa gestured to the stadium, and a member of the Renegades fan club, a blond-haired boy, gave her a nasty look.

"Then why wouldn't she make up a more..." Adrian tried to find a better word, gesturing wildly with his hand "super superpower? Why not—"

Nova must have been getting tired of all the fighting, because she interrupted Adrian and said, "I accept the challenge."

Adrian's eyes moved to the field, where Nova was standing in a powerful stance. Hands on her hips, chin pointed upwards. "I accept the duel."

Genissa smirked and readied herself for the duel.

"Not with you," Nova stated.

Genissa frowned, befuddled.

Nova pointed to Gargoyle.

Oscar choked on his drink. "Is she nuts?"

"Is she ok?" Ruby whispered, so quiet only Adrian could hear her.

"I'll fight the Gargoyle."

There was a chorus of shocked gasps from the crowd.


I know this one is short but I wanted to get it out before my winter break ends. There will be a second part, don't you worry.

And I uh, apologize for the names. I was never good at coming up with names, let alone superhero names. I usually go to a website for pregnant ladies and get names from there, but you can't really do that for superheroes so I had to rely on my brain, and it did not exceed expectations. Although I do hope you appreciate the Star Wars reference. I'm a fan of many fandoms and I love references, so expect more.

Anyway, due to the terrible lack of inclusiveness in the world today, I decided to follow Rick Riordan an Marissa Meyer and include more minorities in my writing, because that's the way it should be in all books, and it's more realistic that way, that being said, I do not want to offend anybody, and if I accidentally slip up and stereotype or offend in any way, please tell me so I can address the problem.

Anyway, as always, requests are welcome.

And until my next update, keep reading!

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