The Empire's Arc (Star Wars a...

Bởi Zilla2000

138K 1.7K 967

Jaune Arc, former leader of Team JNPR and former student of Beacon Academy was devastated, and betrayed due t... Xem Thêm

Prolouge:Arrival to a New Galaxy
Final Vote
True Final Vote
Venom Fleet
Troops pt 1
Troops pt 2
Battle Droids
Ch 1:Years of the Dark Side
Ch 2:A New Path
Ch 4:Encounter
Ch 5:Progress
Ch 6:Recruitment
Author note:Sorry
Ch 7:Show of Force
Ch 8:Dance Infiltration
Ch 9:Underground Heist
Ch 10:Shadows no longer
Ch 11:Introductions in order
Ch 12:Making an example of...
13:The Duel

Ch 3:Return to Remnant

6.1K 91 63
Bởi Zilla2000

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I was gonna update this yesterday but I had to fix a few things before I could so hopefully it's a little better than what I thought. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


Alarms were Blaring, lights were flashing and computer systems and wires were sparking electricity as the the ship was being damaged by the black hole.

Raxus was on the floor It didn't help much either as he hears loud ringing in his ears.

"Everyone ok?!"

Even though his sight was a little fuzzy he can hear what

"Some of us are good but we're gonna need some medic."

"Get me medical droids up here now!"

"Yes my Lord.

"Give me a Damage Report now!"

"Sir. Main hull is still intact but sector 34 and 25 have been breached. And sector 5 and 6 are gonna be the same." A technician informs him.

"Seal them off until we can repair them later." He orders.

"Of course sir." A navy trooper replied

"Man I thought we were goners for a minute." Xal exclaims.

"At least we're lucky enough to be in piece." His sister replies back to her brother.

"Just be glad we weren't torn apart by the black hole." Raxus replies

Then everyone on the bridge than looked at their lord and noticed he didn't have his helmet on, must've fell off during the event, they started to look at their lord and noticed something different about him...very different. Raxus sensed the eyes of his crew were looking at him and turns around at him.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"M-My Lord. Your voice is lighter and your face it's not the same."

"What are you talking about?"

"Um it be best to show you." He says to him as he gives him a small mirror for him to see.

Raxus grabs the mirror and looks in. It was him, but younger, this face was the same time he was entering into Beacon Academy except a few key features like his scar were still there. He felt everything all over his face and checked again just to be safe. Turns out it was true he can feel his body when he was younger.

"How?! I'm young?!" He said in shock.

"Seems your not the only one, my lord." A feminine voice said.
He turns to see, Krista, she too was younger. Like it was day he met her which was twelve years ago.

He then turn at his crew and noticed some of his older officers were also turned a little younger, just like the earlier years when he came to the Galaxy. Was it due to the Black Hole. He's gonna have to figure it out later.

"My lord is there something wrong."

"Captain what's our position?"
Unknown sir we're trying to pinpoint our location on the Nava Computer, but scans shows no sign of other planets within outer rim. Not even our spaceports."

"But there is a planet nearby sir."


"Yes we should be"

Raxus then turned back and saw the planet in front of him. It was a beautiful looking planet that had been covered with many biomes. Had many forms of landscapes like green forests and deserts to frozen tundras. And nearby the planet is a shattered moon, like it had been hit by a super laser on the side.

Raxus only looks at it in shock as he slowly walks towards the window and continues looking at the planet. He recognizes this planet as its all too familiar to him. He was hoping one day to return back but not this soon.

"My there something wrong?"

Raxus didn't reply back for a good while tell he turn back to them and uttered one word.

"Home." He simply says to his crew.

"This world. It's my home."


"Your home world?"

"Is he really serious?"


"Our lord's world?"

"Is it true."

"Enough we can talk about this later. Right now we need to focus on what is happening right now."

"Give me a status report on the fleet."

Twenty minutes go by and has the status on his fleet, so far just a few minor damages on the ships nothing to major, except their hyperdrive is down, some of the crew members were injured fortunately nothing too serious or severe. But some equipment were trashed around during the event but so far everything is good and operational.

"With only a few sectors of the ship to repair and crew with minor injuries, It seems all is good my lord." Krista informs her lord.

Good." He replies back to her. He noticed that there was something in her

"Speak your mind Admiral."

"Umm sir if it's not hard to ask. Is this planet really the home world you lived on?" She asks him in concern.

That's when everyone stopped at what they were doing and watched. Raxus looks

" was."

He then turns an walks towards the window where his home planet is at and sets his right hand on the window, and continues,
"It was hear I was born. Here where I once called home. Here wear I played and grew up on. Even had dreams of an amazing world."

Then his rage clenched his hand into a fist as

"But I want this world to burn."

He was gonna order it but was stopped.

"My lord. With all due respect we, as much as you want to burn this whole planet. I'm afraid it's not possible

"And why is that Commander?"

"Well... for starters this planet is the only habitable planet in this galaxy. And with our hyperdrive down there's no way we can go back without help and our communications are down if not out of range

"Your right. As much I want to, here is our only option. So until we can find another hospitable planet this is our only option. Very well let me tell you all I know.

With that he told them everything he knew about Remnant and it's history. From the wildlife like the Grimm and nature to society of the kingdoms. Even the inhabitants like humans and Faunus. He also told them the role of Huntsmen and Huntresses. How they had extraordinary abilities, with weaponry that can change from long ranged to close combat. Many of them were surprised to hear all this information. And finally he told them about his life on Remnant, his family and his enrollment into Beacon Academy. Along with his betrayal from his friends and his family. And let's just say the crew weren't too happy to hear that.

"Those lowlifes."

"They will pay!"

"Let's enslave this planet!"

"Enough! What's done is done, and there's nothing to change that." He finishes keeping them quiet. He turns back at the planet with a grin.
"And this seems to be a good opportunity for us. "

"What are your orders my lord?" Krista asks him.

"We're gonna need a proper place and area to make our base of operations." He said bring up a hill gram of the planet.

"So here's the major settlements are these four kingdoms."

"The center is Vale, a Kingdom I grew up in and where the best Huntsman were trained. Up north is the Kingdom of Atlas, the most advanced out of all the others. West is the Kingdom of Vacuo a hostile landscape that is like Tatooine. And east is the Kingdom of Mistral. Down south is a small island of Menagerie, a island that has the most populated with Faunus."

"And what of the continent next to atlas it seems to be uninhabited?" Krista asks pointing at the Dragon shaped continent.

"Hmm. I don't think there's much settlements there so that's ours for the taking." Raxus confirms. He turns to his officers and chain of command.

"Commander Xavier! Sent down a few probe droids. And have a few platoons and armor ready within the hour."

"At once my lord." He complies as did the others.

"Xal! Nova!"

"Sir!" They both said.

"Get your Super Commandos ready as well. We'll need their strength when we get down there." He

"And Admiral."

"Yes my lord?"

Have my ship and a few TIE Squads ready as well. I'm not gonna miss this fun."

"Of course lord."

After that he turns back at the planet with a hateful glare as he remembered memories so long ago. His friends abandoning him, his family disowning him and being kicked out of the Academy. All be cause of one person. But now that he's back, he's no longer that weak little boy, now...he is in command of the greatest army the galaxy has ever seen.

"It has been twenty years. Let's see how far it has change."


Within the hour they sent out probe droids to find a safe location for them to land so far they lost a few due to the hostile wildlife. Luckily they managed to find a proper place to land.

After the report they began to mobilize their troops, a small companies worth consists of Stormtroopers and scout troopers along with a few heavy weapons troopers and Artillery Stormtroopers were loading up on Sentinel class shuttles and imperial drop ships along with them will be a at least 6 clone war LAAT/C Gunships loaded with AT-STs, TM-2 Hover tanks for armored support.

Along will be three squads of TIE fighters that will cover them in the air, with a Star Destroyer, The Reaver will be giving orbital strikes if the call is needed.

They will be led by a few imperial officers and Stormtrooper commanders. And aiding them will be Imperial Super commandos, elite imperial Mandalorians that are loyal to the empire, with the Vaus siblings under their command. They were wearing their traditional Beskar armor, unlike the their predecessors like Gar Saxon's clan who used imperial armor, Darth Raxus was able to let them keep their traditional Beskar Armor as they will be a more effective fighting force.

Even Darth Raxus himself will be joining in, with Death Troopers as his bodyguards.

Raxus gets on his ship as Xal and Nova joined him as well and he looks out to see the shuttles and gunships already took off giving them a head start for a landing zone for their lord.

Take us down." He commands the pilots and with that they left hanger and descended down to the planet.

Meanwhile the shuttles and gunships reached down the atmosphere and have a good landing zone. It was a wide open meadow that nearby a cliff that lead out to the sea. Once the shuttle safely landed the ramp was brought and stormtroopers were pouring out into position securing the area and scout troopers getting on their bikes and patrol the area. Soon the gunships came down with their load as they dropped the AT-ST and Hover tanks off before taking off back to the ship. Nearby the Mandalorian Super Commandos were supervising with the officers. While most people between the Empire and Mandalore had hardly trust one another. But in Raxus command they managed to have respect to one another.

The stormtroopers we're taking positions in certain areas as the put down crates and supplies and setting up E-web cannons.

Soon Raxus ship finally arrives as it brought down slowly with the landing gear coming out and lands on the ground. The officer in charge came in front and was making himself look presentable. Few moments go by till the ships ramps drops down and steams comes out as the Sith Lord along his death trooper bodyguards and his Mandalorian commanders came down.

"My Lord Raxus. We have secured this whole area without little trouble from the wildlife.

Raxus didn't utter one word as he walks onward, leaving the officer confused. He took a good look at his surroundings as to heard the wind blowing and birds and crickets chirping, and the nearby a stream was flowing. He then took off his helmet and takes a deep breath and smells the fresh salty air. Next he kneels down on the ground and grabs a handful of dirt and feels it going through his glow.

"I'm back."

"My lord?" The officer from earlier interrupted his time of peace.

"Have perimeter check around this area. After that time we check out if this place will be a good place." He orders as the officer understood and sends another to take his place and went to go take care of it.

"Well we certainly didn't have to worry about those things you were referring too."

"I don't think so."


"At places like these Grimm tend to be nearby."

"Well my lord we certainly won't have to worry about any of them so there isn't any Grimm for miles." The officer replies.

"Don't count on it."

Just then they heard blast shots and screaming. They saw a few scout troopers coming out of the brush and not far behind a giant bear like creature that had black color all over its body except the white skeletal armor around its body, an Ursa, came out of the forest into the meadow and roars loudly in the air. Everyone stood there in shock to such a creature, turns out this was gonna a little harder than they thought. The Grimm then had its sights on the Dark Lord and charges towards him and his group. Everyone fired at the beast as they managed to hit it but couldn't as it came close to Raxus and lunges into the air at him.

But Raxus then steps aside causing the Grimm to crash to the ground. Raxus ignites his lightsaber and brings down his blade onto the beast, killing it. They watched its body disintegrating and saw in awe as he managed to kill it with ease, but they very well expected from their Lord.

Then they heard another roar but more closely as more Ursa along four new groups of Grimm, one a boar like Grimm, the Boarbatusk. Another that resembles to a werewolf, the Beowulf. Up in the air were giant raven Grimm, Nevermores. And lastly two that are giant scorpions, the Death Stalker. All came here due the scent of negativity from the soldiers. A alpha Beowulf came in front and roars loudly at its prey, as the other Grimm charges towards them.

"Grimm. Light them up!" He orders and with no hesitation they all fired their blasters as the walkers and tanks fired their cannons.

The stormtroopers to up and defensive positions by the crates and Walkers and fired with accurate sights. Some troopers were mounting on the E-Web cannons as they fired away killing many Grimm as scout troopers went for higher ground and took sniping positions up on the rocks. While the artillery troopers brought out their mortars and started raining down upon the Grimm with the AT-ST fired away with their twin blaster cannons and grenade launchers while the 2-M Tanks fired its powerful cannon.

In the imperial army, most stormtroopers tend to miss their targets most of the time, but with Raxus the stormtrooper under his command were far deadly and accurate than any other, because he managed to improve the sights of the helmet and let them train more on their accuracy. With those flaws fixed they became the most effective fighting force than any other Imperial Legion, other than his master's fighting force.

Meanwhile the Vaus siblings and their Mandalorian Super Commandos took to the skies as as they started firing away with their WESTAR-35 blasters and GALAAR-15 Carbine. The Nevermores were trying to eat them but luckily the Mandalorians were more nimble than the giant birds. One Nevermore was gonna eat a squad but were able to dodge it as they put away their pistols and brought out a Vibroswords as they slashed it from the sides sending it down.

A Nevermore was about to eat Nova but was saved by a wrist rocket. That rocket came from her brother.  Nova noticed another Nevermore was about to get her brother, so she did the same as she fired whistling birds out, hurting it.

With that they stood back to back and started blasting any Nevermore that came too close. Soon the TIE fighter squadrons came and aid their aerial comrades and shot down every single Nevermore.

Meanwhile Darth Raxus was watching the whole situation as he grows tired of watching and decides to join in. He's kind of curious of how his skills will be effective to these monsters. He walks forward as his soldiers watch him as many Grimm were charging towards him. As time felt slow he can see most of the Grimm were right on top of him. But this fun was just getting started. He force jump over causing the incoming Grimm to collide with one another. A Beowulf came from the side and lunges at him but simply stepped at the side. Another Beowulf took another chance as we'll but missed as well as Raxus did it again. Lunge after lunge he steps side and even jumps over a Boarbatusk rolling towards him. Alpha Beowulf managed to come from behind and was about claw him, but Raxus knew it was behind him.

Before the Beowulf can strike him, he ignites his blade once again and sliced its head off.

With extraordinary speed he slices them from the abdomen and arms as they fell with ease. And Boarbatusk spins and rolls to him but he sliced it in half before it can attack him. An Ursa brought down its paw and strikes him but he dodges it as Raxus used the force and sent a sharp rock to the Grimm killing it. Then he sees more Beowolves and decides to channel the force into his hands and brought out force lighting electrocuting them all, killed them. He then turn to the two Deathstalkers as they towards him.

The first Deathstalker was gonna use its pincers to cut him in half, but jumps over as he ignites his lightsaber again and brought down the blade and cut off the left pincer as it shrieks in pain. And it tried to attack again with its right pincer but he was moving too fast and sliced its last pincer as the Grimm used its stinger as a last resort. But Raxus ran under the Grimm and slices it underbelly as he continues to run till he reaches the other side and force jumps as he once again brought his blade and stabbed it right through the thick armor, into the head, killing it with ease.

The second Deathstalker charges towards him as it gonna stab him with its stinger but was stopped by an unknown force. It looked to Raxus with his left hand clenching as he was using the force. And using both his hands he used the force to lift up the Grimm and slowly bringing his hands together as the giant scorpion Grimm was being crushed to death. He then brought it down to the ground with a imaginable amount of force, killing it.

Raxus pants from exhaustion, but excitement. After coming back for two decades he has grown to be a powerful being. From here nothing won't bring him not even the most powerful Grimm.

With the Grimm all eliminated he now brought out his comm link.

"Admiral Krista do you copy?"

"Loud and clear my lord." Krista's voice came from the comm link.

Bring down the rest of the troops it's time to begin our operations. "

With that the Star Destroyers lowered down to the altitude as many shuttles descended down

With that the Galactic Empire is now on Remnant. And this is only beginning.


So what you guys think about this,I hope you guys enjoyed this. I'll be updating this more often so don't worry. Till then for the next chapter.

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