By nickshotline

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By nickshotline


He watched as she sat alone in class, he loved how she wasn't afraid to be alone.. she was okay with it not many girls were.

He realized that no matter how pretty natalia was she didn't compare to natalie, natalie was someone special. She was kind hearted and funny.

Natalie had always been there for him even before the followers. He realized he was falling for her even harder then before.

He didn't wanna speak up this time, he for sure knew she didn't want him. But what he didn't know was that she did want him, after all this time she'd go through all the pain again if it meant to be with him.

She looked up from her notebook and they made eye contact, they weren't lowkey about it. Their eye contacted lasted around 1 minute before she broke it from her phone ringing.

He rolled his eyes knowing it was probably gabe, he didn't have any problem with gabe until now. He wanted natalie to himself and he regretted letting her go.

He watched as she got up and asked to go the bathroom after her phone ringed.

after 3 minutes he asked to go to the bathroom and to no surprise he saw gabe and natalie in the hall way. "shouldn't you be in class" he asked natalie and she rolled her eyes. "hector get to class" she said as her she banged her forhead on gabes chest and sighed.

"natalie" "hector i'll be there in a minute" she said wanting him to leave but he didn't move. Instead he stared at them "i'll wait" he said and natalie rolled her eyes. "i'll text you" she told gabe, "of course ma" he said making hector roll his eyes. They leaned in for a kiss but before they could kiss hector grabbed natalies arm and pulled her.

"the fuck is your problem" "nothing just come on", they entered the class and separated ways to go to their seat.

Natalie sat high in her chair, with her beautiful smile that he couldn't get enough of. Unlike him who was slouching and on the verge of crying.

She maintained still as she watched him but his head down, she knew he was crying. His breathing was different something she noticed when they were together was how his breathing increases when he cried making his back move quicker then usual.

She sighed and played with her flat ironed hair not knowing what to do. She wanted to see him but she knew what he was capable of, she knew what his touch did to her and how she loved the way he looked in her eyes.

what if i'm someone you won't talk about
i'm falling again
i'm falling again
i'm falling

and i get the feeling that you'll never need me again

He lifted his head and they made eye contact, they looked into each others eyes. She looked down at her thighs and looked up to still seeing him looking at her.

He half smiled at her and she sighed knowing no matter what happened they'll always find  their way back to eachother.

She played with her love ring and her LV bracelet as her stomach turned.

She wished the class would go faster but instead it went even slower.

He finally got the balls to go up to her but the bell rang making her grab her stuff and quickly walk out.

He watched as she quickly walked out knowing that she's probably on her way to meet gabe.

He quickly grabbed his back pack and saw the top of natalies head, he tried to rush over but she entered the girls restroom.

He entered the boys restroom next to the girls until the bell rang or until he heard the door close.

He finally heard the door close and he quickly walked out seeing her. She looked at him and he noticed her red nose and her watery eyes.

They made eye contact but she broke it and kept walking. She felt empty, she felt useless, she felt insecure.

She wondered what was wrong with her.. memories of both of them entered her mind. She couldn't take it any more.

She called her mom crying and her mom picked her up from school.

She couldn't even look at hector with out crying, he couldn't look at her without crying.

They where only hurting eachother but they didn't know.

Hector felt sick to his stomach thinking about  gabe and natalie, the fact that another boy is touching her made him sick. Almost as if he wanted to throw up, he felt light headed at the idea of her kissing someone who wasn't him.

The whole day he had his head down.

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