Trillion Dollar Baby

By lostii

138K 4.2K 1.4K

Mia Is forced to attend the most prestigious high school in LA, she just so happens to own this school. Mia'... More



5.7K 168 93
By lostii


I woke up the next day to a sleeping Mia. I grabbed my phone to see a notification on Instagram.

Brandon.shenai started following you
Brandon.shenai liked your post

My heart began beating and I don't know why. Why would he follow me I have like one post? I'm also not incredibly famous I only have 70k followers, one of the main reasons the kids at my school don't like me.

I turn to Mia.

" wake up it's 9 am and they said we had to be down in the lobby by 10 "


" can I not go? " I ask as I roll over in bed.

" why not let's have some fun please " she tugs on my blanket.

" cant we just have our own fun? I can arrange that you know, we can go do our own little thing in Paris "

Her eyes light up and she slightly nods, I know how much she hates the kid's at our school.

I grab my phone and call my dad and after a few rings he picks up.

" hey dad "

" hi Mia are you enjoying Paris? " he asked but he sounded busy and like he was reading something.

" yeah but can you call Principal Neistat and tell him me and Casey want to do our own thing today? "

" sure darling but don't get into too much trouble ok "

" sure dad love you "

" love you too " and I hung up.

" so what do you want to do " Casey asks.

" get a little more sleep " I say and continue my dream.


I woke up again around 11 and I saw Casey watching tv, I scrolled through my phone to see if there was anything interesting but surely enough there wasn't. I opened some news tablets but there wasn't anything interesting either, celeb gossip and my brother being spotted with a girl who I'm sure means absolutely nothing. I also saw some articles about my father becoming the first Trillionaire and the devastating news about Australia's fires.

I was so upset I ended up donating around a million dollars to Wires wildlife rescue. I also texted Brandon, my mom, and my dad to donate. If you have money then why not use it to help.

" what do you want to do today " I ask Casey.

" I don't know any ideas "

" theme park? "

" no I don't like scary rides " and my jaw drops. " don't ask " she says and I motion me zipping my mouth.

" wanna go to a comedy club, there are tons of them here "

" yeah but there in French "

" really I thought they were in English "

" you're in Paris you know that right " I make a duh face. " we can still go I'm fluent in French "

" I find out new stuff about you everyday but no I sadly and unimpressively am not fluent in French, or any other language " she pauses " sometimes I'm not sure if I'm fluent in English either "

I chuckle at her when an idea pops into my head.

" why don't we pretend that we're first time tourists in Paris and go to all the tourist places like the Eiffel Tower, Musée du Louvre, Place de la Concorde all that fun stuff, even try macaroons and Eclairs "

" Croissants " she says in a French accent.

" that too " I smile.

" ok I like that " and with that we start getting ready.

We finish getting ready and I talk to the hotel manager about arranging a driver for us for the day.

We visit a bunch of tourist places, and eat a bunch of tourist food, we take a bunch of pictures, and I even keep her up to date with everything that's happened yesterday and she does the same. From the stories I heard I mentally Thank god I didn't go to Disney land with them.

By 5 we're so tired of walking and eating we decide to just head back to the hotel and rest. We arrive at the hotel at the same time the boys, Matilda and Katherine are leaving. Ambrose wasn't with them.

" Miaaaa " mati engulfs me in a big hug while Alfie, Seb, and Nate eye us weirdly.

" nice to meet you again Matilda " I say as I hug her back. She eyes me weirdly before she realizes that she's not suppose to know me that well.

" you guys look nice where are you heading "

" Mikes party, still want to come? " Seb suggests.

" oh god no but go enjoy " so that's why Ambrose isn't with them.

" oh and Matilda this is my friend Casey, we should all hang out before we leave "

" nice to meet you Casey " matti said and shook Casey's hand.

" like wise " Casey answers before her phone rings. She excuses herself to answer.

" Ambrose isn't going? " I ask even though I know the answer.

" why do you care " Katherine says tilting her head.

" no just wondering because he's missing "

" yeah he really hates Mike, like if he sees him he would punch him no cap " Nate says and I nod my head. I wonder why, I mean yeah Mikes an asshole but wanting to beat someone up is a little too much, clearly something big must of happened.

" Mia listen I have to go, would you be fine alone " Casey comes back looking stressed.

" yeah but are you ok ? "

" yeah yeah I won't be gone for long " she says and hails for a taxi.

" we have to go too, bye Mia " seb says and they all wave me goodbye except Katherine, she doesn't like me very much.

I go back up to my hotel room and lay on my bed. I've never stayed in such an average room while I'm on vacation, my parents would usually book me a suite or a villa and even when I travelled with school they'd arrange for me to stay in a suite. But I kind of like it, it's cosy and different.

I pull out my kindle and begin to read for what seemed like an hour or two when my phone rings. It's 8 pm by now so I'm assuming it's Casey because she didn't come back yet but it was matti.

" hey matti "

" M-m-Mia, help me " she says historically crying, I sit up.

" what's wrong where are you "

" Mikes p-p-party ... I ... I " she continues crying.

" did something happen tell me " I practically yell at my phone.

" nothing but p-please come now ok now ok I'm waiting p-please ok " and she hangs up.

I should've brought my fucking car. I go to the elevator and press the button down to the lobby all while I'm trying to call matti but she won't pick up, I wanted to call Katherine and the boys but I didn't have their numbers.

Fuck I don't know where that bastard lives and it's going to take a while for a driver to come and he won't drive fast enough. I was pacing the elevator when I got an idea and hit the button of the top floor.

I got out and ran to the suite door and started frantically knocking.

" what what what what " I heard before the door opened revealing a shirtless Ambrose.

" what do you want " he says with a displeased look in his eyes.

" do you know where mike lives "

" yeah why " he mumbles confused.

" put on a shirt and grab your keys and let's go" I order him.

" I'm not going to that stupid party " he tries to close the door but I stick my foot out to stop it.

" matti called me hysterically crying begging me to come but won't tell me what's wrong and now she won't pick up her phone " his eyebrows draw together in confusion when he walks back into the penthouse and grabs his phone. I follow him in.

He dials a bunch of people but none of them pick up.

" no ones answering my calls " he tells me and disappears into a room. Moments later he comes back out with a sweater on and keys in his hands.

We get into his car and he drives off.

" what exactly did she say "

" barely anything she just told me to come and get her all while she was hysterically crying "

That was our only conversation throughout the entire car ride. We arrived Mikes house and I don't ever remember coming here.

" go look for matti I'll be waiting here " Ambrose tells me and I exit the car about to enter the house when from the corner of my eye I see someone sitting on the curb. I look and it's matti crying, I rush over to her.

" matti it's me, it's me Mia " she looks up and starts crying again and engulfs me in a hug.

" please take me home "

" ok ok come " we get into the car and I sit in the back seat with her holding her hand.

" is something wrong, do we need to get the rest? " Ambrose asks with his jaw clenched and facing us.

" no everyone's fine but please take me home" she says and Ambrose looks at me with confusion but I nod at him to drive.

" what happened please tell me matti " I tell her  urging her to look up at me by holding her chin up.

" I swear to god if anyone hurt you I'm going to go back to that party and fuck them up " Ambrose says clutching the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white.

" no one hurt me Ambrose " matti says quietly  " I had a panic attack "

The car fell silent. Ever since I've known Matilda she's suffered from social anxiety and panic attacks, she needs her inhaler on her at all times. She hated herself for them and after every time she's had a panic attack she'd sit there crying for hours because she thought something was wrong with her and that she was weird.

" mike jokingly made fun of me and I did-dnt get upset I mean he's j-o-oking I just felt like all these people were laughing at me and then I had a panic attack and after I calmed down " she paused to breath and let out a few more tears. " the look on their faces Mia it was so- " she sobbed again.

" they looked at me like something was wrong with me " her voice cracked. " some of them looked like they were trying not to laugh "

" oh matti " I say and put her head on my chest as she sobbed. " these people they suck, they're horrible but nothing's wrong with you, at all. You might be the best and most perfect girl I know, and don't let a bunch of idiots let alone mike take that away from you ok "

" I'm sorry I brought you all the way down here for something so silly " she says still laying on my chest.

" never apologize for something like that, ever " Ambrose says still looking ahead.

" what he said but less angry  " I say and she lets out a small laugh.

For the rest of the ride to Ambrose's house the car was silent. Matti stopped crying but she stayed laying on my chest while I played with her hair, her breathing calmed down and fell into rhythm with mine.

After a 20 minute ride because her house was kind of far away from the idiots house the car comes to a halt.

" want me to stay with you tonight " I ask her as she exits the car.

" no it's fine, I'm better now" she weakly smiles at me " I just need my mom "

" ok then, call me tomorrow when you feel better ok? " she nods at me.

" thanks Ambrose "

" listen tomorrow give me a call about who exactly was around you when you had your panic attack " she smiles and kisses him on the cheek through the window.

" what would I do without you " she tells him.

" probably better " I mumble and she laughs as she walks into her house. I jump into the passenger seat and he begins driving.

" why would she call you " he says after a while. Ambrose is a smart guy, why would matti someone who I've met once call me when she's having one of her usual attacks. He won't let this go.

" because she probably couldn't find anyone else "

" she could've called me "

" you know you're absolutely terrifying and I probably wouldn't call you either " he looks at me and rolls his eyes. " she probably didn't want to bother you "

" but how does she have your number? " he asks again.

" we exchanged it yesterday, now can we stop with the questions detective " I joke around and I think almost caught a grin, almost not quite though.

10 minutes into driving i see a parked car with the trunk open and a man frantically waving his hands at all the cars passing by but no one stops.

I get this gut feeling and Ambrose is going to kill me but

" stop the car "



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