𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘)...

By xxxlejindaryxxx

134K 7.5K 1.7K

In which Jeongguk finds himself falling for a witty vampire who seems to understand him more than anyone else... More



2.5K 140 45
By xxxlejindaryxxx

Jeongguk was extremely distraught. 

Jeongguk used to never understand what it meant for love to consume you. Of course, he loved Jimin but he never took his time worrying or thinking so much that he became distracted in school. Jeongguk never could understand how in books, the heroine would lose her mind over some boy, so much that her grades would start dropping and her life began to slowly fall apart.

Well, that was happening now.

Jeongguk was so conflicted with the Jimin situation that he found himself not paying attention in class. He soon saw his grades dropping, since he never made an effort to pay attention (he didn't much before, but he still tried a lot harder than most kids). All he thought about was drunk Jimin on his couch, crying about how much he loved him and how he wanted to be with him.

He cared about Jimin, he always would. But the problem was that he cared about Taehyung too, and though he cared about his boyfriend more he still found himself unable to shake his best friend from his mind.

Jeongguk felt like he was living in a movie. Almost a month ago, he had just found out vampires existed; now he was in love with two people at the same time.

Though Taehyung's been texting him and trying to get together, Jeongguk's been slow on purpose. He didn't want the older to think that was avoiding him - even though that was what he's been doing - but he's been making the classic excuse of: "being too busy."

Now, Jeongguk was walking home as he always did, blasting music through his tiny AirPods. He felt like it was August again, and he was reminded of the night he first met Taehyung, since he was fulfilling the same ritual before he met the older.

"God, who thought that my whole life would start to revolve around two stupid boys" Jeongguk mumbled to himself, kicking tiny rocks as he passed. Jeongguk has always cared too much for people, but this - this was excessive.

He didn't want to go home. Seeing his parents around felt weird now, and he knew that if they found out about his new grades they would be anything but pleased. He knew he couldn't go to Jimin, or Taehyung, and he assumed Hoseok was busy. The balcony he once loved grew into a reminder of someone he loves, and he couldn't think of any place better.

Jeongguk was alone. All over again.

As the younger walked along the cold and quiet streets of Busan, he passed by a small bar. The door was open, and through his music, he could hear yelling. Jeongguk took his AirPods out and looked inside, curious as to what was going on.

He saw many people - mainly guys - surrounding one girl. She was talking to all of them, and they all laughed and seemed so invested in what she was saying. The girl was very pretty, one of the prettiest girls Jeongguk has ever seen, with long dyed red hair and big eyes. She had a smile that could leave any guy hypnotized, though Jeongguk wasn't one of them.

The girl turned her head to face the entrance which was where Jeongguk was standing. The two made eye contact, and her eyes widened, looking like she recognized him even though Jeongguk has never seen her in his life.

The girl told the boys that she had to leave and when they protested and begged her to stay. Jeongguk decided to make a run for it. He knew that for whatever reason, she wanted to talk to him, and he had anything but a good feeling about it.

As Jeongguk sped walked away from the bar, he heard a voice call out: "wait!"

Jeongguk stopped in place, and he slowly whipped his head around to see that girl from the bar standing there. Jeongguk noticed she had on a little black dress that seemed to compliment her hair, and the younger knew that she stood out way too much for Busan.

The girl walked closer to him, a smile now glued to her face. Jeongguk assumed that she was in her early twenties, but he wouldn't be surprised if she was even younger than that.

"You're Jeongguk, right?" The girl asked, sweetly. She seemed to be trying to act innocent.

Jeongguk felt a shiver run down his spine "how do you know my name?"

She chuckled, and Jeongguk hated how perfect it sounded. She didn't say anything, and instead just looked at him, studying his features.

Uncomfortable was an understatement for how Jeongguk was currently feeling.

Finally, the girl spoke. "Don't be afraid, I'm just really good at hearing people talk."

"So you've been stalking me?" Jeongguk said dryly, and she chuckled again.

"If only," she said, "no I haven't, but I have connections."

Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows. "Who are you?"

The girl smiled, "I'm Ji."

Jeongguk's face grew as pale as a ghost's.

He assumed she's been watching Taehyung, and that somehow she found out about him. Jeongguk didn't know what she was about to do next, though a part of him didn't even want to know.

She chuckled again when Jeongguk did nothing, "are you scared of me, Jeongguk?"

"No" Jeongguk replied, hating the way she said his name "just...surprised."

Ji seemed to take that as a compliment "I'm surprised as well. I didn't expect Taehyung to tell you about me."

"Well, he did" Jeongguk replied, challenging her. He knew she had some sort of plan, and he wasn't going to let her succeed "though he didn't say much, what I interpreted from it was that you were a total asshole."

Ji's eyes widened, and she didn't say anything for a long time. Jeongguk thought he had finally gotten her, and that he had won in their small little game. But Jeongguk realized it wasn't even over yet, once she smiled that goddamn smile again.

"I like your attitude," Ji said "usually, I don't like it when people talk to me like that. You remind me of myself."

Jeongguk furrowed his brows, then Ji defended herself "a less arrogant version. You don't seem to take shit from anyone. Taehyung seems to have a type, doesn't he?"

Jeongguk wanted to ask how she knew they were together, but before he could even open his mouth Ji seemed to read his mind "I told you, I'm good at hearing people talk."

It fell silent, then Ji began walking and passed right by Jeongguk, but she continued speaking to him "It's getting late, and you shouldn't be out and alone when it's so dark."

"I'm not a baby" Jeongguk replied.

Ji chuckled, then she spun around to face the younger "there's that attitude I'm talking about. Tell you what, have a drink with me. I want to get to know the man that's stolen Taehyung's heart, plus you can ask me some questions since I know you probably have thousands."

"I'm busy tonight" Jeongguk lied. He didn't trust her, and he knew if Taehyung were here he would tell him to get the hell away from her.

Ji smiled "please, you wouldn't be out wandering the streets if you were "busy." If you think I'm going to hurt you, I'm not. I've had plenty of food for one day."

Jeongguk felt conflicted. He knew it could be dangerous, but at the same time, he had nothing better to do. At least he would have some company.

"Fine," the younger said, "I'll have a drink or two."

Ji smiled "great, follow me."

Even though all his life he's been told to never follow strangers, he did anyway. And he had no idea why.


Ji was a lot wealthier than Jeongguk would have guessed,

From the outside, it looked normal; but once you took a step inside, it was huge. The furniture looked like it cost thousands, and some paintings were hanging on the walls as well. It was a three-story house, and Jeongguk couldn't understand how one person could live someone so colossal.

"Sadly, this isn't my house," Ji said, as she poured some alcohol into the prettiest glass Jeongguk thought he'd ever see "I'm renting it from a friend."

"So, you're staying in Busan temporarily?" Jeongguk asked.

"I have too, vampires can't stay in one place for too long," Ji said, "but on the bright side, I've heard the hunters are deadly here."

Ji offered him a glass, and he took it, attempting to chug it all down. The bitter taste of alcohol in his throat left the younger coughing, while Ji stood there, seeming unharmed by her drink.

"Aw, what's wrong, Jeongguk?" Ji asked, taking a seat in one of the armchairs. Jeongguk sat on the couch, still trying to control his breathing.

"Nothing" Jeongguk lied. Ji seemed to see right through him since she furrowed her eyebrows. Nonetheless, the girl continued speaking.

"So, I'm guessing you know everything-" Ji asked.

"-I mean, we've gotten this far, haven't we?" Jeongguk replied.

Ji frowned, then continued "and you're still with him?"

"Yeah," Jeongguk said.

"Really? I mean, some humans do get addicted to their vampires-"

"-What?!" Jeongguk exclaimed "what are you - no. Taehyung isn't feasting on me, or whatever you're thinking."

"Really?" Ji said "well, Taehyung is very old-fashioned and prefers to have mundane-like connections, but I was just assuming he was feasting because most vampire and human relationships consist of...that. What do you see in him, anyway?'

"What do you mean?" Jeongguk asked.

Ji rolled her eyes "why do you like him?"

Jeongguk thought for a minute, then said "I don't know...I guess, he's just the only person who's ever really stood by me and supported me no matter what. Also, he's one of the only people who's ever truly l-"

Jeongguk stopped, remembering Jimin. He was unable to speak, and Ji furrowed her eyebrows.

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" Ji asked.

Jeongguk turned to face her, finally able to speak: "is it possible to love two people at the same time?"

Ji smirked, "so Taehyung isn't the only boy on your mind, is he?"

Jeongguk sighed again "it's complicated."

Ji put her glass down "trust me, I have time."

Jeongguk hesitated. He didn't feel comfortable opening up to her completely, so he vaguely told her everything. He said how he had a friend he used to love, and then he found Taehyung. But now his friend had feelings for him when he was with someone else.

Ji sat there, thinking for a moment. She got up to pour herself another glass as she spoke: "you know what I think? You don't love this friend."

"What?" Jeongguk asked as Ji sat back down.

"You don't have to listen to me, but I don't think you truly love him," Ji said, "I've been alive for a long time, and what I've always heard is that if you love two people at once, you should choose the second."

"And why's that?" Jeongguk said.

Ji looked at him "because if you truly loved the first, then you wouldn't have fallen in love with the second in the first place."

Jeongguk felt his heart rise, and as he thought more he realized that maybe, Ji was right. If his heart belonged with Jimin, why would he have fallen for Taehyung?

"You know I'm right, don't you?" Ji said.

Jeongguk decided to change the subject "can I ask you a question now?" 

Ji nodded before taking a sip of her drink."Why did you abandon Taehyung after you turned him?"

"Oh, so he did tell you our history," Ji said, "damn, I didn't think he was still hung up over it."

Jeongguk's mouth formed into a thin line "this isn't a joke, Ji. I'm serious, he could've died because of you. And you don't care?"

"No," Ji said, "I don't care about anyone but myself."

Jeongguk looked at her, and he realized that she was just like the vampires Taehyung's told him about. Those vampires that killed repeatedly but don't feel anything over it, those vampires that feast on living humans without feeling a single bit of remorse.

The mere thought of it made chills run down Jeongguk's spine.

"I know you don't understand since you have emotions and all" Ji said "but, vampires can turn off their emotions if they want. Most do, since its easier that way. Emotions are nothing but a distraction, a weakness. You'll die with them."

"And without them? Are you any happier?" Jeongguk defended "you're killing all of these people and focusing on you. Sounds like a psychopath to me."

Ji only smiled "exactly. We're dead psychopaths."

"But do you ever regret it?" Jeongguk asked. He knew Taehyung did, and he wondered if Ji - who was completely different from the older - might feel the same.

Ji hesitated, the alcohol in her glass spinning since she was waving it around "no. Why would I? You get to live for eternity and have eternal power. Why would I regret that?"

Jeongguk was about to protest, but he quickly shut his mouth. He knew she couldn't feel anything, so why bother convincing her too?

It went silent, with Ji sipping her drink and Jeongguk awkwardly messing with his hands. None of them knew what to say, and just as Jeongguk was about to try and start a conversation Ji stood up, putting her glass down on the coffee table before walking towards him.

"You know, you don't just also remind me of myself, Jeongguk," Ji said, "you remind me of Taehyung."

"Why's that?" Jeongguk said, confused as to why she was getting so close to him.

Ji leaned down so there faces were only a couple of inches apart, and then she smiled. "Because you're just as naive as he was."

Before Jeongguk could even blink a single eyelid he was lying on the couch and Ji was on top of him, holding him down firmly as her face changed into its vampire form.

"W-what the hell are you doing?!" Jeongguk exclaimed, trying to break out of her grip.

Ji smirked "oh Jeongguk, you really shouldn't believe everything I say. I lied to you. I haven't eaten in a long time."

Jeongguk felt his heart drop, and he knew that this was it.

She was going to kill him.

"How could I be such an idiot?!" Was what he thought to himself. "Why was I so stupid?!"

"Don't worry Jeongguk, it'll be real fast. I promise you won't even remember it" Ji said.

Jeongguk felt his stomach tie itself in thousands of knots, and he had no idea what to do. As Ji inched closer to his neck, he managed to spit in her face.

Ji winced, and she sat up as she tried to wipe it off her face. Using all of his strength, Jeongguk pushed her completely off of him and sloppily fell to the floor before getting up and running for his life.

Jeongguk had no idea where he was going, yet he still ran. He couldn't remember the last time he's ever run this fast, and he could hear his heartbeat in her ears as she ran up the stairs.

"You're funny Jeon!" He heard Ji scream from downstairs "you think you can get away from me that easily? I'll find you. No matter how many times you run and hide, you'll never be as strong as I am!"

Jeongguk kept running until he ended up on the third floor, and he accidentally tripped and found himself falling into a small glass statue. The sound of it falling was almost frightening, and blood was now dripping from the younger's shirt.

"Fuck, fuck-" Jeongguk mumbled, getting up and running again. 

He found a random bedroom to his right before locking himself in the closet. He was out of breath, but he tried to be quiet since he knew Ji could be coming any mintue now.

He was terrified.

Jeongguk knew she was going to find him eventually, and he didn't have a feeling he would make it out alive. His arm was throbbing, and he knew he probably smelt strongly of blood. 

Suddenly, he came up with an idea.

Jeongguk grabbed his phone from his pocket and went to Taehyung's contact, calling him immediately. Only, he didn't pick up.

Jeongguk tried again, nothing.

The younger called him a total of four times and there was no reply. Jeongguk thought he heard Ji's voice coming from the second floor, and before he knew it he felt tears rolling down his cheeks.

He covered his mouth to prevent sobs from escaping, but he knew this could be it. He could die in a few hours all because he made a dumb decision.

And there was nothing he could do about it.

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