
By Clarkmission101

3K 411 28

In one swift movement of my hand I reached behind Sapphire's neck and released her hair from the low ponytail... More

Authors Dedication
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43

Part 5

82 11 2
By Clarkmission101

She sat inside the car and I tried to read her face. She told me the entire situation. And all I said was "Seriously?" She looked a little annoyed and she said sarcastically "No I'm making all this up just so I can spend the night with you, a person I just met."

I said "Well you could. I live with my parents. But: My moms is really chill. She wouldn't mind. But only if you want too." She said "Well I cant really do anything till tomorrow morning, so I don't have any other choice."

My mother was a really understanding person, and her parenting was quite unconventional, she was a really funny and jolly person. She was very entertaining, and she had quite a unique personality.

She was tall, opinionated, and sharp. But at the same time had a very charming and warm persona. She was very well read, and never tried to dictate me or my siblings lives. I'm 26 now but even as a teenager, as long as I told her what was happening at a party, or if I was drinking, she was okay with it.

Both my parents were artists of all sorts. But to make money my parents both worked various jobs. They both spoke as if they were 1950's poets from Paris. They both weren't strict but they did have minor rules. Most of them just involved being morale while living in their house. Which I think I was. At least more then half the time.

I phoned my mom, who always stayed up till at least 2 am reading some new book and said "Hey mom I have a friend here who can't get into her house till tomorrow morning, can she stay over?" My mom sad "Is she a drug addict?" I said "no" my mom said "Is she drunk?" And I said "No". My mom said "Okay but treat her with respect." I had the phone on speaker and when my mom cut the line, Sapphire said "Whoa, your mom actually does seem super cool."

And I said "She really is." I had my room in the basement without anyone else so it was nice and we had an extra mattress in our guest room so I brought that into my room and said "Okay so I'll sleep on there and you sleep on my bed." She said "No way that's your bed, I'll sleep on the mattress."

I said "No you're my guest, you take it. I'll be back" I went to the washroom and composed myself, before I started acting like more of a nerd.

As I left to go to the washroom I stopped for a second outside my room and turned around because I saw Sapphire acting kind of strange like she became another person, she was taking in my room.

My walls were painted a light brown colour. Almost like a warm beige. I had a couple posters, my favourite, a picture of my favourite actor, on one of my side walls of my room. On the wall opposite to where my bed was. There were three big photo studio framed pictures, of myself as a baby, decorated in a row. On that same wall, to the left. I had taken pages of specific artworks from an art book I had and taped them up.

I had a bulletin board with a bunch of random things on it. And a big white table that I had all my novels on, and other things I needed. She seemed to like my room. As if she was feeling my room seemed to resonate with my persona. She turned her body and looked at me and said "your room captures your essence." I didn't know what to say back so I just said "I'll be right back."

When I returned she said "Thank you for doing this. I don't want to cause any trouble." I said "No trouble at all." She said. "Hey I hate to ask this but do you have like sweats and a t shirt I can wear?" I said "Yeah no problem."

I went into my closet and as i passed the clothes to her, she had a smile on her face as if she was a five year old getting a new toy.

She went into the washroom to change, then came back out. When she started laying down on my mattress I said "Um so what do you wanna do tomorrow morning, you mentioned when we were having dinner you have an aunty close by where you live and she watches the house for you guys sometimes, do you want me to drop you off at your aunties before I go to work tomorrow?"

She quickly responded with "No I texted my aunt to put the key she has in the mailbox for me. So she'll do that when she's up and she gets up early. So you can just drop me home." I said "Okay sounds good. I'm gonna go to sleep now though." She said "Okay me too Valentine. Goodnight." I got comfortable on my mattress. I fell asleep softly, but a little angry, because I knew we'd have to wake up at, at least 6:45. And it was already almost 2 am.

As soon as my alarm started ringing, I shut it off. I stretched before I stood up and shook her awake lightly and said "Hey you should go take freshen up in my washroom. I'll go upstairs to take a shower." I was about to grab my towel and leave when I realized she might need another a toothbrush and toothpaste, I stopped and said "Hey if you need a toothbrush or toothpaste, there's some new ones in my drawer."

In her heavenly groggy voice she said "Omg you're so nice. Thank you so much. I'll get up in 5 minutes. I left her then. When I was done showering, I realized I didn't bring my clothes and I had to go downstairs like this, back to my room. I knew it was inappropriate but I had no choice.

I carefully wrapped my towel around my bottom half and I made my way to my room. When I got in, she was all ready to go. And when she looked towards me I swear I heard a little gasp. I said "Hey sorry, can you leave the room for a second while I get changed?" She started walking out super quickly "Yes absolutely."

She was out before I knew it and I started changing quickly, I made a breakfast sandwhich for her and for me and I handed her hers and we ate them quickly, before we got in the car. I drove her home. When she got out she said "You're honestly the nicest person I've ever met."

She showed up to work at exactly 12 pm. And I noticed today she had makeup on.

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