On the Road Again

By _m3lli3_

3.8K 98 19

One Direction is starting their new 2015 tour. As the boys prepare to showcase their fourth album Four this t... More

Taking Flight
Henna Ship?
Love and War
Time for a Break
Love Birds
The Truth is Out
Love is in the Air

Questions, so many Questions!

714 16 4
By _m3lli3_

Jenna's POV:
I came to Simon about four months ago, he's like a father to me. I don't think either of us realized how we would grow so close in such short time, but he is also the only one who knows about my past. I needed a fresh start and decided I wanted to follow my dreams of being a singer/actress. Simon helped guide me in recording a few cover songs in the first 2 months, after that I spent my time in the studios writing my own songs. When Simon called me into his office to tell me I would be going on tour with One Direction I was in utter shock!

Simon said he saw a spark in me and wanted to focus and move forward with my career while that spark was still there. Though I am worried that it may be a little early for me to be going on a tour already, I am excited and grateful! I just don't know if I am mentally ready after everything that has happened recently. Just as he finished talking One Direction walked in. Though yes, I am a fan and totally fangirling inside, I will not let them know that. I shake hands with them as we introduce ourselves to one another. As Simon speaks to the boys I notice Harry looking at me, I suddenly felt self conscience and started fidgeting with my long sleeves.

"Niall where are we going?" I ask as he drags me behind him by the arm. 

"I told you we're going shopping!"

"But what if I don't like shopping?"

Niall stops dead in his tracks, slowly turns around and with a very serious face asks; "You don't like shopping?"

"No its boring and so extra! I'd rather where jeans and a t-shirt." 

"I think I just fell in love!" Niall yells as he drops to his knees on the sidewalk.

"Ok Mr. Over Dramatic you should get up now. People are staring." 

I don't like questions, people ask about my past and I don't want to share any of that; it gives me bad anxiety. As I pull out the dress, heels, and jewelry I bought today and lay them out on the bed; Lou walks in I presume to do my hair and makeup. 

"Hi sweetheart, I'm Lou! You'll be seeing a lot of me seeing as I go on tour with you all as well!" 

"Hi I'm Jenna" I barely squeak out.

"Oh hunny, your going to have to speak up if your going on tour with these goofs." I couldn't even hold in my giggle.

"You should smile more it's lovely, now let me see that beautiful face so I can decide what I want to do; it's so nice to finally do a girls makeup and hair!" Lou says this as she reaches up and examines my facial features.

I'm so nervous. Lou is inspecting my face and doing my hair and makeup she'll be all up and personal and see the parts of me I'm trying to hide. Lou says something which snaps me out of my thoughts.

"We can cover those bruises up well dear, don't worry." She says with a smile.

I like Lou no questions and she's going to make me look pretty again! I slip on my light pink dress, it's tight but not in a stripper way but just curves to my body. I also put on the black pumps I bought with the matching black necklace. Lou did a beautiful job with my makeup, she also covered the bruises though you can still see the stitches can't hide those; but still for once I feel beautiful.

Harry's POV:
We all had gathered in the lobby waiting for the limo to pull up; Zayn just came down, he always takes forever, so now we all were just waiting for Jenna. Almost as if on cue she steps off the elevator, and my jaw dropped. She looked stunning! The dress fit her curves just right and though tight it had length so she looked modest. She looked so beautiful with her makeup done, the bruises I noticed earlier were no longer visible just the stitches. Her hair was curled in small loose curls that flowed down to her mid back. I have never seen anything more beautiful.

"Hi." Jenna says as she reaches us.

"Jenna, you look beautiful!" I state as she blushes looking down at the ground.

"Thank You." She replies looking up ever so slightly with a sheepish smile.

Niall's POV:
As we sit in the limo the guys chatting away and Jenna messing with the sleeves of her dress and picking at her cuticles.

"You know that's not a very good habit." I state nodding towards her fingers. She immediately puts them at her side.

"Yeah I know, I just can't help it when I get nervous."

"You'll do fine love!" I place my hand on her back for reassurance.

Harry's POV:
As we step out of the limo I look at Jenna terror prevalent in her eyes. Niall takes her hand helping her out of the car, I suddenly feel something, jealousy? Niall sticks his arm out and Jenna takes it. Why am I so jealous we only just met her, but oh how I wish that was me. (Teehee sorry song lyric fangirl, ok done) Finally we are called out for our interview. After what seems like hours really only about 30 minutes we are asked the question of the hour.

"So who is the mystery opening act for the On The Road Again Tour?"

"Her name is Jenna Williams and she is a lovely girl who we cannot wait for you all to meet her" Liam says with a smile.

"Well let's bring her out." I look over by the curtain where Jenna was waiting to come out and she just stands there. What is she doing!?

Niall gets up, "Excuse me one minute."

He goes behind Jenna and pushes her out on stage. After a few moments of collecting her thoughts she sits up straight smiles and walks over to where we are sitting. Jenna is the first to speak as she sits down.

"I apologize I just couldn't seem to get myself away from the refreshments, those donuts are heavenly!"

This caused us all to laugh. After we all collected ourselves the questions began.

"So Jenna where are you from?"

"I was born in Baltimore, but hence then have moved quite a bit; so I presume I'm not from anywhere really."

"Do you have any family?" Immediately Jenna tensed up. 

"No." She states ever so plainly.

"Brothers, sisters, mom, dad?" Jenna takes Niall's hand, there's that jealous feeling again.

"No I have no one they all have passed." She says looking down.

"I'm so sorry, what are you looking forward to most on this tour?"

As if he knew not to press the subject he changed it just like that. Jenna seems to relax a bit and let's go of Niall's hand. After another 30 minutes we say our goodbyes and finally get to go home and get some sleep! Jenna still seems a little distraught, but I don't want to push her anymore tonight. So I figure I will wait and talk to her tomorrow while I let her sleep on it.

Jenna's POV:

Oh my god! I did terrible! I couldn't get out on stage and than the interview? God I was a disgrace, Simon is probably so disappointed. I sit down on the edge of my bed and take out the phone Simon bought me. I open up twitter and it is blowing up. I start to read through some of the tweets. Some of them were really nice saying how pretty I was, but than I see something is trending. Its a photo from the interview where me an Niall are holding hands. Everyone starts calling me a slut, sending death threats that I need to back off their man, and saying that I slept with him to get the job! I feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I know drama and paps make stuff up but the stuff these people are saying still hurts. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror, mascara running down my face. I feel my breath becoming faster and faster and my thoughts are racing. I can't breathe, I lay one the bathroom floor and let the darkness consume me. 

Hey Guys! So I apologize if this chapter sucks, I'm trying, but please help spread the word and help me get feedback I really just want to improve my writing skills and know if I'm a good writer. So please comment and vote! Please it would mean the world to me! Peas and Carrots! I love you! -MEL ~
[insta: _m3lli3_]
[twitter: Melaniej6597]

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