Heart beats

By Don_is01

165K 5.4K 654

Life gave its worse side to Luna all at once, having to deal with her fathers failing health and their financ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's note.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's note!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 21

5.7K 220 29
By Don_is01

Happy new year my loves❤❤
Please excuse mistakes!!!


I carefully stack some pancakes on Jamari's plate, before skillfully pouring some syrup. I arrange blueberries on top, allowing some roll down before topping it up with some whipped cream. Just how he likes it.

I head for the fridge to retrieve some apple juice. My apartment being way smaller, way way smaller than Jamari's house, my kitchen was an open space. Cooking in Jamari's kitchen makes me excited to cook. His kitchen is everything. But we're in my apartment right now.

Speaking of Jamari, I heave a sigh as I fill a glass cup with some chilled apple juice. Remembering last nights events only gave me anxiety. I didn't know how to handle what I saw. By the time I got back into my room, Jamari was fast asleep. I starred at him for a long time, just tryna get my mind in order. I wanted to be mad, but at the same time, I felt some deep feeling of happiness and love.
I'm in a confusing situation right now. I cried myself to sleep at the thought of Jamari being the one who helped my dad was just overwhelming. Why didn't he tell me?

"Baby..." I heard Jamari say in that early morning sexy husky voice. Damn.

"Good morning babe" I respond, feeling lots of emotions overwhelm me.
"Sleep well? " I ask as I clean up.

"Uhuh. I'm addicted to sleeping with you now. Be giving a nigga good dreams"

I giggled at his words, try as much as possible to avoid eye contact.

"Eat up babe"
I said as he said a little prayer over his food before digging into his meal.

"You steady keeping me outta shape. Tryna make them drop me off the team?" He joked giving me his infamous smirk. I smiled hard just admiring him. He's so handsome. But the fact that he's such a good guy pulls on my heart strings. We've been dating for a while now, would I be wrong if I said I've fallen in love with him? To be honest, I'm scared at the thought of it, but it just feels so damn right.

"Yo you scaring me Luna" I heard him say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry babe. I zoned out. Did you say something?"

"You smiling at me, watching me eat like your plan to kill me is finna work cos I've eaten too much of this breakfast to avoid whatever you've done with it"
He rose an eyebrow, looking at me skeptically.

I burst out laughing. He is just so crazy, I love it.

"I was just thinking babe. You're crazy for real"

He laughed before signalling for me to come his way. I nervously walked towards him, entering in between his legs.
He wrapped my small frame with his large arms, I loved it when his body enveloped mine.
"What you thinking about. It kinda obvious there's something you not saying. So what's up? "

I stare into his eyes which are also piercing into mine. The longer I starred, the more I felt drawn into him. Did he feel this way about me too? With the way I feel now, the only thing that'd make me feel much better is if he let's me know he feels exactly the same way.

"There's nothing baby. Why do you think there's something?" I said, running my hand through his braids.
He licked on his lips before pulling me in for a kiss.

This kiss was different. Maybe I'm just thinking too much of it, but it sure feels different. Its slow, sensual and deep. More emotions were involved.
Jamari and I's tongues battled for dominance as he rubbed on my body. I could taste the whipped cream from his lips, which only drove me crazy.
His hands slid into my shirt and rested on my stomach, as I wrapped my arms around his neck for dear life. My body was needy right now. So needy.

"You're so beautiful. So perfect" he said as he kissed and sucked on my neck. I bit hard on my bottom lop to suppress the moan that was longing to come out.
I felt his hands slide into my shorts as he grabbed on my rear, owning it.

"Babe..." I moaned out, anticipating his next move.

The loud vibration from his phone, frightened me, causing me to pull away.
We both look at it seeing Rameek's name.

"I have practice. Totally forgot. You're really tryna make me lose my job huh?" He teased, smacking my rear.

"Nigga you just can't resist me. You're the cause of your problems" I teased back receiving a few pecks from him.

"Heard you love. Imma go over to my place to get ready. You're gonna come over and make me dinner yeah?"

"I'm not your cook no more. You can't boss me around"
"Shut up short stuff. You my lady, come on please. A nigga has to be fed" I laughed and cleared his plate, allowing him down his apple juice.

"Go get fed at your grandma's house."
"Bet" he said walking over to kiss me.
"I'd see you in my house later. Your ass better be there."

"Alright babe. Take care" I said before kissing him one last time.

"I just don't know how to feel about it" I wiped another tear as I vented out my frustration to Pam, Tania and mama B, in a restaurant for lunch.

"He's such a great guy, but I can't help but wonder if he did it out of mere pity or, it was something more." I sighed as I played with my nails.

"He did it cos, he wanted you to be happy" Tania responded, smiling at me and holding my hand. Wait what?

"Did you know Tania?" I squinted my eyes at her. She smacked her lips, awkwardly adjusting in her seat.

"Pam, your ass better help me out" she murmured to Pam. But I heard her.

"Pam? What is going on, y'all better start talking"

"Y'all better" mama B said before taking a sip of her drink.

"Hell no mama, you ain't about to pretend like you wasn't aware too! "
Pam and Tania bickered at mama B, who rolled her eyes and avoided my eyes.

"So wait, lemme get this straight. All the times I hoped I'd know who it was, I cried to y'all, y'all bitches knew?!"

"Watch your mouth child" mama B warned.
"Sorry momma, but for real? Why? Y'all knew who it was and pretended like y'all ain't know shit. That's foul, foul! What happened to bitches before niggas, y'all are fake as fuck!" I ranted, pissed at them all. I couldn't believe them.

"I'm sorry bestie but, Jah just didn't want you to know. He made us promise babe. Now that y'all are together, it explains why he was so quick to help. He was into you!" Pam tried to win me over with sweet words. It wasn't working.

"Seriously? " I rolled my eyes at her.

"Its the truth girl! Come on, my brother way so into you before y'all got together. He had good intentions. Believe me. He's so into youuu" Tania pulled my cheek tryna be cute.

"Exactly. You know, I think if you were aware of what he was going to do, you'd have refused. Cos you were too pride filled to accept it from him. Worse you kept on playing games and complaining 'he disgusts me! '. "She mocked my voice. "I think he made the right choice for not telling you"

I sighed, understanding where mama was coming from. Maybe it was good that I didn't know.

"But y'all should've told me now that we're together..."

"My brother was probably looking for the right time to tell you, even tho with the kind of person he is, he wouldn't have wanted you to know at all, but I'm sure he considered telling you. Don't sweat it babe. He had good intentions only when he did it" Tania assured me.

I began feeling a little bit better about the whole situation. A little bit tho.

"Hope you didn't make things awkward between y'all when you found out? "

"I tried to. Although he saw something was bothering me." I replied Pamela

"Alright enough long talk. Now that you know, you have to say thank you " mama B wiggled her brows at me.

I frowned at her, confused with the sly look she was giving me.

"Yassss she has to show some gratitude" Pamela said as Tania stuck her tongue out, twerking on her seat.

"Wait, wait, wait, noo. No way. I could treat him to some nice dinner and appreciate..."

"Shut your mouth Luna. Grow up. You scared to see your mans dick? " Pamela seemed to be annoyed by my reaction to their suggestion as Tania and mama laughed.

"Come on baby girl. I mean, you've been avoiding it, anddd been so needy at the same time. Put it on him! He'd never see it coming! " mama said as the girls chanted after her.

"Uhmmm, okay? But its been so long you know, I'm not sure if I could..."

"You need revival lessons?, we got you." Pam said.
Well guess imma put it down on him tonight. Should I?


Practice was hectic today. I have a big game tomorrow so coach took it to the extreme with us.

"Don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be fine baby. She's gonna love you."
I eavesdropped on Xavier and Pamela's conversation as I drove us to go get lunch. I peeped at Rameek who wanted to take the back seat to take a nap. I couldn't blame him. I needed a nap too. My muscles need some rest.

"Y'all must be serious. You taking her to meet mom and shit" I said once Xavier got off the phone with Pam.

"I'm surprised myself. I care about her a lot. You know. its high time my mom knew I was serious with this love shit" he responded, reclining fully into his seat.

I nodded, taking in his words. Thinking of my relationship with Luna also.
"So you love her? " I took a quick glance at him.
"Wow. You told her?"
"What you think nigga of course he told her" Rameek said, eyes still shut from the back seat.
"Nigga you weird asf" I said to him, causing Xavier to laugh.

"Y'all be talking about love. Making me miss Tania" he murmured the last part.

"What about Luna. I know you're whipped asf. So what's tea?"

"What the...Pamela's influencing you negativity man. You slipping" I teased him.
"Nigga I ain't about to tell you about my relationship. But I got feelings for her"

"Nigga we know. Been saying it for too damn long."

"What? I've got mad feelings for her!" I replied Rameek, defending myself.

"So you don't love her? Lemme find out you're tryna lead her on." Rameek said sitting up.

"I'm not about to hurt my girl. I mean, I guess I love her. But a lot goes on in my mind when I think of it. Like what if I don't really know what love means, like is what we got real love? The last time I was in this kinda shit, I was dead wrong. I don't wanna make the same mistake man." I vented out, letting them know how I truly feel. Luna makes me feel things I didn't even feel with Janice. I get paranoid about this shit.
"Chill out bro"
"Yeah, chill out. Luna ain't that type of bitch. She's a solid. She ain't gon do you dirty. You can't keep using the past to judge the present. You learn from it, you improve yourself and you do better for the future"

"Wow!" Xavier clapped his hands. "Did all that just come out of the dumbest of us? Nah, something happened to Rameek. Fool, where you at?" I laughed at Xaviers antics.

I was surprised too, to be honest. Rameek did make sense. I took in every word he said.

"Shut up dumb ass. I'm a genius. Y'all IQ low as hell, I'm for sure the realest and smartest one outta y'all. Outta the whole team for that matter. Who y'all think be helping Tania get through all that college home work? Shut up Pamela's wife. Mr. Pam"

Rameek and Xavier kept on talking shit to each other. I'm used to it. They do it all the time.

After lunch the guys and I went to an arcade. We felt like little kids again. I needed the fun. Having fun has become so much easier for me ever since Luna and I got together. There's just something she brings out in me that makes life so easy going and great to me. I see everyday as a blessing and opportunity to be better. She's the best. I love her. Although, I don't know how I'm gonna let her know that. But at the right time, I'm sure I'd be able to.

Coming home, I just wanted to eat some amazing dinner and cuddle under Luna. I missed my baby.
Bentley ran over to me immediately I got into my house.
"I see you tagged along little man." I rubbed on him. I had to like him. All for Luna's sake.

"I'm in here!" I heard Luna reply me from the pantry. I ran like a kid to go meet her.

Hugging her from the back, I placed lots of kisses on her neck causing her to giggle.

"I missed you too" she said, turning around to connect her lips with mine.

"You looking beautiful tonight. Whose all this for? " I asked taking in her simple, yet adorable look. Even in casual house clothes, my baby was fly asf.

"All for you baby." She stood on her tip toes to peck my lips again. "Come on I made dinner" she pulled me towards the dinning room.

After eating dinner, Luna and I cuddled on the couch eating a tub of vanilla ice cream. Her favorite. She was eating most of it, being greedy as hell.
"You greedy"
"Shut up daddy"
"Daddy huh? " I smirked at her
"Uhuh. I want you to make love to me with ice cream running down..."
"Woah, hold on. Where's that coming from" she burst out in laugher and hid her face from me.
"Don't be talking like that baby. You're gonna get yourself in trouble" I whispered in her ear pulling her closer to my body.
My mind wondered back to my conversation with the guys earlier today. I think its high time I let Luna know how much I've fallen in love with her.
"Baby" we both said at the same time. Causing us both to laugh.

"You go first."
She let out a heavy sigh. I made her face me, but she kept on avoiding eye contact.
"Talk to me mami" I played with her bottom lips which were now poked out.
I was caught off guard when she bursted into tears.

"Baby? Babe, what's wrong. What...Did I do something? Talk to me Luna" I was confused right now.

"I know its you" she sniffed, looking own at her nails.
"Huh? " alright I'm hella confused.

"I saw the receipts and all, yesterday when I went to get your charger from your car. You were the one who did all that for my father."

Oh. She found out. I was gonna tell her but I honestly didn't know when or how. So I was gonna let it remain anonymous. You can't really hide anything from your woman huh?

"Uhm" I cleared my throat. "Yeah baby. Don't worry about it okay. Your dads healthy and you're happy. That's all that matter" I let her know, softly rubbing on her thighs as I held her in an embrace.
"Why did you do it? " she whispered, finally finding courage to look into my eyes.
Here goes nothing.

"Cos I love you. Yup I said it" I said convincing myself. "I love you. I cared too much to see you go through that."
My heart was beating like crazy due to how nervous I had become.

Luna seemed to be shocked. She moved away from me and stared into my eyes.

"You don't mean that." She finally spoke.
"What? How can you say that..."
"Jamari" she cut me off. "We barely could get along then"
"And you think I don't know? I was putting up a facade bae. I was scared to admit the fact that you are so damn beautiful and loving. Now you think i'm lying? " I asked feeling hurt.

"No! Baby...its just that I don't know what to say, I'm overwhelmed." She said moving closer to me again.

"You don't feel the same way do you?"
She hesitated before looking away.

"I'm gonna shower" I let her know, getting up and heading upstairs. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Jamari! Baby please come back! " I heard her call out to me, but purposely ignored her.

I got into my room and entered my bathroom immediately. I didn't wanna be around her for now.
Stripping out of my clothes I turned on the water to heat up.

"Please baby, open up, please " I heard Luna sniff as she knocked on the bathroom door.

"I'm scared okay. I mean, it feels like its happening too fast, but I can't control what I feel either. I love you too. I was just a bit scared to say it. I don't wanna end up heartbroken...I love you. Please talk to me baby..." She cried softly.

I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed. For her to think I was lying at first hurt me, her not saying I love you back bruised me.
Now I just hole she's not talking only because of how she feels now or cos of what I did for her dad.

"You love me? " I asked her as I opened the bathroom door to her. I watched her stare at me from head to toe. Her lips quivering and tears on her cheeks. She was distracted in this important moment. Wow. I can't blame my baby tho.

"Huh? Yeah...I mean yes. I love you." She sniffed, gaining her composure.

"For real? How much?" I asked opening the door wider.

"So much its scares me" she let tears fall again and looked at her toes.

"Same here baby. I know things feel fast and all, but when its real, its real. I want this to grow deeper. You want that?"
She nodded quickly, responding to me.

"Then that's it. I love you."
I pulled her into my chest as she held on to me.
I kissed her lips softly. The kiss felt deeper and held great affection. I've never felt happier. I let go of her and noticed she was still lusting after me.

Walking away from her, I took off the towel around my waist and opened the cubicle. The look on Luna's face when I turned towards her direction was priceless. She looks really beautiful tonight. She's bringing me to life down there.

"You gonna join me?"
"Hm?" I chuckled at how nervous she had gotten.

"Strip and come in" I commanded.
I watched her shakily take off her dress. She looked sexy in her underwear. So sexy, damn.

"Take everything off" I commanded again as we held eye contact.

Immediately she was completely naked, I walked towards her and lifted her off her feet, causing her to wrap her legs around my torso.

"I...I wanna feel you" she whispered as I stepped into the shower cubicle with her. My hand firmly held unto her soft rear.

"Where baby? "
"Inside me" she spoke with so much lost dripping with her voice.

"No regrets baby?" I asked to clarify what she asked off.
"Not a single one"
"Say no more"

The ungodly things I was gonna do to her tonight.

Thanks guys for being patient. I wrote this chapter for y'all ❤
Let me know if you like it, comment!

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