Epitome of Love

By pineapplesbeyellow

111K 5.1K 2.1K

Another BeyNika for my loves More

Come Through and Chill
Love on the Brain
A Good Time
Attitude lessons 101
Love vs The Game
Do it Again
Snakes in the Grass
Secrets Unfold
Everything Crashes Down

Being Pregnant

3.7K 184 30
By pineapplesbeyellow


Nicki's hand squeezed mine as we sat in the waiting room of the women's center. We were doing a five month check up and Nicki was extremely nervous because she had been cramping really bad this morning.

"Relax baby everything will be fine." I kissed her lips and placed a hand over her firm belly

"Baby," She paused looking in my eyes with tears in hers. "What if-."

"Onika stop it ok? The baby will be fine, let's just hope for a healthy baby. It's not good to think about the worst in situations like this." I reassured her for the tenth time today.

"Mrs. Onika?" We heard coming from one of the door that led to the back.

I helped Nicki up and grabbed her hand leading us both to the door where we greeted the nurse. She instructed Nicki to take her shoes and her coat off so that she could check her weight and blood pressure.

After they finished up the nurse lead us into one of the empty rooms they had available. I helped Nicki up on to the table and took a seat in an unoccupied chair.

"So Mom, what's been hurting you?" She asked opening her laptop to prepare for documentation.

"I started cramping at about six this morning and I just wanted to come check and see if everything was ok." Nicki gently rubbed her small pudge.

"Ok, we'll do a brief ultrasound and let you all see your baby. Mom I need you to stop stressing yourself out or Dr. Campbell might order you to be put on bed rest for a little bit. She'll be in shortly." The nurse put her laptop away and left out of the room.

"You can't be worrying yourself like that Nicki, like I said everything is going to be just fine and our little one will be here with us in just four months."

Her face frowned up for a second before she completely broke down in tears making me rush to her side. "I'm scared." She whispered through her sobs resting her forehead against mine.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and gently kissed her forehead letting her know that I was there for her no matter what. She had moments where she was completely shocked thinking about her pregnancy. There was nothing else I could do but just let her know that she wasn't in this alone.

I helped her clean her face up and stood by her side to hold her hand until the doctor got back.

There was a brief knock on the door before Dr. Campbell came through it with that bright smile she always presented.

"My favorite Mommy's are here to visit me again." She chuckled sitting her things down.

She sat in her rolling chair and wrote somethings down on a paper quickly before standing up to listen to Nicki's heart. "So Mom, I've been checking up on your stress levels and I don't like how they are looking."

Nicki nodded, "I know Doc they probably look terrible but I've just been so nervous thinking about the whole process. Every second of every minute my mind is going crazy thinking about anything that could go wrong."

Dr. Campbell poured the gel on Nicki's stomach and moved the stick around until she found our little bundle of joy. The baby was growing day by day and it was a very exciting thing to witness once again.

"Being that you are at high risk of miscarriage Ms. Maraj I need you to keep those levels down for me. The baby is a ball of energy right now and that is perfect, that means it's healthy as of now. I want you all to come back in exactly two weeks and I need for those levels to be down or I will call for you to be put on bed rest." She turned to me before speaking again.

"Mom that's where you come in, I need your eyes to be on her 247 and I want you to help her switch up her diet. Your blood work and vitamin levels show that you haven't been eating properly." She was now looking at Nicki.

Nicki blushed probably feeling put on the spot, finally someone could put a stop to the Cookie Monster. Baby would full on cuss me out if I didn't get her what she was craving at the time.

"That's a tough one Dr. Campbell." I admitted scratching the back of my neck.

She laughed as she wiped the gel off of Nicki's stomach and helped her sit up. "I figured it's difficult especially when she craves but I believe in you."

Nicki scoffed grabbing my hand as I helped her off the table. "I'm not that bad Doc she's just dramatic."

"Doc she fussed me out about a cup of ice at three in the morning, woke me up out of my sleep and everything."

After we wrapped things up at the doctor's office Nicki wanted to stop by my mom's house. It really took a while for my family to register everything and get accustomed to my lifestyle but they have grown to respect me. Of course I would never forget what they did to me but it didn't hurt to forgive, it actually felt good to let that grudge go.

My mom greeted us at the front door being sure to feel for the baby. The baby got excited when my mom's voice was near.

"That's right baby it's grandma." She talked to Nicki's belly as if the baby was going to respond back.

"Mama leave my baby alone, both of them." I joked hanging my jacket up on the coat racket.

My dad came from downstairs to greet us as well smelling like a walking cigar. I told him about smoking it around Nicki so I'm guessing he just put one out.

"Oh thank God, your mama was driving me crazy about seeing Nicki." He sighed scratching his forehead.

We all moved into the living room and got comfortable with a game of football playing on the tv in the background. "Ms. Tina I am so sorry I hadn't stopped by to see you in a while but I promise you it's your daughter. She doesn't let me go anywhere if I happen to be throwing up that day and sadly for me that's every other day."

"Well I guess I can't be mad at that one."

I furrowed my eyebrows noticing that Solange was no where to be found. "Where's Solo?"

Mama scoffed along with a eye roll. "Out somewhere with her fast ass boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?!?." I dramatically repeated.

When the hell did my baby sister get a boyfriend and why is she out with him, by herself. "Yeah they've been dating for a few months now, she hasn't told you?"

"Mama she know I'm not having that and I am going to ask her about it when I see her."

For whatever reason my parents were pretty lenient with Solange, they used to let her do whatever she pleased and I know she's not a child anymore but I've always been and will still be overprotective of Solange.

"Beyoncé don't go acting crazy, I always remember how overprotective you used to be over Solange." She chuckled.

I decided to switch the subject because I honestly didn't want to bring up my family's past not in front of Nicki anyways.

"The gender reveal is next month and of course we want y'all there." I told them both.

"Oh of course we're coming Beyoncé this is my grandbaby." She reminded me once again.

"I know mama."

Nicki• Home

Beyoncé softly laid me down on the bed and hovered over me biting at her lips. I know she was in the mood because she couldn't keep her hands to herself on the way back home. Her and I had been holding out on any sexual activities since I let her back in the house and it was taking a toll on both of us.

Her lips lingered over mine as our eyes pierced through each other's soul. She broke the intense gaze by locking our lips together, the both of us immediately clenched our eyes shut. I hadn't even let her kiss me since the day we kissed when she came back home, I know that was a tad bit much but I knew if we kissed it would lead to something else.

Her kisses trailed down to my neck and she was in full on attack mode directly on my sweet spot. My mouth parted and my eyes damn near wanted to roll back, it had been so long since I felt her lips on me. My fingers caressed her slick scalp as she continued to go to work on my body.

She continued to let her tongue work its magic on my neck before she came up to tongue kiss me once more. The sparks never left and I don't think they ever will.

My body felt as if every nerve had set fire and the feeling was more than overwhelming, I felt as if I wanted to cum just from her kiss. My legs involuntarily wrapped around her waist and she chuckled pulling away from the kiss.

"This is why you got pregnant in the first place." She grinned.

I was slowly becoming impatient with the constant kissing I needed to feel every inch, every vein deep inside me. "Take these off." I whined yanking on her shorts.

"No you have to wait for that." She pulled my tights down along with my underwear before I felt her lips kissing the insides of my thighs.

She stopped for a minute and then suddenly her tongue was going to work on my clit. She rested her hand in the crook of my leg and slightly pushed them both up to spread my lower parts further apart. Her frequent moans sent waves of vibrations to my pussy making me gasp each time.

"Oh baby I'm cumming." I whimpered holding on to the sheets for dear life.

She sped up the pace put kept it steady enough to set my orgasm off. I was hoping and praying the kids wouldn't be back any time soon.

She came up to kiss my lips, face coated in my cum but I didn't mind not even the least bit. I watched her strip out of her clothes becoming even more aroused at the view of her toned body with a beautiful dick to match. Her naked body hovered over mine as she rubbed the tip of her dick against my sensitive clit.

"No running." She informed me.

"Baby put it in." I whined grinding my hips against her shaft as she steadily toyed with my clit.

Without anymore convincing she slowly pushed her way into my walls. The both of us damn near choked gasping so hard, I was shocked to hear that from her but I knew she hadn't had any in a while.

"Mm this shit so wet." She groaned throwing her head back.

My hands rested on her behind pushing her deeper inside me. My nails were soon making a viscous trail up her back as they dig into her skin.

"Oh baby." I moaned closing my eyes just enjoying the feelings of her dick penetrating me.

There was nothing like some good makeup/ I missed you sex, nothing in this world would ever top this feeling.

She was slowly getting into it as she started going faster and harder. Sweat glands ran down her caramel body making her look all oily and sexy. I let my hands caress her stomach and I bit my lip so hard looking up into her eyes you would think they would start bleeding.

"Fuck Nicki." She cursed looking down into my eyes before throwing her head back as she did every ten seconds.

The feeling was indescribable, Beyoncé's dick was a gift made in Heaven only God could create something so powerful as such.

"OHH GOD." I screamed feeling my climax right at it's peak, only five minutes in and I was already about to cum.

She struggled to pull out but she did as she made me get up so that she could take my place but leaned her back against the headboard. She sat me on her lap with my back against her chest and propped my legs up in her hands and began drilling me from beneath taking every ounce of air from my body.

I tried to moan but nothing would come out it was like my voice was stuck in my throat. "Cum on this dick." She groaned into my ear thrusting upwards into my g-spot.

Finally my voice came back allowing me to scream to the top of my lungs as I felt myself creaming on her dick. The stickiness between us only encouraged her to pull another orgasm out of me as she went even deeper pushing at my cervix.

Her unsteady breathing became more intense as her grip on my legs tightened, she was about to cum. Her signature "I'm about to cum" strokes began and I watched her toes curl in front of me.

I played with my clit and let her continue to do those deep slow strokes until she came inside me moaning as loud as she wanted to in my ear. Her body became limp as she dropped my legs allowing me to turn around, leaving her dick pulsating inside me.

I allowed myself to come all the way to the tip clenching my walls on the way down. Then I held her full length inside of me and began rocking my hips.

"Stop baby." She hissed grabbing my ass.

Leaning forward I began to kiss her jawline completely dismissing her request for me to stop. The grip that she had on my ass I'm sure would leave a bruise if she didn't let go soon.

A thick vein in her neck was popping out so I kissed it changing the position that my legs were in putting my knees on both sides of her. Kissing her earlobes was my favorite thing to do in this position because I knew she was going to tap out.

I held her earlobe between my teeth and swiftly let it go replacing that with a gentle kiss all while riding the life out of her.

"Oh my God Nicki." I sat still for a minute but let my walls occasionally clench together knowing that she was about to finish.

She drew her hand back and roughly smacked my ass biting down on her swollen bottom lip. Her arms clasped around my waist and she pounded up into me knocking the both of us into absolute euphoria.

We both laid limply trying our best to regulate our breathing. Her friend was the complete opposite of limp as I felt it throbbing intensely inside my walls.

Our lips connected together, both as swollen as my private area currently was. "I love you." She told me staring deep into my eyes, if my eyes moved hers followed.

"I love you too baby." A grin spread across my face and I softly pecked her cheek climbing off of her sweat drenched body.

My legs felt like jello but I could manage well enough to help myself to the kitchen. The kids would be home soon and I wanted to at least eat something really quick before they raided the kitchen for snacks. Caiah acted much more of a child than Blue did sometimes.

Speaking of Caiah, he and Beyoncé still have yet to speak to eachother. Beyoncé has made several attempts to try to get through to him but he wasn't letting his guard down any time soon.

I could feel the warmth from Beyoncé's body heat against my back half as she embraced me from behind giving my neck gentle kisses. "You know I'm about to make you go lay down." She chuckled in my ear.

I slightly smacked my lips along with a eye roll. "Beyoncé I am grown ok? I can handle myself and my body."

"Ok but while my baby is in there you are going to sit your ass down somewhere. Do I make myself clear or do I need to show you that I'm not playing with you?" She turned me around towering over me giving this stern look that I found so fucking sexy.

I nodded my head putting my dimples on full display as I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing. "I got you baby."

I carried my sandwich and my drink into the living room with me and sat on the couch waiting for baby to prop my eating table up for me. This is our little eating routine and has been for a little minute now every since I spilled some hot soup all over my stomach.

The baby and I were fine but of course Beyoncé overreacted and took me to the hospital to make sure we were ok.

After she pushed the table closer to me she pecked my lips slipping a coat on. "Where are you going?"

"I got a meeting with your dad and Wayne, I'm damn near a hour late but I told them I was making sure you were ok."

My eyes widened as I realized I hadn't seen my dad since the last time I spoke with Toni. He would be extremely upset with me especially since he told me he wanted to spend more time together.

As far as Wayne and Beyoncé, they agreed to be come one again for the sake of friendship and because Wayne knew he would never have a better partner than Beyoncé when it came to handling his work. It took a lot for Beyoncé to come around and finally let him in but they are slowly working that whole thing out.

Beyoncé• Birdman's house

I greeted Ms. Toni with a hug as she opened the front door revealing that gorgeous face of hers. Toni gave off very genuine energy, her presence felt great to be in.

"Where is my baby?" She asked referring to Nicki.

"Ms. Toni you know I had to leave her home, Doc says her stress levels have been too high so I'm trying to keep her from doing too much." I hung my coat up on the rack and slipped my shoes off at the door.

"Ok well since she can't get out of the house me and her father will stop by the house soon, if that's ok with you all of course."

We both walked side by side into the living room where Wayne and OG had wads of money spread out across the table. I dapped each of them up and took a stack of cash sitting myself on the floor and began counting. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss feeling apart of the crew.


Nicki better sit her ass down somewhere 🥴

Do you like Toni's character?

Wayne and Lauren?


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BEYNIKA. That's all to say lovesโ™ฅ๏ธ