from neighbors to lovers -fil...


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Finn and Millie were neighbors but never really talked or spend time. Then their ways got crossed and they be... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty (end)

chapter fifteen

156 6 26

After she came home, she texted Gina and Sadie about what happened and decided to make a group for some ‚girls talk'.

Millie added Sadie❤️🤠 and Gina💜🤡
to a group chat.
Millie named the group chat
,Lil' cute evils😈💗'

hey guys. made this for us girls to chat with each other.

love that name. hi btw
what y'all doing

hi girls x
I'm going to meet Blake in 15 mins
wish me luck

good luck from my lonely ass lmao

good luck sis

since Gina isn't online anymore let's go to private chat


*private chat*

do you want to meet @ the cinema tomorrow?
lets watch *random horror movie*

Sure ;)

Next day, evening

The girls met at the cinema and they walked to their seats.

„I have to go to the toilet, I'll be right back. Wait for me" Sadie said.
„Uhm sure" Millie replied.

After a while she heard the door open again and thought that it was Sadie.

A person sat down next to her but it was a boy..

‚Thats not happening' she thought.

„What the hell are you doing here?" the boy said when he finally noticed her.

„I wanted to meet Sadie and she said that she went to the toilet and she'll be right back"
„Well, she probably won't because she said that she want to meet me too and she used the same excuse"
„That probably means we have to watch it together, Finn"

The movie started, so everyone stopped talking.

After a while the movie got scarier and more scarier.
Millie wasn't afraid of horror movies because she watched them often alone when she was sad.

But Finn didn't like horror movies that much...
He was so scared that hehe took Millies hand.

„It's not even that scary" Millie said.
„Yes, it is" Finn answered and hid his head in his hands.

After the movie they walked outside to the park.

„I never saw you that scared!" Millie said and laughed hard.
„Thats not funny! And the end was so bad! They all just died" he shouted.
"Oh so you did see the end! I thought you were too scared and stopped watching after the half" Millie said and laughed even harder.

They both talked about the movie and forgot the time.

"Finn, I have to go home, it's so late."
"Good bye then"
"Wait.. uhm are we friends again?"

She walked away with a smile on her face. The plan was brilliant and she had to talk to Sadie right then.

omg Sadie how did you plan this

With a bit help of Gina I made it
How was it tho

he was so scared I laughed my ass of.
but I enjoyed it and we friends again

That's great. I have to eat now let's talk later okay?


Millie was really happy that she was friends again with Finn that she didn't even notice that her father was complete drunk again.

She went to the kitchen to make some food and suddenly hehe started shouting.

Millie didn't know what to do, she just tried to calm him.
But then he punched her and destroyed her day.

She ran outside and hid because she was afraid of him.

She didn't notice but she fell asleep.

I kind of like that chapter and thanks for helping me with this and with that idea with meeting taijastgt -hanna

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