"I'll never forget you" [Suga...

By The_Salty_One_

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Fujioka (y/n) never thought her third year of highschool would be one of the most eventful years of her life... More

Chapter One: Things Could Be Worse?
Chapter Two: Something New, Something Old
Chapter Three: Interesting Introductions
~Filling You In~ IMPORTANT
Chapter Five: I Don't Want To Lose You
Chapter Six: Personal Meaning
Chapter Seven: Reunion
Chapter Eight: Waiting For You
! Speical News !
Chapter Nine: Sometimes Home Hurts
Chapter Ten: Timing Is Everything
Chapter Eleven: Helping Hands

Chapter Four: Save Me From My Crazy Family

2.3K 75 145
By The_Salty_One_

Suga's P.O.V
The Fujioka house looks like a typical Grandparents residence. It has photos of relatives all over the walls and random nick-nacks all over the place. I notice a few of what I suspect to be a younger (y/n) with her family. Strangely enough I only see one photo of (y/n) with a woman who looks somewhat similar to her. Their both smiling and the older woman is looking at (y/n).

'That must be her mother.
I wonder what happened to her? (y/n)'s never mentioned her before.'

"Just through here." (y/n) says snapping me out of my thoughts and leading me into the dining room.

Inside the smell of delicious food instantly hits me. My mouth begins to water at the sight of Shabu Shabu .

"You can go sit over there next to (y/n)," Mrs Fujioka says to me and I go and sit down.

"The food looks wonderful." I say as Mr Fujioka serves me a portion.

"It's one of (y/n)'s favourite's." Mrs Fujioka says smirking slightly.

I look over to (y/n) just in time to see her send a small warning glare to her Grandmother. I can't help but smile at how comfortable she is with her Grandparents. Even though I've only known her for a few days it feels like she's already come out of her shell so much.
She seems to be getting more comfortable with all the team but I keep getting this feeling everytime one of the guys makes her smile or laugh. It's annoying and I don't really know why it's happening.

"So are you both in a class together as well as Volleyball?" Mrs Fujioka asks looking at me.

"Uh, yeah we are." I say and she smiles.

"Has she made any friends yet?" Mrs Fujioka asks.

"Grandma I'm right here." (y/n) says with a threatening tone that her Grandmother ignores.

"I just wanted to know, and you might say that you do even though you don't just to keep me happy." She says innocently.
Her Grandfather smiles to himself and I try to hold back a smirk.

"Changing subjects." (y/n) says and looks at her Grandfather. "I was wondering if I could go back to my old house in a few weeks to grab a few things I need. Like old school books and stuff." She says and her Grandfather nods slowly.

"You'll have to check with your father but it sounds alright to me." He says after thinking for a minute.

"Where are you going to stay?" Mrs Fujioka asks (y/n).

"Umm, I was thinking of staying at Iwaizumi's house. Hijime said that his mum was fine with me visiting anytime." She says and her Grandmother's face goes placid.

The weird feeling comes back in my chest at her mentioning staying with Iwaizumi.

'What is this? She said they were just friends.
Well she didn't actually say that... Does she like him?'
These thoughts churn inside my head as I look over to (y/n) whos still waiting for an answer.

"The Iwaizumi's are a nice family so I don't mind if you stay with them. But as I said before you still have to ask your father." Mr Fujioka says and (y/n) nods her head before continuing to eat her food.

~Time skip to after dinner~

"Thank you very much for dinner. It was delicious." I say getting up and bowing.

"It's not a problem. Come over anytime." Mrs Fujioka says kindly.

"(y/n) show him out for us please." Mr Fujioka says and she gets up.

We walk in silence to the door and I slip my shoes on. She looks like she wants to say something so I loiter outside when she opens the door.

"Your family's really nice." I say trying to encourage her to speak.

"Yeah, they like you a lot. Especially Grandma." She says smiling at me softly.
After a few seconds I sigh and decide she isn't going to say anything else so I should leave. I begin to walk away but she yells my name,

"Suga! U-um, I just wanted to tell you how nice it was that you came for dinner. I know they didn't give you much choice, but we don't really get visitors so it was really nice of you to accept." She says and I smile.

"No problem. I enjoyed it, plus your Grandfather tells good stories." I say and pause,
"I liked getting to know you, ah- y-your family a bit better." I say getting slightly flustered. She smiles.

"I liked it too." She says softly with slight colour on her cheeks.
A strange feeling explodes in my chest and I suddenly can't think straight.

"Anyway, I should, um go, I suppose. I-I'll see you tomorrow." I say feeling my face get hot. I go to walk out the gate but run into the pailing, somehow making my face get even hotter. I mumble under my breath and keep walking away faster.

My heart rate is speeding up everytime I think of (y/n)'s smiling face back there.

'Ugh, why does she have to be so cute.
W a i t.
Since when did I think she was cute???'

Your P.O.V
My face is still warm when I head back inside.
I head into the lounge room and I am greeted by a grinning Grandmother.

"Did you kiss him" She asks her grin widening and eyes gleaming.
My face heats up and I attempt to look serious as I answer.

"I didn't. He's not even my boyfriend-"

"-Yet!" She yells cutting me off and beginning to wander off.

"Ugh, how in the world do I live with you?" I grumble jokingly and she laughs.

"Amen." Grandpa says and Grandma slaps him on the arm and he smiles.

I decided to head up to my room and call dad to ask about staying at Iwa's. I open up my phone but halt when I see Suga's contact on the top of my phone.

I remember seeing his face drop at dinner when I mentioned staying at his house. A strange feeling makes my stomach churn and I decide to talk to Haruhi instead.

Hiiiii Haruhi.
How was school today? Did you find a place to study at school yet?
Grandma practically forced a guy from my Volleyball club (his name's Suga btw) to stay for dinner. Grandma was intent on embarrassing me at any point she could. Luckily Grandpa stopped her by telling some stories instead and Suga seemed to like that so it was good.
Hope your doing well.
Text me soon xxx

I hit send and decide to do some sketching in my book for a while until she answered.

Lil Sis 🤘
Today pretty much sucked. I went looking for somewhere to study and ended up in a host club. I didn't even know the school had a host club! Then to make things better I broke a vase worth ¥8,000,000 and now I have to dress like a guy to repay the debt.
Sounds like you had a pretty eventful evening too. When I come down I want to meet Suga. He sounds nice and if he can deal with Grandma he's pretty chilled out too.
Other than the debt fiasco I'm doing well.
I might be a bit busy for the next few days but I'll text you when I can.
Byee xx

'Wow that sucka.' I think and decide to text her back tomorrow instead of tonight because of the time.

I turn off my lights and go over to my window.
I look up to the starry sky above and try to name the constellations. In summertime if the weather was nice, our family would go out and have dinner under the stars.

I put my phone on charge before heading to bed. For some reason my mind keeps going back to Suga as he was leaving. He was acting really strange and I hope I didn't do anything to cause it.

The last thing I think of before I fall asleep was the memory of Suga's smiling face.

~Time skip to arriving at class~

I somehow go to school early for the first time in my life. I get to class and put my books down before heading to the gym.

Luckily for me the door was unlocked and the gym was unoccupied.
I make my way over to the storage room and pull out a Volleyball.

'It's been a while since I did this.' I think as I walk up to the baseline of the court.
I take a few steps away from the line and hold the ball in my right hand.
I look straight down the length of the court and visualise the net and where it would be in a real match.
I take a deep breath, throw the ball up and run.

Just before I get to the line I spring up and jump.
My hand slams into the volleyball and it flys through the air. It hits the opposite side of the court in the left top corner with a loud thud.

I smile to myself and look down at my now stinging hand. A familiar feeling of accomplishment fills my chest as I turn around to grab another ball from the trolley.

"Wooooow!! That was totally wicked!"

I jump and look to the doorway where a short boy is standing with his mouth wide open. He has a dyed blonde tuft of hair and eyes wide with admiration.

"Uh thanks?" I say looking at him with my eyebrow quirked. "Who are you?" I ask trying to figure out what he's doing in the gym this early.

"I'm the Guardian Deity of Karasuno!" He says proudly pointing to himself.

"Oh, I uh, meant your name." I say and he smiles widely.

"Nishinoya Yuu, second year, the Volleyball teams one and only libero!" He says loudly.

A light switches on in my brain and my confused face disappears.
"Ohhhh, well that explains a few things. I'm Fujioka (y/n), third year, Volleyball Club manager." I say bowing and his face turns into a shocked expression.

"Your the new manager Tanaka told me about! You're really pretty just like he said Sempai!" Nishinoya says, his eyes gleaming.

"Oh, uh, thanks." I say scratching my neck and looking down a bit.

"Noooyyaaaaa!!!" Someone outside yells and Nishinoya's head whips around to where the voice came from

"Taaaannaaakaaaaa!!!" He yells back as he runs towards said person

'Someone send help!' I think as they both run into the gym laughing.

I dodge them both as they almost run me over. And slip out the door when they're not noticing.
I close the door and sit down on the steps sighing and putting my head in my hands.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I grumble.

"Not regreting being manager already are we?" A voice says and I jump up almost falling down the rest of the stairs.
"Gomen Fujioka, I didn't mean to scare you." Daichi says trying to hold back a grin. I smile back at him,

"I might have to resign now I've seen Tanaka and Nishinoya together." I say smirking.
"They're as hectic as I thought they'd be."

"Don't worry we'll look after you, us third years have to stick together." Daichi says reassuringly.

The bell then rings and we both start walking to class. When we get there I go and sit in my seat. I have a quick look around the room and see Suga. We lock eyes and I wave at him. He smiles and waves back with the smallest of pink tint on his cheeks.

'At least he's not the way he was last night anymore.'

~Time skip, lunch~

Kaneko and myself decided to head to the gym for lunch instead of staying in our classroom like usual. I think Kaneko just wanted a reason to see Daichi but I'll play along with her saying I should go there to eat lunch because of being the new manager.

When we get there I open the door to see Hinata bickering with Kageyama and Suga trying to chill them out.

'He's like a mother crow with two angry baby birds.' I think and smirk to myself.

"Why are you smirking at Suga huh~" Kaneko says with an evil grin growing on her face.

"Do you like him~" she asks and I scoff and walk towards the Daichi who's eating his lunch, ignoring the strange feeling in my chest.

"Hey Daichi." I say sitting down beside him and he only nods at me because of his mouth being full. His face turns into a smile when he sees Kaneko walking over and he waves at her.

"H-hey Daichi" Kaneko says quietly sitting down next to me with a small blush on her face. I send a smirk her way and lightly elbow her in the ribs. She turns to me and gives me a quick glare before we begin eating our food.

Kageyama and Hinata end up settling their dispute and begin to practice their serves, sets and spikes. Suga also comes over and sits next to Daichi. I was watching Kageyama closely and realised that although he was very similar to Oikawa with his technique, Kageyama's jump serves weren't very close to his notoriously good ones. To be honest my jump serves were probably closer than Oikawa's at being the same, but I did learn off watching Oikawa and copying him so that's to be expected.

My concentration is blown when Tanaka slams open the door and runs towards me. I stand up and back up slightly as he slides to a halt just in front of me.

"Teach me!" He yells.

"What-" I begin but he cuts me off,

"Noya told me about your serve- you have to teach me!!" He says

I can feel the others curious stares boring into me and I shrink back a little. Tanaka looks at me with expectant eyes and he puts his hands together, he's practically begging me.

"I-I don't know." I say hesitantly, fiddling with the ends of my hair.
"I wouldn't really know how to teach it." I finish. Tanaka looks dejected and my heart strings are attacked.

'Time to be a good sempai!' I think as I muster enough courage to keep talking.

"But I could show you and you could try to copy it the best you can." I say and he smiles so widely I think he's going to burst.

"Hai!! Thank you so much Fujioka!" he says hugging me. I tense at the sudden contact and blush slightly.

"I haven't even done anything yet." I say smiling lightly and he lets me go.

"O-oh right. Sorry" He says blushing softly as he realises what he did.

"Lunch breaks nearly over so how about we practise later" I say and he nods.

'At least that way I won't have to do it in front of so many people.' I think and I sit back down to finish my lunch.

~A few minutes before~

Suga's P.O.V
I was sitting next to Daichi happily eating my lunch when Tanaka slammed the door open and started running towards (y/n). Tanaka had a crazy look in his eyes and I felt my body tense ready to stop him from attacking her. She jumped up as he slid to a halt and she took a step back afraid he'd run into her.

"Teach me!" He yelled.

"What-" She started but gets cut off.

"Noya told me about your serve- you have to teach me!" He says.

'Wait when was (y/n) practicing her serves?
And how did Nishanoya see her doing it?' My mind spins with questions as I watch the two interact.

"I-I don't know." She says fiddling with her hair. Tanaka's smile vanishes and is replaced with an over exaggerated gloomy one.

'She mustn't like everyone looking at her.' I think seeing her getting nervous and I feel like I should fix the awkwardness. Before I can speak up she talks again,

"But I could show you and you could try to copy it the best you can." She says trying to lighten Tanaka's mood.

His face erupts in the widest of smiles and he goes and hugs (y/n).

"Thank you so much Fujioka!" He says and I fight the urge to stand up and separate them when she started to blush and smile.

"I haven't even done anything yet" (y/n) says smiling still and he lets her go.

I look down and clench my jaw. Daichi seems to notice but thankfully doesn't say anything.

Tanaka apologises and they arrange to practice later.
'Does this mean that we won't get to walk home together?' I think feeling slightly dejected.

My stomach squeezes thinking about Tanaka walking her home by himself and I focus on eating my food.

'Ugh, what is this feeling?!?'

~Time skip to after practice~

I can't help but feel uneasy as I pack up after practice. Finding out that Tanaka was going to practice with (y/n) after the whole team practice has put me in a very weird mood. All afternoon I've been distracted and my setting wasn't the best because of my lack of focus.

When we were finished getting changed (y/n) and Tanaka were still lingering for everyone to leave so they could start.
Daichi notices my bad mood and pulls me just outside the gym door.

"What's up with you today Suga, your not really acting like your normal self?" He says worry evident on his face.

Guilt pools inside me.
I shouldn't let these feelings affect others. Especially my team. I have to stay focused from now on.

"Gomen Daichi. My mind was somewhere else today, it won't happen again." I say bowing my head. He puts a hand under his chin and looks at me inquisitively.

"Was your mind somewhere else or on someone else?" He says with a small smirk creeping up his face.

My heartbeat quickens and I wave my hand dismissively.

"I-I don't know w-what your talking about" I say hating the fact that I stutterd.
Daichi's smirk only widens and he shakes his head.

"You keep telling yourself that." He says and begins to walk away.

"It's true" I say defensively and he laughs. I pout slightly and cross my arms.

'I need to get better at lying.' I think as I start walking my way home.

~Time skip to back home~

I put my pencil away after finishing the last question on my homework sheet. I heave a long sigh and look at the time.

'I wonder if (y/n) got home safely?' I think and pull out my phone. I go into her contact and start to text,

Hey Fujioka.
I just wanted to know if you got home safe and if you were able to deal with Tanaka by yourself.
- Suga

I hit send and get ready for bed before I hear my phone ding. I unlock it and read her response.

Fujioka (y/n)
Hi Suga,
I'm home and just finished my homework. Tanaka was a handful but his enthusiasm definitely helped him get the hang of the serve better than I thought he would.
Thanks for looking out for me btw, I appreciate it.
See you tomorrow.

I read the text and feel a sense of relief that she's okay. A small smile makes its way onto my face when she thanks me. A warm fuzzy feeling sturrs in my chest as I put my phone on charge.
I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling thinking of her. The feeling I had throughout the day comes back every time I think of her.
Her smile, her laugh and how caring she is to those she loves. Not to mention she's absolutely beautiful.

A lightbulb dings in my head.
I rub my eyes and sit up looking straight at the moon,

"I think I'm starting to fall for you Fujioka (y/n)."

Your P.O.V
I hit send on my text to Suga and smile softly. My heart felt like it flipped when I saw his message. I could tell he was distracted during team practice today and I can't help but worry as to why.

While I'm on my phone I decide to message Iwa about visiting because of dad saying I could go this morning when I called him.

Hey Iwa, how are you?
I was just wondering if the offer for me to stay at your place was still standing.
I have some stuff I've got to do back in Seijo and I figured staying over was much easier than doing a big trip in one day.
Thanks ^○^

I press send and get ready for bed. I lay in bed and try to sleep but my mind keeps drifting back to someone. I keep thinking about his shiny grey hair and his caramel eyes. How his smile changes when he looks at me.
It's like an angel's smile.
My hand subconsciously moves to my necklace and I think about how much mum would have liked to meet him. How much I wished she could have met him.

I sit up and look outside my window into the starry sky.

"What is this feeling?"

A/N: Another chapter done and dusted.
I'm getting the feels up and running if you haven't noticed.
Who knew point of view changes were so much fun to write?
Also, no offence but your a bit thick when it comes to recognising your feelings XD

I hope you all are doing okay with the virus happening atm. Where I am everything is shutdown and we're meant to keep away from people as much as we can. (It's really not that hard for me considering I'm an introvert) But I understand some people are finding isolation really difficult.
I think I might start updating more, because I (1) have so much time on my hands and (2) feel like giving you something to read.
But I really wish you all are staying home (if you have to) and staying safe.

The support on this book so far is so amazing, I have no words to say how much I love that you're enjoying my writing.
Thank you all so, SO, much <3333
Again, feel free to comment and vote. Constructive criticism is welcome just don't be harsh, my heart wouldn't be able to take it.

Next chapter is already being written and will be be coming soon.

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