"I'll never forget you" [Suga...

By The_Salty_One_

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Fujioka (y/n) never thought her third year of highschool would be one of the most eventful years of her life... More

Chapter Two: Something New, Something Old
Chapter Three: Interesting Introductions
Chapter Four: Save Me From My Crazy Family
~Filling You In~ IMPORTANT
Chapter Five: I Don't Want To Lose You
Chapter Six: Personal Meaning
Chapter Seven: Reunion
Chapter Eight: Waiting For You
! Speical News !
Chapter Nine: Sometimes Home Hurts
Chapter Ten: Timing Is Everything
Chapter Eleven: Helping Hands

Chapter One: Things Could Be Worse?

4.1K 100 82
By The_Salty_One_

Panic was the only feeling I had as I ran from my house to school. I was going to be late and it was the first day of school.
How did this happen you ask? Let's just say that I may or may not have decided not to bother checking the bus schedule and ended up missing the right bus.

My body is not particularly happy about having to sprint to school and it's letting me know by basically cutting off your air. I mean, I'm not unfit but after the entire school break and my lack of wanting to exercise due to a new show I wanted to binge, this wasn't a very pleasant experience.
As I reach the Karasuno school gates I check my watch, I still have a bit of before the bells going to go.

'Okay, now I just have to find the main office and get to my new class before the bell goes.' I think.

Ordinary, that might not seem too difficult but with a completely new school and no one I know to ask for help from, it's a pretty big challenge.
I go and walk to the main building, hoping that I can figure out how to get to the main office without having to ask someone.
Interaction with others isn't exactly one of my strong suits and I try to avoid it when I can. Luckily, I heard someone else talking awfully loud about how they were being called to the office and I only had to follow them in order to get there.

~Small time skip~

After talking to the lady at the main office I was now equipped with directions to class and finally knew where I was going. I manage to get to class just as the bell goes and walk in to find a chair.
As soon as I arrived I began to hear people whispering -not-so-subtly- about me.
"I haven't seen her before"
"I think she's new"
"She's kinda pretty"
"I wonder what school she came from?"

I can feel people's eyes bare down on me and I look out the window trying to distract myself from their gazes.
'I guess that's what you get for being the new kid who's a week late into the new year' I think.

I hear the door open and see the teacher walk in clapping to get the classes attention,
"Okay students settle down. As you may have noticed, we have a new student in our class. Please stand up and introduce yourself." She says looking staright at me.

'Here we go (y/n), you can do this!' I think to yourself as you stand up. I take a deep breath and start talking,

"H-Hi, um, my names Fujioka (y/n), I'm a third year transfer from Seijo High School and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of the year with you all. Please take care of me." I say and bow. The class mumbles their welcomes in response .

"Thank you Miss Fujioka, you can sit down now."

The teacher then begins to go through the rest of the roll in class and I begin to zone out looking out the window again.

"Sawamura Daichi." My attention is grasped when I hear that name.
'Wait a minute could that be...' I think as I turn in my chair to face the boy who just spoke. As I'm thinking I hear another name being said,
"Sugawara Kōshi." My head whips around to where the other boys voice came from.
'Okay this must be them.' I think remembering the grey haired player from the previous years volleyball matches.

Yeah, I'm into Volleyball, I have been since I was a kid. My neighborhood friends used to practice with me before I moved houses and, to be honest, I wasn't that bad at it. I loved watching matches and when I could, I liked to evaluate specific players and teams, it's fun.

From what I can remember these boys, Sawamura and Sugawara, were in a match against Auba Jōsai a few years ago along with another player of the same year level. It's safe to say they're team didn't come out victorious. But I remember seeing a lot of potential in them and their possible team in the future.

The teacher begins to write on the board and I have to actually pay attention but my mind keeps going back to the Karasuno Volleyball Club. I remember how they went to nationals a few years ago and then they just seemed to disappear into thin air.

'I wonder what the fallen crow's team is like now?'

My curiosity takes over and I decided to go and see their practice after school, that is if they have practice. I guess I'll find out later. But for now I have to try and pay attention.

~Time skip to break~

'Finally food time!' I sing joyfully in my head as the bell rings. Students began to mingle and I grab my bento from my bag. I was about to start when I feel someone tap me on my shoulder. I turn around and see a young girl with long brown hair and freckles.

"Hi, I'm Kaneko Amaya. Do you mind if I sit with you Fujioka-san?" She says to me shyly. You put down your chopsticks and slide a chair over to your table.

"Sure Kaneko-san. It's nice to meet you." I say politely to her as she sits down.

We both talked for a bit and ask each other all the usual questions, favourite colour, favourite colour, what school transferred I came from, likes, dislikes, etc.

We were sitting in a comfortable silence for a while, both enjoying our bentos before Kaneko abruptly looked up at me,
"Nē Fujioka-san, what club are you planning to join?" I swallow part of my lunch before speaking,

"I'm not entirely sure yet but I was kind of interested in the Volleyball team." I say honestly.

A shocked look mixed with admiration makes its way onto Kaneko's face before she starts speaking,

"Really? That's funny because my cousin apart of the males team, his names Chikara Ennoshita. I heard they haven't been doing so in the last few years but they apparently have a pretty interesting duo who've recently joined the team." she says.

"Huh, well it's nice to know the clubs still active. I'm pretty sure I saw one of their matches a few years ago and I think a couple of the players from then are in this class actually." I say to her interested in the information she's giving.

"Oh yeah! You're totally right, I can't believe I forgot that." She says face palming,
"Daichi Sawamura and Kōshi Sugawara are both apart of the team. And from what I can remember I think Daichi-san's even the captain this year."

I remember back to the game I watched a few years prior and remember thinking about how well Daichi was looking after his team, encouraging them even though he wasn't a captain or vice.

'Looks like your living up to your potential Daichi-san.' I think.

"You wouldn't happen to know when and where their practice is, would you? I'd like to see them sometime soon and ask a few questions." I ask her hoping she knows,

Her eyebrows furrowed as she thinks about her answer,
"Umm... I think their practice is usually after school, I usually walk past they gym on my way home and I see people go into there in the Volleyball uniform."

My face now brightens at the new information.
"Thank you for telling me all that, it was really helpful." I say with a smile and she returns one.

Just the thought of being able to see volleyball practice makes me excited. Then my face drops when I remember that I don't actually know where the gym is. Kaneko sees your face drop so suddenly and becomes alarmed,
"Nē, are you okay Fujioka-san what's the matter?" She says softly.

I look down and scratch my neck slightly before responding,
"Um, I don't actually know where the gym is." I say with a sheepish smile.
I look at her with a puzzled look as she burst out laughing. After calming down she begins to explain,
"Gomen Fujioka, you just scared me. I thought it was something really serious." I begin to pout slightly at how she's dealing with my dilemma.

"It is serious, I don't want to just randomly walk around the school walking into people's practices." I say beginning to freak out at not knowing where the gym is.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I can take you there if you want," She says cheerfully smiling at me.
"I walk past there on my way home anyway so it's not a trouble or anything." She finishes.

"Thank you again Kaneko-san." I say a little embarrassed at how much I overreacted.

"It's fine, and you don't have to use 'san' if you want, you can just call me Kaneko or Amayo-chan." She says kindly.

"As long as you do the same for me." I say and we both smile.

My heart fills with joy as I think of my first frienship at Karasuno.

'This is going to be a good last year'

~Time skip to after school~
( A/N: Where would we be without good ol' time skips )

Kaneko and I both walk towards what I assume to be the Volleyball gym. As we get closer the sound of spikes being landed was beginning to make your heart race.
'I wonder if their team is like what the rumour says?' I think as we approach the building.
Kaneko says her goodbye as we reached the door because she has things to do at home this afternoon. Now it was just you.

'Let's see how good you are crows.'
I put my hand on the door, take a deep breath and opened it quietly.


I was stunned at how absolutely hectic, and loud, this practice match was. Seijo's practices were interesting to watch but this was something else entirely. The team was so caught up in playing, and trying to get the bald guy to put his shirt on, they hadn't even noticed me standing in the doorway. I couldn't help but blush slightly at the sight of a half naked male before me who was refusing to reclothe himself until Sawamura was glaring harshly at him.

When the bald guy finished putting his shirt back on he finally spotted me standing in the doorway.

"Hey hey, who's the pretty lady?!" He says loudly while pointing at me. His statement made the entire team stop what they were doing and looked at me.

"We have a female admirer!?" The bald one says preparing to run to you before Sawamura whacks him on the head.

"Gomen, he doesn't mean any harm. He's just not used to girls paying any attention to him." He says bowing towards you.

"I'm Sawamura Daichi by the way, Captain of the Volleyball club. You can call me Daichi." He says smiling at you.

"I'm Fujioka (y/n), I think we're in the same class actually, class 4?" I say bowing slightly.

"Oh yeah, I thought you looked familiar," said a grey haired guy, you remember being called Sugawara, as he walks toward me.

"I'm Sugawara Kōshi, but everyone calls me Suga." He said smiling kindly at me.
"What are you doing here?" He asks tilting his head to the side a bit.

"Uh, I just wanted to see your practice actually," You say stiffly.

'Stupid social awkwardness, why'd ya gotta be here now!' I think and clear my throat before continuing,

"I really like Volleyball and was looking for a club to hopefully join." I say sounding a little more relaxed.

"Wouldn't you join the girls team if you want to play?" A short orange haired boy says before getting hit in the head by a Volleyball thrown from a tall raven haired guy.

"Idiot Hinata! She doesn't want to play. She wants to be a manager." He says sending him a glare that makes the boy, Hinata, jump back in fear.

"Hey, don't talk for her you guys. You don't know what she wants." A tall freckled guy says timidly.

"It's okay. You're both right actually. I don't want to play and if I did I would have looked into the female team." I say to try and get rid of some of the tension that seems to have appeared.

"Told you Kageyama." The orange haired boy says while poking his tongue out at the other boy, Kageyama.
This only causes another round of bickering between the two that has to be put to an end by Daichi. By then what I assume to be the coach decides to walk up to me.

"Hi, I'm Keishin Ukai the Coach. I'm sorry to say Fujioka but we already have Kiyoko as our manager." He says.

My heart drops, already a manager? Disappointment begins to pool in my stomach as I look down at the gym floor.

"Oh, sorry to be such a bother then." I say softly to the coach.

"Huh? Don't be so sad Fujioka, I didn't get to finish." He says abruptly.
"We don't have the manager spot but we do have the 2nd managerial spot if you want it."

I tilt my head and look at him confused for a few seconds before realising what his offer actually means.

"Oh! Yes, o-of course I will. I'd be happy to be the second manager." I say smiling widely at the coach.

"Good, well how about you go sit with Kiyoko for today and she'll help with all the paperwork later. We'll do introductions tomorrow. Meanwhile," He says turning to face the team.
"You all need to get back to practice!!"

"Hai!" All the boys yell and go back to their practice match.

All the skill, the fast pace, the adrenaline and the power the players have. Being able to plan and strategize for a game. I've missed this.

A/N: Hey guys, first chapters are always a little bit boring so I apologise. It will get better as we get into this.
Also, the practice match they're having in this chapter isn't following the storyline in the anime or manga. It's just a practice game during their training.

(Feel free to give constructive criticism in the comments.)

Next chapter (hopefully) coming soon.

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