Scrawny School Boy

By -That_Boii-

2K 51 1

We both trotted to Mrs Higgs class waiting for Tommy to get out. I peered though the window and saw him with... More

2. Sexy Lesbian
3. The Central?!?!?
4. I dont want to fall in love
5.Truth or dare?
6. Is your shower working?
7. You're drunk!
8. Tommy slept with who?!?!?
9. Keep it in your pants Lee
10. It's a double date?
11. Why did you flinch?
12. Teenagers Riot!
13. Buh Byeee!
14- Kurt
15. Going North!
16. Move and Groove
17. You have hands
19. Dab lightly

1. 5 minutes

381 6 0
By -That_Boii-

This is a old draft I wrote at the start of the year, it's not completed but I'm still publishing it without reading and editing..... so enjoy some raw content while quarantined.

Disclaimer: this is not a sequel to my other book 'trust you' although the main character and other featured characters have the same name as in 'trust you' they don't have the same faceclaim. Y'all can pick the faceclaims or heck, just make yourself the main character. Oh yeah, and I made Tommy a extra sibling cause I wanted to.

The sound of the school bell echoed in my ears. The teacher handed out home work while all the rowdy kids barged out of the door. Finally it was the weekend. Mr Yapping was a cool laid back teacher and would always let kids let loose and get out of control. I was never a fan of his teaching ethics.

I grabbed Vince's homework and waited out the front for him to get his shit together so I didn't have to walk home alone. I suspected he was talking to some girl. Turns out he was receiving a lecture from Mr Yapping. Vince was a smart kid, but recently he got in a band with my other friend Tommy and 2 other guys I wasn't aware of. This slightly made his grades drop a bit.

We both trotted to Mrs Higgs class waiting for Tommy to get out. I peered though the window and saw him with his head down on the desk by himself. What did he do now? I gently knocked on the window causing him to lift his head and point 5 fingers up.
"Five minutes." I mumbled to Vince.

Me Vince and Tommy walked down the alley way talking.
"You should totally come to our party tonight." Exclaimed Vince.
"Just for you and you perv friends to hit on me? No thanks. No offense Tommy." I said looking at him. Tommy turned down the street while me and Vince continued our walk to our houses. He lived down the street from me but that didn't stop the loud music from his house creeping into mine.

"So you and Mandy huh?" I asked. He looked at me and smirked.
"Tommy know you're with his little sister."
"No but he's going to find out!" I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"See ya later." He called out walking up his driveway.

I would like to say that ideally our street was a safe street but it really wasn't. The street was the most drug active and a lot of creeps where found around here.

"Hello Mother Dearest." I yelled as I entered the house. As I passed the living room on my way to my room I saw my mum doing her daily aerobics.
I went to my room and had a quick shower.

I got out and put on a record while getting ready. I slipped into bellbottom jeans and a tight turtleneck. I decided not to wear a bra cause they were in the wash. Plus, whenever I get drunk around Vince and his friends it always disappears some how.

The door knocked and Tommy let himself in.
"Hi Miss Jones!" He exclaimed. He walked over to the fridge and started making himself a sandwich.
"Does your mother not feed you?" I asked. He smiled while gnawing down on a pickle.
"Yeah, a lot but I get hungry quickly."
"Interesting..... fast metabolisms I guess."
"You know it!" He hollered. "Still coming to Vince's?"
"Sure; whateva." I put on some platform sandals grabbed my crocheted bag and clipped a barrette in my hair to keep it out of my face. I followed Tommy out the door.

"Be back later tonight!" I yelled to my mum.
"Sure thing... I might be going on a date with Kevin!!!" She cheered.

I walked down the street with Tommy to the bottle shop.
"decisions, decisions..." I mumbled under my breath.
"I'll be right back gotta go down to the post office." Called Tommy from the door.

I basically grabbed a carton of corona, bottle of absolute and a 4 pack of raspberry cider. Within 10 minutes Tommy came back with his fake ID. We got close to Vince house and he showed me a baggie of weed. We both chuckled and knocked on the door.
"Aye princess made it!" He giggled. I flipped him off and passed him the carton.

I sat on Vince's lap on the couch. So far we were just hanging out with Tommy, Inez, Warren and Kimmy. It was only 5 pm and parties always started around 8-10. Vince jumped up. "I'm going to get something for us to feed, any preference?"
"Fish and chips?" Warren asked. Everyone nodded there head in sync. Kimmy Warren and Vince headed out while Inez went around the corner to grab more booze and cigarettes.

"So did you get the job?" Tommy asked.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Ooh your going to have to wear a sexy uniform!!"
"Fuck off, no way in hell am I going to wear the dress."
He laughed.
I got up and walked to the living room.
"Hey T check this out." Tommy ran up behind me.
"That's sickkk!" He laughed. It was a photo of Vince wearing a bra and his hair tied up with a bow.

We both spun around to see Vince.
"Oi! Get off of that!" We both laughed.
"Chips are on the counter." Everyone walked to the dinning room and dug into the fried foods.
"What's the parent doing tonight?" I asked Vince.
"Gone down town to meet up with some cousins."

It was 9 and I met this guy called Nikki, he was apparently the bassist of Vince's band. He brought heaps of booze and I might of swiped a Jack Daniels from him. We played heaps of drinking games and partied.

I woke up and my head banged. I rolled to the side.
"Look the sexy lesbian is awake." I jerked my head up to see Nikki sitting up on the bed topless. I looked under the bed sheets in panic and saw my underwear still on and I was wearing Nikki's top. I sighed in relief and then panic filled my face again.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I scurried around the room for my clothes stuffed in my bag slipped on my shoes then ran out the house. Even though I was in a top and panties my house was just round the corner. Seriously it was better than doing the walk of shame.

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