PRIORITIES (Completed)

By chaitali_14

64.5K 2.5K 227

Tiara Collins. A Daughter, a Sister, a Best Friend, a Girl with a Passion for Music, a Girl with Priorities... More

POSTER (snippet)


1.5K 74 6
By chaitali_14

Today, Tiara was going at Mason and Madison's house. Just to spent time with eachother.

Tiara knew that she haven't played her guitar much since her mom died. That instrument just kept laying in the corner of her closet. The instrument missed its owner. Tiara didn't knew how much she really missed her guitar though. Her moving on on the past life and accepting the new one was the main focus of Tiara for the past two months. These two months, when it was also the summer vacation, she decided to only relax
rather than going out on a vacation. It felt wrong going on a vacation when her mother had just passed away.

Madison was going to pick her up at 12pm and it was only 11 am. Not like Tiara was ready anyway. She was in her shorts and t-shirt she usually wore when it was the bed time. Her hairs were in a messy up on the top of her head.

She looked at the guitar she'd searched out of the closet. She sighed and closed the distance and took her baby in her arms.

"I missed you," she kissed the guitar. She sat on one of the stool and kept the instrument on her lap. Her fingers started to make melody with the strings. She involuntarily started to play the guitar version of irresistible by One Direction on her guitar, it was one of her favourite. She felt like she was in heaven. She felt like home. She left like she was finally a little more alive, a little more complete.

She never realised when her lips formed a fond smile or when she started to tap her foot against the floor. She was humming the song softly as she played on her instrument.

There were movements behind her back. She turned for a second to have a look and found Maria staring at her with a cold look. The look wasn't friendly but it wasn't unkind.

"H-Hey," Tiara said softly.

"You can play guitar?" Maria asked.

Tiara nodded, "please come in," Maria seamed to hesitate but she finally came in and sat on the edge of the bed.

Tiara smiled kindly, "did you like it?" She asked.

Maria raised an eyebrow.

"My music?" Tiara added.

Maria half smiled, "yes, it was- it was soothing,"

Tiara smile widened. Whenever someone would comment positively on her Guitaring skills, she would be over the moon.

"Thank you, I'm glad you liked it," Tiara said. She realised that Maria was wearing her office clothes, "you're leaving already?"

Maria nodded, "yeah, I was just leaving. I heard some music coming from your room so I just thought to check."

Tiara nodded, "actually I'm also leaving in an hour. My friend Madison's coming to pick me up,"

Maria nodded, "does Aiden know?"

Tiara nodded, "he told me I can go,"

Maria nodded and stood up but she again sat down. Tiara was curious as to what she wanted to do now.

"Um, do you like Kitty partys?" Maria asked. Maria and her college friends did kitty parties after every 2-3 month.

Tiara thought for a second. For her, kitty parties were for someone who were too rich or atleast wealthy. Her and Gwen never went to one.

"I've never been to one," Tiara was being honest.

Maria smiled softly, "would you like to come with me? Me and my college friends do kitty parties after every while,"

Tiara smiled, "I would like to come," Maria nodded and left very elegantly.


"Oh my god! Stop stealing my chips," Madison snatched away that packet of chips from Jay's hands. She was very protective of her food.

"Jesus, Sharing is caring," Mason snorted.

"Poor Jay," Tiara snorted looking at Jay who was busy searching for another packet from the food basket. He took a packet of doritos and smiled in accomplishment.

Tiara smiled at his innocence. It was wierd how she felt for him. She never understood what Jay really was for her. But she always stuck to keep everything at bay and only accepted Jay as her bestfriend.

"Guys, my Mom is buying me a new drum set," Madison boomed happily out of nowhere.

"Wow, that was sudden but congrats," Tiara snickered.

"I think-" Jay started, "I think my dad is going to buy me a new microphone and Louis Tomlinson's new album too,"

"Hey, that's awesome," Mason high-fived Jay. "dude, my bass is like as new as ever,"

Tiara joined, "same, my guitar is so neat and I haven't even used it from the past almost two months,"

"You think we can go back to playing music now, Tia?" Madison asked "like..?"

Tiara sighed, "I mean, I want to but I'm not as confident. Ofcourse my mom uses to support me with music. But now, I don't know how will my new family react.."

"Music is always a good thing," Jay encouraged, "they'll be proud of you,"

"You think so?" She asked. Jay nodded with a reassuring smile.

"Alright," Mason said frowning at his phone "what the hell is this?" He looked at Tiara who had no idea what he was talking about.

"What?" All Chorused.

Mason read "it's a news from the tv time news. It says 'Businessman Aiden Collins has now adopted a new teenage girl' "

Everyone frowned and agian chorused "adopted?"

"A-Adopted?" Tiara stuttered. Shocked and surprised "I'm not adopted,"

Mason rolled his eyes "we know that you dumbo. But why the hell are you in news,"

Madison frowned and searched for other online news websites and found the same news lingering "oh god! Good times and 24 hour news has also published an article about your adoption,"

"What the hell," Tiara took the phone from her hand and read the story herself.

Jay noticed the panic flood over Tiara face. He placed a hand on her shoulder "alright, calm down. You dad is a known business man and the media just.. likes to make rumors,"

"Rumors?" Tiara looked at Jay.

"Ofcourse, Tia," Mason joined "it's a rumor. Unless you're doubtful if your really adopted," he laughed. Madison slapped the back of his head for the unnecessary sarcasm.

Tiara rolled her eyes "alright, just.. I'll talk to dad or something," by now, her good mood was drained out and it was visible.

"Hey, why don't we head out and hang outside somewhere?" Jay asked everyone.

"Yeah, actually," Madison streched her back "that's a pretty good idea"


"It was really a nice idea" Tiara patted Jay's shoulder "thanks, J" Jay smiled at her and took a bite of his own icecream.

The friends group had come to a near by ice cream parlor and according to the girls, it was the best decision ever. Tiara and Madison loved icecream.

Alright, it's my treat" Tiara said raising her hand. All her friends snorted.

"Really, why?" Mason asked leaning back on his seat.

"Because I said so" Tiara winked.

Madison pulled her bottom lip out and nodded "oh, now she's a rich kid you see" she said referring to Tiara's dad.

"Shut up, Maddie" Tiara glared at her and Madison stuck her tongue out and giggled.

"Excuse me?" Someone tapped on Tiara's shoulder.

Tiara turned around and saw a guy with a long beard and with a mike in his hand and a cameraman was standing behind him.

"Um, yes?" Tiara asked, confused.

"Are you Tiara Collins?" The man asked.

Tiara glanced at her friends and saw a look of confusion.

"Yeah, why?"

The man's eyes widened and he turned to the cameraman "hey, it's her. Cover her face" the cameraman sudden came closer to Tiara's face and she flinched back widening her eyes.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Mason and Madison yelled. Jay stood up and made Tiara stand up too. He pulled her behind him.

"Dude, let me ask a few questions to her" the guy pleaded.

"No, she's not doing an interview in the middle of nowhere" Jay said confidently and coldly.

"Ma'am" the guy looked back at Tiara ignoring Jay "is it true that you're adopted?"

Everyone gasped. Mason lost his patience and stood infront of the reporter "fuck off" he spat.

The guy smirked "now now, that's not the way you talk to people older than you"

Madison quickly took her phone out "piss off before I call the cops"

The guy visibility tensed "c-cops?" He backed away and laughed awkwardly "we-we just want to ask a few questions. That's it, it won't take even fifteen minutes"

Tiara gulped who was far behind Mason and Jay. Jay turned around and looked at his bestfriend "hey, you alright?"

Before Tiara could react, suddenly a hand grabbed Tiara's wrist forcefully. It was the same men.

She winced and struggled against his hold. Mason gasped and punched the guy in the face who stumbled back whilst Jay took Tiara away from the mess.

Madison played the smart card and called the security of the parlor.

By now, Tiara was shit scared and just wanted to disappear. Jay hugged her by his side and kept rubbing her shoulder.

Soon, Madison return with a guard. He understood the situation and grabbed the guy and the cameraman and pushed them out of the shop.

Mason and Madison return to Tiara and Jay.

"Hey, yor alright?" Madison asked. Tiara nodded. But her forehead was sweaty and her legs were shaky.

"Let's just leave" Tiara said "I want to go home"

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