My Only Love - A Human Lapido...


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a sweet and dramatic story about how Peridot and Lapis came together and became close. Peridot not having man... More

Chapter 1 - Another Day
Chapter 2 - No Invite?
Chapter 3 - Another Night
Chapter 4 - When Morning comes
Chapter 5 - Past Addictions
Chapter 6 - Pleasant Suprise
Chapter 7 - Home Guest
Chapter 9 - In A Heartbeat
Chapter 10 - On The Run
Chapter 11 - A Day With Lapis
Chapter 12 - Third Wheel!!!
Chapter 13 - A Blurry Night!
Bonus Chapter ¹⁴ - Good Morning
Chapter 15 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 16 - The Storm
Chapter 17 - Down By The Beach
Chapter 18 - Unseen Faces
Bonus Chapter ¹⁹ - Game session
Chapter 20 - Move Out!
Chapter 21 - Best Friend...Right?
Chapter 22 - Schools Out!...Not
Bonus Chapter ²³ - The Awkward Cookout
Chapter 24 - The Carnival
Chapter 25 - Apart
Chapter 26 - Absence
Bonus Chapter ²⁷ - Bad/Old Habits
Chapter 28 - Aftermath
Chapter 29 - Not Welcomed
Chapter 30 - A Spark Of Hope
Chapter 31 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 32 - An Understanding
Chapter 33 - Moving In
Bonus Chapter ³⁴ - Our Morning
Chapter 35 - An Unforgettable Night
Final Chapter ³⁶ ~ Big Day
Thank You

Chapter 8 - At The Party

997 27 32

I was already done with my shower. I had put my clothes on and was brushing my hair at the moment. My hair is a hell of a fucking task, sometimes it stays how it usually is, but other times it just has a mind of its own and gets all messy and shit.

I groaned trying to put it to place, but it didn't obey. "Ah fuck it!" I grabbed a finger full of gel and spread it on my hands. Then I proceeded to put it on my hair, making it my usual look. When I was done I brushed my teeth. I then walked to my room and made sure that I wasn't missing anything.

I grabbed my wallet, watch, pocket knife.

I don't usually take my pocket knife, however I am going to a party after all. Who knows what could happen, so it's always good to be prepared.

Hopefully I don't get to use it...

I read my watch. 6:45.

It's still a bit early, but it doesn't hurt going anyway.

I wrapped my hand around my neck, then remembered that I had Lapis's necklace around me. I grabbed the precious stone and looked at it.

Ok....remember...ask her simple questions...simple questions..

I walked down to my living room. I poured water into a cup, and drank it in one gulp. I sighed, what in the fuck am I going to tell her....why am I stressing over this?

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket, 'Amy' the contact said.

I answered.


"Yo P-dog, you ready to head to the party?"

"Mmhm, I was just getting ready to head over to your house."

"Good. I'm all ready so head down here when you can."

"I'm on my way then."

I hang the phone and walked to my garage. I unlocked my dodge with my remote key and got in.

As I started the car, my phone began to ring again. This time it was Pearl.

"Yes Pearl?" I answered.

"Peridot, are you going to the party now?"

"Yeah, I was just pulling out of my garage. Why?"

"I tried calling you earlier but you didn't answer."

"Oh...sorry I was busy with something..."

"It's ok. Just wanted to check up on you, we didn't really have any time know, talk about your problem."

"Oh..that" I stopped my car, and killed the engine.

Pearl sighed, "look I know how uncomfortable it is for you. But I just want to make sure you're ok, it makes me feel better to know that you're fine. So please, say something when you're going through something. That being me, or someone else."

"Yea, I know. It's just...I don't feel like spreading my personal problems...I just want to keep it in. I'll eventually let it go."

"But that's not how things are. Peridot you've changed a lot, please don't let it all waste and return to being who you used to be."

I felt hot tears fall. The thought of my past brings hurtful memories and sad ones too.


I heard Pearl sigh again, "I'm...sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up."

I wiped tears from my eyes, "'s fine. I get it, you don't want me to go through this again."

"I just want to help you, not only me but Amethyst, and the rest of us. So please...let us help."

I started the engine again, "yea...I'll try."

"Good. So see you at the party?"

"You know it..."

"Ok then, see you then. Bye."

I put my phone down, and put my head on the steering wheel.

How can they help...if I can't even help myself...


(Lapis's pov)

I was getting ready for the party. I did my hair, nails, and made sure that I didn't look all messy. I didn't put much makeup, just eyeliner and some foundation.

I got out of my bathroom and started to change. I finally put on the blue dress that Peridot picked for me. I looked at the mirror, and checked myself out.

Not bad, not bad...but holy shit this dress makes my ass look big. Hope it's not that noticeable...

I checked the time. It was only 6:58. It was still early so I decided I would chill for a bit. Both my parents aren't going to be back home until midnight. So I basically have the house for myself.

I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. I turned on the tv, and went on Netflix. Hopefully I can watch something to kill time.

Pumpkin barked, and hopped ontop of my Lap, she sat down, and cuddled. I smiled, and pat her head.

I haven't really watched much Netflix lately.
'The Walking Dead' or 'Breaking Bad'?

My decision-making was interrupted when I heard my phone ring.

It was my mom.



I answered quickly. "Hey mom! What's up?"

"Lapis. Darling we're going to arrive a bit late, so please take care okay? You aren't going to take long at your friends house right?" She said over the phone.

I might have lied to my parents about the party.

I said one of my friends at school was having a small birthday party. I said I was going to go over for a bit and then thy would drop me off.


I basically told the truth. Except I'm not going to a birthday party...

"Oh sure thing! I'll call you when I get home mom! Promise."

"Okay sweetie, love you!" She said.

"Love you too, bye!" I said before I hung the phone.

I let out a sigh...

Hopefully this party is exciting.


My phone went off. When I checked I was suprised to see that it was Peridot. I quickly grabbed my phone started to text back.

(Back To Peridot's Pov)

I stopped by a '711' on my way to Amethyst's house. I honked my horn to let her know I was outside. I waited patiently outside, on my phone.

Peri: are you almost headed to the party?

Lapis💙: in a bit yea. I'm watching something on tv.

Peri: I better see you there then.

Lapis💙: u will, btw I'm wearing that blue dress you picked :) hope it actually looks good lol.

I blushed at the thought of Lapis. My thoughts quickly vanished though, when Amethyst banged on the door loudly.


I put my phone down and unlocked the door. Amethyst opened it, and sat down on the seat. "Sorry amy, I wasn't paying attention."

I started the engine, and began drive off.

"So, how many people are going to show up?" I asked Amethyst.

She shrugged, "who knows, for all I know it's probably going to be packed with people."

"Huh" is all I could say. I came to a red stop, so i quickly pulled up my phone, and checked on Lapis.

Lapis💙: I'm already getting ready to leave. See you there.

Peridot: sure thing.

"Hey! Don't you know you're not supposed to text, and drive?" Amethyst said.

I rolled my eyes, "since when did you become Pearl."

Amethyst laughed, "just fuckin with ya. But really...put that thing down. I don't want to die on my way to a sick ass party."

I began to drive towards the street that led to the party. I don't fully remember how much space the warehouse had outside to park.
Hopefully it had enough so that I could park my whip.

As I got closer to the destination, i could hear music in the distance and lights flashing too. We soon got close, and the warehouse came into view.

"Holy shit...looks like you were right.."

Amethyst nodded, "more than right.."

Me and Amethyst looked at all the cars parked outside. You could also hear the music already playing from inside. There were kids outside talking, some others walking in.

It almost looked like a wild rave.

I slowly, and carefully parked my car in between two others. The parking lot was pretty big so there still was enough parking for others.

I opened my door and walked out. I told Amethyst to watch out, and not hit the other car with the door.

She just frowned and told me she wasn't a dumbass.

We walked all the way to the entrance. There was a small line of people waiting for the others infront.

Two big security guards were charging every kid that went in. When it was me, and Amethyst's turn I pulled out my wallet, but was stop by a familiar person.

"Ah! So happy both of you could make it!" Aquamarine said holding a cup.

"Let these two pass without pay" she told the security guards. They nodded, and let both Amethyst, and me in.

"How's the party so far Aqua?" Amethyst said.

"So far so good. Make yourself at home, grab anything you like!" the British girl said. She then focused on me, "and you, looking sharp!"

I chuckled, "it's nothing really."

She put her arm around me, "like the watch, looks expansive. And that necklace, pretty good too~"

I smiled, "you don't look bad yourself, actually..when isn't when you don't look bad?"

She giggled, and covered her blushing face, "oh stop that" she let me go, "well, I have stuff to do real quick. If yall need anything, I'll be near the bar."

With that she walked away.

As we entered the warehouse, we could finally see the whole party.

The stage and speakers were all located far right in the middle. Infront of it was the dance floor where hundreds of people were dancing.

To the far left, the bar was located there, with tables and chairs.

I followed Amethyst through the crowd of kids. It didn't take long until we saw the rest of the gang. They were seating a bit far from the bar, and a bit close to the dance floor.

Garnet was wearing a long red dress. Jasper was wearing a fancy black crop top, and a black revealing dress.

Pearl with her white dress with jewelry all over her. Rings, necklaces, and earrings.

We walked up to them and they noticed us quickly.

"Yo what up short stacks" Jasper said putting down her cup.

"Hey you two. Did you guys barely arrive?" Garnet asked us.

I nodded, "yea, we got in for free too."

Pearl frowned, "and we had to pay thirty dollars.."

Amethyst chuckled, and playfully pushed Pearl, "don't let that kill the mood, c'mon we're all here now. Let's have some fun!"

They all agreed and each of them started to get a cup, and pour what looked like tequila. Everyone but me, and Pearl drank...well Pearl drank a bit after Amethyst, and Jasper made her.

I leaned against a wall, and just watched how fucked up they were getting. However, I couldn't help but search around the crowd for Lapis.

I got a text from her saying she just made it inside. But I couldn't see her anywhere near the entrance. For a brief moment I thought I saw her, but it was just some dude with blue dyed ends. I sighed, and scanned the area again.

"Yo Peri, you good? It looks like you're scanning the whole party or something" Jasper said.

I shrugged, "I'm just looking for someone."

Amethyst looked at me confused, but soon she changed her face expression, "ah, is it Lazuli?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me smirking.

I frowned, and rolled my eyes.

"Who's that?" Jasper asked.

"It's just Peridot's girl-"

"IT'S! one" I quickly interrupted Amethyst.

She shrugged smirking, and turned around towards the others. Jasper looked dumbfounded, and just turned around as well.

I sighed, and looked down. My phone buzzed, and quickly pulled it up. It was Lapis, telling me she was near the bar. The bar was only a few feet away from where we were.

I began to walk towards the bar, a bit hard because there was lots of people in the way. But I finally made it.

When I got there, I immediately looked around for her.

Why am I trying so hard...why does this girl make me so...crazy!
I's not like-

My eyes came to a stop when I spotted her. Lapis was sitting on a chair.

My head began to spin, and I began to get nervous. I've been with her before, but why am I getting so nervous all of a sudden?

She didn't seem to notice me. She was wearing that blue dress, and it really made her look so god damn beautiful. She curled her hair, and was wearing eyeliner. I blushed madly just seeing her.

My heart felt like it stopped when she looked at me. She waved at me to come.

I gulped, and took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing...

Have you ever been to a big party? If so how did it go?

Once again. Thank you for 600 views ;)❤

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