The Wolf and The Rose (Rwby x...

By Ump_nine

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(This is my first Story hope u enjoy and leave some comments on how i did) More

Bio: Y/n Rose
Harem part 2
Welcome to beacon
Welcome to Beacon Pt.2
New Day at Beacon Part 2
through the Trials and Obstacles

A New day at Beacon

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By Ump_nine

As everyone was stirring awake getting ready for the Initiation that's going to happen Later on the day there were still a group of people asleep and these people were Ruby,
Y/n, and Yang. They got awakened by a loud voice.

Nora: Rin, Rin wake up sleepy head its time to get up and get ready for the Initiation.

Rin gets up and sighs at nora constantly poking her on the face.

Rin: alright, alright i am awake just let me get ready.

Nora: Wow can't believe that we were able to get to Beacon with so many people signing up. We were so lucky that we applied in time.

Rin: Nora lets head to the cafeteria when we pack up all the stuff alright and we can get all the pancakes.

Nora: Wait you really mean it! I can get all the pancakes that i want!?.

Rin: Yes Nora we just have to pack up all of our sleeping bags and etc. Then we go alright.

Nora: Then lets get to it Rin so I can get all the pancakes!

Timeskip with Nora and Ren finishing packing their stuff and heading to the cafeteria

As Rin and Nora go inside the cafeteria the look at awe how Big it is. Then they notice the food laid out.

Nora: (Gasps) look Rin look at all that food and pacakes! This is the best cafeteria ever.

Rin: I know what you mean look at the size of this place.

Nora and Rin head to the line waiting to get their food as they head to one of the tables and sit down.

Nora: (Eating pancakes) So whats the plan so that we can be on the same team together. How about this we make bribe the headmaster of beacon wait i think that might not work.

As Nora keeps talking about a plan to be on the same team Rin finishes Eating and heads to the locker room with Nora closely following by to het ready for the initiation.

Nora: Rin I am so exicited for the Initiation i wait to smash so grimm!

As Rin was getting her equiqment and weapond ready Nora was still discussing about a plan

Nora: oohh what about this one, we'll have a signal or callsign do that we can find each other.

Rin: Nora?

Nora: Yes, Rin?

Rin: (Inspects her weapons and holsters them away) I'm not sure if that plans going to work out.

Nora: Thats Why it's a perfect plan no one will suspect that.

Rin:(Shuts locker) Alright come on Nora, lets go

Nora: Ok coming Rin! (Runs up next to Rin)

In the locker room somewhere else Ruby, Yang and, Y/n. Were getting ready

Yang: Hmm, how come you look really more excited today?

Ruby: It's because i don't have to do any socializing and talking. Because today I get to let my sweetheart do all the small talk and socializing. (Grabs Crecsent Rose and rubs her hand of it)

Yang: Well remember little sis you are also not going through this intiation. You are also going to have to grow up you're gonna have to meet new people and learn how to work together.

Ruby: Uugghh!  You sound just like dad! (Grabs Crecsent Rose and holsters it Round her waist) Then first of all how does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And Secondly I don't need people to help me grow up! I am already old enough and I habe been drinking milk!

As Y/n Nods in agreement with Rubys statement.

Yang: So what are you going to do when we form teams?

Ruby Um... I don't know maybe I-I'll just stick with you or maybe be on
Y/n's team.

Yang Maybe i think you should try being on someone else's team?

Ruby: ( Gasps) My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me!

Yang:( Starts stuttering) W-what? N-no! O-of course I do I just thought that i don't know, maybe it should help you uhh... break out of your shell.

Ruby: What do you mean?! I don't need to " break out of my
shell!" How about Y/n ( looks to see
Y/n putting on his armor)I am already grown up, but me! That's absolutely-

Joan: Ridiculous! ( walks between the them and holding a map) I thought that i put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! It should've been there i remembered going there and count that this is the right number. Why! Is this happening to me today.

Joan walks past Weiss and a girl in spartan armor, who Weiss was having a conversation with.

Weiss: So, Pyrrha, have you have thought abou whose team your going to be on. I'm sure that everyone would at least to be asking you to be on their team.

Pyrrha: Hmm... i haven't given much thought to whose team i am going to be on. I will just let the chips fall .

Weiss: I was just wonder if we could be on a team together.

Pyrrha: Well that sounds really grand!

Weiss: Really Great!

Y/n walking by looking for Ruby and Yang

Y/n:  Hey guys hello Weiss, Pyrrha

Weiss and Pyrrha: Hi Y/n | Hello Y/n

Pyrrha and Weiss: aww he's so cute

Weiss: So Y/n i was wondering would you like to join my team.

Y/n: Hmm sure why not

Weiss turns around with a evil smirk

Weiss (mind): Yes this is perfect! With Pyrrha the strongest  girl and Y/n the cutest guy we will be the most popular group in the school.

Joan: (Jumps into the conversation) you know what else is great me Joan Arc. Nice to meet you ladies

Weiss: You again?

Pyrrha: (Steps in between them) Nice to meet you Joan

Joan: Nice to meet you too, so Weiss, Pyrrha what do you think of Y/n over there overheard you yesterday about how cute he was.

Weiss: Oh, you've got to be kidding me! Not right now

Joan: Come on don't sweat it nothing to worry about do have you heard about the rumorz about teams. I was jist wondering if you, me and the girl  over there be on the same team what do you say

Pyrrha: I wouldn't mind to be on your team Joan.

Joan: Well thats one person on joining on team Joan.

Weiss: Well Joan is it, do you have any idea who you are talking too?

Joan: Uhhh... i don't jave the slightest clue.

Weiss: This is Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hello again!

Weiss: Pyrrha hete graduated top of her class at Sanctum.

Joan: never heard of that place.

Weiss She's won the Mistral Region Tournaments four years in a row! A new record!

Joan: Wait the what?

Weiss: She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmellow Flakes box!

Joan: (Gasps) No wait That's you! But they only do that for Star athletes and cartoon characters!

Pyrrha: Yeah, it was pretty cool. But sadly, the ceral isn't very good for you.

Weiss: So after hearing all that do you think you're in a postion to ask her to be on your team?

Joan: Uhh well she did join the team

Pyrrha: Actually , Joan i wouldn't mind and I think you'd make a great leader!

Y/n: Yeah I also agree with Pyrrha

Joan: D'oh, Stop it your making me blush!

Weiss: Yeah seriously stop it. This type of behavior should not be encouraged!

Joan: Looks like Pyrrha is also on board. Seems like spots ate filling up quickly.Now (whispers to Weiss) I know i am not supposed to do this but i could pull a few string for you what do you say?

Joan got really close to Weiss but too close

Weiss: Alright, that's a bit close! Pyrrha a little help please!?

Joan turns around seeing the spear coming closer but then Y/n caught the spear mid-flight.

Y/n: Hey Pyrrha thats dangerous be more careful ok

Pyrrha: I'm sorry!

Glynda: Will all first year students report to beacon cliff for the initiation? Again all first year students please report to beacon cliff immediately

Weiss walks by and Pyrrha grabs her spear from Y/n

Pyrrha: It was nice meeting you! Likewise

Yang, Ruby, and Y/n walk by her

Yang So having trouble there?

Ruby: Yeah what happened?

Joan: I don't undersrand, I made a deal she can't refuse and yet she refused it. Where did i go wrong?

Yang: Maybe starting with ice queen wasn't the best choice

Joan: So what about Y/n is he a bettrt option

Yang and Ruby hugged Y/n tightly

Yang and Ruby: No Mine!

Y/n was confused and couldn't breathe.

Timeskip to Beacon Cliff

Everyone getting lined up.

Ozpin: for years you have trained to become warriors. And today, is where your abilites will be evaluated in the emerald forest

Glynda: Now, I'm sure many of you have heard of rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates today

Ruby: Really i hope i can in Y/n or Yangs team.

Y/n: hmm i wonder how this is going to play out?.

Glynda: These teamates will be with you for the rest of your time of beacon. So it is your best interest to be paired with someone with you can work well.

Ruby: (Groans)

Y/n (Mind): I hope we can choose the teams we get to be on.

Ozpin: That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your teammate for the next four years.

Ruby: Whaaaattt?!

Y/n: Aww shoot I thought we were going to choose teams.

Nora: (To Rin) See I told you!

Ozpin: After you've partnered uo, make your way yo the northern end of the Forest. You will meet opposition along in the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path...
Or you will die.

Joan starts sweating profusely while nervously laughing

Ozpin: You will be monitored and graded throught the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the patb containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to yhe top of the cliff. We will regard that item as well as your standing and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?

Joan: (raising her hand) Yeah um sir?

Ozpin: Good! Niw take your positions.

Everyone strikes a pose on their tile. Nora crouches low, Rin wields her weapons, Yang raises her fists, Ruby readies her weapon, Y/n ready's Reapers Redemption and Order & Chaos

Joan still raising her hand.

Joan: Ub sir? I've got, um... a question. (She misses the tile under weiss rising up into a springboard, rocketing into the air and over the forest, ad the platforms activate down the line) So this landing... um strategy thing... Uh wha-what is it? You're like dropping us off or something

Ozpin: No. You will be falling.

Joan: (miss more students being flinged) Oh ub I see... So like did you hand out parachutes for us?

Ozpin: No. You will be using your own
"Landing strategy".

Joan: ( still not seeing an excited Nora and Rin getting launched) Uh-huh... Yeah.

At her turn Yang winks at her younger sister and Y/n, puts on a pair of aviators and flies off with a
"Woo-hoooo!"  a second before Ruby joins her. Then Y/n is launched

Joan: So, what exactly is a landing strategyYYY!....( as joan gets launched)

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