Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson Fa...

נכתב על ידי howtofangirl101

360K 11.2K 2.3K

Ever heard of a vampire Demi-god. Wouldn't have thought so since Arabelle is the very first one and this is h... עוד

Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson/ Twilight FanFic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
AN: Sorry & New Story
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
AN: notification of update not sent out
Chapter 40
Sequel info
Back Again for a sequel
Beating Heart- Book 2

Chapter 34

5.2K 208 26
נכתב על ידי howtofangirl101

Chapter 34

Of course they just had to follow.

I don't even know how. Nico must have shadow travelled and somehow the other two where brought with him. I don't know but three mortals in a room of vampires is never a good idea. Precisely why I didn't want Nico to come never mind Adrian and Hope who don't even know anything about this life.

And this was one of the reasons why.

A burgundy, almost black, eyed vampire hissed at the three of them behind me baring her teeth. Her eyes swung over them hungrily. She looked as if she should have hunted days ago.

I slid down into a defensive crouch bared my teeth and let out my own growl like hiss. Threatening her. Of course her more vampire side won out and she ignored me blurring towards them. I sprang forwards crashing into her to stop her from getting to them. She shot out with her leg trying to kick me off her but I had demi-god training. I easily dodged her leg without letting go and hissed at her in warning again.

The vampire kept struggling to get out of my grip determined to get to them. "Esme, get them upstairs." I called my voice sounding strained as I kept holding the vampire back. I heard movement in the house as she finally heard me call for her even though she didn't hear the fight for some reason. She was the only other person in the house. Who knows where everyone else is.

After half a minute I was sure that they were upstairs. From here I could hear Adrian's and Hope's heart beats racing a lot faster than usual. Nico's was slightly faster than usual but not by that much. That sort of relieved me. It meant he still trusted me even though I didn't tell him about where I was going.

Slowly the vampire began to stop struggling until she seemed to be back to normal. That was a definitely good. "I'm so sorry." She apologised immediately sounding worried. "I knew I needed to hunt but I just kept putting it off and now... Oh god, I'm so sorry."

"Go and hunt." I told her gradually releasing her. She nodded rapidly and ran out of the door. Hopefully the rest of the Cullen's set up some rule about not hunting in Forks at least.

"I'm guessing that you didn't mean for them to come with you." Esme said appearing by me. They must all be upstairs.

"No they followed. I didn't want them to get involved in this. Especially since my half-brother and cousin don't even know about me." I replied to her.

"You should probably go up and explain to them." Esme told me and I nodded knowing she was right.

"I know."

"I'm going to go and fetch Carlisle while you explain." She added. I began to head up the staircase while Esme headed outside. I noticed that Adrian and Hope's heartbeats had slowed down a little but they sounded almost as if they were panicking. Not that I can blame them. I would be panicking if I was in their situation. I think anyone would really.

The three of them were in Nico's old room. It wasn't hard to find them. I paused in front of door for a second, reluctant to go inside. Pushing my reluctance aside I gently pushed open the door and headed inside. Stepping inside the first thing that I saw was the thing that fuelled my reluctance. The look of fear in Adrian and Hope's eyes. As if they expected me to attack them. That is how they have been led to believe that vampires are though. Human killers who don't really care about who they kill, but that's obviously not the truth.

"This is why I didn't tell you where I was going." I said softly sitting down in a chair at the opposite side of the room.

"What's happening?" Nico asked me.

"It's the Volturi. They're after the Cullen's because they think that they've broken a law but no laws have been broken. I came here to be a witness and defend them." I told him not going into any detail. Going into detail wouldn't really be good for Adrian and Hope.

"Wait, you knew about-about this?" Adrian asked sounding shocked and confused.

"Yes." Nico replied simply.

"And you didn't tell anyone?"

"My dad, Apollo, Athena, Artemis and Aphrodite know."

"Chiron knows as well." I added.

"Since when does Chiron know?"

"Since I arrived at camp." I replied to Nico before realising that I really need to stop getting distracted and explain to Hope and Adrian. "Err.. So yes, I'm a vampire as you probably noticed. Your probably also wondering why I haven't killed everybody at camp or something yet but not all vampires are bad. There's a lot that aren't. You just tend to hear about the ones that are because the ones that aren't tend to stay hidden and blend into society. Also I'm what is called a vegetarian meaning I don't drink human blood, only animal blood. Plus your blood doesn't smell very appetising anyway so..." I trailed off. How exactly do you explain to someone about being a vampire. I don't even know.

"Why do I feel offended by that?" Hope asked me sounding confused. Her heart beat rate had slowed down but it was still faster than normal. I guess almost being attacked by a vampire then finding out that you cousin is a vampire can do that to you.

"I sort of feel offended as well." Adrian added.

"It's not my fault. Human blood just doesn't appeal to me like it does to normal vampires." I shrugged. Only demi-gods would feel offended at the fact that a vampire doesn't find their blood scent appetising.

"How come the gods that know about you accepted you so easily?" Adrian asked me.

"Maybe it's just because they know that I had no choice on wether I wanted to be a vampire or not and that I've never drank human blood." I suggested deciding not to confuse them with the whole soul of olympus part of my life. It would probably be wiser to save that for tomorrow or another day at least.

"Where's Aunty Arabelle?" I heard a voice ask from downstairs. I frowned slightly dividing my attention between downstairs and up here. Why did I recognise her voice. Surely that's impossible.

"She's just talking to some people Remesmee. I'm sure she'll be down soon." Esme's voice replied. So that must have been Bella and Edward's hybrid daughter.

"I'll be down in a few minutes." I said normally knowing that Esme would be able to hear along with any other vampires down there. Adrian and Hope looked at me confused while Nico immediately realised I was talking to someone downstairs. "I was talking to Esme downstairs." I told the two of them. Then realisation struck me. Aunty?

"You can hear them talking downstairs?" Hope asked.

"Enhanced hearing is annoying most of the time but it does have its benefits at times."

"So super hearing and fangs. Anything else we should know about?" Adrian questioned.

"Enhanced sense of smell, sight, speed, strength. Some vampires also gain powers as well. For me though the powers I had as a vampire were just made stronger and easier to control." I answered and paused for a second. "I should probably leave you two to take this all in. Feel free to come downstairs when your ready. It is safe. The vampire from before just hadn't fed in too long." I added slowly backing out of the room and heading downstairs. That seemed to have been taken a lot better than I had expected.

As I headed down the stairs I spotted multiple groups of vampires but of course the one that stood out was the Cullen's with a five year old looking girl. She had bronze coloured hair which was from Edward no doubt and brown eyes which obviously were from Bella.

The girls gaze flickered over to me and she smiled almost running over to me while the rest of the Cullen's followed. She stood on her tiptoes and reached up to touch my cheek.

Memories of hers flashed through my head briefly showing me her own life before showing me the Cullen's talking about me. As soon as it started it seemed to finish and I was brought back to reality. Renesmee looked at me questioningly and I nodded to her. "Yes I'm Arabelle."

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