Vampires will never hurt you!

By Killjoys4life

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I am a vampire and yes i drink blood. with my friend Rosie by my side, we're on the run but we do what we wan... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Five

141 6 0
By Killjoys4life

A/N Ok so sorry if this is a rubbish chapter but I am going to try my best to make it better. I was at school when I wrote this plus I had… Distractions -_- Sometimes I wonder how some of the kids in my school actually got here. Why god of coffee why?! Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter even at the quality it is at. -Battery

Rosie’s POV

I wanted to head out and leave this place. Francesca is keeping me in a room locked up. I hate it here. What had I done wrong? All I wanted to do was hang out with a cute guy and his friends, just because she’s jealous. I started walking round the room searching the contents. In total I had found a book of poetry, a few paper clips and bits and bobs. Man, this guy was boring. I slowly crept downstairs after hearing the door open and close again, hopefully she went out.

Walking downstairs I heard someone in the kitchen searching the place. I quickly hid my fangs from the possible intruder before stalking in. I heart someone’s heart beat ring in my ears, their breathing rapid and uneven. As I peeked round the corner I see a dark figure turn his back to me slowly. Oh shit… it was him. We’ve gotten away from him for all this time. Why can’t he just leave us alone?

I felt someone’s presence behind me, turning around I saw Francesca staring into the kitchen behind me. Grabbing my hand she ran into the upstairs master bedroom and hid under the bed. “How did he find us here?” I whisper hissed to her. She didn’t answer me telling me that she was deep in thought, thinking of a plan. Footsteps started to make their way up the stairs. My heart would be going faster than ever if it still worked. I missed being able to hear my own heartbeat. The sound use to comfort me before I changed into the monster I am. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Francesca’s hand grabbing me and pulling me out the window. I covered my face as a reaction only to find a storm starting above us.

Rain poured down on us as we ran through the streets. “Over here! Come help me get them!” We heard the man shout after us. We recognized his voice from anywhere, he had been after us for years now. He was a vampire hunter. You see, Francesca and I have these powers. Every vampire does. Ours for some reason are different, I can control mortals. Making them think or act in a certain way, but I never have done ever since I found out I could. Francesca on the other hand was different, she had the power to control the elements. It came in handy more times than you would think. The guy following us is named Lucas, he’s been after us for ages. We saw a group of people up ahead and ran toward them. We couldn’t use our vampire speed due to giving away what we are to mortals. We ran faster and faster putting on hats and pulling up our hoods to cover our identity. Rounding the corner after the group we just lost Lucas and ran to the group. “Hey there! You lot!” Francesca shouted towards them. They stopped slowly turning to fast us as we stopped.

“Rosie! It’s you!” At that Mikey’s eyes widened. “What’s wrong? What the problem?” I hugged him gently smiling softly towards him.

“Getting… Chased… Weirdo… Paedophiles… Help… Please” I panted out quickly, all of a sudden the guys seemed to have changed. There was something different about them. I guess they were in protecting mode. As Lucas and his gang approached from round the corner I could feel Mikey tense up immediately. He held me tighter causing my stomach to create butterflies. Smiling wide Ray and Gerard stepped forward protecting us more. “Yes. May we help you gentlemen?” Gerard said with a stern voice. A shiver went up my spin as I watched Lucas look at us then shake his head leaving. They walked out of sight before they all calmed down. Something still had changed about them. They smelled differently… Mikey still smelled gorgeous but something wasn’t quite there. Like he had changed himself somehow in the past few hours, it was so strange. He looked down at me smiling and I returned the smile thanking him quietly.

“You girls ok? Did they hurt you?” Ray asked concern filling his voice. I looked over nodding and saw Francesca do the same. What has changed about them? I looked over at Francesca “What is different about them Francesca? I can’t put my finger on it” I thought. She looked over at me before shrugging. You see, us vampires are able to hear each other’s thoughts if their being projected. Out the corner of my eye I saw a tiny smirk appear on Frank’s face. What was so funny? I hated this! So many questions in just a few seconds.

“Do you girls want to stick with us for a while? We can keep you safe if you want.” Frank offered. I was about to reply when Francesca cut in.

“Please! I don’t think we’re just the six of us still.” He smiled at us before linking arms with her and walking beside Gerard. I took a step before I was picked up and carried by someone. Looking up I saw the smirking face of Mikey. “I can walk Mikes no need to carry me.” He shrugged but carried on walking. Awww he was so kind. Snuggling up into him I could feel my eyes slowly closing.  I didn’t want to fall asleep on him, but the land of dream was beckoning me. How could I resist? I looked up again to see him nod at me before my body gave up letting me fall into a deep sleep.

Francesca’s pov

I was walking in between Frank and Gerard listening to them talk about comics and who their favourite super hero was. It’s so weird listening to grown men talk about comics like their teenagers. I know Rosie would like it but I had to admit I didn’t mind for once. We walked on for about twenty more minutes before coming to a halt outside a house. The conversation stopped suddenly as we went inside. I looked right to see the guy holding Rosie walking upstairs followed by the guy with the massive afro. I have to admit I really wanted to touch that right now. I couldn’t though. It would be weird right? Right? Oh well maybe one day in the near future I will. Frank and Gerard walked into what I guessed to be the kitchen and I followed them. Time to find out more about these guys.

I walked in to find a massive kitchen with a very spacious lay out. A bar table on the far wall with a eight hob cooker and that on this side. How much did this cost?! I walked in sitting on one of the stools next to Frank. I have to admit yes Gerard was a little cute but nothing that good. He walked over to the coffee machine in the corner. “Who wants a coffee then? It’s on me” He asked smirking at Frank. Frank quickly shot up his hand waving it about like a kid knowing the answer to a question the teacher asked.

“Me! Me! Me! Please!” he shouted stretching out the please again like a child. I couldn’t help but giggle to myself at him being childish.

“Francesca? Do you want a coffee?” Gerard asked smiling at me sweetly. I nodded a yes.

“So how long have you guys been in a band? I’m guessing a while by the sounds of you in the bar.” He passed us out the coffee’s smiling.

“Not long really… a few months maybe but not long. We’re just starting out. But we do have a record out. Well a couple of songs but still, it’s something.” I nodded listening talk about how they all got together. Frank stepped in on missing parts and I listened carefully. I’m glad we’re here these guys sound amazing. That was how the night drove on. Me listening asking questions, them talking and explaining away. I can’t believe that was easy.

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