The Broken Song

By NotJuliaChild

61.1K 1.7K 576

Elusia Vale is the most fabulous adventurer, swordswoman, thief, and lover to ever grace Ishara, and she is a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Forty

1.1K 37 27
By NotJuliaChild

—Isca Kiverryn—

Night fell, bringing with it the eerie creaking of Isca Kiverryn's gate as they approached. Gathered outside in the main courtyard, there wasn't a soul that moved, those bearing witness to the sight offering only a shaking exhale that curled before their faces in the chilly air. For a breath, and then two, there was not a sound in all of Kiverryn, not the shuffling of nervous feet, not a frightened muttering, or even the confidence of an unsheathed sword. For those few moments, silence reigned within Kiverryn.

And, then, it began.

Ori struck first with a shockwave so powerful the front doors blew apart and crumbled into dust. For a beat, no one moved. Thancred readied his shield and spear, the first to move forward just as a figure appeared in the open doorway. Moonlight filtered through the stained glass window, bathing the form in long silvery bands that danced across the tall, well-built form.

King Everack.

At his side, held in his right hand, was his sword of black steel, a blade that had made a name for the king as he conquered lands for Valdornne and then for Iskendryn. He was a warrior of renown, and, with the Sorceress' magic flowing through him, his strength would be difficult to match. But, the Sorceress was nowhere to be found. The king came alone. That was troubling.

"You think your actions righteous?" King Everack's voice was surprisingly strong, commanding in tone despite the silence that had held him for so long. "You think the light of the Path is welcome in these halls? It is a wicked, vile thing. You bring not salvation, but death upon my door. Leave now."

"I'm afraid that cannot be done, my king," Ori bowed her head regretfully. "The Sorceress is feeding off the land to survive. The longer she stays, the more she will take from this land. She cannot be allowed to remain."

"My lady knows this," King Everack replied, never once glancing away from the armed soldier that stood before him. "Yet, there is naught she can do. There is no path home. The one who ripped her away made certain to seal the door behind her."

"When this is done, I promise to find whoever brought her here and hold them accountable for the suffering done upon Kiverryn. But, for now, we must stop her poison from infecting anywhere else. Killing her is the lesser evil."

The king let out a cheerless laugh. "What makes you think her life is worth less than the entire world, Savior? I've bled for Andavaran my whole life, fought to keep our borders safe, fought for Iskendryn pride. Andavaran isn't worth shite on a good day. But, her...I'd let the world burn before I hurt a hair on her head."

"How can you say such things?" Ori shook her head, her breathless voice aghast with the vehemence burning in his eyes. "Think of all the innocents that have suffered because of her. Think of your subjects that suffer even now. You would let that continue?"

"Do you know what happens when we die, Savior? You think the heavens part, a blinding white light descending to carry us off into eternal peace? No. There is no peace. There is only nothing. My life, in the end, was worth exactly that. You live for nothing, you get nothing. But, she...She walked into my kingdom, found me murdered, butchered on my own thrown, and brought me back. She asked for nothing in return, not one goddamn coin, food, or even shelter. She would have left if I hadn't asked her to stay. My people will only suffer if you fulfill your purpose this day." He brandished his sword. "And, that cannot happen."

"King Everack..."

But, the time for talk had passed. The king swung with such strength and speed, his closest opponent, Thancred, barely had time to dodge the blow. Ori aimed for him, a lightning strike powerful enough to sear him to ash, but the king transformed into a swirling black cloud of dust as only one from the Grave should be capable of doing. How the Sorceress could transfer such a power was troubling, but there was no time to contemplate the answer.

King Everack appeared behind Idelle, his black steel sword slicing through the air before she could move out of the way. It caught her across the ribs, but his strike wasn't left unanswered. Stumbling back, Idelle managed to cast a spell before he could dart away. His feet stuck, frozen to the ground as Thancred dove forward, spear aimed straight for the king's throat.


Lulu was at her friend's side a moment later, the clanging of steel forgotten as she placed a hand to Idelle's bleeding side. But, when she turned her around to look at the wound better, the skin had already healed. Idelle smiled gently. Lulu kissed her temple and pushed away, intercepting King Everack as his sword came bearing down toward Thancred's neck. The ice shattered apart and the king darted away just before Excalibur could pierce his chest.

Unable to catch him, she did the only thing she could: she watched. There was a pattern to his movements, to the way he flitted from one target to the next. He wasn't trying to harm the army, only the main host that would lead the soldiers against the Sorceress. The pattern repeated once more and she began to count. One, Ori. Two, Duncan. Three, herself. Four, Thancred. Five, Idelle. Six, Sahn, Seven, Isaac. Eight, Alistair. Nine, Brandy-Bran. Ten, D'rundri.

And, begin again.

He was making a point of never striking near the same place in a row to avoid a single strike. So far, none had touched him. But, that was about to change.

"Dell!" Lulu shouted as the pattern was about to begin anew. "On five, freeze him!"

"I won't know where he is!" she yelled.

"Trust me. Right in front of you! Three! Four! Five!"

Idelle did as she instructed, large ice crystals jutting out of the ground, gripping the king's feet fast. The man growled angrily and tried to wrench himself free, but Lulu wasn't about to give him the chance. Without a moment's hesitation, she leapt forward, Excalibur slicing through the air and down through the king's left shoulder before catching on his ribs near the center of his chest. The king stuttered, his body trying to shift away into dust as the ice crumbled away, but the magic of the sword prevented his transformation. Lulu ripped the sword from his chest, his black steel blade clattering to the ground. He stumbled toward the castle's doors, but never made it inside, collapsing near the threshold.

Their moment of victory, however, was short-lived. A sudden shriek, high-pitched, bloodcurdling, and full of despair, it made them all shrink back. Shadows poured out of the castle in a rush of hurricane winds that nearly toppled them. Lulu and the others held against the force of it, and, in its wake, appeared the Sorceress, kneeling in the pooling mixture of blood and sludge that oozed from the king. It stained her emerald satin dress, marring her bracelets and rings as she reached down to maneuver the king's head into her lap, cradling him gently. The gesture was far more tender than any thought her capable, the sight leaving them all staring in stunned silence.

King Everack reached up, his fingers trailing softly down her warm brown cheek. "Forgive me, my lady. I fear I'll have to leave you alone to fight these monsters now." The Sorceress shook her head, but spoke no words, her fingers gently combing through his dark hair that was just beginning to grey. "I wish I had known you sooner, my dear. For you, I would have conquered the world. A goddess worth following, a woman worth loving. Forgive me for not having the strength to defend you."

The king died quietly in the Sorceress' arms and all of Kiverryn lay bathed in silence.

And, then, the Sorceress screamed.

The ground cracked open and split apart, the hurricane winds returned with battering force, and the very depths of Kiverryn seemed to tremble with the Sorceress' blinding anger.

Thancred grabbed Lulu, yanking her backwards just as a statue plummeted to the ground, breaking apart as the wind around them howled. On their knees, Lulu and Thancred suddenly realized what was happening. The streets were not just breaking apart, but sections of the city were beginning to rise, torn from the ground and hoisted into the air. Their small section of earth, however, would not hold. Thancred dragged her forward, the pair leaping to safety a short distance away.


Idelle's back hit the ground, hands raised to protect herself from the falling debris with a hastily made barrier. It only took a few hits for the shield to fall away, forcing her to scramble to safety. Duncan was at her side not a moment later, hauling her to her feet, the blade of his greatsword resting on his shoulder. Their own piece of ground was levitating into the air, and there was nowhere for them to find purchase that wasn't also rising steadily higher.

The ground was already far away, but from their vantage point they could see the hell that was unleashed below. Through the cracks poured shadowed creatures and the dead from the crypts beneath the castle, their seemingly endless waves pouring into the remains of the city. Isca Kiverryn was rising the highest, the surrounding pieces of Higher Town climbing in stuttered steps that levitated all around the castle itself. Ascending would be the only way to reach the Sorceress now.

Idelle heard Lulu shout from somewhere below her, the sound forcing her to twist in the direction Lulu ordered the others to look. Duncan pulled her back just in time, narrowly avoiding a collision from what fell from above. She could barely contain her horror when she saw that what fell from the castle above was not debris or weapons meant to kill those below, but actual, living people.

They plummeted into the street below, never hesitating as they poured from the castle, piling high in a mess that should have left them either dead or broken beyond repair. But, the moment the last body fell, each and every one stood up and faced the army now in disarray below.

The Light Wardens were the first to reassemble their ranks. Shields pressed together, they formed a wall to protect the others while they found their footing. Ori maneuvered herself in front of them, her body surrounded with a golden barrier that shimmered with her every step. At her side, The Voice and Uncle Corlis stood, the latter with daggers ready in his hands, the former brandishing The Broken Song. Idelle held her breath, waiting to see what came next.

The army stood poised, ready to attack, but they made no advance, no outward sign of aggression, until, a moment later, they heard the roar of a great and terrible beast rising out of the tombs beneath Kiverryn.

An immense, red-scaled dragon soared out of the cavernous hell, bathing part of the city in ravaging fire before anyone could stop it. The moment the dragon emerged, the Sorceress' army attacked. Idelle never heard the words, but she knew The Voice read from The Broken Song as a blinding golden light erupted from the book and threw the army back.

"Where the fuck did that come from?!" Duncan shouted, watching as the great dragon soared overhead, its terrible screech echoing for miles across the darkened landscape.

"King Everack made his name killing that dragon," Idelle scurried to the other side of the floating isle, searching for a direction for them to take. "It's a Crimson Reaver. I don't know much about dragons, but Ori says they're one of the fiercest. It won't leave anyone alive here."

"Idelle, can you hear me?!" Ori's voice suddenly shouted in her mind. She had little experience in the way of telepathic communications, making it difficult for her to latch onto the threads Ori had extended, but, at last, she was able.

"I hear you," she answered.

"We need to bring that dragon down, and fast!"

"I see it. I'm...I don't know if there's a safe path off this rock. I don't see one."

"Someone's coming to give you some help with that!"

No sooner had Ori's words faded from her mind than over the edge of the isle appeared George, his skeletal wings beating fast as he approached with the small sylph upon his back. It stood up and gave a small bow to Idelle before throwing a handful of glittery dust in one direction. The glitter swirled on the air for only a moment before forming into the shape of a set of stone stairs that reached toward the nearest rock.

"Thank you," Idelle breathed before she raced up to the next landing, Duncan right behind her.


The shield was breaking. Every hit from the army sent another crack spidering across the surface. Ori struggled to hold it together, her arms beginning to shake as she pushed against the army. The Voice was still reading, the words serving to repair the cracks bit by bit, but there was an overwhelming number on the Sorceress' side. It wouldn't be enough to hold the barrier.

A Light Warden stepped up to Ori's side, the same one that had stood with her before when she had needed aid. The woman knocked her shield with her sword, the other Wardens following suit. "We are the light burning in the darkest nights." The Wardens' blades began to glow. "We are the shields of men, the Creator's blade, and the wicked shall tremble in our wake!"

Ori dissolved the barrier, using its remaining aether to power an attack that slammed into the approaching army, throwing them back. It gave the Wardens enough time to descend upon the Sorceress' men, hacking through those they could reach before they recovered.

Her aether was flowing freely, coursing through her with surging power, but no matter how many spells she cast, how much strength any of them cost her, she felt no hindrance, no drain upon her power. It took some time for the cause to become clear to her, but, soon, Ori realized, she was feeding off the aether that enveloped the city. The Sorceress was like a magical beacon, fueling the nightmares and horrors crawling out of the ground as easily as she was replenishing Ori's mana. It was a foreign feeling, being submersed in so much aether, but she felt more powerful than she ever remembered being. Each attack served only to strength her power.

Her hand hit the stone street, causing the ground to ripple at her touch, throwing several of the soldiers back into the beasts that were feeding on the fear around them. Ori felt another surge and used it to rip one of the great beasts in half. Somewhere above, the dragon roared, turning to take another pass at the streets below. She shouted to The Voice, imploring him to shield the innocents that would be harmed. He did as she bade, book raised so that he could read the words, Wardens and Uncle Corlis defending him as he searched for the correct passage.

"Falling from the height, I heard a forgotten voice. It called my name with such hope I could scarcely breathe. Tenderly soft, bitterly sweet, the voice enveloped me. My fear forgotten, I surrendered to Aeralie and she delivered me from despair. Aeralie shields the righteous, protects the innocent. She walks with us as we sing The Broken Song. Her blessing does not lie and those that invoke her name will never be alone!"

From the tome burst golden light that encircled most of the city, sheltering it from the coming attack. The dragon reared back, fire building in its throat, illuminating the crimson scales in molten waves that erupted from its mouth. The flames hit the barrier, but did not breach it. The dragon roared its displeasure and dove toward the shield, intending to slam its powerful body into the surface. The barrier might not hold. Ori rushed forward, her own magic rising to reinforce the barrier, but just before the dragon hit, something knocked it off course, frost falling from its side as the dragon turned away, lifting high into the sky. At the edge of one of the floating isles was Idelle, her hands still crackling with ice magic as she watched the dragon, ready for its next attack.

But, Ori didn't have time to watch what happened next. Behind her, a terrible shriek echoed over the chaos. When she turned, Ori recoiled at the sight. The bodies of the soldiers the Wardens had felled were rising once more, joining together, the forms twisting terribly together to create a bleeding, misshapen beast that towered over them. One hit was enough to cleave a hole in the ranks of the Wardens.


The dragon struck their floating island, smashing through half of it as it was knocked off course. Lulu and Thancred paused only long enough to ensure the other was uninjured before they took off once more. The Sorceress had sent a dozen men after them, chasing them across the isles as they tried to find a path to her.

Thancred shouted, drawing Lulu's attention. To the right was an island they could leap to. Thancred made it across first, Lulu remaining behind to cut down the two soldiers closest to their heels. But, the others were still coming. She didn't have time to linger. With a running start, she jumped toward the island, but just as she was about to reach safety, a hand clamped around her ankle, dragging her downwards. Only Thancred's quick reflexes kept her from falling to her death. They were at least five stories in the air now. There would be no surviving a misstep. One hand clutching the sword, the other grasped tightly in Thancred's, Lulu swung precariously over the battle raging below.

There was a moment of uncertainty, when Lulu thought Thancred wouldn't be able to pull her to safety, but then he readjusted his grip and hauled her over the side. The moment she was on solid ground, Lulu reared her left foot back and slammed it into the soldier's face. He lost his hold but not his resolve. Scrambling forward, he meant to wrap his bare hands around her throat, but he never got his chance. A curved sword sliced through his neck, sending his head tumbling over the side. Lulu groaned unhappily when she saw who had saved her.

"Get the fuck out of her, Sahn. No one likes you," she grumbled, pushing herself to her feet.

"I'm not here to win a popularity contest, Mistress Lulu," he bowed in her direction. "I am simply here to make sure you and that sword reach the Sorceress. The Creator demands it."

"Oh, well that just makes up for everything, doesn't it?"

"Lulu," Thancred admonished. "We don't have time for this. The longer we take the more havoc she wreaks."

With a sneer, she admitted Thancred was right. They didn't have the time to argue over a matter as annoying as the Creator. Anything that got her to the Sorceress faster had to be a priority. So, she swallowed the remaining insults on her tongue and motioned for Sahn to lead the way.


The entire city had descended into bedlam. No matter how fast she killed, no matter how many she killed, there was always more crawling out of the ground. Ori felt her back hit a wall. She took the moment to breathe and survey the damage. Saving everyone from the plague, from Tal'Dovah, it was about to be for naught. The Sorceress' rage knew no limits as it spread out through the city. Everything until this point might have been out of the Sorceress' control, could have been a byproduct of her living in their aether starved world, but now—there was no excuse capable of justifying this. This was hatred in its purest form. She wanted them gone from the city and she would make an example of them all.

There was no winning the battle below. Even for all her strength, Ori hadn't even begun to dent the army. There was only one thing that would work now, and that was killing the Sorceress.

That familiar moment of hesitation, when her stomach twisted and her heart ached at the thought of killing the Sorceress, washed over. Her eyes closed for merely a second, but it was enough. Lost in thought, Ori didn't see the rage-filled gaunt-looking demon that had focused in on her. It struck without warning, sharp claws tearing into her side. Ori let out a cry, using her magic to momentarily stun the creature as she scrambled away. She pressed a hand to her wound, mending the torn skin with one hand as she raised the other to defend herself. The creature stalked forward, eyes narrowed as it hunched over, prepared to spring at her. Something caught it mid-air, a sword slicing through its middle and a shield slamming into its face, sending it spiraling to the ground.


But, he hadn't escaped unscathed. Ori bounded forward, her magic already weaving his wound together before she even reached him. Alistair stumbled slightly. She caught him against her. Her own wound was still bleeding, not yet fully healed, but it mattered little to her then. Alistair caught her eye and smiled.

The creature screeched, ready to bound toward them once more. Instead, it found itself being thrown aside, ripped apart by the towering creature that came to meet them instead.

An ogre.

Ori hadn't seen one in her life, knew no one that had. They were a species long thought extinct, and by its necrofying features, this one had died long before either of them was ever born. There was no nose to speak of, the skin wrinkled and pulled taught across its wide, squarish face. It was easily four times their size, four elongated horns stretching back from its skull and ending in points sharp enough to spear a man through. It roared when it saw them, beating its heavy fists against the ground. Ori caught the faintest blue glowing inside its milky white eyes. She glanced upward, finding the Sorceress hovering above, controlling the ogre, directing it toward them.

She didn't give them time to ready themselves. The ogre leapt forward, closing the distance with no trouble at all. It slammed its fists to the ground again, forcing them both to jump away, narrowly avoiding being crushed to death. Ori felt her wound tear, but she had no time to mend it. She barely had the time to throw a barrier around Alistair, keeping him from being impaled on a twisted piece of rusty metal sticking out of the ground, before the ogre rounded on her.

A lightning strike to its face seared skin and bone but did nothing to slow it down. She twisted out of the way, conjuring a spectral blade that ripped across its massive leg. Yet it didn't seem to matter how many times she and Alistair hit the beast. Again and again, they attacked with any of their soldiers that happened to be near. But, it wasn't enough. Lulu had Excalibur, lost somewhere in this chaos, and The Voice was still holding the barrier the dragon kept trying to sunder. They were on their own.

"This would be a good time for Aneirin," Uncle Corlis remarked as he dashed between the ogre's legs, tearing the flesh to shreds.

"Who's Aneirin?" Alistair shouted, saving another soldier from death, his shield managing to hold against the ogre's fist.

"The Valkyrie commander, the first ever created. She killed one of these before."

"She did?" Ori dissolved her blade, sending another spike of lightning careening toward its chest. It struck. "How did she bring it down?"

"Probably slowly, just like us," Alistair groaned as he wrenched his blade free from the ogre's foot.

"She snapped its neck with her bare hands," Corlis called out. "She made it look rather easy."

"Well, this one's dead!" Ori reminded her uncle. "I don't think we can rely on the same thing!"

"No, but there is something nearby that could kill it just as easily!"

Ori frowned, her mind whirling, but then she heard the dragon roar again. Yes. What they needed was to somehow maneuver the beast in front of the dragon. The dragon seemed unconcerned with distinguishing between enemies. It would make a meal of the ogre just as easily as it would any of them.

"I have an idea!" she shouted. "But, I need you to distract it!"

With a mighty yell, Alistair reared back and threw his shield as hard as he could toward the ogre's face. It hit—as hard as a piece of paper. Corlis couldn't help but stop his advance to stare disbelieving at the boy.

"That was pathetic!" he said with a shake of his head. "Allow me to demonstrate an actual distraction!"

The words had barely left his mouth when he darted forward. The ogre had turned in his direction, presenting the perfect opportunity. Corlis leapt into the air, bringing one dagger down into the creature's knee. The ogre roared, reaching down to dislodge him, but Corlis was already gone. He used the ogre's leg to throw himself even higher, plunging his daggers, one after the other, into the beast's chest, slowly ascending to the creature's face. When, at last, he reached the shoulder, Corlis leapt again, driving one of his daggers into the ogre's eye. As the beast stumbled back, reaching for the offending weapon, Corlis jumped to safety, his body rolling effortlessly across the ground, coming to a stop next to Alistair.

"Sure, yeah, I was completely capable of doing something like that, too," Alistair grumbled unhappily as he bent to retrieve his shield. "I just didn't want to embarrass you."

Corlis smiled as he turned back to Ori. His inquiry of her readiness slipped from his tongue. She had already gathered the necessary energy, her body rising so that she hovered slightly on her toes. Magical energy was swirling around her, her hands poised in front of her chest where a storm of aether was waiting to be unleashed. The ogre wrenched the dagger free and thundered forward.

Ori struck first, using the built up energy to slam it beneath the ogre's jaw. The beast stumbled but remained upright even as another barrage slammed into its chest. Ori took a breath, feeling the tethers wrap around the ogre's massive form. And, then, when she felt the last hooks sink in place, she pulled the beast forward. A hair's breadth from her, she unleashed the remainder of her energy, throwing the ogre into the sky just as the dragon swooped low.

The Sorceress screamed as the ogre was torn apart in mid-air, only the dragon's victorious cry able to overpower her rage. Ori turned her attention to the Sorceress still waiting above them. Her arms stretched toward the sky, thousands of bolts of lightning gathering together in a massive storm she sent plummeting into the city below.

Ori released her own barrier at the same moment as The Voice called out another passage from The Broken Song. The lightning rained down upon them, but the barriers held.

The Sorceress reared back, conjuring a black and red ball of energy that she hurled at the golden barrier. When it struck, Ori felt the impact deep in her bones, her teeth rattling together as the city trembled around them. A crack scurried along the barrier, and the red and black cloud transformed into a pair of long-clawed hands that wrenched through the breach and began to pry the barrier open. Only Ori kept the barrier from dissolving instantly.

The Sorceress knew this, her eyes locked on her as the hands continued to pry. Her eyes darted to the dragon still fighting Idelle above, its form wreathed in ice, its energy waning. Ori knew what she planned before the Sorceress even moved. Another puppet, one that Ori couldn't contend with if she hoped to hold the barrier.

"Idelle, kill the dragon! You have to kill it now!" She silently screamed, hoping her cousin could still hear her.


Idelle skidded to a stop, her arms waving wildly as she tried to maintain her balance and not slip from the floating isle. The dragon soared overhead, opening its mouth once more to rain fire down upon the city. She took a step back to gain even footing and launched a glacial spear straight toward its mouth. It hit its target, extinguishing the flames before they could do any damage. Ori's voice echoed sharply in her mind, almost too loud to bear. It forced her to turn away. There, not far from the isle was the Sorceress, her sights set upon the dragon.

"Fuck," she hissed under her breath. "Duncan, I need your help!" she called over her shoulder. Her friend joined her quickly.

"We only have a few minutes before more of those dead fuckers start climbing over the edge again," he reminded her. Idelle nodded.

"The Sorceress is about to attempt to gain control of the dragon. We can't let that happen. I need you to..." the words caught in her throat as she watched the dragon. It dove toward the barrier. She flung another spear, connecting somewhere near its eye. "I need you to throw me."

"Beg pardon?" Duncan leaned down low, his ear turned toward her as he undoubtedly believed he heard her wrong.

"I need to get on the dragon's back. All my attacks are merely glancing blows, and once the Sorceress gains control..."

To buy them another moment, Idelle conjured the biggest, thickest glacier she could manage and lobbed it at the Sorceress. It wouldn't be enough to damage her, but it would break her concentration and force her to begin the spell anew. The Sorceress turned at the insulting display, intending to redirect her anger toward the pair, but before she could, George and the sylph darted toward her, the sylph conjuring tiny bees that began to sting her all over her body while the raven began to tear through wherever he could reach, skeletal beak and claws wreaking havoc.

"I don't know about you, little lady, but I don't have the strength to throw you that far," Duncan shook his head.

"Don't worry. I'm going to draw it over here. You'll need to find somewhere to jump to as soon as you throw me."

"That's actually insane, you know. Even if you get on the dragon's back, how are you going to be able to kill it? You said your magic is just glancing off of it..."

"King Everack killed it with his black steel sword. There's a wound at the back of its neck. I just can't reach it from here."

Duncan let out a low angry breath. "Fine. Call the dragon, but it's not you that's gettin' on that damn thing. Ain't arguin', little lady," Duncan cut her off before she could begin her protest. "I assume I don't need black steel to kill it now?"

Idelle shook her head. "No, a single blow in its weak spot should be sufficient. But, I'm more suited to..."

"Both need stop talking," D'rundri shoved himself between them, his eyes focused on the dragon. "I kill dragon."

"Where the fuck did you come from?" Duncan glanced around wildly.

"Elf," he answered as though that was all the explanation required.


"Shira'ven," D'rundri turned to her and kissed her forehead. "No argue. I do this for you. I have greater chance of surviving fall than human."

Idelle threw her arms around his neck, hugging him as tightly as she could manage. A small touch to his double bladed sword was all she needed to enchant it with ice, ensuring it would pierce deeply.

"I'll get you to safety," she promised.

"I have no doubts, shira'ven."

Ori screamed once more. Idelle hurried to the edge of the isle. The barrier was almost fully destroyed below and now the dragon had turned, directed by the power of the Sorceress to plunge into the chaos. Idelle steeled her resolved and held out her arms. Three long, jagged cuts appeared on both her arms, her blood rising, twisting into the air rather than drip to the ground below. She ignored the protests of her companions. With the Sorceress now in control, it would be their only means of drawing the dragon's attention.

The blood swirled higher, transforming into the small figure of a dragon. The blood began to bubble and boil, the smell seeking out its target in seconds. The mimicry of blood was a difficult thing to master, and Idelle wasn't certain until the very moment when the dragon's head snapped in their direction that she had succeeded at all. The blood would smell of the dragon's injured kin, a call no dragon could ignore.

They were old and powerful beasts, their origin from the Grave itself. Called to defend its kin, the dragon had no trouble snapping the threads binding itself to the Sorceress. Freed, the dragon soared toward Idelle.

Duncan remained right behind her, his hands on her shoulders, ready to throw them both out of the way the moment D'rundri found his opportunity. It came a few seconds later. The elf's feet left the ground and Duncan tossed them both over the side of the isle.


Lulu couldn't contain her scream as she caught sight of white hair out of the corner of her eye plummeting off one of the islands and into the chaos below. Thancred's arms were all that kept her from joining her friend. She twisted and kicked, doing everything she could to get out of his embrace, but his hold held fast, refusing to release her.

"Mistress Lulu," Sahn's voice interrupted her shouts and cries of desperation. He maneuvered himself in front of her, his impeccably put-together form seeming so disjointed in all this confusion. "The Creator assures me that Idelle and Duncan have both reached the ground safely. Your prayers, at the present, should be with Master D'rundri as he attempts to bring the dragon down."

"She's alright," Thancred whispered softly in her ear. "She has enough magic to keep her safe. But, right now we need to keep moving. We're almost at the castle."

"The Sorceress isn't even there," Lulu motioned to their enemy, still hovering in the air far below them now.

The barrier was a shell of what it had been, waning beneath the force of the Sorceress' magic. The remainder dissolved in a sudden burst that sent a shockwave tearing through the city. From their vantage point, they watched as more of the ground crumbled away into the abyss forming throughout Kiverryn.

"No," Sahn said lowly as they listened to the scream below. "But, it's where we'll defeat her. There's something in the throne room that will bring her to us."

With a gentle nudge, Thancred maneuvered her away from the edge of the island. Only two more stood between them and Isca Kiverryn. Above, the sky illuminated with another storm of lightning that crackled the air.


It was nearly impossible to maintain a hold on the dragon's scales, let alone move the necessary distance to reach the massive neck. D'rundri was still several feet away, clinging tightly to scales that were slicing easily through his hands. His gloves were ripped to shreds, useless against the strength of the dragon's hide. Still, he clung on. The beast's back rippled as it propelled itself sharply downward toward the city. He felt an intense heat begin to burn within the colossal body. He knew what would happen next. There was no more time to waste on safety.

Narrowing his gaze, D'rundri spotted the open wound on the back of the dragon's neck. It flexed with the body's movements, opening and closing with every turn. D'rundri closed his eyes and offered a silent prayer to his clan, asking that they guide his hand.

The dragon's body went rigid, streamlined to reach its target as quickly as possible. It gave him the moment he needed. With balance only an elf could possess, D'rundri raced across the scales and drove his blade in deep. The enchanted ice seeped into the dragon's hide with alarming speed, turning it into solid ice within seconds.

The dragon never hit the ground. The moment Ori realized what Idelle had done she launched her own spear of lightning straight toward the beast, shattering it instantly.

D'rundri had no time to find the safest escape route. To avoid the collision, he leapt blindly from the dragon's back, hoping his elven grace would be enough to save him. Yet, there was no ground beneath him. Where he leapt was only the endless chasm that the Sorceress had cleaved through Kiverryn. But his fall was stopped before he even realized his mistake, and when he looked toward his rescuer he was unsurprised to his shira'ven gazing back.


The sky turned violet, a curtain of lightning descending upon the land for miles in every direction as the Sorceress shrieked. Ori raised her hand, ready to shield the city once more, but the lightning never touched Kiverryn. It bathed the land outside in spidery streaks that would scorch the soil and render the land useless for centuries to come. But, Kiverryn remained free from her wrath. When the lightning receded, Kiverryn rang loudly in the silence that followed.

Ori kept her gaze on the Sorceress as she staggered to her feet. Alistair and Uncle Corlis were at her sides, both breathing heavily. But, there was nothing to attack. The Sorceress' followers had stopped, completely frozen as though they waited for her next order.

The Sorceress remained still, her eyes closing. Ori wasn't fool enough to believe she had accepted defeat. Yet, in the next breath, the Sorceress dissolved her forces, turning her soldiers to ash that floated away on the breeze. Could it be possible? Could the Sorceress be ready to—?

Ori was unprepared for the barrage sent her away. The Sorceress hit her with a ball of pure energy strong enough to knock the wind from her lungs. Her body toppled helplessly backward, only to be dragged into the air by the same clawed hands that had torn open the barrier.

They threw her higher and just as she began her descent, they caught her again and flung her with unbridled strength. She never had a chance to slow herself or prepare for her landing. She felt glass shattering around her a split second before her body was stopped in its tracks by a wall of stone. Blood filled her mouth, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she slumped down onto the waiting floor below.


Lulu reached Ori first. Blood was pooling around her head and midsection, her eyes closed. She leaned in close. Thank the gods. She was still breathing. But, there was nothing for Lulu to do. She could barely dress the slightest wound, let alone heal something this severe. They needed Idelle, right now.

The Sorceress followed not a second later, stepping through the broken window with all the grace befitting a goddess. Lulu rose to her feet, keeping herself positioned in front of Ori. Sahn and Thancred came to her sides.

"I see there's no longer a reason to summon her," Sahn lowered the object in his left hand, the sight of which immediately drew the Sorceress' ire. She sneered at Sahn, holding out a single hand for him to release the object.

Lulu glanced down. It was only a small trinket, a glass dragon. Such an object likely held no real power. It was not an amulet or a totem to enhance her already considerable power. It was just an ordinary thing. So, why was it so important to the Sorceress? She yanked it out of Sahn's grasp before he could think about handing it over. Lulu tossed it casually into the air.

"Sentimental, huh?" Lulu teased. "You want it back? Heal Ori," she pointed to her cousin. "Or should I suddenly forget how to catch things?"

The Sorceress lowered her hand, her eyes narrowing, flashing a clear warning within them. She would not be threatened. But, neither would Lulu. She tossed the dragon over her shoulder and lunged toward the Sorceress before she heard it hit the ground.

Without Ori or Idelle there was a limited chance of success. None of them had the ability to hold the Sorceress long enough to deliver a final blow. She danced between the three of them, never close enough even to knick. Yet, her every strike was measured and precise. In what only could have been a matter of moments, Sahn was impaled upon a conjured spear, Thancred was clutching his mangled leg that was spurting blood at an alarming speed, and Lulu was pinned on the floor, Excalibur gone from her hand and the Sorceress' heel pressed against her neck.

"Maybe don't infect an entire city and people won't break your stuff," Lulu managed to snarl at the Sorceress. She just pressed her heel in harder, cutting off her ability to breathe. Lulu refused to show her fear. If she would die here, she would do it with defiance, the same way she did everything else in her life.

In the end, given the choice, Lulu would have chosen death. There was no shame in dying to an epically powerful witch from the Grave who had infected half a nation with a plague of her own making and had bested everyone who had tried to take her down. But, there was a plethora of shame in being saved the way they were.


The prophetess appeared as she always did, unwanted and in a flash of blue light that flickered like flames. She drew the Sorceress' gaze, her ethereal form glowing eerily in the darkened room.

"Bow to The Broken Song and you shall be saved," Kellaran's voice echoed in the chamber. "Refuse it and you shall find no mercy in death."

Even suffocating to death beneath a woman's heel, Lulu couldn't help but roll her eyes at the dramatic statement. Of course, of course, Kellaran would attempt salvation even while her god's savior was bleeding to death on the floor. Lulu was about to reach for a piece of broken glass to sink into the Sorceress' foot and give Kellaran a piece of her mind, but suddenly the Sorceress pushed away, leaving Lulu to gasp for air as she scrambled onto her hands and knees. The pain, the relief of fresh air filling her lungs, her anger at Kellaran, it all fell away as the most unexpected thing happened next.

The Sorceress healed Ori.

Ori breathed in, ragged and harsh, the blood around her rushing back into her open wounds and sealing tightly as though she had never been injured in the first place. Breathing heavily, Ori pulled herself up, leaning against the cracked wall, a hand placed over her heart as though she couldn't believe it still beat. Thancred and Sahn both she healed next, though she had no reason to do so.

Lulu felt a rush of gratitude toward the Sorceress even though she knew they would still have to kill her. The Sorceress used her magic to draw the shattered glass dragon to her hand, mending it before her fingers closed gently around the object. And, then, another surprise.

She spoke.

"Twice you have come into my home and offered salvation where none was needed," The Sorceress' voice was like honeyed velvet, so dark, so smooth, so rich. If this was how she had spoken to Everack, Lulu had no trouble seeing why the king had fallen in love. Her very voice emanated power and confidence. She was the most powerful person in the room, even outnumbered, and she knew it. "Does your Savior know it was you who opened my door? Does she know it was you who banished me to this realm and sealed the way back behind me?"

Ori's eyes drifted to Kellaran, reproach shining equally with horror as she took several steps away. The prophetess never glanced in her direction, never even offered an explanation or apology. She only stared ahead with the same superior look on her face that she always had. To her credit, the Sorceress wasn't the least bit intimidated.

"My body will be cold and my memory forgotten when the day comes, prophetess," the Sorceress grinned. "But I look forward to the day when the Savior drains the last vestiges of your life away."

The doors to the throne room burst open, both heavy obstacles crashing to the floor as The Voice entered in a rush, The Broken Song in his hands, Corlis, Idelle, D'rundri, Duncan, Isaac, and Alistair forming a retinue behind him. Before any of them could so much as utter a sound, the Sorceress snatched the book out of The Voice's hands. It hovered before her as she sneered.

"You've spread your poison enough." And, with that, the Sorceress twisted her fingers, making The Broken Song disappear in a flash of black and red light. Her eyes snapped to The Voice. "The Path of Light stops here!"

Her angry roar signaled her attack, throwing the group that had just entered back into the hall. In her right hand, she conjured an ethereal axe that she brought down upon Kellaran's smug form. The prophetess disappeared as the blade passed through her.

Sahn was the first of them to move, his swords slicing through the air as he tried to outmaneuver the Sorceress, but she was ready for him. Within a few swings, he, too, was thrown out the door, narrowly avoiding Idelle as she raced back inside. Ori stopped her before she could harm Idelle. Lulu used the opportunity to move, retrieving Excalibur before the Sorceress noticed.

"It doesn't have to be this way!" Ori groaned as the Sorceress' axe continued to press against the barrier. "Kellaran made you suffer, but we can find a way to send you back."

The Sorceress said nothing in return, her eyes only narrowing further as she abandoned the axe to send another rush of magic at Ori. It seemed the Sorceress was no longer willing to speak. She dodged Ori's stasis fields, stepped around Idelle's ice traps with flawless grace, her own attacks seemingly light whenever she turned to face the pair of mages. Only when she turned upon The Voice, Sahn, her father, and Alistair did her attacks appear truly bloodthirsty.

She only wanted the faithful.

And, Lulu would have been happy to grant her that wish if one of those men hadn't been her father. The moment the Sorceress conjured another of those clawed hands to rip open her father's chest, her fate was sealed. Her father hit the ground, his daggers fallen from his grasp with a breathless groan. Lulu saw the amount of blood spilling from the ragged wounds. He would die in a matter of moments.

Her mind flashed to that day, that horrible day when her dad had been taken beyond her reach. Now, the same might happen to the only father she had left. A dark, unrelenting fury welled up within her, rage like she had never known surfacing at the thought of becoming an orphan.

Lulu screamed as she darted forward, Excalibur pulsing with the beat of her anger. It guided her hand, instinctively knowing where and when to strike. The blade formed a barrier when the Sorceress thought to strike, pushed and pulled her in the direction to outmaneuver every spell, every thrust of a conjured weapon. Thancred and Ori joined her, their combined efforts serving to keep the Sorceress moving, but not enough to land the fatal blow. Many times Excalibur found its mark, but they were merely scratches. Lulu searched for the opportunity to bury the blade deep into her chest.

It came at the most frightening moment of her life.

Idelle had healed her father of his injuries and had joined the fight without Lulu's notice. She only became aware of her friend's presence when the Sorceress turned her attention to the white haired mage.

Idelle had landed the first, serious blow, piercing her abdomen with a glacial spear just as she had moved in to kill The Voice. But, it barely slowed her down. She waited only a breath before ripping it out of her body and launching it at Idelle. It was an attack that was easily avoided, but only because it was merely a distraction. Just as Idelle stepped out of the way, the Sorceress appeared behind her and clamped both hands on either side of Idelle's head. Lulu heard the sound of flesh burning over Idelle's screams, smelled the burnt hair curling in her nose.

The Sorceress threw Idelle aside as Lulu charged forward with no plan whatsoever, only the raging desire to kill the fucking bitch. Each swing of the sword the Sorceress avoided as though it was a delicate dance, ones whose steps she knew by heart. But, Lulu's dad had been the best swordsman in the worlds, the only person to have bested Baloren Tor'Varyan in single combat. She could hear his voice in her ears now, guiding her every step as the sword did the rest. She matched the Sorceress' grace, her every movement flawless and precise. And, then, she saw her chance.

A perfect alignment of factors and the Sorceress was finished. Lulu ducked out of the way as she sensed movement behind her. Thancred threw his shield, distracting the Sorceress long enough for her father to leap in, his daggers sinking deep at the base of her neck. But, still the Sorceress shoved him off, the blades still held in her flesh as she whirled around. Alistair hit her next, his sword slicing through her abdomen as Thancred pierced her chest. The Sorceress snarled and sent a shockwave of magic pulsing outward to throw them both aside. But, each attack had been enough to give Ori and Idelle the opening they needed.

Before she could so much as take another step, the pair locked a barrier around her, holding her in place. How either managed, Lulu would never know. Both were bleeding heavily, on their knees, panting, and looked on the verge of collapse. Yet, held her they did even as the Sorceress pressed against the barrier. Lulu wouldn't give her the chance to escape. She stepped forward and thrust Excalibur through the center of her chest.

The Sorceress stuttered, her magic faltering as she glanced down at the blade. A strange sort of smile crossed her features at the sight. Is this what she had wanted? Lulu slid the sword free, the magic barrier around her falling away. The Sorceress made no move of retaliation, never lashed out. She simply touched the wound, feeling her blood coat her fingertips before she raised her gaze to Ori.

"Don't let the light blind you," the Sorceress spoke softly. "You're a Savior to more than you know. You're more than we could've hoped for."

There were a thousand questions on Ori's tongue. Lulu could see them all about to break free, but there was no more time to ask. The Sorceress closed her eyes as her body began to turn black as though burned. It spread from the wound in her chest and once it had covered every inch of her, her body broke apart into ash carried out through the open window. The death of the Sorceress was far gentler than Lulu had imagined.

Or, so she thought.

When the ash was gone and the Sorceress was no more, the castle began to tremble. Ori said her name, but Lulu was too focused on the black and red smoke curling up from the glass dragon that had dropped to the floor. It rose up to the ceiling. Ori said her name again. And, then, the smoke suddenly pulsed outward and the entire city seemed to tremble.

"Lulu!" Ori's voice broke through as everything felt as though it was going to break apart. Lulu looked to her cousin, frightened by the sorrow in her eyes. "Go find Thancred. He'll be at his guard post."

Lulu's brow furrowed as she whirled around. Thancred had been just behind her, she remembered. Why would he have left? But, then, she noticed things happening around her. King Everack's body returned to his throne, run through by his own sword, crown in his decaying lap. Bodies returned to the corner of the room. Lulu glanced at Ori, uncertain of what was happening, but as the castle continued to tremble, she decided she didn't want to wait around and ask. Lingering just long enough to make certain Idelle and her father would recover, Lulu bolted out through the broken doors and down to the courtyard.

The moment she stepped outside, she saw the last of the Sorceress' magic was giving way. The city repaired itself, each floating isle returning to its rightful place. It was the final confirmation that the Sorceress was truly gone for good. But as the magic began to be stripped away, Lulu suddenly realized the cause of Ori's sorrow.

One by one, the people of Kiverryn were turning to ash, just as the Sorceress had done, floating away into the breeze as though they had never been. Her heart began to pound, bile rising in her throat. No, no, no. This was a nightmare, not reality, she tried to convince herself. This couldn't happen, not after everything they had suffered.

But, it was, and she was powerless to stop it. All she could do was sprint to the end of the courtyard and out through the gates to the place where Thancred had held his post. He stood there, waiting for her, his eyes filled with the same sorrow she had seen in Ori's eyes.

"No," was all she managed to say when she reached him, arms thrown around him as she held him tightly to her. It would be enough, she prayed. It had to be enough to keep him here. "You're not turning to ash. You're alright. I've got you."

Thancred shook his head, pulling back to lean his forehead to hers. "No, Lulu. I only have this time because of Ori. She bound her soul to mine so I could have time to say goodbye. It's more than anyone else in this city is getting."

"No," she shook her head defiantly, refusing to cry even for this, even for him. "No, this isn't right. We killed the Sorceress. We saved everyone. That's what Ori does. She saves everyone! You're going to be fine. We can find a way to..."

He held her face in his hands, smiling gently. "You can't save what's already dead, Lulu. That's what we are, what all of us are. We're dead and gone, gone before you ever returned to Kiverryn."

"But, we..."

"The Sorceress was the last thing holding us here. She brought us back to life, all of us. We lived only because she was here."

"Then, why didn't you say anything?!" Lulu shouted, shoving him back roughly. Her tears weren't spilling from her eyes, blurring her vision. It was something else. It had to be because Elusia Vale didn't cry. "You had all this time! You could've said something!"

"I didn't know. I thought I was...Ori told me when she returned. She told me so I would be prepared when it happened, so I could figure out what I wanted to say to you before I left for good."

"She knew?" Lulu recoiled, swinging around though she knew naught of her intentions. Yet, when she turned she found Ori there, struggling to stand, her injuries remained unhealed as she looked at her with the profoundest regret. "You fucking bitch! Why didn't you say anything?!"

"Because I didn't want it to be true," Ori's voice was as soft as a whisper. It made her angry. "And when I found the proof that it was...What was I supposed to say, Lulu? It's clear how much Thancred means to you. I couldn't tell you. I was too weak to find the words. I'm sorry I..."

The slap echoed in the courtyard. Lulu hadn't even realized she moved until the deed was done. Ori offered no reprisal, her head hanging low in shame. Lulu couldn't think, could scarcely breathe. Her chest was heaving, blood rushing in her ears. This wasn't how it was supposed to end.

"You don't have much time left," Ori never raised her head. "With the Sorceress gone, there's no extra aether for me to power the binding. I'll have to let go soon."

"Lulu, she's not to blame," Thancred's hand touched her shoulder. "She wasn't responsible for what happened to me. My memories are returning now. I remember a flood of light racing through the streets. I remember sounds of fighting coming from the castle. I went to investigate, but when the light touched me...I died. No wound. No pain. Just...death."

"Kellaran," Lulu growled. "She did this..."

Thancred shook his head. "I don't remember anything beyond the light, and, then, afterward, the Sorceress walked through these streets. She brought life back to each and every one of us."

"But, why? I don't..."

"It doesn't matter, Lulu," Thancred took her by the hand and guided her toward him. "You won't find any answers now. I only have a few minutes left with you. Let me say what I want to say."

She ripped her hand away, ignoring the burning tears trailing down her face. "No. You don't get to say goodbye. You don't get to leave! You're my...You...God-fucking-damnit!"

Thancred smiled and she wanted to punch him in the face. Instead, she let him gather her to him, folding effortlessly into his embrace. Her eyes shut, hands clenched into fists. She would not hug him back. She would not say a word. This was not goodbye. Her denial would make it so.

"You are, without a doubt, my favorite person in the entire world," Thancred laughed, kissing her temple. "I saw you a few times before, you know. You were a legend in Kiverryn. We guards used to share stories of you after every visit. Those that got to meet you always had the brightest smiles, always told the best stories of their encounters with you. I saw you, but I never got to meet you. I always wanted to, though. And, then, there you were, sauntering up to me in the sewers like everyone in this city didn't know your predilection for seducing noblemen's wives. You looked so confident. It was adorable."

Her teeth clenched to keep her lip from quivering.

"I was always so jealous of the other guards' stories. But, in the end, I got the greatest story of them all. You're my best friend, Elusia Vale, and I love you more than anything. Don't blame Ori for this. It's not her fault. The two of you are fierce together, unstoppable. You have so much more yet to do together. I know you guys can change the world. But, you have to do it together."

Her entire body was shaking. She refused to cry out. She refused to beg. This was the end, but she would not utter a word.

"I love you, Elusia Vale. Remember me. Remember, in the end, who was the better warrior. Me." He chuckled, pressing his face closer to her ear. "As though I could ever compare to you."

She felt him grin in her ear, and, then, his body gave way, breaking apart like all the others. She never opened her eyes. She didn't want to see the moment he disappeared from her sights. But, the cold was confirmation enough. Thancred was gone, just like her dad, just like Ephine.

How long she stood there, she didn't know, but when at last she turned Ori was exactly as she had left her, bleeding, bruised, and head hung low. Behind her, near the castle, Lulu could see the others. They had seen all that happened. Only when Lulu took a step in her direction did her cousin stir.

"Your god did this," Lulu hissed at her cousin. "He took my dad. He took Thancred. He took the whole fucking city! And, you...You didn't say one goddamn word."

"I didn't know how..."

"You open your mouth and make sounds," Lulu growled. "Stay away from me. I liked it better when I didn't know if you were alive or dead."

Shoving past her, Lulu ignored Ori's small cry of pain. "Lulu, wait..."

Her steps slowed as she waited for Ori to continue.

"I made you a promise. You helped me with this. Give me the compass. I can..."

"Consider this one on the house," Lulu spat over her shoulder. "I don't want your hands on that compass. I'll find my father on my own. I don't need you and your god fucking this up, too."


She whirled around, too angry, too sad, too everything to think rationally about her actions. She shoved Ori with all her strength. Ori went down without a fight, lying before her without even an attempt to block anything Lulu might be about to do. But, there were too many thoughts screaming in her head, too many emotions warring in her chest for her to do anything at all.

"Do us all a favor and stay out of our lives. Give yourself to the King of Bones, lay down in a ditch somewhere and die. I don't care. Everything was fine before you walked back into our lives. But look at this...all this...because of you! Because you didn't have the strength to kill the Sorceress in the first place! Because you brought us to Kiverryn! Because you're the Savior of fucking nothing and all you do is destroy people in the end! It's a good thing you left when you did or Aunt Teryn and Uncle Baloren and everyone else that matters would already be dead."


"If you ever come near me or Idelle again I'll hand you over to the King of Bones. Stay out of my life, Orianna. I want nothing to do with you."

Lulu would never remember if those were her exact words or not. She would never remember the look on Ori's face, Idelle's vehement protests against leaving things that way, or even how she eventually made it out of the city with all of her belongings with her. She would never remember most of that day. But, the loss of a dearest friend—

—that, she would never forget.

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