Stealing Niall's Heart

By Cupitycupcupcake

6.6K 51 17

Seventeen year old Rebeka-Lee absolutely hates One Direction with a passion. Not cause there a bad band, hone... More

My 'New' Life
The Concert.
Everything About You.
I Want; 'Step Sister's Ruin Everything'
One Thing.
Live Like Were Young Part 1: 'Back Stage Pass'
Live Like Were Young Part 2 'After Party'
They Don't Know About Us.
Back For You.

Stole My Heart.

469 2 0
By Cupitycupcupcake

We watched the movie and it was actually pretty good and pretty dang scary too, he had turned on some show that I wasn't really watching. I was extremely comfortable and his chest really made the perfect pillow, it was becoming a little difficult to keep my eyes open. I blinked them hard a few times to try and wake my self up; that didn't work. I ended up falling asleep in his arms.

The door to the suite opening was what woke me up and as I began to straighten, I quickly realized I wasn't the only one who fell asleep. Niall gave me a sleepy smile as we both began moving to see who was coming in the door. I heard someone talking as they opened the door, it must have been one of the guys and when I heard a girl crying I knew it was Alanah and Harry. I jumped off the couch  "Alanah?!" I called out as I ran for the door, Niall on my heels. I found them standing in the entrance way Harry holding Lana to his chest trying to sooth her crying. 

He meet my eyes and he had a look of concern and regret on his face "I didn't know they were going to follow us on the board walk" he said sounding like he was on the brink of tears himself. "We tried to run away and then a group of girls saw us together and ran at us screaming my name. Me and Alanah got separated and I guess a few of them started yelling at her and cornered her" I looked horrified at him as a tear rolled down his cheek. Then I noticed the dress Lana was wearing was ripped and her hair was a mess, she had scrapes on her arms and the portions of her legs I could see. "By the time I got to her they had pushed her to the ground, I pulled them off of her and ran." he bent down and kissed her head "I'm so sorry Alanah" He whispered as he began to cry himself.

I stood there staring at them, what had they done to her. I walked slowly up to them and touched alanah on the shoulder, she turned her head to me. Her face was red and puffy and her make-up was running but I saw no blood or bruises. "T-they didnt h-hit me, t-they just pushed m-me d-down." then she reached down and grabbed her dress "And t-they r-ripped my n-new dress" she started crying harder and buried her face in Harry's chest again.

I took a few steps back when I realized that what happen to Lana could easily happen to me if Niall and I ever went out on a date at night. As I stepped back I smacked into Niall's chest and turned around quickly, I stared up at him as a tear began rolling down my face. He took me into his arms and whispered in my ear "No going out in public for us. Agreed." I nodded my head and hugged him tightly.

After Alanah calmed down I took her into the bathroom and helped her clean up and bandage the cuts on her hands and knees. I asked her about the date before the incident and it made her beam. "We went to a cute little restaurant by the boardwalk and we shared a dessert" her grin got bigger as she talked. "Then we walked down to the board walk and we held hands the whole way" she bit her lip and then whispered "He kissed me." We both got a little giggly then.

She went on to tell me about how they walked along the beach and and talked about his family back in England. How much he missed the scenery and the normalcy of it all, "Then when we got to the other side of the boardwalk he took me down into the water and we stood there letting the waves crash into our legs, and he pulled me into his arms and said 'I really like you Alanah and I want you to be something in my life that is constant and normal' and of course I said yes." She had the biggest grin on her face which I couldn't help but smile at.

"We both have boy friends" I whispered excitedly and then we exchanged a look and did a silent scream. I finished bandaging her up and we walked out together. Niall and Harry where standing in the kitchen with there backs to us, they were talking softly to each other but as me and Lana approached they turned around and grinned from ear to ear. I raised an eyebrow at Niall "What are you doing?" He shock his head innocently I peaked around him "Your eating the ice cream without us, Mean!" I gently hit his chest making him smile then He and Harry exchanged a look and both simultaneously pulled out bowls of ice cream from behind there backs and handed them to us. 

We still had enough time to watch one more movie so we both sat on the couch, Niall and I on the right side and Lana and Harry on the left. We chose Texas chainsaw massacre cause Lana had never watched it before, me and Niall laughed silently the whole movie every time she would jump. I was curled up comfortably next to Niall snuggled under a blanket and half asleep when my phone rang. I didn't want to answer it, but I knew if it was my mom then I would be in deep shit if I didn't, I reluctantly leaned over to reach it on the coffee table and who was it. None other then my snobby step sister Lisa, I answered it. 

Me: "What?"

Lisa:"Um where are you?" 

Me:"Why does it matter to you, what do you want?"

Lisa:"I need a favor" he voice sounded hesitant, and I rolled my eyes

Me:"Why the hell would I do you a favor" I said acting just as snotty as she would

Lisa:"Look I just need you to tell my dad I'm staying at Sammy's house tonight" 

Me:"Are you really going to Sammy's house?"

Lisa:"No Matt asked me to stay the night"

Me:"Nope. I'm not lying to anyone and getting in trouble for you, you wanna go to Matt's house set up your own fucking lie" and then I hung up before she could answer.

How fucking dare her, asking me to lie for her so she could go fuck her boyfriend, no way in hell. She was on her own with that one, but I was kinda glad she called cause when I looked down at my phone I realized it was 10:30pm "Crap" I said jumping off the couch "We have to go" I said quickly. 

"What why?" Niall asked sounding a little disappointed but when he looked down at his phone he jumped up and ran into his room I'm guessing to get shoes.

"What time you have to be home Lana, cause its 10:30" I asked her as I searched in the dark for my shoes. I heard her whisper crap and then jump up in search of her own shoes. 

We didn't have time for a taxi this time, Niall and Harry had to drive us home. Well Niall drove cause he knew where we were going Harry sat in the back seat with Lana and I sat in the front with him. He held my hand loosely as he rested it on my thigh, I looked into the mirror and saw Lana's head rested on Harry's shoulder while they talked softly. I was so happy she was my best friend and I was so glad that we were sharing this experience together. I reached back with my free hand and offered my pinky Lana smiled and wrapped hers around mine. Forever we silently promised each other.

Lucky for us the traffic was not bad at all and the boys dropped us off at 10:55, Niall of course being the amazing guy he was had to walk in and apologize for almost being late. We sorta explained the nights events and my mom was extremely forgiving, and so was Alanah's when she called and asked her to come pick her up from my place. All four of us waited outside till Lana's mom came to get her. Niall had his arms loosely wrapped around my waist while I held his tee shirt in my hands pulling him down every few minutes to kiss him. "When are we going to be able to hang out like this again?" I asked pulling him down to kiss my lips once more.

He smiled down at me "Well I had a little bit of secret for you" He said leaning down to kiss my lips before I could pull him. I smiled as he pulled something out of his back pocket. He looked down at the things in his hand and then said "I was going to surprise you with them after the movie, but with everything else that happened I completely forgot until I saw them on my desk when I went to get my shoes" He handed it to me, it was an envelope. I opened it and inside were two front row tickets to the One Direction concert this weekend and two back stage VIP passes. I looked up at him with a huge grin on my face and leaned up to kiss him once more, this time the kiss lasted longer then a few seconds. 

I broke the kiss when I heard a car pulling into the driveway "Lana" I said as she walked to her moms car she turned around slowly and stood there looking at me. I walked to her and handed her one of the tickets and one of the backstage passes "Niall just gave these to me for us this weekend" I said with a huge grin. She looked down at them wide eyes and then rushed Niall.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" she said hugging him tightly. He laughed and told her your welcome as he hugged her back.

"It was half my idea too you know" Harry spoke up still holding the passenger side door for Alanah to get inside. She stopped hugging Niall and ran to Harry hugging him and leaning up to give him a quick peak. Her mom tapped the clock on the dash as a signal for its late lets go. She said goodbye and then they drove off.

I walked with them to their car, I didn't want to say good night or good bye. We only had a little more then a week till he left and I didn't want to spend any time away from him. He rested his back against the drivers side door and I stood in front of him touching his chest softly, he quickly yet gently pulled me into his chest. "I will try to see you as much as possible before we leave, its going to be hard for me to not be able to see you when ever I want to." he leaned down and kissed my forehead. We both heard someone clearing there throat from the doorway of the house and jumped a little. I peeked around him and saw my mom with her arms crossed and her foot tapping, that meant your done get your ass inside. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him, we said goodbye and as I walked around the car I called goodbye to Harry as well.

Walking up the driveway I could hear the car slowly driving away, I didn't want to watch it, I never liked seeing him leave. My mom was standing in the doorway trying to hold back a smile, I knew she wanted to know everything about tonight but she was trying to be a parent right now. As I walked thought the door she leaned down and whispered "I'll be in your room in 15 minutes, then you can dish" she gave me a quick smile and then when back to a stern face when Jerad walked into the room. I walked passed him and then up the stairs to my room. I laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling remembering everything that happened, I felt a smile grow on my lips. He was more amazing then I could have imagined.

My mom came up later like she promised and we talked about my 'date' I told her about cooking with him and how romantic it was sitting on the patio eating dinner with him. Then we talked about the movie, she didn't really like Horror movies so she didn't understand my interest in watching them. She cringed when I tried to explain it, but smiled when I told her that we cuddled up on the couch and watched it. She was one of the coolest mom's I knew, most mothers would be so pissed to know there daughter was cuddling and kissing on a boy but not my mom, she always wanted to know everything. I gushed like she was my best friend and she smiled and talked about what it was like when she was my age and dating. It always made me feel comfortable knowing my mom basically had the same butterflies I did when she dated. 

At a little before midnight Jared strode into the room looking for my mom, he was a little shocked to find us laying on the bed together gushing like teenagers. She sat up quickly and straitened her clothes, "Sorry honey we got a little caught up in talking about her date tonight" she said standing up and taking his hand. He smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her forehead. It was actually kinda cute when they acted all lovey, I liked seeing my mother happy. 

He looked down at me and his brow was drawn together "Do you know where Lisa is?" he asked softly like he wasn't expecting me to know. 

"Did she not tell you?" I asked curiously , I wasn't going to lie for her and I honestly didn't care if she hated me and got me beat up at school for telling her dad the truth. If she got me in trouble for hanging out with Niall in public I was going to do the same with her fucking her little boy toy. 

He tilted his head "Tell me what, do you know where shes at?" he pulled out his cell phone as to check to make sure he hadn't missed a text or a phone call from her.

I had to hold back a smile and look surprised "Well she called me tonight and told me to tell you she was going over to Sam's tonight, but when I asked where she was really going she said her boyfriend asked her to stay the night, when I told her I wouldn't lie for her she said she would handle it herself." I looked down at my phone as if I was doing the same, checking for missed messages and such. Honestly I just needed to look else where but his face, he was steaming and it was hard for me to hold in my laughter. "I just assumed she would have told you something, not just said nothing and left you to worry." 

"Is it Matt?" he growled "Is that her boyfriends name, the football kid right?" he was fuming. Apparently he didn't like Matt very much, and truly I didn't blame him, at the moment I wished Jared was 17 again and would just storm over to Matt's house and brake his nose. But I knew that what he could do as a parent and a brilliant business man would be much worst and would last a lot longer then a broken nose.

My mom turned to look at Jared "Who is this Mike boy is he bad news?" my mom sounded worried and I was trying desperately to hold back laughing.

"He is 19, and the last time they dated I know Lisa and him were having sex. I told her she was forbidden to see him anymore." he was dialing a number furiously on his phone and when it started ringing he pushed it to his ear. When the person didn't answer his face got bright red. It was most likely Lisa he was trying to call, I wanted to make a snide comment that her mouth and hands were probably to busy to answer his call but I thought that was a little to much right now. 

"I have his last name and phone number if you want it" I said oh so willing to give up everything and anything to make sure these two got caught in the act. He nodded at me and I relayed the information, the next phone call he made was to the sheriff; one of his poker buddies. He told him all the information and then hung up and tried to call Lisa again. When she didn't answer for a second time he hung up thanked me, and then stormed out of the room my mom right on his tail. When they left and closed the door behind then I buried my face in my pillow and laughter so hard I cried. "Paybacks a bitch Lisa" I whispered softly as I stood up to get my pj's from my dresser.

I was woken up by the front door slamming and Jared screaming at someone, I blinked my eyes a few times and then looked at my alarm clock it was 12:45am. I closed my eyes and listened to the fight happening down stairs, it wasn't worth me getting up but I wanted to hear Perfect Little Lisa get in trouble. 

"How many times have I told you to stay away from that boy?" Jared yelled "Were you having sex with him, you were weren't you?" it was quite for a little while and I was guessing he was pacing; he liked to pace when he was angry. "Do you want to get pregnant Lisa? do you want to ruin your life? I don't understand this obsession with boys, and sex. The next thing I'm waiting for is the drinking and drugs. Or are you already doing that too? are you?" it was silent again "ARE YOU?" he screamed, still not a peep from Lisa. "GO TO YOUR ROOM, YOU ARE GROUNDED. NO TV, NO LAPTOP, NO PHONE, AND YOU WILL COME STRAIGHT HOME FROM SCHOOL EVERYDAY" 

"FOR HOW LONG" I finally heard Lisa yell

"UNTIL I DECIDE YOU HAVE BEEN PUNISHED ENOUGH" Jared yelled back, then I heard her storm up the stairs and slam her door behind her. I smiled to myself and mentally tallied Rebeka 1 Lisa 1 and went back to sleep.

It was Friday and Niall was going to pick me and Lana up from school today. They had a photo shoot across town at 5pm and school got out at 2pm. I was starting to pace in front of the school as I waited for Alanah to walk thought the front doors. Everyone was getting into there cars and the parking lot was already half empty. What the hell was taking her so long I had already called her twice and it just rang and then went to voice mail. It was 2:15 and neither Niall or Alanah were returning my texts or calls. I was hoping Lana just got held up by a friend or teacher or something, and that Niall got stuck in traffic, cause I swear if they both forgot I was going to be so pissed.

I finally sat down on the planter in the front of the school and just waited, I was horrible at the patience game but I was going to have to learn. Finally I saw Alanah running thought the doors, she was out of breath she set her things down and sat next to me trying to breathe. "I hate Mr. Langer. He held me after class to talk about some damn paper that he thought I didn't turn it but then as he was going thought his papers he found it. Then he made me stand there while he read over it." she rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone it was 2:20 now and she frowned "Where is Niall?" she asked me finally catching her breath. 

I looked down at my phone now and frowned myself, he hadn't sent me a text or called yet. "I don't know, I'm hoping he is just late" we both sat there and watch the cars one by one disappear, it was about 2:30 when I finally noticed a black car speeding up the street in front of the school. I crossed my fingers hoping it would turn into the school and when it made a right turn into the school parking lot I smiled knowing it had to be Niall. 

The car pulled up in front of us and the passenger side window rolled down "I'm sorry I'm late, I'll explain on the way. We have to hurry." Niall spoke quickly but with a huge smile on his face. I jumped in the passenger side door and me and Alanah slammed the doors closed at the same time. He shifted the car and then we were off. As he sped down the road to the freeway he explained that the photographer called and started the photo shoot early. "Something about having other photo shoots that needed to be done quickly and they had to bump up their shoots." he explained as he changed lanes and flew onto the freeway. Then he told us that the photographer tried to tell them that there were no outside people welcome at the shot and that him and Harry had throw a big fit and when their agent tired to intervene by saying maybe it would have been a good idea for us not to come. "And that's when I walked out and got in the car, I was going to pick you up because I had already promised you, and I'm not the kind to break promises."

I watched him as he drove, it shouldn't mean this much to me but the fact that he came here even though everything and everyone seemed to want to stop him. He came anyway, because he didn't want to break a simple promise to me. I wanted to cry. I had nothing but broken promises from all the men in my life, my father, my uncles, and every boyfriend I ever had. But here he was speeding down the freeway trying to make it to his photo shoot; his job. And the reason he is late is because 'he isn't the kind to break promises.' 

I couldn't help but just stare at him silently, I was in awe of him. His eyes were on the road he was changing lanes like a maniac, when his eyes finally slipped over to me he gave me a huge grin. "You look beautiful today" he reached his hand over and touched my face gently. His eyes moved back and forth from me to the road. I leaned into his hand and turned my head and kissed his palm, then I moved it slowly back onto the steering wheel. He laughed softly but took my hint. 

When we finally pulled into a parking space and he put the car into park I jumped into his lap and kissed him. He hesitated for a millisecond before kissing me back, this kiss was different from all the rest, I was giving him all of myself and it felt to me like he was doing to same. I finally pulled back "I don't know how you did it, but you stole my heart today. On that crazy drive over here" I smiled softly.

He brushed the hair back from my face and tucked it behind my ear, he took my face in his hands and pulled me back into a kiss. This time it was a sweet soft kiss, he was gentle not demanding, when he broke the kiss he looked deep into my eyes "You already have mine, you stole it the first day we met." he said kissing my lips and then resting his head on my chest. I rested my head on top of his, and cried.

I had never felt like this before.

 If you like the story so far, please vote and or comment. it is much appreciated. Tell me how you like the story, and how you like the characters. Id love hearing from my readers :)


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