Pregnancy (ErrorInk) ~Book On...

By Coolcat105625

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;^; More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Epilogue. . . ?


471 4 0
By Coolcat105625

Sup fuckers!

Ok. . . Maybe that was a little to harsh. . . Eh, deal with it. You've reached the end of this book, reading about 14839 words. Not including double checking and this chapter and the first one labeled 'Introduction'. So yay! Now this is to wrap things up -not really, I have no idea what I'm doing- and to end this book with a little fun. This little part got to me and is about me. . . ? I have no Idea, it was past 1 in the morning and there's something insanely wrong with me at that time, or anytime honestly.

- Behind The Scenes -

Error stared at the script before him, coffee mug in his other hand. The Author was standing in front of him, sweating slightly. "Are you serious?" The Author nods feebly. "Your wanting me to be pregnant by Blue but in the end shipped with Ink. . . ?" The Author nods once more. "Well, your the main character of the set up sooooooooo yes?" The Author winces at their high pitched voice.

"And what if I secretly love Nightmare. . . ?" The Author freezes. "W-well, uh, I-I, uuh. . ." They started to stutter out apologies. "Whoa! Calm down kid. I was just teasing ya." The Author looks at him, Error looks back.

The Author mumbled something under their breath, something Error wasn't able to hear. "What was that?" The Author was about to grab the script until someone hugged them from behind.

The Author started to freak out and thrash around. "Hehe, I got them again." The Author stopped and groaned. "Ink. . ." Ink let go. "Yo Ink, check out this script!" Error said, flashing it around. Ink went over and looked at it. "Pregnancy?" Error nods. "Yea, basically I get pregnant with Blue's child but then I supposedly fall in love with you." Ink hums, taking the script.

"You did another one?" Ink asked, glancing between The Author and the script. "N-not really. A friend of mine made the story, I just took it and enhanced it, that's all." The Author shrugged. "Ah, I see, so you guys made it together?" Ink started to flip through the pages.

"No. They made the original copy and already made both book, finished and published. I'm just taking the storyline and making it to my writing style and more detail I want to add." Ink hums, handing it back to Error. "Dude, it says at the beginning were enemies, hilarious." Ink snorts.

"It's not that un-common dude. Were enimes before this, of course when people write about us it's most likely going to be based off our past and into an alternate reality." Error rolls his eyes, taking a sip of coffee. "Did you tell the others yet?" The Author shakes their head. "No, I didn't even know if Error would agree, and I kind of need him to do so. . ."

Ink nods. "Well Ruru, you gonna do it?" Error scoffs. "I told you not to do that. Just because our crazy author ships us together doesn't mean we are. Now get that in your head Ink. Besides, I ship you with someone else." The Author flinched at the comment. "And yes, I'll be the mother who had sex with. . . Let's see. . . Outer. . . Ink. . . Aaaand rapped by Blue! Who knows. There might be more."

"Hey now Error, your making The Author figity again." Error looks over to see the Author blushing and messing with their black and white scarf. "Hey Author?" They look up. "I've always wondered, what's your gender?" The Author blushed.

"That's none of your concern, I'm going to go talk to the other, well even need Palette, Paperjam, and Gradient. All ship children of Ink." They sigh. "And I thought I was the slut." Error snickered. Ink smirked and leaned over to him. "Two of those are yours and mine~" Ink whispered. Error just shoved him away as if it were normal. "Stop, your going to make The Author have a nose bleed. . . Again. . ."

Ink sighed. The Author left to go discuss other shit with the others. "Error?" Error hummed, talking a sip of his coffee. "Who do ship me with? I mean you say it all the time when I give you a Nick name or try to seduce you." Error rolls his eyes. "I just see that you can make them happy more then you will me." Ink stares at him in a weird way. "But your the only one for meee!" He wines, trying to hug Error.

Error slides to the left and leans one the couch in the break room. Ink falls off the stool and lands on the floor. "Ow. . ." Error puts his mug in the sink, washing it. "Tell me Ink, why do you do what you do?" Ink sits up, looking at Error. "What do you mean?" Error sighs, rinsing off the black mug. "Why do you seduce me and give me pet nick names?"

Ink stands back up. "Well, I do it so The Author is happy I guess?" Ink says, questioning his own logic. "Do you really love me, or are you doing yourself into loving me for our author?" Error asks, drying off the cup. "Uhh, were on earth did this come from?" Error shakes his head. Changing the subject I see. "Answer the question Ink." He puts the mug away, next to other mugs for other people.

"I guess. . . It's more or less of me forcing myself. . . ?" Ink winced as the words came out. "Exactly, so why would you put yourself through misery for the Author?" Error walked over to a round table. "Because I clearly care about them." Ink frowns. "Were is this even coming from? What does this have yo do with anything about the Author?" Ink asks. Making his way over the the table.

"Because, I decided to. You should know better Ink, after all these years." Error tsked, sitting down. "Error, get to the point." Ink growled, sitting down also. "My point is. . . I ship you with The Author." Ink blushes. "Why them? Out of everyone in his damned studio, why them?" Error chuckled. "Well, you spend a lot of time with them. You also share differences, maybe some couldn't handle it. But you guys can."

"Think about it Ink. You force yourself on me to make the Author happy, not you. Not me. The Author. Doesn't that seem a little cute?" Ink stares at the table. "Go talk to them." He whispers, his head jotting at the person entering the room and cleaning up things. I'm suddenly stands up, his chair scrapping against the floor and falling backwards.

The Author jumps and looks over. "Error, I have something to say." Error stares at him with a 'are you serious' face. "And what is that Ink?" Ink put a hand on his chest. "For so can't not love you anymore!" Dream and Nightmare walk in, watching the scene unfold with the confused Author. "Why is that Ink?" Error narrows his eyes at him.

"I have found love for another being, and it is not you!" Ink says dramatically. "Obviously." Dream snickers. "And who is this being you love more then I?" Error states, standing up, his chair following Ink's chair actions. "I. . . Don't know actually but I know that the burning passion within me does not spark when you are around. Only one other being in this place has that spark."

Error rolls his eyes and Ink turns towards the three others. "Please! Show me your spark and light! Oh mysterious one!" Ink states, dropping his act. Nightmare slowly claps, his brother joining him. The Author also claps, staring dumbfounded at Ink. "Your finally growing up! I'm so proud of you!" They run over to him and hug him. They let go and fix the chair. "That was a great show you put on there bud, I might actually have more inspiration to write at 1:18 in the morning!" They cheer heading out. "Toodles! Make sure to study the script!"

The door shuts. "Ok, what the hell was that?" Night are chuckled and elbowed his brother. "What? I'm sure all of us in the room wants to know, even Mr. Stuffing His Face Full Of Donuts over there." Ink looks over to find Error eating the food. "Well?" He asked Ink. Ink shrugs. "Don't know, don't care. Now the Author knows I don't love you, and word gets spread around quickly so yea."

"You never care in the fist place." Ink shushed him. "Anyways, I'm off to grab my script. Bye!" Before he could leave Nightmare stops him. "Be honest with yourself and the Author." Ink freezes. "What . . . ? How did. . ." He looks back at Error who was wearing a smug grin. "Oh, I forgot to mention. The whole studio is in on my ship." Ink blushes and pushed past Nightmare and Dream, going to his own room to find the script with a little note.

'Hey Ink! I left a script here, I didn't know if you had one or not so I just left one! If you have any questions about it I'll be around. . . Somewhere in this chaos. . . So yea! Have a great day!


Ink tosses the note aside and looks at the packet of the story. All of his lines were graciously highlighted for his part. He sets it back down on his bed looking around his empty looking room. Don't get him wrong,  there was objects and other stuff. It all was covered in dust. He hasn't drawn in a while. With a sigh he walked back out of his room.

He took his way down the hall, heading towards the room he was just in not long ago. He opened the door to find everyone in the room, excluding him and the Author, even the workmen and the people who help in the background were there. "What the actual fuck is going on?" Everyone looked at him. "Uh, nothing." Ink glared at Error. "Error, I swear if this is about me and the Author, cut it out already!"

Error scoffed. "It's obvious you like them! I mean you like a lost puppy around them!" Ink growls. "We're just really good friends! Can't you see that!? Or maybe your jealous!" Error glares back. "Face it Ink, Error is right! Besides! You guys look great together!" Blue cheered. "Not you too!" Ink groaned out. "Whoa! What's going on here?" They all look back -some once more then others- to see The Author. "Yes, what is going on here?"

Error sighed. "Ok ok. You caught us, we were just planning a birthday party for you." Error huffed. Ink blinked. "A birthday party? My birthday is in March." Error shrugs. "Might as well get a big head start! This is a big party for our favorite person!" Error cheers with a soft smile. "Question though." Reaper snorts. "That's a line for Ink, not you." Error sighed. "Don't care, anyways, what's your sexuality?"

The Author blinks. "Why do you need to know that?" Sci coughs somehow. "It's a need for what we need to do." The Author nods slowly. "I don't really want a boyfriend for my birthday if that's what your meaning." They start to hand out scripts to other people. "So your bisexual-" The Author sighs. "No, I never said that Error, I'm asexual." Error freezes. "What one was that again?" The Author smiles. "Well, I'm not really attracted to any human male or female."

"So, indicating the human part, you would date a skeleton?" The Author shrugs. "That's for me to know and you to find out." They smirk and walk out once more. Error starts to laugh. "Yes! I might actually get them a boyfriend! Wait. . . What gender do they actually have? What if they were a a male and they were gay. That would be ironic." Ink sighs. "Stop Error, I just hope your talking about someone else, not me."

He walks over to the coffee machine and starts to make coffee. "Oops! I forgot! Here you are Dust!" They some back in and hand Dust his script. "Thanks, Author?" They hum, looking over the papers in their hands. "What's your gender?" They groan. "That's the second time today. If you really want to know, I'm female." Gasps come from the crowd. "Is it that surprising?" Error goes in front of her. "Dude, how do you work with all males and not get a nose bleed!?" She laughs.

"Depends on what you do around me, besides. I have about 5 nose bleeds a day, so I guess your non-observant or I'm just really good at hiding it." Error stares at her. "Are you serious, like those nosebleeds in anime shows?" She nods, turning her back. "Don't worry about it, camera and lights, I need you on set to go over the first part which the Prologue. Dust, Error, Nightmare, and Blue your in this shot so get ready and go over your parts, I want to get this done and make my friend proud!" She shouts out.

The male humans follow her, Dust, Nightmare, and Blue going to their rooms. "You know Ink, she is open." Ink glares at him. "Might as well have her for yourself, I know that look in your eye Error, and to find out she is a female and is most likely attracted to is skeletons makes you more into her." Error sighs. "Whatever you say, I'm still rooting for ya." He walks away.

Ink stood there. He shook his skull and poured it in the mug. The Author sighed, looking around. "You ok?" She jumped away. She looked over to find Error. "Oh, yea why?" He shrugs, looking at the people work around. "You know you do miracles around here. I want to thank you for that, Bethany." She blushes slightly. "It's nothing really, I enjoy it if anything." She fumbles with her fingers.

"So, you are attracted to skeletons. . . Right?" She sighs. "Yea. . . Why are you guys pestering me about this?" Error shrugs. "Well, I just had a hunch, that's all." She narrows her eyes at him. "Error, you've respected my boundaries and my limits. Never pushed on anything that seemed uncomfortable to me, so why would ask these certain questions out of the blue? You can't use my birthday as an excuse. That's still three months away." Error shrugs once more, yellow dusting his cheeks.

"I get curious sometimes. . . That's all." She sighs. "Do. . . Do you think everyone would be comfortable with my real name? I told them it was Ethan, and told them to call me 'Author' but. . .  I don't know. I just think I would be time for everyone to know the truth." Error chuckled slightly. "Did you know, in 14 days it would be the anniversary of you being our author, maybe you can tell them in that way, a gift for them sticking to you for a almost a whole year now."

Bethany laughs lightly. "Your right. God you guys are a pain in my ass." Error laughs with her. "Us? Do you remember that one week we woke up at 3 in the morning everyday so get that big personal project done?" She laughs a little more loud. "Yea." She calms down. "Yea I do." Error smiles and looks at her. She looks at the white set, not really noticing Error's stare. "Hey, how about we take a break, to the anniversary of you being with us?" Bethany nods slightly.

"That sounds nice." The others start to put things away. "Well, I'll gather everyone else in the Break Room in 5, get yourself ready, alright?" She nods, helping the others put away things. Dusting off her hands she heads towards to Break Room. Opening the door, all the skeletons were sitting on multiple couches. "R-right. Uh. I have... called you here?" She shrinks into her scarf slightly. "Calm down, talk to them like they're your friends, not co-workers." She nods and breaths. "As you know, in two weeks it will be officially a year with directing you guys and doing books for others. And I have decided that we're going to have a break for that."

"Now, before other shit goes down. I know damn well none of you really know who or what I am. Who I like and what I do for a living other then bossing you guys around. Now, I've held secrets that I think you guys need to know about. My name isn't Ethan. It's Bethany. I'm female." She takes off her scarf. "Wait. . . you hid your breasts from us with your scarf?" She nods folding it up and setting it on a table near by.

"My favorite color is green. I personally like black and white more though. Wait, that doesn't make since. Whatever! I draw when I'm board and clueless of what to do with myself. I a-also sing. . . Like any normal being. I'm sexually attracted to s-skeletons. I have a small crush on one of you. I am deathly afraid of lightning. I dislike dogs with a passion. I own a cat named Linkon. I hate myself more then anybody else I know. I suffer from depression, but it's nothing serious. My real hair color is blonde, not brown or red. I like to read a lot. I get paranoid of the thought of people watching me when I'm alone. I'm afraid of touch slightly. I attend school still. I wear glasses. I can't stand my nails painted."

"I draw all over my body for fun. I spend hours on a computer typing. I drink hot chocolate more then anything. . . except for Dr. Pepper. I've taken a liking to fast food. I have a high metabolism so I look skinny. My real eye color is a green hazel. I have a fear of burning myself. I hate peanut butter. I suck at cooking. I weigh around 100 pounds. I'm about 5'3. I'm not very tidy at my house. I lived on a farm when I was young -I still do- I. . . . My family is religious. I own a dres-"

"No way!" She flinches and looks over at Nightmare. "Yes way, I do own one, I just never wear it unless I need to." She huffs. "God, your like Alphas." He sighs. "Aaaaaand I think that's all there is. I'm not interesting." Everyone was silent for their first time. "What the-!?" She looks around at her chest to find a pair of hands groping her breasts. "Huh, they really do exist. Pretty big too, about a C, maybe a D even." She shoved him away hand holds her chest. "Look at the Error, I gave her a nose bleed." Killer snorts.

She glares at him, her face red hot blood dripping down her nose. "You know, I just figured out that I'm bisexual. Wanna hook up?~" She scoffs. "Stop Killer, or I will kick your ass." Killer snorts once more. "You act pretty tough for a girl." She growls. "And you guys winder I keep this shit to myself. I was worried about getting harassed and criticized about this! But look at you now!" She grabs her scarf and wraps it around her neck.

"Leave me be." She hisses, walking past Killer. She stops behind him. She turns around his kicks him hard, causing him to fly slightly and land on the ground. "Pervert." She huffs and turns then walks out. "Wait Bethany!" She stops. "What do you need?" She turns around to see Killer in the air with blasters and bones pointed at him. "Killer, apologize." The skeleton sighs.

"I'm sorry Bethany. I was in the wrong." She turns back around. "I swear if you lay a hand on me I will rip it from your body." Error stops. She pushes past the door and walks out. She walks down the hall until she was gone. "Ink go after her." Ink looks up and blinks. "Huh? Why me?" Error spins around. "Because you claim to have a really good relationship with her, now go." Ink sighs and gets up. "Fine then." He pouts, running after Bethany.

"Maybe my paranoia isn't just paranoia , it might just be my sixth sense." She states turning around to find Ink standing there. "Beth, calm down. Killer is a pervert, everyone knows that. I'm sorry he violated you like that." She sighs. "You wanna know something funny?" Ink steps closer to her. "This whole thing is supposed be funny shit, not depressing stuff about the author. . . haha, funny how the world works."

So in the end. I died at the hands of Killer, no just kidding. I have no idea why I decided to put this here. But uhhhh, I never died my hair brown, I just thought it would look cool. Anyways, I have a terrible habit about putting Ink in. I love Ink, he's me favorite Sans out of the whole fandom. . . Don't kill me. Fun fact my hair is naturally curly. Yay! I'm sorry, this is cringy, isn't it? Well stay in tuned for the next book I guess? I wouldn't know. But yay! Have a fabulous day!

P.S. - The second book will take a really long time to publish and proofread so please bear with me. I want to thank media_3676 for letting me do this. I don't think they understand how much I love their story and love the plot and everything else! So thank you Reader for reading our first book of Pregnancy, a multi-ship book with Ink and Error as the mains characters.

-coolcat105625 & media_3676

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